80 research outputs found

    Classical techniques versus modern in implanto–protetic rehabilitation

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    Rezumat Reabilitarea orală implanto-protetică este asociată cu provocări complexe din punct de vedere biomecanic și impune o planificare atentă a etapelor proprotetice și proimplantare pentru a evita complicaţiile biologice și tehnice. Tehnicile moderne în reabilitarea implanto-protetică includ restaurări protetice și ghiduri chirurgicale produse prin intermediul tehnologiei CAD/CAM, aplicaţii software care permit optimizarea diagnosticului și planului de tratament, precum și utilizarea unor tehnici chirurgicale și protetice minim invazive. Pacienţii sunt principalii beneficiari ai utilizării noilor tehnologii computerizate în condiţiile în care chirurgia minim invazivă este asociată cu absenţa sau reducerea durerii, edemului și discomfortului postoperator, iar aplicarea imediată a restaurării protetice permite pacientului să își continue fără întreruperi viaţa socială și profesională.Summary Oral implant–prosthetic rehabilitation is associated with biomechanically complex challenges and requires careful planning of the pro– protective and pro– implantation steps to avoid biological and technical complications. Modern techniques in implanto– prosthetic rehabilitation include prosthetic restorations and surgical guides produced through CAD / CAM technology, software applications that optimize diagnosis and treatment plan, and the use of minimally invasive surgical and prosthetic techniques. Patients are the primary beneficiaries of the use of new computerized technologies where minimally invasive surgery is associated with the absence or reduction of pain, edema and postoperative discomfort, and the immediate application of prosthetic restoration allows the patient to continue without interruption the social and professional life

    Materials Used for Diagnostic and Treatments in Dental Practice

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    . Early detection of peri-implantitis and monitoring of therapy outcome can be performed using ELISA test

    Dynamics of Transient Plasmas Generated by ns Laser Ablation of Memory Shape Alloys

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    Understanding the underline fundamental mechanism behind experimental and industrial technologies embodies one of the foundations of the advances and tailoring new materials. With the pulsed laser deposition being one of the key techniques for obtaining complex biocompatible materials with controllable stoichiometry, there is need for experimental and theoretical advancements towards understanding the dynamics of multi component plasmas. Here we investigate the laser ablation process on Cu-Mn-Al and Fe-Mn-Si by means of space-and time-resolved optical emission spectroscopy and fast camera imaging. In a fractal paradigm the space–time homographic transformations were correlated with the global dynamics of the ablation plasmas

    Obtaining a Thin and Flexible Dental Film of Hydroxyapatite

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    The deposition of hydroxyapatite thin films has become a topic of interest in medical applications. This dental film applied on the surface of the tooth may act as a highly resistant and flexible artificial enamel, protecting teeth and removing tooth sensitivity. Other possibilities include whitening and coating enamel-deficient structures. We obtained this flexible film of hydroxyapatite using laser ablation. The plasma plumes were generated by an Nd:YAG nanosecond laser in a vacuum chamber. We used the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique and conducted investigations using optical emission spectroscopy (OES), laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS), and Raman spectroscopy. Initially, a thin film of HA was deposited on a soluble substrate and heated, followed by immersion into pure water to dissolve the substrates. The originality of our approach consists in the fact that the flexible HA film can be obtained in pure state, because it grows without a substrate, using just a base and lateral supports between, on which it will grow vertically. In order to verify the compatibility and the “stickiness” of HA on the teeth, we chose to grow the film between the roots of a tooth. In this case, besides the film, we also obtained HA microfibers. We tried to bind the film on an extracted tooth. A protocol must be established in order to allow the bonding of the film to the surface of the tooth, knowing that contaminants such as saliva or sulcular fluid increase bonding strength to enamel or dentin. We realized an efficient bonding as HA absorbs protein, the mineral also participates in this ionic exchange, and we strengthened the tooth structure. The main purpose of our research is to rebuild the dentine layer or enamel and close the dental channels. Our experiments led to the creation of an HA foil that has the role of protecting teeth against cariogenic bacteria and could even have cosmetic effects by teeth whitening. This dental plaster acts as an artificial HA enamel, very resistant and flexible, protecting the tooth and eliminating dental sensitivity. Being very thin, it is invisible once applied on teeth and can be observed only by examination under a strong light

    Теоретическая и практическая программа обучения для сложных случаев имплантологии, денто-альвеолярной хирургии, ОМФ и комплексной оральной реабилитации

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     With Romania’s accession to the European Union, the opportunity arose to finance through non-reimbursable funds theoretical and practical training programs for teachers of Romanian dental faculties. Faculty of Dentistry, U.M.F. „Grigore T. Popa” Iași won, through POSDRU programs, a series of projects for obtaining European funds that allowed the initiation of training courses in the field of oral rehabilitation (prosthetics, implantology, dental-alveolar surgery, OMF surgery, oral rehabilitation complex). The courses included training and advanced training programs in the latest information and innovative technologies in the areas listed. Also, through these projects, the Faculty of Dentistry was equipped with a series of updated equipment and technologiesOdată cu aderarea României la Uniunea Europeană, a apărut oportunitatea de finanţare prin fonduri nerambursabile a unor programe de formare teoretică şi practică a cadrelor didactice ale facultăților de medicină dentară din România. Facultatea de Medicină Dentară, U.M.F. „Grigore T. Popa” Iași a câştigat, prin intermediul programelor POSDRU, o serie de proiecte pentru obţinerea de fonduri europene care au permis inițierea unor cursuri de formare în domeniul reabilitării orale (protetică, implantologie, chirurgie dento-alveolară, chirurgie OMF, reabilitare orală complexă). Cursurile au inclus programe de formare şi perfecționare în cele mai noi informaţii şi tehnologii inovative în domeniile enumerate. De asemenea, prin intermediul acestor proiecte Facultatea de Medicină Dentară a fost dotată cu o serie de echipamente şi tehnologii de actualitate С присоединением Румынии к Европейскому Союзу появилась возможность финансировать за счет невозмещаемых фондов, появились некоторые теоретические и практические программы обучения для преподавателей румынских стоматологических факультетов. Факультет стоматологии U.M.F. „Grigore T. Popa” Яссы выиграл через программы POSDRU серию проектов для получения европейских средств, которые позволили инициировать учебные курсы в области реабилитации полости рта (протезирование, имплантология, зубочелюстная хирургия, хирургия OMF, комплекс реабилитации полости рта). Курсы включали программы обучения и повышения квалификации по новейшим информационным и инновационным технологиям в перечисленных областях. Кроме того, в рамках этих проектов стоматологический факультет был оснащен современным оборудованием и технологиям


