74 research outputs found


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    O aumento exponencial na produção de lodo de esgoto, decorrente da melhoria dossistemas de tratamento sanitĂĄrio em grandes centro urbanos, pode representar um problemaambiental se este nĂŁo for disposto adequadamente. Converter lodo de esgoto em adsorventesatravĂ©s da pirĂłlise tem sido proposto desde 1971 como alternativa a destinação final desteresĂ­duo. Como alternativa para disposição do excesso de lodo que Ă© retirado do reator UASBna Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto SubaĂ©, Feira de Santana, Bahia, a proposta deste trabalhofoi obter carvĂŁo ativado em diferentes fases de estabilização do lodo de esgoto e avaliar suacapacidade de adsorção na remoção do azul de metileno em solução aquosa. As propriedadesdo lodo como sĂłlidos totais e volĂĄteis totais, carbono orgĂąnico, nitrogĂȘnio, foramdeterminadas seguindo recomendaçÔes do Standard Methods APHA. As amostras de lodoforam pirolisadas a 450°C sob atmosfera inerte e o carvĂŁo ativado produzido foi caracterizadopor CHN, adsorção de nitrogĂȘnio e ensaios de adsorção. Pelas anĂĄlises fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas, o lodode esgoto apresentou baixos teores de carbono e nutrientes, independentemente do tempo deretenção no leito de secagem, quando comparados a tĂ­picos Iodos de sistemas anaerĂłbios. Osespectros de infravermelho confirmam a presença de grande quantidade de silicatosdecorrente da baixa eficiĂȘncia da ETE-SubaĂ©. Os ensaios de adsorção, usando o azul demetileno como adsorvato, mostraram que estes carvĂ”es sĂŁo adsorventes potenciais pararemoção de corantes em efluentes lĂ­quidos. As isotermas de adsorção foram estudadas e osresultados foram ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. O modelo de Langmuirdescreveu melhor o processo de adsorção. Os resultados da adsorção, grau de enriquecimentode carbono e a razĂŁo molar N/C, indicaram que a melhor amostra para preparar carvĂŁo ativadoda ETE-SubaĂ© Ă© o lodo LES08, Ă quela que permaneceu mais tempo no leito de secagem.</div

    Synthesis of sustainable mesoporous sulfur-doped biobased carbon with superior performance sodium diclofenac removal: Kinetic, equilibrium, thermodynamic and mechanism

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    Over the last years, the strategy of employing inevitable organic waste and residue streams to produce valuable and greener materials for a wide range of applications has been proven an efficient and suitable approach. In this research, sulfur-doped porous biochar was produced through a single-step pyrolysis of birch waste tree in the presence of zinc chloride as chemical activator. The sulfur doping process led to a remarkable impact on the biochar structure. Moreover, it was shown that sulfur doping also had an important impact on sodium diclofenac (S-DCF) removal from aqueous solutions due to the introduction of S-functionalities on biochar surface. The adsorption experiments suggested that General and Liu models offered the best fit for the kinetic and equilibrium studies, respectively. The results showed that the kinetic was faster for the S-doped biochar while the maximum adsorption capacity values at 318 K were 564 mg g−1 (non-doped) and 693 mg g−1 (S-doped); highlighting the better affinity of S-doped biochar for the S-DCF molecule compared to non-doped biochar. The thermodynamic parameters (ΔH0, ΔS0, ΔG0) suggested that the S-DCF removal on both adsorbents was spontaneous, favourable, and endothermic

    Enhanced biobased carbon materials made from softwood bark via a steam explosion preprocessing step for reactive orange 16 dye adsorption

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    The growing textile industry produces large volumes of hazardous wastewater containing dyes, which stresses the need for cheap, efficient adsorbing technologies. This study investigates a novel preprocessing method for producing activated carbons from abundantly available softwood bark. The preprocessing involved a continuous steam explosion preconditioning step, chemical activation with ZnCl2, pyrolysis at 600 and 800 °C, and washing. The activated carbons were subsequently characterized by SEM, XPS, Raman and FTIR prior to evaluation for their effectiveness in adsorbing reactive orange 16 and two synthetic dyehouse effluents. Results showed that the steam-exploded carbon, pyrolyzed at 600 °C, obtained the highest BET specific surface area (1308 m2/g), the best Langmuir maximum adsorption of reactive orange 16 (218 mg g−1) and synthetic dyehouse effluents (>70 % removal) of the tested carbons. Finally, steam explosion preconditioning could open up new and potentially more sustainable process routes for producing functionalized active carbons


