96 research outputs found
Terytorialna ochrona użytkowa gruntów rolnych na obszarach położonych w granicach administracyjnych miast
Sustainable development requires reconciling the requirements of agricultural land protection with increased investment needs in industry and housing, but also with respect for environmental protection requirements. These objectives should also be pursued in relation to agricultural land within the administrative boundaries of cities. However, with regard to agricultural land in cities, there is a clear conflict between the needs of investors and the resulting pressure to invest and the protection of agricultural land. The analysis of such determined research topic required a territorial approach to the protection of agricultural land, which is reflected in spatial planning. The purpose of this study is to analyze the Polish legislation from the point of view of the admissibility of change to agricultural land use in urban areas.Zrównoważony rozwój wymaga pogodzenia wymogów ochrony gruntu rolnego ze zwiększonymi potrzebami inwestycyjnymi w przemyśle i budownictwie mieszkaniowym, a także z poszanowaniem wymogów ochrony środowiska. Cele te powinny być realizowane również w odniesieniu do gruntów rolnych położonych w granicach administracyjnych miast. W odniesieniu do gruntów rolnych w miastach dochodzi jednak do jaskrawego konfliktu pomiędzy potrzebami inwestorów i wynikającą z tego presją na realizację inwestycji oraz ochroną gruntów rolnych. Analiza tak zakreślonego tematu badawczego wymagała podejścia terytorialnego do ochrony użytkowej gruntów rolnych, co znajduje swój wyraz w planowaniu przestrzennym. Celem niniejszego opracowania jest analiza polskiego ustawodawstwa pod kątem dopuszczalności zmiany przeznaczenia gruntów rolnych na obszarach miast
Sprawiedliwość społeczna i solidarność w prawie rolnym (na przykładzie wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich)
The aim of the article is to redefine the elements of the paradigm of agricultural law, as seen through the lens of the concepts of social justice and solidarity, as well as public goods and their role in agricultural law, using the example of laws that govern rural development support. These principles should be treated as an important determinant of a fair balancing of the general interest (common good) and the interests of the individual. It should be stated that Polish statutory regulations in the field of supporting rural areas and providing public goods by farmers, directly or indirectly, follow the axiological paradigm. The implementation of the idea of social justice and solidarity should also aim at the sustainable development of rural areas. Such an approach should be reflected in the rural development support system, which is based on the assumption that production support for farms should be accompanied by certain obligations imposed on entities managing agricultural land. It is also necessary to formulate a postulate that the law of rural development should stimulate pro-environmental and pro-social attitudes.Celem artykułu jest redefinicja elementów paradygmatu prawa rolnego, przez pryzmat pojęć sprawiedliwości i solidarności społecznej oraz dóbr publicznych i ich roli w prawie rolnym, na przykładzie regulacji prawnej wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Zasady te powinny być traktowane jako istotny wyznacznik sprawiedliwego wyważania interesu ogółu (dobra wspólnego) i interesów jednostki. Należy stwierdzić, że polskie regulacje ustawowe w zakresie wspierania obszarów wiejskich i dostarczania przez rolników dóbr publicznych w sposób bezpośredni lub pośredni kierują się paradygmatem aksjologicznym. Urzeczywistnienie idei sprawiedliwości społecznej i solidaryzmu powinno zmierzać do trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich. Takie podejście powinno mieć odzwierciedlenie w systemie wspierania rozwoju obszarów wiejskich, który opiera się na założeniu, że wsparciu produkcyjnemu gospodarstw rolnych powinny towarzyszyć pewne obowiązki nakładane na podmioty gospodarujące na gruntach rolnych. Konieczne jest również sformułowanie postulatu, że prawo rozwoju obszarów wiejskich powinno stymulować postawy prośrodowiskowe i prospołeczne
Evaluating Google Street View for tracking invasive alien plants along roads
Invasive alien plants are considered a major driver of global biodiversity loss. Therefore, there is a huge demand of spatial and temporal data on their distribution for investigating possible drivers of species invasions and for predictions of future distributions. We use Google Street View imagery (GSV) as a new source of spatial and temporal data. GSV provides millions of panoramic views along road networks worldwide allowing for the identification of many plant species, including invasive ones. Thus, GSV has a great potential to support ecological research in documenting species distribution, but reliable validation of its precision and accuracy is lacking. Here, we describe and evaluate an approach using GSV to visually track the spread of invasive alien plants, the North American goldenrods (Solidago canadensis and S. gigantea) occurring abundantly along road network in Poland (Central Europe). We determined presence/absence of the species along 160 randomly selected transects of a length of 500 m by visual inspection of GSV images and compared it with field surveys at the same transects. We show that the occurrence of goldenrods in GSV is a reliable predictor of their occurrence in the wild. Sampling parameters, like road width, season when GSV pictures were taken and number of months elapsed since taking the GSV pictures, did not change the correlation between outputs of the two methods (GSV and field sampling). Furthermore, both the occurrence of goldenrods observed in the field and their occurrence in GSV have similar relations to habitat characteristics investigated (the same direction of relationship and similar effect size). We suggest Google Street View images may be an additional tool to be used in the detection and tracking of the spread of invasive alien plants along roadsides. The approach may be useful in assessing temporal changes in roadside vegetation and managing problematic plant species across large spatial scales and may contribute to the further development of more efficient sampling methods in ecological studies
Legal character of the agricultural agreements in the Polish legal system
The issue of agricultural agreements is strictly related to the criteria for the separation of agricultural law present in the Polish and West-European doctrine. Thus, the adoption of a specific regulation of civil law agreements concerning agricultural relations was the im-pulse for the development this a separate branch of the law to regulate matters in agricul-ture.The paper aims to present the legal character of agreements concluded by farmers and other entities conducting economic activity in rural areas. It does not include any detailed analysis of the legal solutions assumed within particular agreements, but is an attempt to answer the question whether a separate category of agreements – agricultural agreements has its separate place in the Polish legal system, and if the answer is affirmative, to identify the criteria for this separation.
