79 research outputs found
Applying and Cutting Device for Tie-Wraps During Laparoscopic Ovariectomy in Standing Mares
Background: Laparoscopic ovariectomy it is used more than 20 years in veterinary medicine, however, information of this technique in Brazil are rare. Also, the cost for his execution are high, specially the ovarian hemostasis procedure, that depends on highly specialized surgical instruments. The goal of this study is show the results achieved during laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares using a device to apply and cut tie-wraps, developed by the authors and that is in a patent process.Materials, Methods & Results: Four mares with ovarian pathologies were selected for a standing unilateral ovariectomy procedure and access to cavity occurred through three laparoscopic portals. The vessels and ligament were dissected to allow positioning of a polyamide tie-wrap by the device for cutting and applying those seals. Occlusion was made by pushing, and cutting through a rotation on the tie latch. Then, the mesovarium was cut with laparoscopic scissors and ovary removed by a communication between two accesses. Total surgical time and the equipment handling were noted. The average duration of surgical procedures was 80 ± 12.35 min and device handling time since its external preparation, application and cutting the polyamide tie-wraps was 3.4 ± 2.63 min. Only in one of four animals it was necessary to apply more than one tie, since the first promoted incomplete vessels occlusion. Within 10 postoperative days none of the animals showed clinical signs consistent with bleeding and / or infection and the wound’s healing were complete.Discussion: Surgical time for dissection and hemostasis during laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares shows great variation in the literature and depend on hemostasis technique. The average time of 80 min for a one-sided procedure using the device for application and cutting tie-wraps was considered appropriate, with the possibility of significantly reduction, since this is an instrumental in testing and yet there is not a definition of the learning curve from its use. The main reason related to the tie-wraps use, even controversial, is due a significant reduction in cost, since the devices for hemostasis available are very expensive to brazilian veterinarians. Although considered a simple application and advantages over other hemostatic methods the authors of this study do not indicate the use of non-surgical polyamide ties when other materials are available, also, it is important to clarify that the main purpose of this study was to report the effectiveness of the device for application and cut these ties while performing these surgical procedure steps. The device for applying and cutting tie-wraps allows closing and resection of polyamide tie-wraps, producing safe hemostasis to ovarian vessels during laparoscopic ovariectomy in mares, with appropriate surgical time and without trans or postoperative complications
Enfermidades do trato respiratório inferior são comuns na clínica de pequenos animais. Devido à vasta etiologia dessas afecções é necessário realizar um diagnóstico preciso, para que seja determinada a terapêutica adequada. O lavado broncoalveolar (LBA) é uma ferramenta diagnóstica auxiliar, quando métodos de rotina são inconclusivos. Tendo como objetivo a análise citológica comparativa, foram utilizados 10 cães acometidos por pneumonia e 20 (vinte) cães saudáveis, como grupo controle. O LBA foi realizado por meio da técnica endotraqueal, com os animais sob anestesia geral de curta duração. A amostra coletada foi sedimentada em câmara de Suta e recebeu coloração tipo Romanowski. Foi realizada análise quantitativa da amostra, com o auxílio da câmara de Neubauer e para avaliação qualitativa 400 células foram contadas em cada amostra e diferenciadas em células epiteliais, neutrófilos, linfócitos, eosinófilos, mastócitos, macrófagos, quantidade de muco e hemosiderófagos. Na avaliação citológica do LBA do grupo com pneumonia foi observado elevação significativa na contagem celular total e na taxa de neutrófilos, associada à queda na taxa de macrófagos, linfócitos, mastócitos, eosinófilos e células epiteliais. O LBA mostrou-se seguro e eficaz como diagnóstico diferencial das doenças do trato respiratório inferior em cães, promoveu achados relevantes, comprovando seu mérito como ferramenta diagnóstica
