1,181 research outputs found


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    Adapted from: Johnson, Diane E. "Getting Kids to Help around the House," Balancing Work and Family State Notebook. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Cooperative Extension Service.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Getting children to help, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Adapted from: "Work Smarter-Not Harder," Balancing Work and Family. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Cooperative Extension Service; and Walker, Doris "Katey." Setting Goals for Resource Management and Consumer Purchases. Manhattan, Kansas: Cooperative Extension Service, Kansas State University, MF-874.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Goal-setting, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Adapted from: "Groups-How They Decide." Kansas Family Community Leadership Resource Notebook. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service and Kansas Association for Family and Community Education, 1993; and Walker, Doris "Katey." Improving Decision-Making Skills. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service, MF-873, 1987.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Decision-making, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Adapted from: "Communication Skills." Kansas Family Community Leadership Resource Notebook. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas Cooperative Extension and Kansas Association for Family and Community Education, 1993; and "Family Talk." Balancing Work and Family Series. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Cooperative Extension Service.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Communication, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Adapted from: Matthews, Wayne. "The Time-Stress Connection." Balancing Work and Family Series. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Cooperative Extension Service; and Plain Talk about…Handling Stress. Rockville, Maryland: National Institute of Mental Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Stress management, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Adapted from: "Making Every Minute Count." Balancing Work and Family Series. Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Cooperative Extension Service; and Walker, Doris "Katey." Time Management. Manhattan, Kansas: Kansas State University Cooperative Extension Service.Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Time management, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Delegating, Kansas State University, December 1997


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    Emily Mark & Katey Walker, Organizing the household, Kansas State University, December 1997

    The First Inventory of Katydids on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

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    This study was undertaken to create the first inventory of katydids (Tettigoniidae) on the Osa peninsula, Costa Rica during the dry season. In addition to creating this first inventory we also collected data on environmental factors in order to allow for future comparison regarding patterns in katydid populations. We were able to sample 207 katydids using three different sampling methods and recording: time, temperature, humidity, GPS location, sex, and subfamily for each katydid found. We sampled three forest types: old growth, secondary, and riparian each three times. We organized each katydid with the help of our identification material first by subfamily and then by morphospecies using the photos we took of their distinguishing features. From this study we were able to come to the conclusion that our point sampling at night along a 200 meter transect was the most successful, as we collected data on 155 katydids using this method. We determined by our results that the subfamily Pseudophyllinae was the most abundant. Our inventory indicated that even during the dry season on the Osa peninsula it still showed a high diversity and evenness for these katydids based on our rank abundance graph. We have determined that this makes Osa peninsula an ideal location for sampling these insects, as there was such a healthy and stable katydid population. *Indicates faculty mentor

    “implementación de sistemas de seguridad y control para las unidades de servicio de taxi ejecutivo en la ciudad de Machala

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    En la actualidad uno de los grandes problemas que agobia a la sociedad ecuatoriana en especial en la ciudad de Machala es el alto índice de delincuencia que en estos últimos años ha venido incrementando en cuanto a medios de transporte se trata. Con la elaboración de este proyecto pretendemos controlar y disminuir la inseguridad que se vive en esta ciudad. Nuestro servicio a ofrecer es Implementar Sistemas de Seguridad y Control para las unidades de taxis ejecutivos de esta ciudad, mediante la radio de dos vías MOTOTRBOTM la cual cuenta con un módem GPS instalado ayudándonos a proporcionar respuesta rápidas ante situaciones de robos, secuestros. El estudio técnico nos permitió determinar la localización de la planta, activos necesarios para llevar a cabo el funcionamiento del proyecto. Finalmente el estudio financiero nos permitió observar cuan viable y rentable es poner en marcha nuestro proyecto el cual pudimos obtenerlo mediante los respectivos análisis con la información antes obtenida