2,090 research outputs found

    Paulo Freire’s method in environmental education with the use of a computer application for mobile devices

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    [Resumo] A problemática ambiental relaciona-se ao comportamento humano, demonstrado na falta de consciência necessária à preservação da natureza. O trabalho tem como objetivo central verificar a viabilidade do Método de Paulo Freire na prática de ensino-aprendizado da educação ambiental, mediante o uso de aplicativo de informática, em dispositivos móveis, visando à conscientização sobre a questão da preservação ambiental. A pesquisa, de natureza qualitativa, utilizou o estudo de caso. A investigação fundamentou-se no Método de Paulo Freire, considerando o princípio da dialogicidade do ato educativo. A metodología, desenvolvidamediante a análise das práticas pedagógicas realizadas em escola do Ensino Fundamental, utilizou como instrumento pedagógico jogos informatizados. A investigação baseou-se no principio da dialogicidade do ato educativo de Paulo Freire. Os resultados parciais constataram as afirmações de Rabelo (2011) e Silva (2007) ao afirmarem que o uso pedagógico de software, integrado às dimensões dialógicas dos conhecimentos adquiridos, por meio dos círculos de cultura, gera a socialização dos alunos,transformando as concepções dos educandos, sobre o meio ambiente. Com base nos resultados, esta pesquisa propõe ao processo educativo o método de ensino Freiriano, integrado ao uso de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis, sinalizando para uma educação renovada e alinhada aos novos contextos sociais.[Abstract] The environmental problem is related to human behavior, demonstrated in the lack of awareness necessary for the preservation of nature. The main objective of this work is to verify the viability of the Paulo Freire Method in the teaching-learning practice of environmental education, through the use of a computer application in mobile devices, aiming to raise awareness about the issue of environmental preservation. The research, of a qualitative nature, used the case study. The investigation was based on the Paulo Freire Method, considering the principle of the dialogicity of the educational act. The methodology, developed through the analysis of pedagogical practices carried out in elementary school, used as a pedagogical tool computerized games. The investigation was based on the principle of the dialogicity of the educational act of Paulo Freire. The partial results confirm Rabelo’s (2011) and Silva (2007) statements by affirming that the pedagogical use of software, integrated with the dialogical dimensions of acquired knowledge through culture circles, generates the students’ socialization, transforming the conceptions of On the basis of the results, this research proposes to the educational process the Freiriano method of teaching, integrated with the use of applications for mobile devices, signaling to a renewed education and aligned with the new social context


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    This work presents a configuration of two regenerators in parallel for a power generation Brayton/Rankine cycle where the output power is 10 MW. The working fluids considered for the Brayton and Rankine cycles are air and water, respectively. The addition of a regenerator with the previous existing cycle of this kind resulted in the addition of a second-stage turbine in the Rankine cycle of reheat. The objective of this modification is to increase the thermal efficiency of the combined cycle. In order to examine the efficiency of the new configuration, it is performed a thermodynamic modelling and numerical simulations for both cases: a regular Brayton/Rankine cycle and the one with the proposed changes. At the end of the simulations, the two cycles are compared, and it is seen that the new configuration reaches a 0.9% higher efficiency. In addition, the vapor quality at the exit of the higher turbine is higher, reducing the required mass flow rate in 14%


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    The present work brings a numerical study of an energy conversion device which takes energy from the waves through an oscillating water column (OWC), considering an impulse turbine with rotation in the chimney region through the implementation of a movable mesh model. More precisely, a turbulent, transient and incompressible air flow is numerically simulated in a two-dimensional domain, which mimics an OWC device chamber. The objectives are the verification of the numerical model with movable mesh of the impulse turbine in the free domain from the comparison with the literature and, later, the study of the impulse turbine inserted in the geometry of the OWC device. In order to perform the numerical simulation on the generated domains, the Finite Volume Method (FVM) is used to solve the mass and momentum conservation equations. For the closure of the turbulence, the URANS (Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) model k-ω SST is used. To verify the numerical model employed, drag coefficients, lift, torque and power are obtained and compared with studies in the literature. The simulations are performed considering a flow with a Reynolds number of ReD = 867,000, air as the working fluid and a tip speed ratio of λ = 2. For the verification case, coefficients similar to those previously predicted in the literature were obtained. For the case where the OWC device was inserted it was possible to observe an intensification of the field of velocities in the turbine region, which led to an augmentation in the magnitude of all coefficients investigated (drag, lift, torque and power). For the case studied with the tip velocity ratio λ = 2, results indicated that power coefficient was augmented, indicating that the insertion of the turbine in a closed enclosure can benefit the energy conversion in an OWC device

    Explantes foliares de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) submetidos a combinações fatoriais de 2,4-D e BAP.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver protocolos para indução de calos em explantes foliares de B. gasipaes submetidos a combinações fatoriais de 2,4-D e BAP

    Calogênese em insulina vegetal (Cissus verticillata(L.) Nicolson & C. E. Jarvis).

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    O objetivo foi desenvolver um protocolo para a indução de calos em explantes foliares de Cissus verticillata (L.) Nicolson & C. E. Jarvis e quantificar a massa fresca obtida visando à produção de metabólitos secundários

    Calogênese em explantes de foliares de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) submetidos a meio de cultivo com diferentes níveis de PH.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver protocolos para indução de calos em explantes foliares de B. gasipaes submetidos a diferentes níveis de pH do meio de cultivo em combinações fatoriais com 2,4-D

    Calogênese em explantes foliares de pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes H.B.K.) submetidos a diferentes concentrações de nitrato de amônio.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver protocolos para indução de calos em explantes foliares de B. gasipaes submetidos a diferentes concentrações de nitrato de amônio em combinação fatorial com 2,4-D

    Exploratory research analysis on emissions generated in internal combustion engines

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    It is common knowledge that internal combustion engines have the function of transforming thermal energy into useful mechanical work. During the combustion process of the fuel and air mixture (heat generation) a quantity of gases are produced and released into the environment by the exhaust system of these engines. When these machines were invented, their creators might not have had the notion that the generated gases would be aggressors to nature. The constant population growth, the increasing demand for the use of these engines and observations of the impact in nature, among them the health and greenhouse effects, evidenced mainly from the end of the last century, led scientists to study the problem related to gaseous emissions from these machines. The present work aims to study and evaluate the emissions of internal combustion engines, their consequences both to the human health and to the environment, the evolution of government legislation and also the control mechanisms implemented to reduce these pollutants. The applied methodology is a qualitative and exploratory study of bibliographic character of theoretical and experimental works that were presented in master's dissertations, doctoral theses, scientific articles and websites of companies specialized in the subject