335 research outputs found

    Business-startups in Ukraine: current state and development prospects

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    Due to the war in Ukraine, all sectors of the economy suffered in one way or another. At the same time, the IT industry remains the most stable sector, which brings a large share of taxes to the budget and thus supports the economy of our country. It is this industry that receives large orders from foreign customers, attracts investors, including large corporations. Any business that is barely born or exists only at the level of an idea and the first organizational steps, provided the necessary expert and financial support, can very soon show dizzying results. Especially if it is an innovative project in the field of IT technologies, marketing, telecommunications, electronic commerce, biotechnology. This is where business incubators come from, which provide support (office, consulting, investment) to startups at all stages from development to commercialization of an idea in exchange for a share in future profits. Perfection has no limits. Innovators take pride in implementing complex solutions, they like to overcome difficulties and use advanced technologies. But, every new project has its price. After all, every strategic decision must be well justified from the business side. Otherwise, it can lead to unplanned costs and release delays. Over the past decade, the Ukrainian startup ecosystem has grown significantly and “grown up”, which has enabled Ukraine to be stable in the technological field in the face of today's challenges. E-commerce, social media, 3D printing, mobile applications – it's no secret that the wealthiest investors willingly invest in these industries. But there are less obvious areas that attract more and more capital every year. Despite the large-scale military actions in Ukraine, European investors are still interested in Ukrainian startups. The secret lies in the mentality of Ukrainians: hard work, dedication and the ability to concentrate under any circumstances. The war changed not only the agenda, but also perspectives. It is the investments that drive Ukraine's recovery and development. Today, the Ministry of Digital Transformation is busy attracting investments for the development of the startup ecosystem, digitalizing Ukraine by introducing innovations on the Diya platform and legalizing the crypto sector. All this is necessary to accelerate the economic recovery of the country already now, without waiting for victory in the war

    Digitalization in Ukraine’s economy in the context of world digitization

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    The world has entered the era of the fourth industrial revolution – a period in which digitalization plays perhaps the most significant role for production, and innovative technologies such as virtual reality, internet of things, artificial intelligence and robotics are fundamentally changing the way people work and the way they live. The backbone of modern society is a rapidly growing network of electronic knowledge and tools that includes manufacturers, suppliers, sellers, buyers and users of information in electronic form. The information sphere of the state directs its economic and innovative potential, and thus significantly affects other spheres, such as competitiveness in the international arena and the quality of citizens’ life. Today Ukraine is at a unique stage of development when there is a chance to make the so-called “digital leap” in key spheres of the economy. That is, to quickly move to a new stage of development in these spheres, bypassing intermediate stages, and starting to use modern systems at once, bypassing several generations of technologies. The percent of the digital economy in Ukraine is gradually steadily increasing, but the pace of its development is still low. In order to keep up with the world's leading economies forever, it is necessary to begin large-scale digitization of all industries as soon as possible, investing as much as possible in the development of digital infrastructures, innovations and modern technologies. Moreover, the country has potential, especially in the IT sphere, where Ukraine's position is quite good. Technologically, Ukraine is still in the last century because the state has very low domestic demand for technology. The actual tasks for Ukraine in this sphere, on the one hand, are the implementation of its own digital potential, and on the other, the implementation of relevant EU documents and projects into national legislation. In addition, it is important to develop the spheres of science and education, without which it is impossible to count on progress in the development of the information society and the knowledge economy. Every year, technologies go forward, new trends are gaining momentum, affecting all the schemes by which people do business in the digital world. And in order to stay ahead of the competition or even just to “stay in the game”, you need to learn to work with new tools, track trends and be flexible enough to adapt to these changes

