48 research outputs found

    Interactions between heparan sulfate and proteins: the concept of specificity

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    Proteoglycan (PG) coreceptors carry heparan sulfate (HS) chains that mediate interactions with growth factors, morphogens, and receptors. Thus, PGs modulate fundamental processes such as cell survival, division, adhesion, migration, and differentiation. This review summarizes recent biochemical and genetic information that sheds new light on the nature of HS–protein binding. Unexpectedly, many interactions appear to depend more on the overall organization of HS domains than on their fine structure

    Release of Sequestered Malaria Parasites upon Injection of a Glycosaminoglycan

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    Severe human malaria is attributable to an excessive sequestration of Plasmodium falciparum–infected and uninfected erythrocytes in vital organs. Strains of P. falciparum that form rosettes and employ heparan sulfate as a host receptor are associated with development of severe forms of malaria. Heparin, which is similar to heparan sulfate in that it is composed of the same building blocks, was previously used in the treatment of severe malaria, but it was discontinued due to the occurrence of serious side effects such as intracranial bleedings. Here we report to have depolymerized heparin by periodate treatment to generate novel glycans (dGAG) that lack anticoagulant-activity. The dGAGs disrupt rosettes, inhibit merozoite invasion of erythrocytes and endothelial binding of P. falciparum–infected erythrocytes in vitro, and reduce sequestration in in vivo models of severe malaria. An intravenous injection of dGAGs blocks up to 80% of infected erythrocytes from binding in the micro-vasculature of the rat and releases already sequestered parasites into circulation. P. falciparum–infected human erythrocytes that sequester in the non-human primate Macaca fascicularis were similarly found to be released in to the circulation upon a single injection of 500 μg of dGAG. We suggest dGAGs to be promising candidates for adjunct therapy in severe malaria

    Transcriptomic analysis reveals cell apoptotic signature modified by heparanase in melanoma cells

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    Heparanase has been implicated in many pathological conditions, especially inflammation and cancer, attributed to its degradation of heparan sulfate, a crucial component maintaining the integrity of the extracellular matrix. By silencing the heparanase gene (HPSE) in MDA-MB-435s melanoma cells, we investigated the impact of this protein on gene transcription. Transcriptome sequencing yielded a list of 279 differentially expressed genes, of which 140 were up-regulated and 239 down-regulated. The 140 up-regulated genes were classified into a substantial set of gene ontology defined functions, for example, positive regulation of cell death, apoptotic process, response to cytokine, while 239 down-regulated genes classify only into the two categories: nucleosome and nucleosome assembly. Our focus was drawn to an array of 28 pro-apoptotic genes regulated by heparanase: real-time PCR experiments further validated up-regulation of EGR1, TXNIP, AXL, CYR61, LIMS2 and TNFRSF12A by at least 1.5-fold, among which EGR1, CYR61, and TNFRSF12A were confirmed on protein level. We demonstrated significantly increased apoptotic cells by TUNEL staining upon HPSE silencing, mediated by activation of caspase 3/PARP1 pathway. The pro-apoptotic gene expression and observation of apoptosis were extended to another melanoma cell line, MV3 cells, thus consolidating the anti-apoptosis effect of heparanase in melanoma cells

    Melanoma Cell Adhesion and Migration Is Modulated by the Uronyl 2-O Sulfotransferase.

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    Although the vast majority of melanomas are characterized by a high metastatic potential, if detected early, melanoma can have a good prognostic outcome. However, once metastasised, the prognosis is bleak. We showed previously that uronyl-2-O sulfotransferase (Ust) and 2-O sulfation of chondroitin/dermatan sulfate (CS/DS) are involved in cell migration. To demonstrate an impact of 2-O sulfation in metastasis we knocked-down Ust in mouse melanoma cells. This significantly reduced the amount of Ust protein and enzyme activity. Furthermore, in vitro cell motility and adhesion were significantly reduced correlating with the decrease of cellular Ust protein. Single cell migration of B16VshUst(16) cells showed a decreased cell movement phenotype. The adhesion of B16V cells to fibronectin depended on α5β1 but not αvβ3 integrin. Inhibition of glycosaminoglycan sulfation or blocking fibroblast growth factor receptor (FgfR) reduced α5 integrin in B16V cell lines. Interestingly, FgfR1 expression and activation was reduced in Ust knock-down cells. In vivo, pulmonary metastasis of B16VshUst cells was prevented due to a reduction of α5 integrin. As a proof of concept UST knock-down in human melanoma cells also showed a reduction in ITGa5 and adhesion. This is the first study showing that Ust, and consequently 2-O sulfation of the low affinity receptor for FgfR CS/DS, reduces Itga5 and leads to an impaired adhesion and migration of melanoma cells

