10 research outputs found

    Business Plan for Development of Company

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá vytvořením podnikatelského plánu pro rozvoj podniku výstavbou skladové haly pro komerční využití. Práce nejprve popisuje teoretická východiska související s řešeným problémem a dále analyzuje současný stav firmy. Z provedených analýz vychází návrh podnikatelského plánu, jehož realizací by měly být zlepšeny ekonomické výsledky firmy a zajištěn její další rozvoj.The master's thesis is focused on the creating of business plan for the development of company, building storage hall, which it will use commercially. First the thesis describes the theoretical background related to the solved problem. The thesis analyses the current conditions of the company. The implementation of the business plan should be improved the economic results of the company and ensuring its future development.

    Comparative Analysis of Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 1993-2012

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    The diploma thesis practically and theoretically deals with the concept - privatization of security. The aim of the practical part is to compare the conception of private security companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The comparison focuses on the factual data (number of PSC, employees, police forces, the amount of wages, the turnover), state regulation and mutual relation of public and private security providers. The findings of the practical part are applied to the theoretical concept of Rita Abrahamsen and Michael Williams - Theory of Security Assemblages. It is based on the claim that the privatization of security is part of a broader process of partial dismantling of the state and at the same time emerging "global assembly, which brings together national and global structures. The privatization of security is enshrined in both the social and the legal environment, and therefore the state itself can participate on its own dismantling by its acting. This is the case of the Czech Republic due to the absence of PSC's regulation, control mechanisms, minimum requirements for skilled employees PSC and the non-definition of the relationship between public and private security sector. It results in weakening the role of the Czech Republic as a guarantor of security. The aforementioned inaction..

    Sńatečnost v Českých zemích v letech 1950 - 2011

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    Tato bakalářská práce nese název Sňatečnost v Českých zemích v období 1950 -- 2011. Jejím hlavním cílem je zmapovat některé ukazatele sňatečnosti, zhodnotit jejich vývoj, změny ve vývoji a průběh. Sňatečnost je zde prezentována formou ukazatelů sňatečnosti. Na začátku se práce zabývá vývojem sňatečnosti jako takové v průběhu sledovaného období 1950 -- 2011. Popisuje změny ve vývoji, zásadní faktory, které sňatečnost ovlivnily v průběhu sledovaného období a dostává se až k současnému stavu sňatečnosti. Dále se práce zabývá vývojem míry sňatečnosti. Tuto sňatečnost sleduje pro muže a ženy zvlášť. Hodnotí vývoj míry sňatečnosti a rozdíly mezi pohlavím, které jsou zde patrné. Práce dále sleduje sňatečnost z pohledu sezónnosti sňatečnosti. Sezónnost sňatečnosti je zde prezentována na základě sezónních indexů. Rovněž jsou zde zaznamenány změny, zejména co se týká kulturních tradic a pověr. Další část práce se zabývá prvosňatečností a zkoumá ji skrze index prvosňatečnosti. Práce v této fázi řeší, jak moc velkou část tvoří prvotní sňatky, zda pořád ještě převládají tak, jako tomu bylo dříve a jaké změny se v této oblasti udály. Poslední část práce je věnována míře sňatečnosti nevdaných.The bachelor thesis is titled Marriage rate in Czech countries in 1950 -- 2011. Its primary goal is to explore marriage coefficients and valorize its development, changes and course of them. The marriage rate is presented in form of coefficients of marriage. In the beginning, the thesis inquire into development of marriage in 1950 -- 2011. It describe changes in development and the main factors which have an influence to marriage. It describe it up to the present. The thesis inquires into development of marriage rate. It describe the marriage rate for men and women separated. It describes the marriage rate and differences between men and women. In the next part thesis describe seasonality marriage rate. It is presented in the form of seasonal indexes marriage rate. There are also describes changes. Especially in the cultural traditions and superstitions. The next thesis inquires into marriages of singles. It is presented in the form of marriage rate of singles. It describes size of part which participates on marriage. And if it is still the main part, as it was in past. The last part of the thesis describes marriage rate of not-married women

    Using Multi-Agent Systems in Business Process Modeling

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    This work deals with the possibilities of using agents and multiagent systems in the areas of business process management and business process modeling. The aim of the theoretical part is to describe the theory of artificial agents, to assess the benefits of this approach and to describe current applications of MAS in BPM. In the theoretical part I also describe the issue of management and business process modeling and methodology MMABP. The aim of the analytical part is to summarize the possibilities of using MAS in BPM in the situations where business processes are already described and modeled and in the situations where there are no such descripctions nor models yet . In this part I also want to introduce my theory of agent-process, which is the possibility of looking at processes as autonomous agents. This theory is presented in practical demonstrations and examples by using the TROPOS methodology, and this theory is supported by references from the areas of agent and business process modeling

    VAT Refund from EU Countries

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    The bachelor's thesis focuses on the issue of processing the application for VAT refund for fuel in the selected company. Another pillar of the work is to address the decision-making process of purchasing fuel in selected EU countries, taking into account VAT Refund Institute. All outputs of the thesis are applied to real problems in the selected firm and serves for its use

