959 research outputs found

    The Development of Empathy in Infants

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    Retiring Workers Could Present a Problem for Marketers, Even in a Recession

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    Today\u27s workforce is aging fast. The tacit knowledge held by those approaching retirement is necessary for firms to compete in the increasingly competitive marketplace. While some research has been devoted to how older workers view their retirement will impact the workplace, minimal attention has been given to how younger workers view this issue. As companies strive to remain market-driven, this paper examines how younger personnel view the impact of retirement on their employers and the impending brain drain. A discussion of implications for the marketing function within firms also is provided

    Empoderamiento de la ciudadanía a través de la participación ciudadana para un gobierno local integral

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    The objective of this research was to determine the importance of empowerment of citizens through citizen participation for comprehensive management, the research is basic descriptive design with systematic review, to deepen the knowledge about citizen participation an analysis of 21 articles was carried out of the variables studied both nationally and internationally; of the findings studied, it was found that certain similarities of some authors such as Carrasco (2021) and Nieto (2020) affirm that citizen participation is almost nil due to the dissatisfaction of the population and the lack of interest from the government, Chaparro (2021) Montalba and Grau (2019) propose the implementation of a model that encourages citizen participation in local governments, these proposals are complemented with an educational proposal for the learning of an active citizenship of Aguado, Melero and Gil (2020); On the other hand, in terms of municipal management, we find that the authors largely consider it as deficient in terms of planning, organization, in the same way Pompilio (2020) states that during the municipal modernization process the authorities have only been concerned only with comply with the standard but not to see the results. Finally, we conclude that the tools used during the implementation of citizen participation have many shortcomings due to different factors, so it is recommended that local governments should undertake an awareness campaign regarding the relevance of citizen collaboration in decisions of the government to achieve the development of the population.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo, determinar la importancia del empoderamiento de la ciudadanía a través de participación ciudadana para una gestión integral, la investigación es básica de diseño descriptivo con revisión sistemática, para profundizar el conocimiento sobre participación ciudadana se realizó un análisis de 21 artículos de las variables estudiadas tanto a nivel nacional como internacional; de los hallazgos estudiados se encontró que ciertas similitudes de algunos autores como Carrasco(2021) y Nieto (2020) afirman que la participación ciudadana es casi nula por la insatisfacción de la población y la falta de interés del gobierno, Chaparro (2021) Montalba y Grau (2019) proponen la implementación  de un modelo que fomente la participación ciudadana  en los gobiernos locales, estas propuestas se ven complementadas  con una propuesta educativa para el aprendizaje de una ciudadanía activa de Aguado, Melero y Gil(2020); por otro lado en cuanto a la gestión municipal encontramos que en gran parte los autores la consideran como deficiente en cuanto a planificación, organización, del mismo modo Pompilio(2020) manifiesta que durante el proceso de modernización municipal las autoridades solo se han preocupado solo por cumplir con la norma mas no por ver los resultados. Finamente concluimos que las herramientas utilizadas durante la implementación de la participación ciudadana tienen muchas falencias por diferentes factores, por lo que se recomienda que los gobiernos locales deban emprender una campaña de concientización en cuanto a la relevancia de la colaboración ciudadana en decisiones del gobernante para lograr el desarrollo de la población

    New Data on Chicxulub Crater Cores

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    CenomanianTuronian transition in a shallow water sequence of the Sinai, Egypt

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    Environmental and depositional changes across the Late Cenomanian oceanic anoxic event (OAE2) in the Sinai, Egypt, are examined based on biostratigraphy, mineralogy, δ13C values and phosphorus analyses. Comparison with the Pueblo, Colorado, stratotype section reveals the Whadi El Ghaib section as stratigraphically complete across the late Cenomanianearly Turonian. Foraminifera are dominated by high-stress planktic and benthic assemblages characterized by low diversity, low-oxygen and low-salinity tolerant species, which mark shallow-water oceanic dysoxic conditions during OAE2. Oyster biostromes suggest deposition occurred in less than 50 m depths in low-oxygen, brackish, and nutrient-rich waters. Their demise prior to the peak δ13C excursion is likely due to a rising sea-level. Characteristic OAE2 anoxic conditions reached this coastal region only at the end of the δ13C plateau in deeper waters near the end of the Cenomanian. Increased phosphorus accumulations before and after the δ13C excursion suggest higher oxic conditions and increased detrital input. Bulk-rock and clay mineralogy indicate humid climate conditions, increased continental runoff and a rising sea up to the first δ13C peak. Above this interval, a dryer and seasonally well-contrasted climate with intermittently dry conditions prevailed. These results reveal the globally synchronous δ13C shift, but delayed effects of OAE2 dependent on water depth


