18 research outputs found

    Qualified viewer and his/her viewing habits

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    In our study we focus on the possibilities of different reception of popular media content among different types of audiences. The term audience is very unstable within the media discourse. In the second chapter, we tried to summarize the possible approaches in audience analysis, audience construction and the discursive changes while operating with the term audience. We added a basic theoretical framework on qualitative research and the possible distinctions of quantitative methods in the second chapter. Possible ways of conducting a qualitative study were also discussed here and embedded within the questions of validity and reliability of quantitative study. We decided to conduct a qualitative study based on the concept of grounded theory (introduced by Strauss and Glaser). In the fourth chapter we tried to introduce a specific category of audience called the "qualified viewer". We have defined this category as university graduates with knowledge of production background of the media institutions and a hypothetical power to accelerate the success of the TV content by intertextualizing it. Using the snowball technique we create a sample of such qualified viewers and conduct in-depth interviews and questionnaire research among them. In the process of three types of coding (using techniques presented by..

    Qualified viewer and his/her viewing habits

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    In our study we focus on the possibilities of different reception of popular media content among different types of audiences. The term audience is very unstable within the media discourse. In the second chapter, we tried to summarize the possible approaches in audience analysis, audience construction and the discursive changes while operating with the term audience. We added a basic theoretical framework on qualitative research and the possible distinctions of quantitative methods in the second chapter. Possible ways of conducting a qualitative study were also discussed here and embedded within the questions of validity and reliability of quantitative study. We decided to conduct a qualitative study based on the concept of grounded theory (introduced by Strauss and Glaser). In the fourth chapter we tried to introduce a specific category of audience called the "qualified viewer". We have defined this category as university graduates with knowledge of production background of the media institutions and a hypothetical power to accelerate the success of the TV content by intertextualizing it. Using the snowball technique we create a sample of such qualified viewers and conduct in-depth interviews and questionnaire research among them. In the process of three types of coding (using techniques presented by..

    There Used to Be a River Ferry: Identifying and Analyzing Localities by Means of Old Topographic Maps

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    River ferries were historically important in crossing medium- and large-sized watercourses, with rivers often a barrier to trade routes and journeys. Using old medium-scale Austrian military topographic maps from 1763–1768, 1836–1852, and 1876–1880, Prussian maps from 1825 and 1877, and Czechoslovakian maps from 1953–1955, we systematically localized the ferries within what is now the Czech Republic over a monitoring period between the mid-18th century and the present. We also analyzed the map keys of relevant surveys to examine ways of depicting the ferries in the maps. In this context, a database of river ferries in the Czech Republic was prepared in GIS, containing all localities where river crossing ferries were shown on the topographic maps. A total of 514 historical ferry sites were identified on the military mapping survey maps, with an additional 28 recognized from auxiliary sources that did not appear in the military topographic maps. The sample information obtained from the maps was also verified by using independent sources

    Environmental and economical evaluation of clean vehicles promotion:Final report

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    This project was focused on environmental and economic assessment of tools for indirect promoting of clean vehicles. During the solution was proposed a set of possible support tools. The locality for application of tools was identified on the basis of air quality analysis. For the chosen city was created and calibrated the traffic model which was extended by two scenarios. These scenarios include a set of proposed tools for promoting of clean vehicles. The chosen scenarios were assessed environmentally and compared with the basic present state. On the basis of the environmental assessment was prepared the dispersion studies which were used as a basis for the assessment of impacts on human health. Other outputs of environmental assessment were used for the economic evaluation of proposed tools for promoting of clean vehicles

    Assessing Relationships between Land Use Changes and the Development of a Road Network in the Hodonín Region (Czech Republic)

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    The paper assesses the development of land use and a road network from 1836 to 2016 in the Hodonín region (Czech Republic). The aim of the article is to verify relationship between the road construction and land use changes in their vicinity. The intensity of land use change processes between adjacent periods was calculated at various distances from roads. ESRI’s geographic information systems and geostatistics were used. This helped in assessing significance of impact of road vicinity on land use changes. The time interval of periods for comparison varied between 25 and 80 years due to availability of historical sources. In each period about 20% of the region was affected by land use changes. After the roads were built, there was an increase in the intensity of land use changes in their vicinity. It has been proofed that presence of a road can be considered one of the driving forces of long-term land use changes in this region. This so-called technological driving force impacted mainly urbanisation and other anthropogenic processes, agricultural intensification and grassing. Its significance is gradually increasing due to urbanisation, industrialisation, motorization and the rising mobility. Our results from the Hodonín region indicate that urbanisation and other anthropogenic processes have the closest relationship with the distance from major roads

    Assessing relationships between land use changes and the development of a road network in the Hodonín region (Czech Republic)

