8,536 research outputs found
Migrações, trabalho, desenvolvimento e possibilidades do ensino de história: o jornal Alerta Geral (1992-1993)
Artigo apresentado como trabalho de conclusão de curso da Especialização em História e América Latina pela Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA)Este artigo discorre sobre o ensino de história a partir da imprensa sindical de trabalhadores urbanitários em Foz do Iguaçu, cidade situada na fronteira trinacional entre Argentina, Brasil e Paraguai. Para isto, recolhe suas fontes entre as páginas do Jornal Alerta Geral, nos anos de 1992 e 1993, observando a luta de classes neste período e discutindo o ensino da história de trabalhadores em vista de questões como a luta por direitos, desenvolvimento social e emancipação humana, diante de registros das lutas sociais e políticas no território. Migrações, trabalho e desenvolvimento são questões que se encontram reunidas em suas relações com a fase do capitalismo que corresponde ao período estudado. Ao final do texto, encontram-se algumas considerações em torno das possibilidades do ensino de história.Este artículo analiza la enseñanza de la historia desde la prensa sindical de
trabajadores urbanos en Foz de Iguazú, una ciudad ubicada en la frontera trinacional entre
Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay. Con este fin, reúne sus fuentes partiendo de las páginas del
periódico Alerta Geral, en los años 1992 y 1993, observando la lucha de clases en este
período y discutiendo la enseñanza de la historia de los trabajadores con ojos para temas
como la lucha por derechos sociales, por el desarrollo social y la emancipación humana,
aludiendo a los registros de las luchas sociales y políticas en el territorio. La migración,
el trabajo y el desarrollo son cuestiones que se encuentran relacionadas con la fase del
capitalismo que corresponde al período estudiado. Al final del texto, hay algunas
consideraciones en torno de las posibilidades de enseñar la histori
Revolução e história : tempo, mudança e continuidade na Inglaterra moderna
O objetivo do texto é mostrar como o conceito de revolução emergiu em uma sociedade que se cria ordenada para florescer em um mundo de ponta-cabeça, em que todas as hierarquias estavam subvertidas. Com o desmoronamento de uma consciência pública e compartilhada, houve a fuga do indivíduo para o foro privado, gerando tentativas de se justificar a rebelião. Na macropolítica, isso trouxe como consequência uma fragilização da imagem do monarca, até a violência de fato, o regicídio. O conceito de revolução foi gestado após a guerra civil inglesa e se consolidou no vocabulário político europeu a partir de 1688. Para divulgação e estabelecimento do termo foi imprescindível uma cultura baseada na experiência e no conhecimento histórico.The purpose of this text is to show how the concept of revolution emerged out in a society that believe itself orderly to flourish in an upside-down world in which all hierarchies were subverted. With the collapse of a public and shared conscience, there was a flight from the individual to a private forum, generating attempts to justify the rebellion. In macropolitics, this has resulted in a weakening of the monarch's image, even real violence, the regicide. The concept of revolution was born after the English Civil War and was consolidated in the European political vocabulary from 1688. For the dissemination and establishment of the term, a culture based on experience and historical knowledge was essential
The Concept of Revolution: An Emergency
Revolution is not a finished concept It has a specific history and has mobilized great discussions over the centuries classical antiquity there has been debate about the best Constitution and the form of citizens However the term is potentially away from its original political conceptions that relates the word to its social ties so crucial in the theoretical structuring in the field of human sciences in addition to the mobilizations and experiences of individuals and societies Linked more to technological innovations or advertising campaigns revolution is increasingly distant from the meanings that monopolized investigations into the term in modernity After 18th century interpretations have been divided into two main branches one related to the liberal revolutions American 1776 and French 1789 the other attached to the Marxist tradition and the Russian process 1917 1 Perhaps as Trist n and Barros said Castro s death in 2016 it was a biological end of events and ideologies that marked the History of the last great political and social revolutions of recent centuries without which no other could be thought and articulated
The Flute Inside-Out: Tracking Internal Movements in Flute Playing
Analyses in the past have revealed that flute sound production is a complex procedure involving internal movements of the body. The larynx and pharynx in particular play a crucial role. Some authors, advocate for the abdominal muscles, while others, draw attention to the lips and the oral cavity. However, despite the various studies, the physiology of flute playing is limited by lack of empirically-derived information about what happens when a player carries out musical tasks. The present study is an empirical investigation of the role of the larynx and pharynx in flute playing from the perspective of a flute specialist. Specifically, the study aims to determine vocal fold involvement in vibrato, epiglottis movements, arytenoids and epiglottis involvement in articulation, and glottal aperture in tone and dynamics production (soft to loud, loud to soft). A detailed analysis of the relationship between