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    O aumento exponencial na produção de lodo de esgoto, decorrente da melhoria dossistemas de tratamento sanitĂĄrio em grandes centro urbanos, pode representar um problemaambiental se este nĂŁo for disposto adequadamente. Converter lodo de esgoto em adsorventesatravĂ©s da pirĂłlise tem sido proposto desde 1971 como alternativa a destinação final desteresĂ­duo. Como alternativa para disposição do excesso de lodo que Ă© retirado do reator UASBna Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto SubaĂ©, Feira de Santana, Bahia, a proposta deste trabalhofoi obter carvĂŁo ativado em diferentes fases de estabilização do lodo de esgoto e avaliar suacapacidade de adsorção na remoção do azul de metileno em solução aquosa. As propriedadesdo lodo como sĂłlidos totais e volĂĄteis totais, carbono orgĂąnico, nitrogĂȘnio, foramdeterminadas seguindo recomendaçÔes do Standard Methods APHA. As amostras de lodoforam pirolisadas a 450°C sob atmosfera inerte e o carvĂŁo ativado produzido foi caracterizadopor CHN, adsorção de nitrogĂȘnio e ensaios de adsorção. Pelas anĂĄlises fĂ­sico-quĂ­micas, o lodode esgoto apresentou baixos teores de carbono e nutrientes, independentemente do tempo deretenção no leito de secagem, quando comparados a tĂ­picos Iodos de sistemas anaerĂłbios. Osespectros de infravermelho confirmam a presença de grande quantidade de silicatosdecorrente da baixa eficiĂȘncia da ETE-SubaĂ©. Os ensaios de adsorção, usando o azul demetileno como adsorvato, mostraram que estes carvĂ”es sĂŁo adsorventes potenciais pararemoção de corantes em efluentes lĂ­quidos. As isotermas de adsorção foram estudadas e osresultados foram ajustados pelos modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich. O modelo de Langmuirdescreveu melhor o processo de adsorção. Os resultados da adsorção, grau de enriquecimentode carbono e a razĂŁo molar N/C, indicaram que a melhor amostra para preparar carvĂŁo ativadoda ETE-SubaĂ© Ă© o lodo LES08, Ă quela que permaneceu mais tempo no leito de secagem

    Application of design of experiments (DoE) for optimised production of micro- and mesoporous Norway spruce bark activated carbons

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    In this work, Norway spruce (Picea abies (Karst) L.) bark was employed as a precursor to prepare activated carbon using zinc chloride (ZnCl2) as a chemical activator. The purpose of this study was to determine optimal activated carbon (AC) preparation variables by the response surface methodology using a Box-Behnken design (BBD) to obtain AC with high specific surface area (S-BET), mesopore surface area (S-MESO), and micropore surface area (S-MICR). Variables and levels used in the design were pyrolysis temperature (700, 800, and 900 degrees C), holding time (1, 2, and 3 h), and bark/ZnCl2 impregnation ratio (1, 1.5, and 2). The optimal conditions for achieving the highest S-BET were as follows: a pyrolysis temperature of 700 degrees C, a holding time of 1 h, and a spruce bark/ZnCl2 ratio of 1.5, which yielded an S-BET value of 1374 m(2) g(-1). For maximised mesopore area, the optimal condition was at a pyrolysis temperature of 700 degrees C, a holding time of 2 h, and a bark/ZnCl2 ratio of 2, which yielded a S-MESO area of 1311 m(2) g(-1), where mesopores (S-MESO%) comprised 97.4% of total S-BET. Correspondingly, for micropore formation, the highest micropore area was found at a pyrolysis temperature of 800 degrees C, a holding time of 3 h, and a bark/ZnCl2 ratio of 2, corresponding to 1117 m(2) g(-1), with 94.3% of the total S-BET consisting of micropores (S-MICRO%). The bark/ZnCl2 ratio and pyrolysis temperature had the strongest impact on the S-BET, while the interaction between temperature and bark/ZnCl2 ratio was the most significant factor for S-MESO. For the S-MICRO, holding time was the most important factor. In general, the spruce bark AC showed predominantly mesoporous structures. All activated carbons had high carbon and low ash contents. Chemical characterisation indicated that the ACs presented disordered carbon structures with oxygen functional groups on the ACs' surfaces. Well-developed porosity and a large surface area combined with favourable chemical composition render the activated carbons from Norway spruce bark with interesting physicochemical properties. The ACs were successfully tested to adsorb sodium diclofenac from aqueous solutions showing to be attractive products to use as adsorbents to tackle polluted waters