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    40 patients with implant-prosthetic restorations and diagnosed with at least one implant affected by moderate or severe peri-implantitis were selected from Learning Centre “M.Kogalniceanu” of Dental Medicine Faculty, U.M.F.”Grigore T.Popa” Iasi and a private practice. Patients were randomly divided in test group (laser-assisted treatment, flap procedure) and control (mechanical debridement, flap procedure). In the test group, the conventional treatment protocol was assisted by laser therapy (2940nm Er,Cr:YAG laser) . It was recorded (for 7 days post-operatively) the evolution of the next clinical parameters: VAS indices (pain intensity); patients’ disconfort; healing time. Results. In the laser-irradiated group, VAS indices decreased from 2,8 (T0), to 2,4 at 24 h post-operatively, and 0,6 at 48 hours post-operatively. The mean values of healing time are significantly lower (6,5 days) comparing with control (8,5 days). Conclusion. Laser bio-stimulation in peri-implantitis has positive effects on inflammatory processes in peri-implant tissues and accelerate healing processes

    Current Status of Finite Element Analysis Based Studies on Optimal Dental Implant Length and Diameter in the Posterior Mandible Bone: A Review of the Literature

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    The scope of this article is to review the current status of finite element analysis based studies on the matter of optimal dental implant length and diameter in the posterior mandible bone and discuss the findings in relation to 3D models used, materials used, type and magnitude of loading. The search of the literature was carried out using electronic databases PubMed, EbscoHost, as well as a manual search of finite element analysis based studies on dental implant diameter and length published between 2000 and 2018, using the terms: finite element analysis, dental implants, implant diameter an implant length. Current finite element analysis studies on the influence of diameter and length of implants present high variability due to the bone models used, material properties assigned, magnitude and type of loading, design of implants and dimensions investigated. However, a clear result is that the diameter of the implant has a great influence on crestal bone stress, an increase in the diameter leading to a decrease in stress. Increase in length leads to a decline in stress values in the bone tissue, but a clear consensus has not been reached yet concerning the extent of its influence on the cortical bone or cancellous bone


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    Aim of study. The study aims to determine if the type of graft materials influence the dental implants success rate in the proimplant surgical procedures used for the improvement of the bone support. Materials and method. The study group included 125 patients (65 females, 60 males, mean age 49.54 ± 11.387 years), selected from a private dental practice and from patients candidates to implantprosthetic therapy in Clinical Learning Base „M.Kogălniceanu” Iasi, of Faculty of Dental Medicine, U.M.F. „Grigore T.Popa” Iasi. All patients were diagnosed with extended partial edentation associated to atrophic alveolar bone and were firstly programmed for proimplant surgical procedures. Statistical analysis compared the group with favourable periimplant evolution with the group with peri-implant complications, and it was performed to evaluate the potential of each bone graft category to influence the success rate of the implant therapy. Results. Autogenous grafts were used more frequently in the patients group with positive evolution (10.0%) than in group with periimplant complications (7.6%), without significant statistical difference comparing to mixed grafts and xenografts. Conclusions. Regarding the predictability of the dental implants success rates, autogenous grafts offer an additional protection and higher success rate of dental implants comparing to xenografts or mixed grafts


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    The active mastication has not only role in food intake and digestion, but also in the maintaining and promotion of the cognitive functions. It was demonstrated the increase of the blood supply in neuronal areas during mastication due to the stimulation of dental baroreceptors, alveolar baroreceptors and masticatory muscles during. Chewing was associated with greater alertness, more positive mood, faster reaction times, improved focus as well as with the improvement of the learning ability. On the other part, epidemiologic studies found that elderly individuals with high number of absent teeth are more likely to develop cognitive dysfunction, and neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer and dementia


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    The issue of medical cooperation raises many questions current and controversial, which are the focus of interest in socio-political and legal, such as debates on instruments to combat the high costs, the public health system, legislation aimed at ensuring health, tobacco consumption, alcohol, obesity and others. Public health legislation deals with the framework conditions, legal and social aspects of public health, protection and deployment the law of public health on tobacco. The aim of this study is to identify the degree to which economic freedom correlates with indicators of development, health and economic cooperation in medicine field. In this regard, we consider useful to investigate how the correlation indicators of policy Health – 2020 with global and European economic development. Research methods are located in estimating the degree of international cooperation in the medicine field through statistical methods, comparison, graphics, deduction or induction.The results allow to formulate a whole picture regarding international cooperation in the field of medicine, combating different diseases but human vices as obesity, tobacco use, alcohol etc. Facilitation of cooperation in research and innovation is the key to bridging the gap between research and demand in different countries and regions