standard flute techniques and the larynx and pharynx mechanisms is presented, making a significant contribution to the flute pedagogical literature. Two male and three female experienced players (referred to in the study as “the participants”) participated in a video-nasendoscopy procedure. The behaviour of the participants’ larynxes and pharynxes while playing a performance protocol specifically designed for this research was observed by a qualified speech pathologist. Specifically, the observer analysed true vocal fold adduction, false vocal fold adduction, laryngeal height, pharyngeal space, epiglottis movement, and arytenoid adduction. This study reveals that laryngeal/pharyngeal participation in flute playing is not limited to vibrato production or specific techniques, such as singing and playing or flutter tongue (tongue rolling effect while playing). The larynx plays a major role in producing flute tone and dynamics and should be considered by pedagogues, performers and health specialists. These findings can assist flute professionals in their daily practice, performances and teaching. Knowing the role of the larynx in vibrato, articulation, pitch control, and dynamics control, reveals a new tool for flute players to use with assurance when preparing any piece of the standard repertoire, or teaching a student
Essays on The Economic Effects of Income Inequality
Income inequality has been rising throughout the world. In the United States, for example, the income share of the population at the top 10% of the income distribution rose 34% from 1980 to 2019 according to data from the World Inequality Database. This dissertation studies how increasing levels of income inequality might affect the economy.
In the first chapter, I show that changes in the level of income inequality may affect consumption volatility through changes in household aggregate marginal propensity to consume (MPC). I propose a simple theoretical framework to explain this dynamic and evaluate it empirically, combining data from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics and from the Census Bureau\u27s Annual Social and Economic supplement of the Current Population Survey. This is the first study to estimate US state-level measures of average and aggregate MPC out of labor income. I find that the average MPC increases as the level of average state income inequality increases and that among households of the same income level, household MPC is higher in states with more income inequality. I also find that if the covariance term of a state\u27s aggregate MPC is positive, higher inequality increases its amplification effect; similarly, higher inequality increases the dampening effect of the covariance term in states with negative covariance. Given these results, I estimate a panel data model using US state-level aggregate data and find that, overall, when there is a shock in aggregate GDP, higher inequality is associated with bigger fluctuations in aggregate consumption.
The second chapter uses annual US county-level data from 2007 to 2015 to empirically investigate if an increase in income inequality affects house prices. I determine that higher inequality is positively correlated with prices measured by the Zillow index. A 1% increase in the county Gini coefficient is associated with a 0.04% increase in the average price of all houses. A rise in the inequality measure is also associated with increases of approximately 0.03% in the prices of bottom- and top-tier houses separately. When an interaction term between the Gini coefficient and mortgage interest rates is added to the empirical model, the overall positive relationship between inequality and housing prices is driven by an interest rate channel. Hence, I propose a simple theoretical framework to explain this phenomenon.
In the last chapter, I explore the common currency union formed by US states to examine how higher income inequality affects monetary policy effectiveness. I start the investigation with a cross-sectional analysis and find no statistically significant difference between the response of personal income and private employment in states with low and high historical levels of income inequality between 1990 and 2007. However, using quarterly US state-level Gini coefficients in a panel version of a local projection estimation, I contend that a one-percentage-point increase in the Gini coefficient is associated with a smaller change in both state personal income and private employment when a monetary policy shock hits the economy. The initial effect is small but significant and increases over time
The Concept of Revolution: An Emergency
Revolution is not a finished concept It has a specific history and has mobilized great discussions over the centuries classical antiquity there has been debate about the best Constitution and the form of citizens However the term is potentially away from its original political conceptions that relates the word to its social ties so crucial in the theoretical structuring in the field of human sciences in addition to the mobilizations and experiences of individuals and societies Linked more to technological innovations or advertising campaigns revolution is increasingly distant from the meanings that monopolized investigations into the term in modernity After 18th century interpretations have been divided into two main branches one related to the liberal revolutions American 1776 and French 1789 the other attached to the Marxist tradition and the Russian process 1917 1 Perhaps as Trist n and Barros said Castro s death in 2016 it was a biological end of events and ideologies that marked the History of the last great political and social revolutions of recent centuries without which no other could be thought and articulated
