130 research outputs found

    Variability in Saturn's bow shock and magnetopause from pioneer and voyager: Probabilistic predictions and initial observations by Cassini

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    Probability distributions for the location of the Saturnian bow shock and magnetopause have been derived by extrapolating observations of dynamic solar wind pressures to the position of Saturn's orbit. These observations are those made by the Pioneer 11, Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft near Saturn's orbit and by the Ulysses spacecraft near its aphelion. The magnetopause subsolar distance (measured from Saturn's center) is obtained using pressure equilibrium. The bow shock standoff distance is determined using empirical relations between bow shock size and solar wind dynamic pressure. Simple 2-D geometric models of the magnetopause and bow shock surfaces have been used to determine their morphologies over a large range in local time. Three cases have been studied: (1) An Earth-type magnetosphere with low internal plasma pressure; (2) An intermediate case calibrated with Voyager 1 observations; and (3) A Jupiter-like inflated magnetosphere. The comparison of these models with initial observations from the initial sunward orbits of the Cassini spacecraft indicates a more inflated magnetosphere than postulated by the previous modelling of the Pioneer-Voyager encounters

    Transport of magnetic flux and mass in Saturn's inner magnetosphere

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    It is well accepted that cold plasma sourced by Enceladus is ultimately lost to the solar wind, while the magnetic flux convecting outward with the plasma must return to the inner magnetosphere. However, whether the interchange or reconnection, or a combination of the two processes is the dominant mechanism in returning the magnetic flux is still under debate. Initial Cassini observations have shown that the magnetic flux returns in the form of flux tubes in the inner magnetosphere. Here we investigate those events with 10 year Cassini magnetometer data and confirm that their magnetic signatures are determined by the background plasma environments: inside (outside) the plasma disk, the returning magnetic field is enhanced (depressed) in strength. The distribution, temporal variation, shape, and transportation rate of the flux tubes are also characterized. The flux tubes break into smaller ones as they convect in. The shape of their cross section is closer to circular than fingerlike as produced in the simulations based on the interchange mechanism. In addition, no sudden changes in any flux tube properties can be found at the “boundary” which has been claimed to separate the reconnection and interchange-dominant regions. On the other hand, reasonable cold plasma loss rate and outflow velocity can be obtained if the transport rate of the magnetic flux matches the reconnection rate, which supports reconnection alone as the dominant mechanism in unloading the cold plasma from the inner magnetosphere and returning the magnetic flux from the tail

    The role of plasma slowdown in the generation of Rhea's Alfven wings

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    Alfvén wings are known to form when a conducting or mass-loading object slows down a flowing plasma in its vicinity. Alfvén wings are not expected to be generated when an inert moon such as Rhea interacts with Saturn's magnetosphere, where the plasma impacting the moon is absorbed and the magnetic flux passes unimpeded through the moon. However, in two close polar passes of Rhea, Cassini clearly observed magnetic field signatures consistent with Alfvén wings. In addition, observations from a high-inclination flyby (Distance > 100 RRh) of Rhea on 3 June 2010 showed that the Alfvén wings continue to propagate away from Rhea even at this large distance. We have performed three-dimensional hybrid simulations of Rhea's interaction with Saturn's magnetosphere which show that the wake refilling process generates a plasma density gradient directed in the direction of corotating plasma. The resulting plasma pressure gradient exerts a force directed toward Rhea and slows down the plasma streaming into the wake along field lines. As on the same field lines, outside of the wake, the plasma continues to move close to its full speed, this differential motion of plasma bends the magnetic flux tubes, generating Alfvén wings in the wake. The current system excited by the Alfvén wings transfers momentum to the wake plasma extracting it from plasma outside the wake. Our work demonstrates that Alfvén wings can be excited even when a moon does not possess a conducting exosphere

    Warping of Saturn's magnetospheric and magnetotail current sheets

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    The magnetotails of Jupiter and Earth are known to be hinged so that their orientation is controlled by the magnetic field of the planet at small distances and asymptotically approach the direction of the flow of the solar wind at large distances. In this paper we present Cassini observations showing that Saturn's magnetosphere is also similarly hinged. Furthermore, we find that Saturn's magnetosphere is not only hinged in the tail but also on the dayside, in contrast to the Jovian and terrestrial magnetospheres. Over the midnight, dawn, and noon local time sectors we find that the current sheet is displaced above Saturn's rotational equator, and thus the current sheet adopts the shape of a bowl or basin. We present a model to describe the warped current sheet geometry and show that in order to properly describe the magnetic field in the magnetosphere, this hinging must be incorporated. We discuss the impact on plasma observations made in Saturn's equatorial plane, the influence on Titan's magnetospheric interaction, and the effect of periodicities on the mean current sheet structure

    Mass of Saturn's magnetodisc: Cassini observations

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    Saturn's ring current was observed by Pioneer 11 and the two Voyager spacecraft to extend 8 - 16 R-S in the equatorial plane and appeared to be driven by stress balance with the centrifugal force. We present Cassini observations that show thin current sheets on the dawn flank of Saturn's magnetosphere, symptomatic of the formation of a magnetodisc. We show that the centrifugal force is the dominant mechanical stress in these current sheets, which reinforces a magnetodisc interpretation - the formation of the current sheet is fundamentally rotational in origin. The stress balance calculation is also used to estimate the mass density in the disc, which show good agreement with independent in-situ measurements of the density. We estimate the total mass in the magnetodisc to be similar to 10(6) kg