    Bumper crops, producer incentives and persistent poverty

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    Food aid has played a useful role in Government of Bangladesh efforts to increase food security in the last three decades, adding to foodgrain availability, supplying wheat for targeted distribution to poor households, and helping to finance development projects and programs. However, sustained increases in domestic production of both rice and wheat have increased the likelihood of disincentive effects arising from continued large inflows of food aid. The analysis shows that if good rice harvests continue so that real rice prices remain at their levels of 2000, and if international wheat prices return to their average 1995-99 levels, then public wheat distribution may need to be cut to levels below the current amount of food aid received (650 thousand tons in 2000/2001) to avoid reducing domestic prices below import parity. However, resources will continue to be required for programs that increase access to food by the poor, contribute to increased utilization of food and result in improved nutritional outcomes, even if the need for food aid to increase availability of foodgrains diminishes.Food relief Bangladesh. ,Food security. ,Development projects. ,Rice Prices Bangladesh. ,Wheat Prices. ,

    Проблеми соціально-економічного розвитку та шляхи його покращення для сільських територій у Львівській області

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    For a long time the issue of socio-economic development of rural areas, which have their characteristics, has not lost its relevance but also is united by common unsolvable problems that restrict their development in Ukraine. The socio-economic decline of the village can not only reduce economic performance in agriculture but will also have a negative impact on depopulation, environmental deterioration, reduce the efficiency of natural resources, as well as the destruction of the cultural environment. The article presents the results of a study of the socio-economic situation in rural areas, analysis of economic and environmental indicators of the use of agricultural resources in the production of crop and livestock products in villages by different categories of producers. The publication provides information on the profitability of production in agricultural formations from 2010 to 2020. It has been established that the reason for the lack of growth in production in households is the irrational and economically unjustified use of resources and the lack of modern technologies. The publication also reveals the trends in the production output of livestock and crop production by different categories of producers. The indicators of production profitability were analyzed by agricultural enterprises during 2010-2020. The ways and means of improving the situation of using the natural resources by private agricultural enterprises, increasing economic indicators in the rural sector, and increasing production in agricultural enterprises are given. The results of the previous research show the possibilities and prospects for the implementation of the economic potential of rural areas based on the efficient and economically structured governance on the given territories. In addition, in modern realities, there may be an inflow to the mainstream of the investment climate due to the process of decentralization of the local government, receiving investment in the community, and, the increasing of the economy as a result. The research has shown that the development of social and economic infrastructure depends on investment activity.Тривалий час в Україні не втрачає актуальності проблематика соціально-економічного розвитку сільських територій, які мають свої особливості, але також об’єднані спільними невирішними питаннями, які гальмують їх розвиток. Соціально-економічний занепад села може привезти не лише до зниження економічних показників в аграрній сфері, але й матиме свій негативний вплив на процеси депопуляції населення, погіршення екологічної ситуації, зменшення ефективності використання природніх ресурсів, а також на знищення культурного середовища. У статті представлено результати дослідження соціально-економічної ситуації у сільській місцевості, аналіз економічних та екологічних показників  використанням сільськогосподарських ресурсів під час виробництва рослинницької та тваринницької продукції на сільських територіях різними категоріями виробників. Встановлено, що причиною відсутності росту виробництва продукції у господарствах населення є нераціональне і економічно не обґрунтоване використання ресурсів, відсутність сучасних технологій. Виявлено тенденції у зміні обсягів виробництва тваринницької та рослинницької продукції різними категоріями виробників. Проаналізовано показники рентабельності виробництва продукції сільськогосподарськими підприємствами Львівської області протягом 2010 року та 2020 року. Наведено шляхи та способи удосконалення ситуації із використанням природних ресурсів особистими господарствами населення та сільськогосподарськими підприємствами, підвищення економічних показників в агарній сфері та збільшення виробництва у сільськогосподарських підприємствах. Результати проведеного дослідження свідчать про можливості і перспективи реалізації економічного потенціалу сільських територій на основі ефективного те економічно обґрунтованого господарювання на даних територіях. До цього слід додати, що у сучасних реаліях, у контексті процесу децентралізації місцеві громади мають вплив на створення інвестиційного клімату, залучення іноземних та вітчизняних інвесторів за участі місцевих органів управління та жителів, і як наслідок активізації економічного середовища у сільському населеному пункті. Як показали результати досліджень, саме від активізації інвестиційної діяльності залежить розвиток соціально-економічної інфраструктури