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    The paper assesses the development of land use and a road network from 1836 to 2016 in the Hodonín region (Czech Republic). The aim of the article is to verify relationship between the road construction and land use changes in their vicinity. The intensity of land use change processes between adjacent periods was calculated at various distances from roads. ESRI’s geographic information systems and geostatistics were used. This helped in assessing significance of impact of road vicinity on land use changes. The time interval of periods for comparison varied between 25 and 80 years due to availability of historical sources. In each period about 20% of the region was affected by land use changes. After the roads were built, there was an increase in the intensity of land use changes in their vicinity. It has been proofed that presence of a road can be considered one of the driving forces of long-term land use changes in this region. This so-called technological driving force impacted mainly urbanisation and other anthropogenic processes, agricultural intensification and grassing. Its significance is gradually increasing due to urbanisation, industrialisation, motorization and the rising mobility. Our results from the Hodonín region indicate that urbanisation and other anthropogenic processes have the closest relationship with the distance from major roads

    Rapid linear transport infrastructure development in the Carpathians: A major threat to the integrity of ecological connectivity for large carnivores

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    The development of sustainable transport is a key challenge in societies where there is an accelerated need for socio-economic development. This is the case for seven countries from central and south-eastern Europe that share the Carpathian Mountains. The challenge of developing sustainable transport requires transdisciplinary, or at least cross-sectoral cooperation, between the transport development and nature conservation sectors. Such cooperation is not in the culture of the Carpathian countries, which together host some of the most remarkable biodiversity values in Europe, including the largest populations of brown bear, grey wolf and Eurasian lynx. The overall length of motorways in these countries more than quintupled in the last 30 years and the rapid expansion of Linear Transport Infrastructure (LTI) continues at exacerbating rates. The rich biodiversity habitats are being fragmented and the concept of ecological connectivity is poorly understood and implemented by the national authorities. Ecological networks for large carnivores are not defined nor officially recognised in the Carpathian countries, with little exceptions. The legislation is not consistent across the strands of ecological connectivity and is not harmonised between the countries to effectively support transnational conservation efforts. Thus, the critical intersections between planned or even existing LTI and ecological corridors for large carnivores cannot be identified, in most cases leading to increasing habitat fragmentation and isolation of wildlife populations in the region. We summarised all this key context-related information for the Carpathians in relation to LTI development and ecological connectivity. To counteract this trend in the Carpathian ecoregion, we propose a set of recommendations to: improve and harmonise the legislation; develop and endorse methodologies for designating ecological corridors; address the cumulative impact on ecological connectivity; define other threats on landscape permeability; improve stakeholder engagement, cooperation and communication; develop comprehensive and transparent biodiversity and transport databases; monitor wildlife and transport for implementing most appropriate mitigation measures and strategies; build capacity to address the issue of sustainable transportation; and foster transnational cooperation and dialogue. Bringing these elements together will support the design of ecological networks in a way that considers the needs and location of both current and future habitats and contribute to efforts to address the climate crisis. These specific recommendations are relevant also for other areas of the world facing similar problems as the Carpathians

    The Relationship among Precipitation, Application of Salt in Winter Road Maintenance and the Quality of Waterways and Soil around Motorway

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    Construction of motorways and road traffic bring a new line element into the landscape, which fundamentally influences the local hydrological regime and water quality. Impermeable surfaces are introduced into the landscape, affecting the natural infiltration of water in the environment. The aim of the present research was to assess the long-term historical development of changes in the landscape retention potential due to construction of the D1 motorway in the Jihlava region and also evaluate the impact of winter maintenance on the quality of surface waters and soils. During the reference period, the research area showed an increase in land take and related increases in soil sealing by impermeable surfaces due to the construction of the D1 motorway. This fact has clearly contributed to the deterioration of the retention potential of the landscape in the area. Chloride concentrations of both matrices were evaluated in relation to the amount of de-icing salt applied at the sites and precipitation recorded in this region. Water samples collected at the outflow contained in all cases higher concentrations of chloride than samples of the inflow water. The highest chloride concentration in soil was measured in samples collected at a distance of 2 m from the road

    Problem of trespassing railway property as an accompanying effect of suburbanization

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    Railway trespassing is very common, though risky and illegal behavior in the Czech Republic. Number of victims of train-person crashes is about 200 fatalities every year. We can find several types of risk localities where unauthorised access to the railway tracks occurs, with various motivations, users, layout, risk rate, and intensity of trespassing. Field research revealed, in addition to other facts, that localities with very high intensity of trespassing are often situated at local connections between origins and destinations of everyday trips (housing, factories, schools, offices, services, shops, recreation, and sport facilities). This aspect was further explored in the context of land use development. This paper illustrates how risk trespassing sites are formed in the areas affected by suburbanization, either due to imperfections in master plans, or by improper implementation of the master plan in practice