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    Este trabalho faz parte do Projeto de Pesquisa “Santa Cruz do Sul Arquitetura e Urbanismo”, coordenado pela professora Dra. Doris Maria M. de Bittencourt, com a participação do professor Ms. Milton Keller. A arquitetura em Santa Cruz do Sul encontra-se em constante transformação, considerando-se desde a imigração até os dias atuais. Mudanças sociais e econômicas promovem sua evolução formal e estética, evidenciando-se uma história cultural. O objetivo é pesquisar e analisar a arquitetura erudita da imigração alemã na área central da cidade. Considera-se que o Movimento Moderno na arquitetura de Santa Cruz do Sul, passa por um processo evolutivo que, nos anos 30, aproximadamente, sofre influência da Nova Objetividade (Sachlichkeit), trazida pelos imigrantes alemães, evoluindo até o Movimento Moderno, influenciado pela arquitetura norte-americana e europeia. O método de pesquisa seleciona quatro prédios que fazem parte de uma lista maior, por sua vez, estes quatro prédios são representativos da arquitetura modernista em Santa Cruz do Sul. Como resultado, a pesquisa foi divulgada no XXo Salão de Iniciação Científica da UNISC. A partir dos estudos, conclui-se que a arquitetura em Santa Cruz do Sul, passa por um processo com influências alemã e luso-brasileira até os anos 30, aproximadamente, quando se consolida a influência da Sachlichkeit e do Movimento Moderno

    Spannungsverhältnisse im Berufseinstieg von Lehrpersonen: empirische Befunde einer rekonstruktiven Studie zu Habitus und Normen aus Perspektive der Dokumentarischen Methode

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    Der Beitrag stellt empirische Befunde der qualitativ-rekonstruktiven Teilstudie des DFG-/SNF-Projekts "Kompetenzentwicklung und Beanspruchung im Berufseinstieg von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern" (KomBest) vor. Die zentrale Frage des Beitrags lautet, wie sich berufseinsteigende Lehrpersonen im Medium ihres Habitus mit wahrgenommenen Normen des beruflichen Handelns auseinandersetzen und wie sie diese bearbeiten. Dazu wurde entlang der Analyseschritte der Dokumentarischen Methode ein Weg entwickelt, neuere methodologische Überlegungen zum Konzept des Orientierungsrahmen als spannungsreiche Relation zwischen Habitus und Normen forschungspraktisch anzuwenden. Ausgehend von den Befunden zeigt sich, dass im Rahmen eines Spannungsverhältnisses zwischen berufsbezogenen Habitus und wahrgenommenen Normen auch Normen zueinander in Spannung geraten können. Im Beitrag wird das Erkenntnispotenzial diskutiert, welches der Rekonstruktion von Spannungsverhältnissen in der Struktur der Handlungspraxis zukommt. Ausgehend von unseren Befunden können zwei modi operandi bzw. Prozessstrukturen der Bearbeitung der Spannungsverhältnisse für den Berufseinstieg entlang einer Basistypik ausdifferenziert werden.The article presents empirical results of a qualitative-reconstructive study "Development of competences and strain in the career entry phase of teachers" (KomBest), a project funded by DFG and SNF. The central question is how teachers in their career entry phase deal with norms of professional actions in the medium of their habitus and how they develop them. For this reason a way of applying new methodological considerations to the concept of the orientation framework as a strained relation between habitus and norms to practical research was developed along the analytical steps of the documentary method. From the empirical results charged relationships between habitus and norms as well as between different norms can be distinguished. In the article, the knowledge potentially arising in the reconstruction of the charged relationships in the structure of work practice is being discussed. From the empirical results two manifestations of a basic type can be differentiated as modi operandi respectively process structures of dealing with the charged relationships for the career entry phase

    As primeiras indústrias, a arquitetura utilitária e o espaço fabril em Santa Cruz do Sul

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho é descrever a história da indústria de sua origem até 1930, destacando o vínculo colono-industrialização, a origem dos primeiros estabelecimentos industriais, os condicionantes para o desenvolvimento da mesma, a arquitetura empregada nos prédios fabris e sua situação atual. O trabalho baseou-se em análises de imagens encontradas nos arquivos do Centro de Documentação da Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (CEDOC), e fontes bibliográficas constituídas por livros, jornais, periódicos e meio eletrônico. Dessa forma, o trabalho permite entender o contexto histórico e a dinâmica pela qual a cidade e a indústria foram estruturando-se no território santa - cruzense, como também, identificar e analisar as edificações da arquitetura industrial e como a mesma se relaciona/relacionou com a paisagem urbana