    Marketing support of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises

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    The article examines the system of agricultural marketing with the aim of meeting the needs of consumers and achieving the competitiveness of agricultural producers in the context of determining the characteristics of agricultural activity. It is substantiated that the sustainable development of agricultural production contributes to the strengthening of the economic and social security of the state, the formation of a positive image of the country, the growth of the quality of life of the urban and rural population, the increase of export potential, the maintenance of ecological balance in rural areas, the rational use, protection and reproduction of natural resources. According to the results of the assessment of the state of agricultural production in Ukraine, a change in the assortment of agricultural products was revealed in the direction of increasing the amount of cultivation of more profitable types of crop and livestock products. It was found that agricultural products occupy a leading place in Ukrainian exports. Attention is focused on the peculiarities of agricultural production, compared to other branches of the economy, which determine the specifics of the organization of marketing at agricultural enterprises. It was revealed that marketing research in the agricultural sector is mainly carried out by intermediaries, as a result of which the largest part of the profit is concentrated in intermediary structures. The stages of the process of implementation of marketing activities at enterprises producing agricultural products are characterized. It is substantiated that for the successful conduct of competition and the introduction of niche products, it is advisable to conduct marketing research and analyze the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in the course of financial and economic activity, which will contribute to timely decision-making regarding changes in the product range, sales markets, and the enterprise management system. It has been proven that the use of marketing tools to increase the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is important because it will contribute to taking into account external factors of influence and internal reserves of increasing efficiency. Attention is drawn to the need to select effective methods of competition and create the basis for the identification of the enterprise, which is determined by its marketing concept

    Justification of the need to supplement the list of limitations regarding the use of lands and land plots by environmental and technological limitations

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    The need for improvement and adaptation of the existing norms for land protection, rational use of land plots with the legislative norms of the European Union has been identified. The work of scientists, current land legislation, other legal acts related to ecological and technological restrictions have been studied. It was established that the existing "List of restrictions on the use of land and land plots" approved by resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1051 and No. 821 does not provide for a complete list of restrictions on the use of agricultural land, in particular ecological and technological restrictions. Also, the main restrictions on the use of land, provided by ecological and technological groups on arable land based on the steepness of the slopes, were considered. It was noted that the current legislative norms of the Code of Ukraine on administrative offenses in the field of nature protection and use of natural resources provide for liability for violations of land use rules. It is emphasized that in the absence of ecological and technological restrictions in the information of the State Land Cadastre, landowners and land users neglect the norms of ecological and technological restrictions in conducting economic activities on arable land, and it is established that there are no mechanisms for holding them accountable in case of their violation. Proposals are presented in addition to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1051 and No. 821 in the "List of restrictions on the use of land and land plots" with ecological and technological restrictions on arable land. Keywords: ecological-technological restrictions, ecological-technological groups, arable land, restrictions on the use of land plots, State Land Cadastre

    Економічна природа та сутність фінансового механізму регулювання міжбюджетних відносин в Україні

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    Висвітлено економічну природу та сутність фінансового механізму регулювання міжбюджетних відносин, проведено дослідження сучасних наукових підходів до визначення категорії „фінансовий механізм”, запропоноване авторське бачення цієї дефініції. (Economic nature and essence of financial mechanism of adjusting of interbudgetary relations is reflected, research of modern scientific approaches is conducted to determination of category „financial mechanism”, the offered own vision of this definitsii.


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    The main elements of integration of project subsystems in the operative management system are defined in the article. The echelon presentation scheme of the technical system and projects management system for the grounding of using convergence of making decision methods in such systems is given in the article. The use of interchangeability principle in the projects management by agreement of the basic project parameters with the participants is offered.В статті визначені основні елементи інтеграції підсистем проекту в системі оперативного управління. Наведена схема ешелонного представлення технічної системи та системи управління проектами для обґрунтування застосування конвергенції методів прийняття рішень в таких системах. Запропоновано використання принципу взаємозамінності в управлінні проектами при узгодженні з учасниками основних параметрів проекту

    Rice markets in Madagascar in disarray : Policy options for increased efficiency and price stabilization. Washington, World Bank.