    Heparan sulfate-related oligosaccharides in ternary complex formation with fibroblast growth factors 1 and 2 and their receptors

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    10 p.-6 fig.Biosynthesis of heparan sulfate (HS) is strictly regulated to yield products with cell/tissue-specific composition. Interactions between HS and a variety of proteins, including growth factors and morphogens, are essential for embryonic development and for homeostasis in the adult. Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) and their various receptors (FRs) form ternary complexes with HS, as required for receptor signaling. Libraries of HS-related, radiolabeled oligosaccharides were generated by chemo-enzymatic modification of heparin and tested for affinity to immobilized FR ectodomains in the presence of FGF1 or FGF2. Experiments were designed to enable assessment of N-sulfated 8- and 10-mers with defined numbers of iduronic acid 2-O-sulfate and glucosamine 6-O-sulfate groups. FGF1 and FGF2 were found to require similar oligosaccharides in complex formation with FR1c-3c, FGF2 affording somewhat more efficient oligosaccharide recruitment than FGF1. FR4, contrary to FR1c-3c, bound oligosaccharides at physiological ionic conditions even in the absence of FGFs, and this interaction was further promoted by FGF1 but not by FGF2. In all systems studied, the stability of FGF-oligosaccharide-FR complexes correlated with the overall level of saccharide O-sulfation rather than on the precise distribution of sulfate groups.This study was supported by grants from the Swedish Research Council (Grant 15023), the Swedish Cancer Society, the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (Grant A303:156e), and Polysackaridforskning AB.Peer reviewe

    Role of heparan sulfate domain organization in endostatin inhibition of endothelial cell function

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    The anti-angiogenic activity of endostatin (ES) depends on interactions with heparan sulfate (HS). In the present study, intact HS chains of ≥15 kDa bound quantitatively to ES whereas N-sulfated HS decasaccharides, with affinity for several fibroblast growth factor (FGF) species, failed to bind. Instead, ES-binding oligosaccharides composed of mixed N-sulfated and N-acetylated disaccharide units were isolated from pig intestinal HS. A 10/12mer ES-binding epitope was identified, with two N-sulfated regions separated by at least one N-acetylated glucosamine unit (SAS-domain). Cleavage at the N-acetylation site disrupted ES binding. These findings point to interaction between discontinuous sulfated domains in HS and arginine clusters at the ES surface. The inhibitory effect of ES on vascular endothelial growth factor-induced endothelial cell migration was blocked by the ES-binding SAS-domains and by heparin oligosaccharides (12mers) similar in length to the ES-binding SAS-domains, but not by 6mers capable of FGF binding. We propose that SAS-domains modulate the biological activities of ES and other protein ligands with extended HS-binding sites. The results provide a rational explanation for the preferential interaction of ES with certain HS proteoglycan species

    Targeting Serglycin Prevents Metastasis in Murine Mammary Carcinoma.

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    In hematopoietic cells, serglycin proteoglycans mainly contribute to proper storage and secretion of inflammatory mediators via their negatively charged glycosaminoglycans. Serglycin proteoglycans are also expressed in cancer cells where increased expression has been linked to poor prognosis. However, the serglycin-dependent mediators promoting cancer progression remain to be determined. In the present study we report that genetic ablation of serglycin proteoglycan completely blocks lung metastasis in the MMTV-PyMT-driven mouse breast cancer model, while serglycin-deficiency did not affect primary tumour growth or number of mammary tumours. Although E-cadherin expression was higher in the serglycin-deficient primary tumour tissue, indicating reduced invasiveness, serglycin-deficient tumour cells were still detected in the circulation. These data suggest that serglycin proteoglycans play a role in extravasation as well as colonization and growth of metastatic cells. A microarray expression analysis and functional annotation of differentially expressed genes identified several biological pathways where serglycin may be important. Our results suggest that serglycin and serglycin-dependent mediators are potential drug targets to prevent metastatic disease/dissemination of cancer