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    O presente estudo investigou a viabilidade do lodo de esgoto como matéria- prima para produção de carvÔes ativados (CAs) para remoção do corante preto remazol 5 de soluçÔes aquosas. Duas amostras foram preparadas; um carvão quimicamente ativado com ZnCl2 denominado CAZ e um carvão ativado sem ativação química denominado CA. Os CAs foram caracterizados por adsorção/dessorção de N2, årea superficial especifica SBET e Microscopia eletrÎnica por varredura (MEV). De acordo com os resultados obtidos pelas isotermas de N2 os carvÔes foram classificados como mesoporosos, no entanto a amostra CAZ apresentou elevado valor de BET comparado ao carvão CA, 612 e 21,8 m2g-1, respectivamente. A habilidade dos CAs na remoção do corante RB-5 foi investigado empregando processo de adsorção em batelada. Os dados de equilíbrio foram ajustados aos modelos de isotermas de Lagmuir, freundlich e Sips. Levando em conta os valores de R2 e função erro (SD), os dados foram melhores ajustados à isoterma de Sips. A capacidade måxima adsorvida do corante RB-5 sobre os carvÔes CA e CAZ foram de 16.12 e 156.64 mgg-1, respectivamente.AbstractThe present study investigated the feasibility of sewage sludge as raw material for production of activated carbon to remove Remazol Black 5 dye from aqueous solutions. Two activated carbons were prepared; activated carbon chemically with ZnCl2 named CAZ and activated carbon without activation named CA. The adsorbents were characterised using N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms, specific surface area (SBET) and scanning electron microscopy. According to the N2 isotherms both samples were characterised as mesoporous activated carbons, however the sample ACZ presented higher SBET compared to the sample CA, 612 and 21,8 m2 g -1 , respectively. The ability of activated carbons to remove the RB-5 was investigated using batch adsorption procedure. The equilibrium data were fitted to Langmuir, Freundlich and Sips isotherm models. Taking into account the determination coefficient (R2 ) and error function (SD), the data were best fitted to Sips isotherm model. The maximum adsorption capacities of RB-5 onto AC and ACZ are 16.12 and 156.64 mgg -1 , respectively

    Some observations on the influence of particle size and size distributionon stratification in pneumatic jigs

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    Particle size variation plays a key role in jigging performance, and despite extensive research in the area, very little attention has been given in the case of pneumatic jigging. The aim of this study was to look into particle stratification in a pilot-scale pneumatic jig when varying the particle size and the range of the particle size distribution in ternary mixtures of aggregates. Jigging tests were especially designed to reduce contamination of jig products and a stratification index was elaborated to evaluate stratification efficiency. Experimental results provided compelling evidences that widening the particle size distribution of the system or using beds composed of particles of smaller sizes can enhance stratification by density. Similarly, smaller particles showed a remarkable tendency to concentrate in the upper zones of the stratified bed, whereas larger particles tended to concentrate more in lower zones. The obtained results suggest that particular operating features of pneumatic jigging together with differential packing effects should play a decisive role in the stratification extent of beds formed by particles of different sizes. Experimental results are of practical importance since, among other benefits, they point to the possibility to increase pneumatic jigging performance in some cases by using wider size distributions of the feed, thus reducing the need of prior stages of narrow size classification

    Preparation of highly porous nitrogen-doped biochar derived from birch tree wastes with superior dye removal performance

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    Heteroatom doping is a highly effective strategy that can be used to modify carbonaceous adsorbents to improve their chemical reactivity and increase their adsorptive properties. Herein, a simple method is reported for the preparation of nitrogen-doped biochar using a natural and abundant biowaste from birch trees and melamine as a nitrogen dopant for the adsorption of Acid red 18 (AR-18) dye from water. The doped biochars were also characterized for their performance during the treatment of synthetic effluents. The physicochemical characterization results showed that the N-doping process provoked remarkable chances on the biochar morphology, pore structure, and surface functionalities. N-doped biochar showed abundant nitrogen functional groups with 5.4 % of N in its structure while non-doped carbon showed traces with 0.47 %. Moreover, the specific surface area of doped biochar was dominated by mesopores (86.4 %) while non-doped was dominated by micropores (67.8 %). Raman analysis showed that the incorporation of N created more defects in the biochar structure. The adsorption experiments showed that the N-doping boosted the biochar adsorptive performance. The maximum adsorption capacity of the doped biochar was 545.2 mg g−1, while the non-doped exhibited 444.5 mg g−1, i.e., an increase of 22.6 %. The kinetic and equilibrium studies showed that Avrami fractional order and Liu models were the most suitable for describing the experimental AR-18 dye adsorption data. The equilibrium parameters were found to obey a nonlinear relationship with the temperature. Since the biochars are highly porous, pore filling was the main adsorption mechanism, however; AR-18 dye removal suggests that interactions such as electrostatic, hydrogen bonds, Lewis acid-base, and π-π between the adsorbent and the dye are involved. The thermodynamic studies showed that the removal of the AR-18 dye from the solution is dependent on temperature, exothermic, and spontaneous. The N-doped biochar showed excellent removal performances of contaminants from synthetic effluents confirming their high efficiency for color removal. This research shows that N-doping is an efficient strategy to design effective, low-cost, and sustainable adsorbents to remediate dye contamination in wastewater
