30 research outputs found

    Set-valued solutions for an equation of Jensen type

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    Additive selections of (alpha, beta)-subadditive set valued maps

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    It is proved that an (α, β)-subadditive set valued map with close, convex and equibounded values in a Banach space has exactly one additive selection if α, β are positive numbers and α + β ≠ 1

    Note on nonstability of the linear functional equation of higher order

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    AbstractWe provide a complete solution of the problem of Hyers–Ulam stability for a large class of higher order linear functional equations in single variable, with constant coefficients. We obtain this by showing that such an equation is nonstable in the case where at least one of the roots of the characteristic equation is of module 1. Our results are related to the notions of shadowing (in dynamical systems and computer science) and controlled chaos. They also correspond to some earlier results on approximate solutions of functional equations in single variable

    Impact of vitamin D in chronic kidney disease and its effect on the musculoskeletal system

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    Abstract Introduction. Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining musculoskeletal health. As the glomerular filtration rate decreases, vitamin D deficiency also occurs. The aim of this paper is to highlight the level of vitamin D depending on the stage of chronic kidney disease. Materials and methods. A structured search was performed in the PubMed, Scopus and HINARI databases, where the relevant articles have been taken into account, published in the last 20 years. The search terms used (in English) were: „vitamin D deficiency”, „pathogenesis of vitamin D”, ”the impact of vitamin D in chronic kidney disease”, „chronic kidney disease”. Results. Several studies have shown that the change in vitamin D levels is dependent to the decrease of glomerular filtration rate. The lowest serum vitamin D concentration was observed in stage 5 of chronic kidney disease. Vitamin D deficiency occurs due to a decrease in the number of nephrons and a decrease in the number of proximal tubular cells that absorb vitamin D (25 (OH) D) to be subsequently hydroxylated to its active form by 1α-hydroxylase. Conclusions. Patients with vitamin D-deficient due to chronic kidney disease have an increased risk of decreased bone mineral density and multiple fracture

    Renal impairment in gout: females vs. males (clinical case)

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    Obiective. Evoluția clinică-paraclinică a gutei la bărbați vs femei. Material și metode. Descrierea a 2 cazuri clinice la pacienții cu gută, cu afectare renală – bărbat vs. femeie care au fost internați în IMSP SCR „Timofei Moșneaga” și IMSP SCM ”Sfânta Treime” în anul 2021. Rezultate. Bărbat internat prin intermediul Serviciul de Asistență Medicală Urgentă Prespitalicească în stare generală gravă, pacientul a fost somnolent, dezorientat temporo-spațial, răspundea cu întârziere la întrebări. Din acuze: dispnee mixtă la efort fizic mic, fatigabilitate marcată, anurie de 5 zile, edeme generalizate. Din istoricul vieții, colectat de la rude s-a determinat că pacientul se află la evidență de mulți ani cu diagnosticul de gută. Femeia de 47 ani se internează în mod programat în secția Nefrologie IMSP SCR „Timofei Moșneaga” pentru evaluare în dinamică și tratament cu următoarele acuze: durere lombară pe stânga, disurie, nicturie, edeme gambiene moderate, oligurie, astenie marcată, parestezii. Concluzii. La femei afectarea renală primară mai des este întâlnită până la instalarea menopauzei, iar după instalarea menopauzei, peste o perioadă de timp, apar primordial afectările articulare, apoi cele renale, sau acest proces se dezvoltă concomitent (afectări renale și articulare). La bărbați pe fon de hiperuricemie mai des este prezentă afectarea articulară, apoi se asociază nefropatia gutoasă sau se dezvoltă acest proces paralel.Objectives. Clinical and paraclinical evolution of gout in males and females. Materials and methods. Description of two clinical cases with gout and renal involvement, one male and one female, which were hospitalized in the „Timofei Mosneaga” Republican Clinical Hospital and Municipal Clinical Hospital „Saint Trinity” in 2021. Results. The male patient was hospitalized in a serious condition, being drowsy, disoriented and with bradyphrenia. Patient complained of dyspnea at mild exertion, severe fatigue, 5-day anuria and generalized edema. From the history collected from relatives, it was discovered that the patient has been diagnosed with gout a few years ago. The female patient has been hospitalized in the Nephrology department of the Republican Clinical Hospital „Timofei Moşneaga” for comprehensive evaluation. Her complaints: low back pain, dysuria, nocturia, moderate ankle edema, oliguria, marked asthenia, paresthesia. Conclusions. In women, primary renal damage is more common until the onset of menopause. After the onset of menopause, there is primarily joint damage, then kidney damage, or this process develops simultaneously (kidney and joint damage). In males due to hyperuricemia, there is joint damage, which later is associated with gouty nephropathy or kidney and joint involvement evolve paralleled

    IgA vasculita la adult: protocol clinic național (ediția I) PCN- 413

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    Acest protocol a fost elaborat de grupul de lucru al Ministerului Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova, constituit din specialiştii Disciplina de reumatologie și nefrologieai Universităţii de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”. Protocolul naţional este elaborat în conformitate cu ghidurile internaţionale actuale privind vasculitele sistemice şi va servi drept bază pentru elaborarea protocoalelor instituționale (extras din protocol naţional aferent pentru instituţia dată, fără schimbarea structurii, numerotației capitolelor, tabelelor, figurilor, casetelor etc.), în baza posibilităţilor reale ale fiecărei instituţii în anul curent. La recomandarea Ministerului Sănătăţii al Republicii Moldova pentru monitorizarea protocoalelor instituţionale pot fi folosite formulare suplimentare, care nu sunt incluse în protocolul naţional