35 research outputs found

    Instrumentelles (maskulines) und expressives (feminines) Selbstkonzept: ihre Bedeutung fĂĽr die Geschlechtsrollenforschung

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    In der psychologischen Geschlechtsrollenforschung nehmen Studien zu geschlechtstypischen «maskulinen» und «femininen » Persönlichkeitseigenschaften einen vorrangigen Platz ein, wobei zur Operationalisierung vorwiegend der Personal Attributes Questionnaire (PAQ) sowie der Bern Sex Role Inventory (BSRI) benutzt werden. Es wird ein kurzer Überblick über die Entstehung und inhaltliche Konzeption dieser Meßinstrumente gegeben und vor einer unkritischen Anwendung der Skalen zur Messung komplexer Konstrukte (wie z. B. Feminität oder Maskulinität) gewarnt. Die Selbstbeschreibung mittels der M- und F-Skalen läßt sich am treffendsten als instrumentelles bzw. expressives Selbstkonzept kennzeichnen. Inwiefern die Berücksichtigung dieser Selbstkonzepte die herkömmliche Geschlechterunterschiedsforschung bereichern kann, wird durch Studien zum Rollenverhalten und zur psychischen Gesundheit exemplarisch demonstriert, wobei Anregungen für die weitere Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Sozialpsychologie gegeben werden

    Career transitions in sport

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    First paragraph: In 2000, an extensive literature search on the topic of career transitions in sport generated over 220 references - a number which was ten times higher than the references available in 1980 (Lavallee, Wylleman, & Sinclair, 2000). The interest in this area has been reflected in the international scholarly co-operation promoted by the Special Interest Group on Career Transitions (SIG-CT) initiated in 1993 (Wylleman, Lavallee, & Alfermann, 1999) and which brought the theme of career transitions to the forefront at many international congresses ( [Alfermann, 1998], [Alfermann, 2000], [Alfermann & Stambulova, 2001], [Stambulova, 1997], [Wylleman, 1995], [Wylleman & Alfermann, 1997], [Wylleman et al., 2001], [Wylleman & Schilling, 1997] and [Wylleman & Stambulova, 1999]). For example, no less than 22 papers related to the topic of career transitions were presented during the past 10th World Congress of Sport Psychology in 2001! This co-operation has also been supported by the Managing Council of the European Federation of Sport Psychology (FEPSAC) and has resulted not only in a FEPSAC Position Statement on Career Transitions (FEPSAC, 1999) but also in a volume of the FEPSAC Monograph Series (Wylleman et al., 1999)

    „Also, ich weiß nicht, ob ich da hin will“ : Die Rekonstruktion geschlechtsspezifischer beruflicher (Karriere-)Orientierung und Sozialisation von Ärztinnen und Ärzten in Weiterbildung

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    Trotz annähernd gleicher Anzahl von Ärztinnen und Ärzten im Beruf bekleiden nur wenige Ärztinnen Führungspositionen. Historisch betrachtet ist die nominale Feminisierung des ärztlichen Berufs noch jung und das Krankenhaus kann auch heute noch als ein typischer Vertreter einer „gendered organization“ (Acker 1990) bezeichnet werden, deren Imperative einer idealen ärztlichen Tätigkeit und Führung mit männlichem Geschlecht assoziiert sind. Die normativen Leitbilder vermitteln sich implizit im Verlauf der Identifizierung mit der Arztrolle. Anhand von Gruppendiskussionen zeigen wir, mit welchen strukturellen und informellen Lehrplänen Ärztinnen und Ärzte in ihrer fachärztlichen Weiterbildung konfrontiert werden. Dabei sind Anforderungen an die Verausgabung für die Tätigkeit, Subjektivierungstendenzen, Führung und Macht sowie die Definition von Leistung zentrale und besonders eng mit Geschlecht assoziierte Sozialisationsinstitutionen. Auch wenn vordergründig geschlechtsspezifische Motivlagen für die Unterschiede verantwortlich gemacht werden, zeigen wir, dass es sich dabei um zustimmende Anpassungsleistungen an strukturelle Bedingungen ärztlicher Tätigkeit handelt.„Well, I do not know if I want to“ The reconstruction of gender socialization of doctors in training Abstract: Despite approximately equal distribution of male and female physicians in occu- pations, only a few female doctors occupy leadership positions. Historically, the nominal feminization of the medical profession is still young and the hospital can still be regarded as a typical representative of a “gendered organization” (Acker 1990) which is identified among others by imperatives of an ideal medical practice and guidance associated with male gender. The normative models convey implicitly in the course of identification with the doctor role. Using focus groups, we show what structural and informal curricula physicians are confron- ted with in their training course. Requirements for the expenditure for the job, tendencies of subjectivation of employment, leadership and power and the definition of performance are central socialization institutions and strongly associated with gender. Although ostensibly gender typical motivations are made responsible, we show that these are favorable adjust- ments to structural conditions of medical practice