    Comparative Analysis of Private Security Companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia 1993-2012

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    The diploma thesis practically and theoretically deals with the concept - privatization of security. The aim of the practical part is to compare the conception of private security companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The comparison focuses on the factual data (number of PSC, employees, police forces, the amount of wages, the turnover), state regulation and mutual relation of public and private security providers. The findings of the practical part are applied to the theoretical concept of Rita Abrahamsen and Michael Williams - Theory of Security Assemblages. It is based on the claim that the privatization of security is part of a broader process of partial dismantling of the state and at the same time emerging "global assembly, which brings together national and global structures. The privatization of security is enshrined in both the social and the legal environment, and therefore the state itself can participate on its own dismantling by its acting. This is the case of the Czech Republic due to the absence of PSC's regulation, control mechanisms, minimum requirements for skilled employees PSC and the non-definition of the relationship between public and private security sector. It results in weakening the role of the Czech Republic as a guarantor of security. The aforementioned inaction..

    Application of theories of motivation in project management

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    This paper is compound of two parts, the theoretical part and the practical part. In the theoretical part are defined the main terms from the theory of motivation and described general motivation theories and theories of work motivation. There are also mentioned basic forms of organization structures used in project management and shortly described some areas of project management, the biggest part is focused on the advanteges and disadventages of teamwork and it's problems in praxis. In the practical part there are compared described theories from two points of view, the difficulties in their practical use, and the concrete possibilities of their application in different areas of project management. Based on this comparison three theories are chosen as most suitable for regulation of motivational management of employees working in the projects. At the end of this part, there is interview with a project manager

    Dealing with the guilt of persons serving a sentence.

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    The diploma thesis deals with the ethical topic of guilt and its processing in persons serving a sentence. The paper elaborates with the topic of guilt on a practical and theoretical level. The theoretical framework deals with concepts related to guilt (morality, good, evil, conscience, sin), then presents the concept of guilt and the possibilities of its processing. Based on the description of the theory, the theoretical part formulates questions, which are used in the practical part. It describes three case studies of persons serving a sentence. The research is devoted to their individual perception of guilt and subsequently to ways of coping with it. Special attention is paid to Christianity and its influence on the perception of guilt, as two persons believe in God. Research shows that guilt is a fundamental issue for people in prison, whether it is in its negative or positive manifestations. The research confirms the fundamental theoretical starting point that there is a line from the negative effect of guilt to its positive contribution. As all three convicts confirm, guilt is the path to awareness, acceptance, and finally to the correction. Although there are many ways how to deal with guilt, the key is willingness to be opened to cope with guilt. Though there are a number of shortcomings in...Diplomová práce se zabývá etickým tématem viny a jejím zpracováním u osob ve výkonu trestu. Práce téma viny uchopuje v praktické a teoretické rovině. Teoretický rámec se věnuje pojmům souvisejícím s vinou (morálka, mrav, dobro, zlo, svědomí, hřích), následně představuje koncept viny a možnosti jejího zpracování. Na základě popisu teorie je formulován soubor otázek, které jsou využity v praktické části. Ta nabízí zpracování tří kazuistik vybraných osob ve výkonu trestu. Na základě položených otázek se výzkum věnuje jejich individuálnímu vnímání viny a následně způsobům vyrovnání se s ní. Zvláštní pozornost je věnována křesťanství a jeho vlivu na duchovní rovinu vnímání viny, neboť dva odsouzení jsou věřící. Výzkum ukazuje, že pro osoby v odnětí svobody představuje vina zásadní problematiku, ať už jde o její negativní či pozitivní projevy. Výzkum potvrzuje zásadní teoretické východisko, že od negativního působení viny vede linie k jejímu pozitivnímu přínosu, který je cestou k uvědomění, přijetí, a nakonec ke zcela klíčové nápravě, na čemž se shodli všichni tři odsouzení. Přestože existuje řada způsobů, jakými lze s vinou pracovat, stěžejní je ochota ji uchopit a nelehkému procesu se otevřít. Ačkoliv se v českém vězeňském systému a trestním právu vyskytuje řada nedostatků, které souvisí s tématem...Katedra systematické teologie a filosofieDepartment of systematic Theology and PhilosophyCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Changes Of A Rural Landscape In Czech Areas Of Different Types

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    The paper deals with the macrostructural and microstructural landscape changes in six selected microregions in Moravia and eastern Bohemia. Changes of the landscape macrostructure were evaluated based on the statistical data from 1845, 1948, 1990 and 2013. Changes of the landscape microstructure were compared on the base of old maps, aerial images and field experiences. According to the available data the area of an arable land was the largest in 1845. Since then it has been decreasing – more in mountain areas, less in lowland ones where it was replaced by forests, grasslands and urban areas, depending on the vegetation period, physical character and vicinity of urban centres. Results show that the microstructure recorded great changes during the communist period: large expanses of fields, irrigation and drainage measures, windbreaks, non-rural buildings in the countryside. Contemporary changes are connected mostly with urbanisation of the landscape