29 research outputs found

    Reakcja pszenicy jarej na zróżnicowane nawożenie doglebowe i dolistne

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    In the years 2013-2015 a field experiment was carried out, whose aim was to determine the response of spring wheat cultivar Arabella to different levels of soil fertilization with NPK and foliar feeding Plonvit Zboża. Higher level of soil fertilization with NPK caused an increase in the LAI (Leaf Area Index), MTA (Mean Tip Angle) and SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) indices in comparison to lower fertilization level. The applied soil fertilization and foliar application did not differentiate the number of plants after emergences and prior to the harvest. The higher dose of NPK caused an increase in the number of ears per 1 m2, TGW and grain yield in comparison to the lower dose. Two-time and three-time foliar application caused an increase in MTA and SPAD indices, while TGW and grain yield increased three times in comparison to the control. The higher level of NPK fertilization caused an increase in total protein, K, Cu and Mn contents in grain and a decrease in Fe content. Three-time foliar application caused an increase in ash and Mg contents in grain in comparison to the control. An increase in Cu and Zn contents, in comparison to single foliar application and the control, was also observed.W latach 2013-2015 przeprowadzono ścisłe doświadczenie polowe, którego celem było określenie reakcji pszenicy jarej odmiany Arabella na zróżnicowane nawożenie doglebowe NPK i dokarmianie dolistne wieloskładnikowym nawozem Plonvit Zboża. Wyższy poziom nawożenia doglebowego NPK wpłynął na wzrost indeksu LAI, MTA i SPAD w porównaniu do niższego poziomu nawożenia. Nawożenie doglebowe i dolistne nie zróżnicowało liczby roślin po wschodach i przed zbiorem. Wyższa dawka NPK wpłynęła na wzrost liczby kłosów na 1 m2, MTZ oraz plonu ziarna w porównaniu do dawki niższej. Dwukrotne i trzykrotne nawożenie dolistne zwiększyło indeks MTA i SPAD, a trzykrotne dodatkowo MTZ i plon ziarna w porównaniu do kontroli. Wyższy poziom nawożenia NPK wpłynął na zwiększenie zwartości w ziarnie białka ogólnego, K, Cu i Mn, zaś zmniejszenie Fe. Trzykrotne nawożenie dolistne zwiększyło zawartość w ziarnie popiołu i Mg w porównaniu do kontroli oraz zawartość Cu i Zn w porównaniu do obiektu jednokrotnie nawożonego dolistnie oraz kontrolnego

    Amoebozoa possess lineage-specific globin gene repertoires gained by individual horizontal gene transfers

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    The Amoebozoa represent a clade of unicellular amoeboid organisms that display a wide variety of lifestyles, including free-living and parasitic species. For example, the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum has the ability to aggregate into a multicellular fruiting body upon starvation, while the pathogenic amoeba Entamoeba histolytica is a parasite of humans. Globins are small heme proteins that are present in almost all extant organisms. Although several genomes of amoebozoan species have been sequenced, little is known about the phyletic distribution of globin genes within this phylum. Only two flavohemoglobins (FHbs) of D. discoideum have been reported and characterized previously while the genomes of Entamoeba species are apparently devoid of globin genes. We investigated eleven amoebozoan species for the presence of globin genes by genomic and phylogenetic in silico analyses. Additional FHb genes were identified in the genomes of four social amoebas and the true slime mold Physarum polycephalum. Moreover, a single-domain globin (SDFgb) of Hartmannella vermiformis, as well as two truncated hemoglobins (trHbs) of Acanthamoeba castellanii were identified. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that these globin genes were independently acquired via horizontal gene transfer from some ancestral bacteria. Furthermore, the phylogenetic tree of amoebozoan FHbs indicates that they do not share a common ancestry and that a transfer of FHbs from bacteria to amoeba occurred multiple times

    Study of the non-parasitic stage in Ixodes ricinus after co-feeding with Dermacentor reticulatus in three infestations

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    It was proved that transmission of some pathogens may occur between infected and uninfected ticks co-feeding on a host in the absence of systemic infection. The effect was studied of co-feeding of two different tick species Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus on the course of the non-parasitic stage. Species chosen for the experiment may share their habitats and co-infest animals in nature. In the course of the study the process of egg maturation, oviposition and larval hatching were investigated. In order to estimate if co-feeding influence can counteract host immunity, three subsequent infestations of rabbits were analyzed. Mono-specific groups values of such a parameters as egg amount, number of eggs per 1 mg of female engorgement weight, female oviposition weight loss, hatching success were higher in inter-specific groups were compared. The results indicate that co-feeding with other tick species may partially reduce the influence of host resistance in subsequent infestation

    Community carriage of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae: a cross-sectional study of risk factors and comparative genomics of carriage and clinical isolates