Agricultural agreements have been presented taking into account the civil law and administrative law methods that have been applied to regulate legal relations between them. The paper also discusses substantive matters as well as procedural issues connected with the process of seeking damages under these agreements
Prawne pojęcie osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa domowego
Problematyka podjęta w artykule dotyczy pojęcia osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego. Zostało ono użyte na potrzeby przewidzianych w ustawie o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego ograniczeń w obrocie nieruchomościami rolnymi. Przesłanka osobistego prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego jest niezwykle restrykcyjna i budzi wiele wątpliwości, także konstytucyjnych, które zostały podniesione przez doktrynę i judykaturę. Ponadto wydaje się nieproporcjonalną ingerencją w sposób wykonywania własności rolniczej w działalność gospodarczą, także rolniczą działalność gospodarczą. Wszelkie ograniczenia wolności gospodarczej i prawa własności powinny być rozpatrywane przez pryzmat zasady proporcjonalności. Dla zapewnienia realizacji celów ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego, tj. właściwego zagospodarowania ziemi rolnej, wystarczające wydaje się wprowadzenie obowiązku zachowania rolnego charakteru nieruchomości, przy realizacji zasady, że są to obszary utrzymywane naturalnie w stanie nadającym się do wypasu lub uprawy, przy zachowaniu norm minimalnych. Takie podejście odpowiada modelowi rolnictwa przyjętemu we Wspólnej Polityce Rolnej
Sprawozdanie z XXV Europejskiego Kongresu i Kolokwium Prawa Rolnego Queens’ College, Cambridge, 23–27 września 2009 r.
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicac
Zakres zastosowania ustawy o kształtowaniu ustroju rolnego do regulacji prawnorolnych w Kodeksie cywilnym
The considerations concern the applicability of the provisions of the Act on shaping the
agricultural system to the legal regulations of agriculture contained in the civil code. The focus
is on the inheritance of agricultural holdings, as well as the division of inheritance consisting
of an agricultural holding, the abolition of joint ownership of an agricultural holding and the
division of joint property of spouses, taking into account the provisions of the Act on shaping
the agricultural system. The intention of the legislator was to ensure protection of agricultural
land also in the scope of trading in agricultural real estate that has been provided for in the
civil code. However, there are doubts regarding the interpretation of the terms used in both
legislative acts as it leads to certain differences in the understanding of institutions defined in
the code. However, this is an unacceptable situation and the provisions of special laws must
not change the legal definitions of agricultural institutions guaranteeing agricultural property.
This way of “amending” the civil code results in the inconsistency and dysfunctionality of
the legal system
Wybrane tezy orzeczeń w sprawach rolnych
orzeczeń w sprawach rolnych. Stosunki własnościowe i gospodarowanie nieruchomościami rolnymi
Przeniesienie posiadania gruntów rolnych w wyniku spadkobrania a prawo do płatności
The Act on payments within the framework of direct support schemes of 26 January
2007 deals with cases of mortis causa succession when the proceedings for granting payments
are met with the death of a farmer, giving rise to procedural consequences. Direct
payments in the new Member States – including Poland – cannot be transferred. Only in
exceptional circumstances does the legislator allow for the shift of a person entitled to
payment. Such specific situations include (a) transfer of all land within agricultural holding
and (b) death of the farmer on condition that all land subject to an aid application is transferred.
The aim of the paper is to determine the legal effects (both in the sphere of public and
private law) caused by the death of the testator. What is also highlighted is the different
legal situation of inheritors depending on the date of death of the farmer, i.e. whether it
occurred before or already after the proceedings on granting payment have been accomplished.
The legislator seems to have solved the issue of procedural succession in a manner
that takes into account the specific character of the procedure in question and which allows
for its maximum simplification. However, a few of those solutions still raise some doubts
Differentiation and preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance in areas covered by the agri-environmental scheme
The research subject is the differentiation of plant communities and the preservation status of wet meadows of the Calthion palustris alliance at sites included in subsidy packages 4 and 5 of the agri-environmental scheme. The habitat was studied on 697 agri-environmental plots located in different areas of Poland. The obtained results show high differentiation of the plant communities, which could be considered as representative of the Calthion palustris alliance meadows in Poland. Disturbances in the habitat conditions were observed on most of the plots and they included: disappearance of characteristic species of the Calthion palustris alliance, encroachment of native, expansive species as well as desiccation of the habitat and the associated eutrophication, caused mostly by unidirectional land drainage systems. The study also attempted to determine the conservation prospects of the habitat considering measures implemented under the agri-environmental scheme
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