86 research outputs found

    The process of regionalization of the state-territorial structure in modern european countries : constitutional and legal forms

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    Purpose: The paper attempts to identify the constitutional and legal forms of the regionalization process on the example of individual European countries. Design / Methodology / Approach: The authors put forward a hypothesis according to which each type of regionalization of the state-territorial structure ends with the adoption of the relevant normative legal act of constitutional significance. Findings: As a result of the study, the authors concluded that each type of regionalization process is accompanied by the adoption of an appropriate regulatory legal act. Given the fact that regionalization is inextricably linked with the state structure, it as an internal process of changing the constitutional and legal status of territorial units. Practical implications: Authors' development could be applied to improve the legal framework of Russia and European countries. Originality/Value: The contribution of the article is the authors' comprehensive approach in studying the regionalization concept, applying the historical, legislative and territorial background.peer-reviewe

    People with mental disability as human rights carriers: the example of implementing the right to education in Russia

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    This study was aimed at investigating the realization of the right to education as a human right for people with mental disabilities in the context of Russi

    Restrictions to the right of property: constitutional versions in the post-soviet countries

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    The paper deals with constitutional approaches to the formalization of restrictions and deprivation of property rights in 12 post-Soviet countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Ukrain

    The role and impact of information technology on the educational process

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    Digital technologies have influenced various spheres of social relations, transcending national borders and legal system peculiarities. As a result, the determinants of social relations have been transformed, impacting the educational process. This study aims to examine the current state of the educational process in Ukraine concerning the application of information and telecommunication technologies. During the research, general methods of scientific inquiry were employed, including dialectical, formal-logical, and structural -functional methods, as well as several empirical methods. The conclusion was drawn regarding the necessity of restructuring elements of the educational process, primarily to enable distance learning. Also, the authors of this research identified the absence of a single correct strategy for adapting entrepreneurial entities to digital technologies. Therefore, an approach to structuring the educational process was proposed, highlighting the measures that need to be modified when utilizing digital technologies. The research findings are relevant and useful for the authorities to implement tools to influence the digitalization of education in Ukraine

    Human resource management features of an innovative cluster

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.Relevance of the study chosen subject is caused by that in modern time the productive solution of the questions connected with the personnel management, selection, training has a great value in the development and formation of the organizations, enterprises, and innovative associations. Now marked the change method, type, technology, transition phase, due to the acceleration of the social systems development, the emergence of new social relationships, relationships. Thus, it is considered to be the most essential phenomenon of the present stage of the society development of the ownership forms change with means of production, orientation of reforms with the market methods of managing and management, newest to the Russian Federation. In such circumstances, especially important is the organization and development question of the new social subject - the innovation cluster country, region, sector, which is assigned a significant role in developing and mastering the socio-economic area market. On the one hand, innovative cluster acts as a social group, goals and values that involve adaptation to the socio-economic situation, on the other - as a social system uniting groups, business organizations, impact on the environment by improving the socio-economic situation of the economic market. However, along with it there are social and administrative problems as contradictions between data on needs for productive practical actions for human resource management of a cluster and ignorance of implementation mechanisms of these actions

    RFID-технологии: опыт продвижения от научных библиотек к муниципальным

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    Promoting global information space means intensive automation of the library and information industry. The traditional technologies of information sto­rage, search, selection and user delivery do not meet library users’ needs, do not match the volume information flow and jeopardize the role of libraries as аn intermediate in the “information — user” cumulative process. Since the late 20th century the computer-aided technologies have been being introduced which can be illustrated with the technology of bar-coding of libraries’ document collections. The authors examine the RFID technology as an option to expand bar-coding functionality. They define the main stages of RFID-technology applications in the libraries and information agencies, e. g. large scientific libraries and university libraries, municipal libraries, etc. The authors discuss the issues of implementing RFID-technologies in community libraries based on the experience of the model library in the town of Blizhniaya Igumenka, Belogorod Region. Today, the automated systems are seen not only as an instrument of technological modernization of the libraries but as one of the important factors of social transformation of community libraries. The authors emphasize that beside the technological innovations, in particular those related to RFID, the significant social effect is observed in building comfortable user environment, efficient time management in library’s educational activities, building the library’s social image of modern hi-tech agency.Развитие глобального информационного пространства предполагает активное внедрение процессов автоматизации в библиотечно-информа­ционной отрасли. Традиционные технологии хранения, поиска, отбора и предоставления информации потребителю не соответствуют ни запросам пользователей библиотек, ни объемам информационного потока и ставят под сомнение роль библиотеки как посредника в кумулятивном процессе «информация – пользователь». Автоматизированные технологии начали внедрять в деятельность библиотек в конце прошлого столетия, что можно проследить, в частности, на примере технологии штрих-кодирования документного фонда библиотеки. В статье рассматривается технология радиочастотной идентификации (Radio Frequency Identification – RFID), которая в настоящее время является одной из альтернативных технологий, расширяющей возможности штрих-кодирования. Сегодня можно говорить об основных этапах развития применения RFID-технологий в работе организаций библиотечно-информационной сферы – как крупнейших научных библиотек и библиотек университетов, так и муниципальных библиотек. Авторы статьи затрагивают вопрос внедрения RFID-технологий в практику поселенческих библиотек на примере модельной библиотеки п. Ближняя Игуменка Белгородской области. Сегодня автоматизированные системы рассматриваются в качестве не только инструмента технологической модернизации библиотек, но и одного из важных факторов социального преобразования пространства поселенческой библиотеки. В статье подчеркнуто, что кроме явных технологических инноваций, связанных, в частности, с технологией RFID, наблюдается и значительный социальный эффект, заключающийся в создании комфортной среды для пользователей, более эффективного использования временных ресурсов для развития просветительской деятельности библиотеки, а также для формирования ее социальной репутации как современной высокотехнологичной организации

    Современные подходы к комплексному лечению боли в нижней части спины

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    We described the modern point of view in the pathogenesis of the acute and chronicle low back pain, conception of the tree components formation of the chronicle pain: nociceptive, neuropathic and psychogenetic. Whereby, it was offered the ways of the pathogenetic treatment. We described and substantiated the modern way of treatment of the back pain. We generalized the results of our own experience of using Nurophen for treatment of the acute phase of the back pain in the low part of the back. We showed the efficiency of the Nurophen for treatment of the acute pain in the low part of the back and prevention of the formation of the chronicle pain syndrome.Описаны современные взгляды на патогенез острой и хронической боли при дорсопатии, концепция формирования хронической боли с вовлечением трех компонентов: ноцицептивного, нейропатического и психогенного. Предложены подходы к патогенетическим методам лечения. Описаны и обоснованы современные подходы к лечению боли в спине. Обобщены результаты собственного опыта применения препарата нурофена для купирования острой фазы болевого синдрома при боли в нижней части спины. Показана эффективность нурофена для купирования острой боли в нижней части спины и предотвращения формирования хронического болевого синдрома

    Inadmissibility of experiments on people: constitutional imperatives of the post-soviet countries

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    The article revealed typical and peculiar contexts, based on the analysis of the constitutional texts of CIS countries concerning the reflection of compulsory experiments on people prohibitio

    The influence of styles of family education on emotional-volitional sphere of the senior preschool children

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    The article discusses the style of family education as its most important characteristic, the most inherent ways of attitude of parents to a child, using certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which are expressed in a peculiar manner of verbal circulation and interactio