693 research outputs found

    Saque e assassinato: a violência contra a mulher no filme Grito da terra

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    Partindo do duplo lugar de gênero construído pelas personagens de Mariá e de Lóli, no filme O Grito da Terra (1964), de Olney São Paulo, o presente artigo discute a violência contra a mulher como signo tanto da permanência das relações articuladas com a tradição familiar, quanto da opressão sofrida pelas duas famílias de pequenos agricultores moradores de uma região pobre do Brasil que não havia conhecido modernização, diante do poder local dos grandes proprietários de terra. Produzido em contexto de autoritarismo de Estado, o argumento sobre o lugar da violência contra as mulheres no filme não se encontra dissociado da história, da cultura e da vida política do país, mas torna visível uma violência estrutural sobre os subalternos, que não tinham sido reconhecidos pelo processo encampado pela ditadura militar, pelos movimentos de crítica ao regime sobretudo via cinema, e pela implantação da indústria cultural. Nesse aparente vazio que se abre pelo não reconhecimento deste outro habitante pobre e mulher de tal região, levando em conta as diferentes trajetórias de vida construídas no filme pelas relações que tais mulheres travam ao longo da narrativa, interessam os significados e valores postos em circulação nas relações deste corpo feminino com as forças políticas da região, tais como o Coronel Sebastião dono de terra, o professor, além, mais estritamente falando, das relações domésticas das personagens com Apolinário, pai de Mariá, e Silvério, de Lóli

    Cinema brasileiro subalterno contemporâneo

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    O artigo se debruça sobre as construções da violência e suas relações com o presídio e o tráfico de drogas no cinema brasileiro produzido em 2010, em uma perspectiva histórica com os filmes sobre o tema lançados no final da década de 1990 e início dos anos 2000. Partindo da reconfiguração nos lugares de fala no cinema brasileiro nos anos 2010, tornado possível pela mudança nas políticas culturais e de financiamento ao cinema nos anos 2000, é possível identificar uma mudança de olhar sobre a violência na periferia e no presídio quando comparados aos filmes produzidos na Retomada e Pós-retomada do cinema brasileiro. Para tanto, elegemos Arábia (2017), de Affonso Uchoa e João Dumans, e A vizinhança do tigre (2014), de Affonso Uchoa, como corpus principal da analise comparada com Carandiru (2003), de Hector Babenco, e Notícias de uma guerra particular (1999), de João Moreira Salles e Kátia Lund. Tendo em vista o paralelo histórico proposto, utilizamos o método genealógico elaborado por Michel Foucault (2016), o qual oferece categorias para a análise do dentro e fora do filme, articulando o registro micro do audiovisual com suas condições de possibilidade histórico-políticas. Através da análise dos filmes, concluímos que Arábia e A vizinhança do tigre se desvinculam do apelo da violência dado à periferia na década anterior, para tratar das estratégias de vida dos personagens diante da estruturação violenta do poder, tendo na luta travada cotidianamente para sobreviver e a possibilidade de sonhar com outros mundos possíveis a temática central dos filmes

    Common mental disorders associated with tuberculosis: a matched case-control study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Despite the availability of treatment and a vaccine, tuberculosis continues to be a public health problem worldwide. Mental disorders might contribute to the burden of the disease. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the association between common mental disorders and tuberculosis. METHODS: A matched case-control study was conducted. The study population included symptomatic respiratory patients who attended three referral hospitals and six community clinics in the city of Salvador, Brazil. A doctor's diagnosis defined potential cases and controls. Cases were newly diagnosed tuberculosis cases, and controls were symptomatic respiratory patients for whom tuberculosis was excluded as a diagnosis by the attending physician. Cases and controls were ascertained in the same clinic. Data collection occurred between August 2008 and April 2010. The study instruments included a structured interview, a self-reporting questionnaire for the identification of common mental disorders, and a questionnaire for alcoholism. An univariate analysis included descriptive procedures (with chi-square statistics), and a multivariate analysis used conditional logistic regression. RESULTS: The mean age of the cases was 38 years, and 61% of the cases were males. After adjusting for potential confounders, the odds of tuberculosis were significantly higher in patients diagnosed with a common mental disorder (OR: 1.34; 95% CI 1.05-1.70). CONCLUSION: There appears to be a positive and independent association between common mental disorders and tuberculosis; further epidemiological studies are required to increase our understanding of the possible biological and social mechanisms responsible for this association. Independent of the direction of the association, this finding has implications for the provision of care for mental disorders and for tuberculosis

    Identification by PCR and evaluation of probiotic potential in yeast strains found in kefir samples in the city of Santa Maria, RS, Brazil

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    Kefir is a product elaborated from the symbiotic fermentation of different microorganisms. The Kluyveromyces and Saccharomyces genera are the major representatives of the yeasts found in kefir microbiota. The only pobiotic yeast commercialized as an oral medication, is the Saccharomyces boulardii. The present work involved the microbiological quality examination of six kefir samples in the city of Santa Maria/RS, the yeasts isolation present in the samples and the identification of them by PCR (Polymerase chain reaction). Then, their probiotic potential was evaluated by in vitro technique. After that, microbiological analysis confirmed that kefir samples were suitable for consumption once the microbiological quality was established. Nineteen yeast strains were isolated from six different kefir samples; it was identified, by PCR analysis, but only three species were identified from these microorganisms in the present article: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Hanseniospora uvarum and Kazachstania unispora. Nevertheless, by simulating the passage of isolated strains through the gastrointestinal environment, it was observed that they could not be considered probiotics. The results indicate that, in an isolated way, the yeast presents in kefir samples, in the city of Santa Maria, RS, can´t be considered probiotics according to the tests performed

    Thermal requirements of Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) lines in Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs.