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    Faced with a production shortfall in early 2004 and a sharp rise in the price of imported rice due to a depreciation of the Malagasy franc and a spike in international rice prices, Madagascar attempted to stabilize domestic rice prices through public tenders for rice imports and subsidized sales at official prices. This paper discusses the 2004 rice crisis, chronicling the events that triggered the crisis and the subsequent interventions by the government, and analyzes the impacts of the policies adopted and steps taken to spur development of the domestic rice market. Using a partial equilibrium model, the paper also quantifies the overall costs and benefits of a change in import duties for various household groups, and compares this intervention to a policy of targeted food transfers or security stocks. as well as other options for price stabilization, including a reduction in import duties and a security stock policy

    Features of disease course of some forms of herpesvirus infection

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    Among the many factors that directly affect the immune system, infections caused by the herpes virus deserve special attention. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of patients suffering from chronic recurrent herpesvirus infections, which in many cases are accompanied by severe general malaise and a number of therapeutic complaints. Today about 80-95% of the population is infected with Epstein-Barr virus EBV. Primary infection of EBV leads to lifelong persistence of the pathogen with possible periodic reactivation under the action of various immunosuppressive factors, which leads to chronic forms of the disease. EBV can cause chronic manifest and erased forms of the disease, running on the type of chronic mononucleosis. Thus, the study of the nature of clinical and laboratory changes in patients with chronic EBV infection and the peculiarities of the disease is an urgent problem of our time. The aim of this work was to study the features of the course of chronic EBV infection. We performed a comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 128 patients with chronic EBV infection (reactivation period). The diagnosis of chronic EBV infection was established on the basis of medical history, complaints, the presence of specific antibodies to EBV antigens and the detection of virus DNA in the blood. Studies of clinical blood tests of patients with chronic EBV infection and the control group showed differences. Thus, in patients with chronic EBV infection, a significantly elevated ESR level was found - 12.6 ± 1.8 versus 4.5 ± 1.1 inthe control group (p <0.05). The levels of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and platelets did not differ significantly from the control group. In patients with chronic EBV infection, there was a decrease in the level of leukocytes (5.13 ± 0.22) x 109/ l against (6.20 ± 1.8) x 109/l in the control group (p> 0.05), but these changes did not go beyond the norms established for healthy people. Analysis of the leukocyte formula revealed the presence of patients with chronic WEB infection with a significant increase in the relative content of lymphocytes - 42.50 ± 2.0% against 33.70 ± 2.68% (p <0.05) and monocytes - 11.15 ± 0.9% vs. 3.0 ± 0.6% (p <0.05), which was the basis for confirming the presence of a chronic infectious process. In general, 94.8% of patients with chronic EBV infection had lymphocytosis and 82.5% had monocytosis. The relative number of neutrophils in patients with chronic WEB infection averaged 45.35 ± 4.1% against 61.7 ± 3.8% in the control group (p <0.05); the relative number of eosinophils and basophils was within normal limits. When studying the absolute number of lymphocytes and monocytes in patients with chronic EBV infection, there was a tendency to increase them and their level was on average (2.13 ± 0.7) x 109/ l and (0.51 ± 0.08) x 109/ l against (2.39 ± 0.7) x 109/ l and (0.47 ± 0.08) x 109/ l in the control group (p> 0.05). The absolute number of neutrophils in patients with chronic WEB infection was significantly lower than in the control group and was 2.70 x 109/ l versus 4.21 x 109/ l (p <0.05). The study of the absolute number of eosinophils and basophils in patients with chronic EBV infection did not reveal statistically significant differences compared with the control group. Thus, according to the results of our study, we found that patients with chronic EBV infection among the clinical manifestations were most often chronic tonsillitis, chronic fatigue syndrome and peripheral lymphadenopathy. Analysis of the results of laboratory studies revealed a significant increase in ESR, relative lymphocytes and monocytes, as well as a decrease in absolute and relative neutrophils, compared with the control group of patients, indicating a shift in white blood cell count, characteristic of the viral etiology of the disease what associated with the EBV.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.403896