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    The global prevalence of infections caused by extended-spectrum βlactamase-producing Enterobacterales (ESBL-E) is increasing, and for Escherichia coli, observations indicate that this is partly driven by community-onset cases. The ESBL-E population structure in the community is scarcely described, and data on risk factors for carriage are conflicting. Here, we report the prevalence and population structure of fecal ESBL-producing E. coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (ESBL-Ec/Kp) in a general adult population, examine risk factors, and compare carriage isolates with contemporary clinical isolates. Fecal samples obtained from 4,999 participants (54% women) ≥40 years in the seventh survey of the population-based Tromsø Study, Norway (2015, 2016), were screened for ESBL-Ec/Kp. In addition, we included 118 ESBL-Ec clinical isolates from the Norwegian surveillance program in 2014. All isolates were wholegenome sequenced. Risk factors associated with carriage were analyzed using multivariable logistic regression. ESBL-Ec gastrointestinal carriage prevalence was 3.3% [95% confidence interval (CI) 2.8%–3.9%, no sex difference] and 0.08% (0.02%–0.20%) for ESBL-Kp. For ESBL-Ec, travel to Asia was the only independent risk factor (adjusted odds ratio 3.46, 95% CI 2.18–5.49). E. coli ST131 was most prevalent in both collections. However, the ST131 proportion was significantly lower in carriage (24%) versus clinical isolates (58%, P < 0.001). Carriage isolates were genetically more diverse with a higher proportion of phylogroup A (26%) than clinical isolates (5%, P < 0.001), indicating that ESBL gene acquisition occurs in a variety of E. coli lineages colonizing the gut. STs commonly related to extraintestinal infections were more frequent in clinical isolates also carrying a higher prevalence of antimicrobial resistance, which could indicate clone-associated pathogenicity

    Subunit organization of the mitochondrial protein import complexes of Amoebozoa representatives

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    Wydział Biologia: Instytut Biologii Molekularnej i BiotechnologiiMitochondria, powstałe w toku ewolucji komórki eukariotycznej, pełnią obecnie kluczową rolę w jej funkcjonowaniu. Z kolei prawidłowe funkcjonowanie mitochondriów wymaga importu znakomitej większości białek. Import ten prowadzony jest przez kompleksy białkowe zlokalizowane w różnych przedziałach mitochondrialnych. Dostępne dane wskazują, że kompleksy te zawierają podjednostki wspólne dla wszystkich organizmów eukariotycznych, jak i podjednostki charakterystyczne dla danych linii rozwojowych tych organizmów. W przypadku wyróżnianej obecnie grupy Amoebozoa istnieją tylko szczątkowe informacje dotyczące podjednostek mitochondrialnych kompleksów importowych. W związku z tym, celem niniejszej pracy było lepsze poznanie mitochondrialnego aparatu importu białka u przedstawicieli Amoebozoa w oparciu o analizę dostępnych sekwencji genomów i transkryptomów, włączając w to sekwencje transkryptomów uzyskane dla celów tej pracy. Prowadzone badania dotyczyły kompleksów TOM, TOB/SAM, ERMES, TIM22, Tim9- Tim10-Tim12, TIM23, PAM i MIA. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że u badanych przedstawicieli Amoebozoa, kompleksy te różnią się pod względem liczby podjednostek i ich izoform oraz „pokrewieństwa” filogenetycznego. Co ciekawe, szczególne zróżnicowanie występuje w przypadku kompleksów TOM, Tim9-Tim10-Tim12 i PAM. W konsekwencji otrzymane wyniki tylko częściowo potwierdzają proponowany dla Amoebozoa podział na Lobosa and Conosa.An ancestral trait of eukaryotic cells is the presence of mitochondria as an essential element for their function and survival. Proper functioning of mitochondria is dependent on the import of nearly all proteins by complexes located in different mitochondrial compartments. These complexes have been proposed to contain subunits, formed by proteins common to all eukaryotes, and additional subunits regarded as lineage-specific. Since Amoebozoa are poorly sampled for these complexes, the purpose of the study was to build a more coherent picture of their mitochondrial protein apparatus represented by the following complexes: TOM, TOB/SAM, ERMES, TIM22, Tim9-Tim10-Tim12, TIM23, PAM and MIA complex. This was done by using available genome and transcriptome sequences, including transcriptomes assembled for this study. The obtained results indicate differences in the organization of the Amoebozoa mitochondrial protein import complexes reflected by differences in the number of involved subunits, the number of the subunit isoforms and also in similarities to the cognate proteins of representatives from different supergroups of eukaryotes. Interestingly, these differences appear to be the most pronounced for the TOM, Tim9-Tim10-Tim12 and PAM complexes. Consequently, the obtained results partly support the division of amoebozoans into subclades of Lobosa and Conosa

    A unique phenomenon of oral-anal contact between ticks observed in two tick species Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus

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    For the first time in the world literature, the presented study describes oral-anal contact between two sympatric Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus ticks, which are the vectors of many pathogens in Europe. Among the specimens collected in nature, an I. ricinus male was found with the hypostome and chelicerae inserted in the anal aperture of a D. reticulatus female. Given the biological and physiological traits of both species and microorganisms colonising these arthropods, it seems that the interspecific oral-anal contacts between ticks may be an unknown alternative route of transmission of pathogenic and symbiotic microorganisms present in ticks’ alimentary tract, faeces, body surface, and in the haemolymph and organs, taking place when the male’s mouthparts are inserted into the female’s body. The authors suggest that interspecific contacts between ticks in natural conditions can contribute to the spread of some icroorganisms among different tick species and their hosts.

    Bread-Making Potential and Yielding of Hybrid Wheat Under Varied Agronomic and Environmental Factors

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of simplified tillage systems (RT, NT) in comparison with conventional tillage (CT) on technological grain quality and baking value, as well as of hybrid wheat grown under variable weather conditions. A three-year field trial experiment was conducted using a randomised block design, in triplicate. The factors studied were as follows: I - three tillage systems - no-tillage (NT), reduced (RT), and conventional (CT); II - two winter wheat cultivars ‘Hylux’ (cv. hybrid) and for comparison ‘Bogatka’ (cv. common). The use of CT and RT tillage systems compared to NT significantly increased yield by 8.9 and 7.7%, respectively, and selected grain quality parameters along with a more favorable gluten protein profile. The flour obtained, with water absorption above 58.0%, can be classified as strong flour with good farinographic and alveograph parameters. The genetic characteristics of the wheat cultivars determined the technological quality of the grain and the baking value, as well as the grain yield. For ‘Hylux’ cv. hybrid wheat, there was a higher yield and better grain quality, which contained significantly more gliadins and glutenins, and the flour was characterised by higher parameters that determine the preferred viscoelastic properties of the dough. The common ‘Bogatka’ wheat cv. accumulated higher contents of ω gliadins and LMW and HMW glutenin subunits in the grain, while for α/β and γ gliadin contents the difference was not significant. A fairly dry period (June–July) of wheat ripening reduced the grain yield but was favourable for higher values of quality characteristics, gluten protein fractions, as well as the farinographic (WAF, DDT, DS) and alveograph (W, P, L) parameters

    Content of Phenolic Acid and Yielding of Hybrid Wheat in Response to Growing Year Under Integrated Management

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    Wheat grain has health-promoting properties that are related to the content of phenolic acids in its composition, among which ferulic acid, syringic acid, p-coumaric acid and vanillic acid predominate acting as potent natural antioxidants. The study evaluated the phenolic acid (PA) content and grain yield of hybrid wheat genotypes (Hyland, Hywin) compared to the common variety (Patras), grown under an integrated system at two nitrogen rates of 60 (N60) and 120 (N120) kg·ha−1, under varying hydrothermal conditions during three growing seasons. The effects of genotype, cultivar and the interaction of cultivar and hydrothermal conditions on the phenolic acid profile, except for synapic acid, phydroxybenzoic acid and salicylic acid, and grain yield were confirmed in favour of the hybrid cultivars. The concentration of total phenolic acids (TPAs) and ferulic acid in the grain of the hybrid cultivar Hyland was higher and, in addition, greater yield stability of this cultivar under varying hydrothermal conditions was shown in the analysed years of the study. The grain of the common variety Patras was characterised by advanced content of p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and that of the hybrid variety Hywin by p-coumaric, caffeic and syringic acids. Higher TPAs content and lower grain yield of the varieties were observed in the 2018/2019 drought season. Higher nitrogen fertilisation (N120) compared to N60 significantly increased TPAs content and grain yield of Hyland and Hywin hybrid varieties. Fertilisation with N120 compared to N60 increased TPAs content by 4.2% and promoted higher concentrations of ferulic and syringic acids in the wheat cultivars tested

    Study of the non-parasitic stage in Ixodes ricinus after co-feeding with Dermacentor reticulatus in three infestations

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    It was proved that transmission of some pathogens may occur between infected and uninfected ticks co-feeding on a host in the absence of systemic infection. The effect was studied of co-feeding of two different tick species Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus on the course of the non-parasitic stage. Species chosen for the experiment may share their habitats and co-infest animals in nature. In the course of the study the process of egg maturation, oviposition and larval hatching were investigated. In order to estimate if co-feeding influence can counteract host immunity, three subsequent infestations of rabbits were analyzed. Mono-specific groups values of such a parameters as egg amount, number of eggs per 1 mg of female engorgement weight, female oviposition weight loss, hatching success were higher in inter-specific groups were compared. The results indicate that co-feeding with other tick species may partially reduce the influence of host resistance in subsequent infestation