A orquiectomia bilateral é uma cirurgia simples e rotineira na prática eqüina, embora o potencial para complicações seja alto. A complicação mais comum é a hemorragia, que se não tratada leva ao quadro de choque e morte. Diversas técnicas e variações destas estão descritas na literatura, sendo a mais freqüentemente empregada a técnica aberta. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar duas técnicas de hemostasia aplicadass por alunos do curso de medicina veterinária, sem experiência com orquiectomia em eqüinos. Para tal foram utilizados 16 equinos machos, com idade média de seis anos (±4), que foram separados em dois grupos, aleatoriamente, por sorteio: GRUPO 1, onde os animais foram castrados utilizando-se emasculador, para promover a hemostasia vascular (n=8); GRUPO 2, com animais que foram castrados utilizando-se abraçadeiras de nylon, de 2,5 mm de largura, para promover a hemostasia (n=8). Foram mensurados os tempos do ato cirúrgico, presença de edema de prepúcio e secreção purulenta, tempo de fechamento da ferida e claudicação no pós operatório, sendo que nenhuma diferença foi observada entre os grupos. A presença de sangramento no período pós operatório imediato apresentou diferença significativa, onde o grupo castrado com o emasculador demonstrou maior grau de hemorragia. As abraçadeiras de nylon podem ser utilizadas na castração de eqüinos, sendo que neste experimento elas não apresentaram complicações associadas a curto e no longo prazo. Ambas as técnicas mostraram-se viáveis e de fácil aplicabilidade na prática docente
As doenças do trato respiratório posterior dos eqüinos são achados freqüentes na prática diária da clinica e por isso é necessário o desenvolvimento de métodos diagnósticos mais rápidos e eficientes. Neste sentido ressalta-se o lavado broncoalveolar (BAL), técnica de coleta e avaliação celular do conteúdo das vias respiratórias posteriores. O objetivo deste estudo é comparar o padrão citológico de BAL de cavalos saudáveis com animais de pequenos proprietários rurais na região de Tijucas do Sul, Paraná e também verificar as enfermidades respiratórias do trato respiratório inferior mais freqüentes nestes cavalos. Foram realizados exames clínicos e o BAL em trinta cavalos, sendo vinte acometidos de pneumonia, broncopneumonia e doença inflamatória recorrente das vias aéreas e dez animais saudáveis. Nas análises citológicas das amostras foram avaliadas a contagem quantitativa e qualitativa das células, a quantidade de muco na amostras e demais achados, como a presença de colônias bacterianas, ovos de parasitas e material vegetal. No exame clínico, 95% dos animais enfermos apresentaram tosse e 80% secreção nasal. Na contagem de células o grupo enfermo apresentou maior celularidade. A contagem diferencial apresentou aumento significativo de neutrófilos e eosinófilos, com queda na proporção de macrófagos. Houve destaque para a presença de colônias bacterianas em amostras de oito animais enfermos. Foram verificados, ainda, casos de verminose pulmonar, influenza e doença inflamatória da vias aéreas, sendo que em apenas dois casos os diagnósticos clínico e citológico foram inconclusivos. A técnica do BAL comprovou ser simples e rápida, permitindo aprimorar o diagnostico final das enfermidades respiratórias do trato posterior de equinos em condições de campo.
Pyometra Treatment by Histeropexy with Toggles Aplication in Mini Horse
Background: Brazil is an important horse breeder that creates about three million jobs and movements about R$16,15billions per year. Although, it is important to the horse breeding industry success that the animals reproductive performance be kept. The mare pregnancy loss causes abundant forfeitures to horse breeders, furthermore, the chronic pyometra is one of that causes. The chronic pyometra is an uncommon mare condition, clinical treatments are often ineffective, under those circumstances the hysterectomy, ovariohysterectomy and uteropexy are recommended. This report proposes to describe the chronic pyometra surgical treatments with the uteropexy technique in mini horses that do not respond to the clinical treatment. Case: A 14-year-old mini breed horse mare weighing 117 kg was sent to Veterinarian Hospital (HV) of the Paraná Federal University (UFPR), presenting dystocia background and intrauterine purulent secretion. The clinical treatment had been conducted, but not well succeeded. An hysteroscopy was conducted with a cervix rupture monitoring, uterine mucosa edematiated and crispy, presenting liquid and a high amount of purulent secretion in the uterus horn and body. The biopsy identified uteropexy. The post-surgical complications were minimums and 30 days after the procedure the laparoscopy was repeated with uterine healing monitoring, without adherences and the uterus were at horizontal position. The hysteroscopy was conducted where a small amount of purulent secretion was perceived. Ten days after the second laparoscopy the patient was discharged. Two years after the procedure, the animal responsible informed that there was not a relapse. Discussion: the mare pyometra occurrence is uncommon and emerges by nature protection false mechanisms. Any change or flaw in one of these protection mechanics barriers, may result in a reproductive change due to uterine infection, resulting in reduction of mare reproductive capacity. Probably this reports patients developed pyometra due to the cervix lesion it's presented made easier the uterus external microorganisms entrance, that predisposes an chronic uterine infection. As many authors report, the chronic pyometra clinical treatment is not always successful, also observed in the case reported, indicating then surgical treatment. There are many pyometra surgical treatments indications as: Wedge resection technique in case of cervix adherence, uteropexy