    Plasma environment at Titan's orbit with Titan present and absent

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    To understand the possible large scale influence of Titan on its plasma environment, we study the magnetic fields and plasma measurements, both when Cassini flies close to Titan and when Cassini crosses the moon's orbit far from it. Using 98 Cassini passes from 06/2004 to 12/2008, we examine the plasma environments at the orbit of Titan with the moon present and absent. In particular, the presence of Titan appears to affect the magnetopause location. Near noon, the Saturn magnetopause is more frequently inside of Titan's orbit with the moon absent than with it present. Titan's presence near noon appears to locally enhance the total pressure and reduce the magnetosphere compressibility, possibly by mass-loading. Near local midnight, the stretching and sweepback angles for cases with Titan present and absent suggest that the moon enhances the tail reconnection rate, in agreement with previous studies of the moon's influence on the Saturnian magnetosphere

    Strong rapid dipolarizations in Saturn's magnetotail: In situ evidence of reconnection

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    The oppositely directed magnetic field in the kronian magnetic tail is expected eventually to reconnect across the current sheet, allowing plasma to escape in an anti-solar direction down the tail. This reconnection process accelerates ions and electrons both toward and away from the planet, allowing the magnetotail to relax to a more dipolar configuration. Previous missions to Saturn shed no light on the possible presence of this critical process in the kronian magnetosphere. Recent Cassini measurements of the magnetic field in the magnetotail, reported herein, reveal strong, rapid dipolarizations between 40 and 50 Saturn radii (R-S) downtail, signalling the episodic release of energy to the magnetosphere and ions to the solar wind

    Solar wind dynamic pressure and electric field as the main factors controlling Saturn's aurorae

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    The interaction of the solar wind with Earth's magnetosphere gives rise to the bright polar aurorae and to geomagnetic storms(1), but the relation between the solar wind and the dynamics of the outer planets' magnetospheres is poorly understood. Jupiter's magnetospheric dynamics and aurorae are dominated by processes internal to the jovian system(2), whereas Saturn's magnetosphere has generally been considered to have both internal and solar-wind-driven processes. This hypothesis, however, is tentative because of limited simultaneous solar wind and magnetospheric measurements. Here we report solar wind measurements, immediately upstream of Saturn, over a one-month period. When combined with simultaneous ultraviolet imaging(3) we find that, unlike Jupiter, Saturn's aurorae respond strongly to solar wind conditions. But in contrast to Earth, the main controlling factor appears to be solar wind dynamic pressure and electric field, with the orientation of the interplanetary magnetic field playing a much more limited role. Saturn's magnetosphere is, therefore, strongly driven by the solar wind, but the solar wind conditions that drive it differ from those that drive the Earth's magnetosphere.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62975/1/nature03333.pd

    Using eDNA to detect the distribution and density of invasive crayfish in the Honghe-Hani rice terrace World Heritage site

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    The Honghe-Hani landscape in China is a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site due to the beauty of its thousands of rice terraces, but these structures are in danger from the invasive crayfish Procambarus clarkii. Crayfish dig nest holes, which collapse terrace walls and destroy rice production. Under the current control strategy, farmers self-report crayfish and are issued pesticide, but this strategy is not expected to eradicate the crayfish nor to prevent their spread since farmers are not able to detect small numbers of crayfish. Thus, we tested whether environmental DNA (eDNA) from paddy-water samples could provide a sensitive detection method. In an aquarium experiment, Real-time Quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) successfully detected crayfish, even at a simulated density of one crayfish per average-sized paddy (with one false negative). In a field test, we tested eDNA and bottle traps against direct counts of crayfish. eDNA successfully detected crayfish in all 25 paddies where crayfish were observed and in none of the 7 paddies where crayfish were absent. Bottle-trapping was successful in only 68% of the crayfish-present paddies. eDNA concentrations also correlated positively with crayfish counts. In sum, these results suggest that single samples of eDNA are able to detect small crayfish populations, but not perfectly. Thus, we conclude that a program of repeated eDNA sampling is now feasible and likely reliable for measuring crayfish geographic range and for detecting new invasion fronts in the Honghe Hani landscape, which would inform regional control efforts and help to prevent the further spread of this invasive crayfish

    Biochemical evidence for the tyrosine involvement in cationic intermediate stabilization in mouse β-carotene 15, 15'-monooxygenase

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>β-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase (BCMO1) catalyzes the crucial first step in vitamin A biosynthesis in animals. We wished to explore the possibility that a carbocation intermediate is formed during the cleavage reaction of BCMO1, as is seen for many isoprenoid biosynthesis enzymes, and to determine which residues in the substrate binding cleft are necessary for catalytic and substrate binding activity. To test this hypothesis, we replaced substrate cleft aromatic and acidic residues by site-directed mutagenesis. Enzymatic activity was measured <it>in vitro </it>using His-tag purified proteins and <it>in vivo </it>in a β-carotene-accumulating <it>E. coli </it>system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our assays show that mutation of either Y235 or Y326 to leucine (no cation-π stabilization) significantly impairs the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Moreover, mutation of Y326 to glutamine (predicted to destabilize a putative carbocation) almost eliminates activity (9.3% of wt activity). However, replacement of these same tyrosines with phenylalanine or tryptophan does not significantly impair activity, indicating that aromaticity at these residues is crucial. Mutations of two other aromatic residues in the binding cleft of BCMO1, F51 and W454, to either another aromatic residue or to leucine do not influence the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Our <it>ab initio </it>model of BCMO1 with β-carotene mounted supports a mechanism involving cation-π stabilization by Y235 and Y326.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our data are consistent with the formation of a substrate carbocation intermediate and cation-π stabilization of this intermediate by two aromatic residues in the substrate-binding cleft of BCMO1.</p
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