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    This study aimed to evaluate the impact of temperature on the development of two lines of Trichogramma pretiosum (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), to determine the thermal requirements of this parasitoid wasp on Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) eggs. The experiment was carried out with two lines (“Ubajara” and “Guaraciaba”, Ceará State) of T. pretiosum collected naturally parasitizing eggs of N. elegantalis in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fruits. In this experiment, 40 eggs of the host N. elegantalis and 4 females of the parasitoids were used, with exposure to parasitism for 24 hours at 25 ± 1 °C, relative humidity of 70 ± 10 %, and 12-h photophase. At the end of this period, females were removed and the tubes were transferred to incubators (RH = 70 ± 10 %; 12-h photophase), exposed to 15, 20, 25, 30, or 35 °C, until emergence of the following generation of the parasitoids. The percentage of emergence, sex ratio, the number of parasitoids that emerged per egg, and cycle duration were assessed. The experiments were set up in a completely randomized experimental design with 5 treatments (temperatures) and 12 replicates. ANOVA was conducted and the means were compared by Tukey test (P < 0.05). The base temperatures were 10.77 °C and 10.86 °C and the number of generations per year were 33.29 and 35.63 for “Ubajara” and “Guaraciaba”, respectively. The study showed that temperature changed the biological parameters, and cycle duration of the “Ubajara” and “Guaraciaba” lines decreased as temperature increased

    Diversidade genética de estoques de Piaractus mesopotamicus(Characiformes, Characidae) utilizados no programa de repovoamento do rio Tietê, Brasil

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    The restocking programs are being used more frequently as methods of fish conservation. However, the reduction in the genetic diversity can affect survival of juveniles used in this programs and cause effects on the wild populations. The aim of this study was assess the genetic diversity in three broodstocks (BA, BB and BC) of pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus of a Hydropower plant in São Paulo - Brazil, using in restocking program of Tietê River. Nine RAPD primers were amplified used extracted DNA from 89 fin-clipping samples. Sixty-nine fragments were polymorphic, 15 had frequencies with significant differences (P<0.05), seven were excluded, and six were fixed fragments. High values for polymorphic fragments (47.83% to 71.01%) and Shannon index (0.270 to 0.424) were observed. Most of the genetic variation was found within the groups through the AMOVA analysis, which was confirmed by the results of the identity and genetic distance. Ancestry levels (FST) among the groups values indicated little and moderate genetic differentiation. The estimate of number of migrants by generation (Nm) indicated levels of gene flow. Moderate genetic divergence between groups (0.214 to 0.259) was observed. The results indicate high (BA and BB) and moderate (BC) variability within broodstocks and genetic differentiation among them. The fish stocks analyzed represent a genetic base that will allow the fish technicians to release juveniles without genetic risks to wild populations present in the river. These genetics procedures can be used as models for other migratory species.Os programas de repovoamento estão sendo usados com mais frequência como métodos de conservação de peixes. No entanto, a redução na diversidade genética pode afetar a sobrevivência dos juvenis usados nesses programas e causar efeitos sobre as populações selvagens. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a diversidade genética de três estoques de reprodutores (BA, BB e BC) de pacu Piaractus mesopotamicus de uma hidrelétrica em São Paulo - Brasil, do programa de repovoamento do rio Tietê. Nove iniciadores RAPD amplificaram-se usando DNA extraído de 89 amostras de nadadeira. Sessenta e nove fragmentos foram polimórficos, 15 tiveram frequências com diferenças significativas (P<0.05), sete foram excluídos e seis foram fragmentos limitantes. Observaram-se altos valores de fragmentos polimórficos (47,83% a 71,01%) e de índice de Shannon. A maior variação genética observou-se dentro dos grupos através da análise de AMOVA, sendo confirmado com os resultados de identidade e distância genética. Os níveis de FST entre os grupos indicaram pequena e moderada diferenciação genética. O número de migrantes por geração (Nm) indicou níveis de fluxo gênico. Observou-se moderada divergência genética entre grupos (0,214 a 0,259). Os resultados indicaram alta (BA e BB) e moderada (BC) variabilidade dentro dos estoques e diferenciação genética entre eles. Os estoques de peixes analisados representam uma base genética que permitirá aos produtores liberar juvenis sem riscos genéticos para as populações naturais presentes no rio. Esses procedimentos genéticos podem ser utilizados como modelos para outras espécies migradoras