technique, ovary-hysterectomy technique or hysterectomy. The ovary-hysterectomy and the hysterectomy was not conducted for being considered highly invasive. This case choice procedure was the uteropexy, which corresponds to fixing the broad ligament of the uterus to the abdominal wall, repositioning it horizontally, to obtain a better drainage and motility, since this is your anatomic position. In the report, the surgical technique was conducted satisfactorily, certifying the uterine elevation by laparoscopy in the postoperative and also by the responsible report, that the animal does not relapse in two years. The postoperative complications were not alarming, considering that it ceased 24h after the procedure. The conclusions present in this treatment show that the hysteropexy conducted by videosurgery with toggles application developed the necessary uterine elevation to the liquid drainage, that allows the mare to execute the uterine cleaning by the physiological form.Keywords: uterus, endometritis, uteropexy, uterine elevation.Histeropexia com aplicação de “toggles” para tratamentode piometra em mini horseDescritores: útero, edometrite, uteropexia, elevação uterina
Chronic Laminitis in a Horse - Treatment with Use of Horseshoe with Horizontal Cross and Epoxy Putty
Background: Laminitis is characterized by an inflammation of the laminar structures of the hoof, which results in lamellar degradation of the suspensory apparatus of the distal phalanx. Despite being a common disease in the equine clinic, it is a medical emergency, which can lead the affected animals not return to sports activities. Due to the severity of laminitis and the poor prognosis, the objective was to report the case of a horse with chronic laminitis with sole perforation in all limbs treated with therapeutic shoeing using a type of horseshoe that has a horizontal crossbar and is filled with mass. Fast-drying epoxy, which has its use little described in the literature
Case: A 4-year-old Crioula horse, weighing 325 kg, used in long noose competitions, was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of UFPR with chronic laminitis. The animal had reluctance to move, walk on a trestle position, grade V lameness and phalanx rotation of all limbs. The treatment of laminitis was carried out in the field, for two months, which consisted of trimming and shoeing with a horseshoe in the shape of a heart, and due to the failure of the treatment instituted, the patient presented clinical worsening. The treatment in the HV consisted of cleaning the perforated region of the sole with hydrogen peroxide and 10% iodine and dressing with cotton boots with EVA rubber on the sole to provide comfort. Corrective trimming was performed in order to remove excess forceps, lower the heel, and align the distal phalanx with the hoof wall, using a rasp. Orthopedic shoeing was performed with a normal horseshoe with a horizontal crossbar in the central region. The sole was filled with a quick-drying epoxy putty (Poxilina®), with the aim of preventing sole movement, blocking the rotation of the phalanges and improving the concavity of the hoof.
Discussion: In chronic laminitis, the signs observed are claudication and deformation of the hoof, flat sole, enlargement of the white line, uneven growth of the hoof wall, hemorrhage in the abaxial white line, cracks in the hoof wall, which are observed parallel to the coronary band, in addition to phalanx rotation; in this clinical case, all these signs were observed. The trimming of horses with laminitis consists of removing the heels and decreasing the dorsal wall of the hoof, in this case, the trimming performed improved the clinical improvement of the animal five days after the procedure. The horseshoe used in the treatment of this animal has the objective of creating a weight-bearing surface on the middle of the sole, close to the tip of the frog, in this way the weight is not on the supporting edge of the clamp and, in this way, it reduces the pressure. over the most affected area. Despite the scarcity of reports on the use of this type of horseshoe, in this case it played a fundamental role in the treatment of laminitis. In this way, it is an alternative that must be taken into account when choosing the treatment, in view of its effectiveness and lower cost when compared to other methods. This case demonstrates the severity of laminitis in all limbs, especially as it presents a perforation of the sole. It is important to highlight that trimming and shoeing performed at the recommended interval (30-45 days) contributes a lot to the success of the treatment and the return of the animal to sports practice. The horseshoe with a horizontal crossbar was effective in the treatment of chronic laminitis of the forelimbs and pelvic limbs in the reported animal, with progressive improvement of the patient who returned to normal daily activities, without the presence of signs of pain or signs of laminitis after treatment.
Keywords: chronic laminitis, horse, sole perforation, recovery.
Título: Laminite crônica em equino - tratamento com uso de ferradura com travessa horizontal e massa epóxi.