Estudo de Conformidade Ambiental (ECA), para a obtenção da Licença Ambiental de Operação (LAO) do Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos (LCM, CCA - UFSC)
TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Engenharia de Aquicultura.Os estudos de impactos ambientais são necessários para o correto desenvolvimento de uma aquicultura, praticada de forma sustentável e buscando a preservação dos recursos naturais. Entre as boas práticas da aquicultura, o Licenciamento Ambiental é o procedimento tomado para a regulamentação dos empreendimentos e para o registro da atividade perante os órgãos ambientais competentes. No licenciamento ambiental, são registradas as atividades realizadas, o relato dos possíveis impactos gerados e a descrição das medidas mitigadoras a serem tomadas. Dentre as atividades aquícolas passiveis de licenciamento, a carcinicultura costeira se destaca, pelos impactos que já ocorreram em ambientes costeiros e sobre a fauna e a flora aquática nativas. Entre os impactos gerados, destaca-se o aumento da turbidez, salinidade, incremento nos nutrientes orgânicos e inorgânicos, e toxicidade aos organismos. Neste contexto, o Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos (LCM, CCA – UFSC), localizado na Barra da Lagoa, Florianópolis – SC, desenvolve, desde 1984, atividades de produção de camarões marinhos da espécie exótica Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931), e por isto, necessita de um Estudo de Conformidade Ambiental, que é exigido para fins de regularização das licenças ambientais em operação. Os camarões produzidos são destinados, atualmente, para pesquisas cientificas, capacitação e educação de técnicos, graduandos e pós-graduandos, e para o cultivo na fazenda experimental da Yakult. O LCM conta com uma estrutura ampla dividida em diferentes setores produtivos, e cada um deles gera uma determinada carga de efluentes, que são destinados ao tratamento em lagoas de estabilização, para diminuição dos sólidos suspensos, DBO, e nutrientes, antes do lançamento destas no corpo receptor da Lagoa da Conceição. Esta Monografia teve como objetivo a elaboração do Estudo de Conformidade Ambiental, e por isto, atingiu os objetivos de capacitação técnica e obtenção de resultados relevantes para a estruturação da propEnvironment impact studies are necessary for the correct development of aquaculture, when the activity is practice in sustainable way and with the objective of preservation of natural sources. Between aquaculture good routine practices, the Environment License is a procedure adopted for the regulation of enterprises and for the correct registration of all activities front responsible environment agencies. On the Environment License, routine activities are registered, possible impacts are listed and all propositions of remedial actions are described. One of aquaculture activity that had an obligation of Environment License, marine shrimp culture in coastal zones is emphasize, for preview impacts recurrent in aquatic coastal zones and over native aquatic fauna and flora. Among impacts observed, increase on turbidity parameter, changes on salinity, high concentrations of organic and inorganic nutrients, and toxicity for native organisms. In this context, the Laboratório de Camarões Marinhos (LCM, CCA – UFSC), located around Lagoa da Conceição, Florianópolis – SC, have been developed since 1984 activities related with production of exotic marine shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone), and for this, needs the complete Environment Conformity Study for obtains its Environment License of Operation. Shrimps produced are currently intended for scientific researches, training and education of administrative staff, graduation and post-graduation students, and for the culture on experimental farm Yakult. The LCM has its productive structure divided in sectors, and each one is responsible by the production of some quantity of organic effluents, that are designated for preview treatment at stabilization lagoons, objective reduction of suspend solids, DBO and nutrients, before the discharge in aquatic receptor body on Lagoa da Conceição. The present Monograph aimed contribute in Environment Conformity Study elaboration, reached the objectives of technical capacitating and obtaining relevant results for management and adequacy proposing of effluents produced in the experimental station
Fine needle aspiration biopsy in the oral cavity and head and neck region
The objective of the current study was to evaluate the sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) of submucous nodules from the oral cavity and head and neck region as an auxiliary diagnostic tool. Fifty patients with nodule lesions in the oral cavity and the head and neck region were selected. All of them were submitted to FNAB and to either incisional or excisional biopsy. The diagnoses from the FNABs were compared with the biopsy diagnosis as the gold standard. All the cases of FNAB were analyzed by a single oral pathologist prior to the biopsy diagnosis. The results showed that the sensitivity of FNAB was 75%, its specificity was 96% and its accuracy was 58.8%. The false positive and false negative rates were 6.7% and 13.3%, respectively. The positive predictive value was 86% and the negative predictive value was 93%. The inconclusive rate was 16/50. FNAB displayed a high success rate for identifying both malignant and benign lesions, but a low accuracy for making a final diagnosis
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