    German version of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5)

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    The quality of the talent development environment and how it supports youth athletes has been identified as one major factor of success. Nonetheless, in psychological talent assessment there is a lack of standardized instruments addressing environmental aspects. One well-known questionnaire is the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ; Martindale et al., 2010). Until recently, the TDEQ had been translated into several languages, but not into German. Within this study, the five-factor, 25-item TDEQ‑5 (Li, Wang, Pyun, & Martindale, 2015) was systematically forward and backward translated and administered to 276 German youth athletes from different sports, aged between 13 and 21 years (mean [M] = 16.01; standard deviation [SD] = 2.1). In addition, 63 of these athletes completed both the German and English TDEQ‑5 to test for quality of translation. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed that the five-factor structure was acceptable according to the chi-square test to degrees of freedom ratio (1.9), root mean square error of approximation (0.058), and standardized root mean square (0.061). The comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.88 and the Tucker-Lewis Index of 0.86 was slightly below the 0.90 cut-off value. The reliabilities of the TDEQ‑5 factors were considered moderate to satisfactory (α = 0.62 to 0.75). In conclusion, the German TDEQ‑5 appears to be an applicable tool for use in research and applied settings but needs further analysis. In particular, we encourage future research to test the construct validity and ecological validity of the German TDEQ‑5 and suggest practitioners to utilize the tool to test and drive applied interventions within talent development environments

    The Nature and Conceptualisation of Career Transitions in Sport

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    First paragraph: While an athlete’s sports career may seem to develop in a smooth and continuous way from beginning to end, it is in fact characterized by specific phases and transitions. Asked to describe its development, athletes highlight their athletic career, for example, in terms of specific moments or situations which occurred throughout their career (Wylleman & De Knop, 1997a,b). These moments or situations do not only require athletes to cope with specific changes, but are also perceived by the athletes to influence the quality of their participation at their current competitive level. The occurrence of phases and transitions in the athletic career can also be illustrated by chronologically pin-pointing athletes’ sport achievements (e.g., a first national championship title) and selections (e.g., selection for the national team). Comparison of such developmental data has revealed many similarities in (elite) athletes’ athletic careers (Stambulova, 1998; Wylleman & De Knop, 1998): athletes start out in their sport at the ages of approximately 8 to 12 years-of-age; one or two years later athletes start competing at club level, and go, some three to four years later on to national level; a first selection for a national team occurs somewhere between 17-19 years-of-age, while a first Olympic selection is achieved during their early twenties; and finally, athletes do end their involvement in highlevel competitive sport at approximately 30 years-of-age (3). In fact, researchers have been able to identify a sequence of career developmental phases, not only with elite level athletes, but with talented performers in general, namely an initiation, a development, a mastery, and a post-career phase (e.g., Bloom, 1985; Salmela; 1994)

    Athletic and beautiful or: “Are the pigs allowed out again?”

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    Sport gilt als ein gesellschaftlicher Bereich, in dem die Zweigeschlechtlichkeit und die damit verbundene Hierarchie der Geschlechter in besonders prägnanter Weise zum Ausdruck kommt. Auf dem Hintergrund konstruktivistischer Theorieansätze zeigt der Sammelband in sieben Beiträgen auf, wie Geschlecht im Sport insbesondere über Körperstereotype aktualisiert wird.Sport is a social sphere in which the sexes and inherent sexual hierarchy come to the fore particularly prominently. Based on constructivist theory, the seven articles in this volume show how gender in sport is manifested nowadays through bodily stereotypes

    Selbstkonzept im Sport

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