Descritores: laminite crônica, cavalo, perfuração sola, recuperação
Megaesophagus in Mule
Background: Megaesophagus is a chronic dilation of the esophagus rarely found in horses. It’s a non-specific disease that is associated with several causes, and esophageal hypomotility is the dysfunction that most commonly results in organ dilation. In the literature, there are few reports of megaesophagus in horses and, to date, no cases in mule have been reported. The objective of this work is to describe a case of a donkey with thoracic megaesophagus.Case: A 16 year-old donkey, castrated male, mixed breed weighing 195 kg, was referred for clinical care with a history of 5 days of anorexia. On physical examination, apathy, cachexia, 8% dehydration, moderate enophthalmos, ptialism, bilateral nasal discharge, dry and bristling hair were observed. Due to the poor general condition, a nasogastric tube was chosen to perform enteral nutrition, however, it was not possible to progress the tube to the stomach. In order to confirm the suspicion of a possible esophageal obstruction, gastroscopy was performed, where it was possible to observe an esophageal dilation filled with bulky food located in the thoracic portion of the esophagus. In an attempt to stimulate esophageal motility, in order to promote the progression of the material present in the region of dilation, intramuscular metoclopramide was administered (two applications every 6 h), however the treatment had no effect. Due to the unfavorable prognosis and financial limitations of the owner, euthanasia was performed, which was followed by autopsy and histopathological examination. At necropsy, a marked dilation of the esophagus was observed in the thoracic portion, which was filled with approximately 500 grams of bulky food (grass). In the mucosa of this area, multiple ulcers were observed that occasionally coalesce, covered by a moderate amount of friable and yellowish-white material.Discussion: Megaesophagus is characterized by organ dilatation and enlargement, absence of peristalsis, presence of tertiary contractions and non-total or partial relaxation of the lower sphincter. Its origin can be congenital or secondary (acquired). In the congenital form, which corresponds to the hypomotility and generalized dilation of the esophagus, the main consequence is the underdevelopment of the foal after weaning. The acquired form occurs due to motor changes in the esophagus or gastroesophageal sphincter, causing passive dilation of the organ. Lupus erythematosus, polymyositis, polyneuritis, degenerative neuropathies, hypoadrenocorticism, hypothyroidism, thiamine deficiency, heavy metal poisoning (Lead and Thallium), tumors (mainly thymoma) and cervical injuries are among the main causes of secondary megaesophagus. Animals with esophageal paralysis or some type of esophageal obstruction, usually present nasal and oral reflux of saliva and may develop aspiration pneumonia, accompanied by nutritional deficiencies, weight loss, changes in normal development and the presence of esophageal ulcers. With the exception of pneumonia, the animal in the present report had all these signs. The prognosis of animals affected by megaesophagus is unfavorable. One of the ways to alleviate this disease is surgical treatment, however, complications such as dehiscence are common after esophageal surgery, mainly due to the fact that this organ does not have a serous layer, resulting in delayed healing. For this reason, euthanasia is considered in most cases. Megaesophagus is a non-specific and multifactorial disease that affects horses, and there are no reports in the literature in mules. In this case, endoscopy allowed the diagnosis to be made while still alive, however it was not possible to determine the primary cause of the disease
O gel de plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) é uma concentração autóloga de plaquetas em um pequeno volume de plasma com potencial de melhorar a integração dos enxertos. Foram utilizados oito equinos adultos, realizando-se enxertos de pele com largura de 2,5 x 2,5 centímetros em cada lado do pescoço, sendo um lado o tratamento, com o uso do gel de PRP e do outro lado o controle. Os animais foram avaliados nos dias 0, 7, 14, 21 e 28 após a cirurgia por meio de avaliação clínica, histológica, morfométrica e cultura bacteriana dos enxertos. As avaliações clínicas, morfométricas e bacteriológicas dos tecidos enxertados não revelaram diferenças significativas entre o grupo controle e o grupo tratamento com PRP. A avaliação histológica revelou um aumento da inflamação aguda no momento 7 e de concentração de colágeno no momento 14 no grupo tratamento, decorrente da liberação de fatores de crescimento pelas plaquetas presentes no gel, que não diferiu nos demais momentos. De acordo com as condições experimentais utilizadas neste estudo, pode-se concluir que não houve diferenças significativas entre o lado tratado com PRP e o lado controle em enxertos cutâneos em equinos.
Palavras-chave: autólogo; fatores de crescimento; integração do enxerto; tempo de cicatrização
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