3,673 research outputs found

    Agricultura familiar e políticas públicas: o impacto do Pronaf no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    A aparição do Programa Nacional de Fortalecimento da Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) marca um momento singular na trajetória do processo de intervenção estatal na agricultura e no mundo rural do Brasil. Apesar de avanços no aperfeiçoamento e ampliação do universo de cobertura, o programa permanece ancorado numa ambigüidade básica tanto em termos do público-alvo a ser beneficiado quanto aos objetivos essenciais que persegue, onde, na retórica oficial, mesclam-se orientações tipicamente produtivistas com compromissos mais amplos, como a geração de empregos, a inclusão social e o desenvolvimento territorial. O artigo em questão desenvolve uma análise do PRONAF à luz de recente pesquisa realizada no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, inserida no contexto de um convênio firmado entre o PCT/IICA-PRONAF e a Fundação de Economia de Campinas - FECAMP para montar um sistema de acompanhamento das ações do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Agrário e avaliar os impactos deste programa. Os dados finais mostram fortes evidências de diferenciação social dentre os produtores familiares

    Voice Interaction for Augmented Reality Navigation Interfaces with Natural Language Understanding

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    Voice interaction with natural language understanding (NLU) has been extensively explored in desktop computers, handheld devices, and human-robot interaction. However, there is limited research into voice interaction with NLU in augmented reality (AR). There are benefits of using voice interaction in AR, such as high naturalness and being hands-free. In this project, we introduce VOARLA, an NLU-powered AR voice interface, which navigate courier driver delivery a package. A user study was completed to evaluate VOARLA against an AR voice interface without NLU to investigate the effectiveness of NLU in the navigation interface in AR. We evaluated from three aspects: accuracy, productivity, and commands learning curve. Results found that using NLU in AR increases the accuracy of the interface by 15%. However, higher accuracy did not correlate to an increase in productivity. Results suggest that NLU helped users remember the commands on the first run when they were unfamiliar with the system. This suggests that using NLU in an AR hands-free application can make the learning curve easier for new users

    Aplicação da microextração em fase sólida na determinação de resíduos de agrotóxicos em alimentos.

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    Efeito da adicao de hidroretentores de agua em Argissolo Amarelo Eutrofico.

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    Estudou-se o eleito da absorcao de agua proporcionada por tres hidroretentores utilizados em duas concentracoes, em um solo do tipo Argissolo Amarelo Eutrofico, sobre a germinacao e emergencia de plantulas de milho (Zea mays, L.) variedade Assum Preto. Os tratamentos utilizados foram: TO = Solo (Testemunha); T1 = Amido retrogradado + Solo; T2 = Acetato de celulose e poliester + Solo; T3 = Vermiculita expandida + Solo, com os hidroretentores na concentracao de 3,35g.Kg-1; T4 = Amido retrogradado + Solo; T5 = Acetato de celulose e poliester + Solo; T6 = Vermiculita expandida + Solo, com os hidroretentores na proporcao de 6,70g.Kg-1 de solo. Apos irrigacao dos substratos com um volume de 18,45 mm de agua, efetuou-se a semeadura do milho em potes plasticos a uma profundidade de 2 cm. Os tratamentos T2 e T4, 25% dos potes apresentaram e emergencia de plantulas de milho, seguido de 75% em T6 e 100% no tratamento T5. Nao houve germinacao e emergencia de plantulas de milho nos tratamentos TO, T1 e T3

    Edaphic arthropods in different successional stages of Atlantic forest and abandoned.

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    The vegetation may modifies the structure and composition of the community of edaphic arthropods. This study aimed to compare the community of edaphic arthropods in four areas of abandoned pasture (AP1, AP2, AP3, AP4) and four secondary native forest fragments in a successional gradient (FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4), in Itaboraí, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The areas are positioned on the hillside and the sampling was conducted in transects outlined in a toposequence (upper, middle and lower sections), where pitfall traps were installed in the dry season. The organisms were identified in taxonomic groups (class, order and family). Comparing the averages for AP and FF, there was no defined pattern in terms of the response of structural attributes (total abundance, richness, uniformity and diversity). Among the areas of FF, higher values of all of the structural attributes occurred in the intermediate stages of forest succession (FF2, FF3), compared to the initial (FF1) and advanced stages (FF4). On average for the FF, the most favored groups were Archaeognatha, Coleoptera, Entomobryomorpha, Pseudoscorpionida, Psocoptera and Symphypleona. On average for the areas of AP, the most favored groups were Acari, Araneae, Formicidae, Diplopoda and Auchenorrhyncha. Among the areas of FF, Sternorryncha, Symphyla and Thysanura were favored in FF1, while Coleoptera, Psocoptera, Pseudoscorpionida, Entomobryomorpha and Archaeognatha were favored in the other successional stages (FF2, FF3, FF