407 research outputs found

    Stable Isotope and Geochemical Source-Tracking of Groundwater and Surface Water Pollution to Kāne‘ohe Bay, Hawai‘i.

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    M.S. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2018

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Pembatasan Akses Web Browser Di Kantor Camat Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    The Internet offers numerous benefits in this life but on the other hand also have potential negative impacts on environment education, government and society. Inaccessibility of websites that contain pornography within the government is certainly not good for the performance of employees There are two things that cause of action is difficult to do that is a great resource and the technology is constantly evolving. Use of Proxy Server can resolve Internet access is one way to solve the existing problems in the District Office of Langgam Pelalawan Riau Province. Proxy servers have been widely applied in various organizations and agencies, so that the Proxy Server client can not access websites containing pornographic, hateful, and gambling. In solution, used as a proxy Squid proxy server software that is configured to restrict internet access, URL filtering, storing cache, authentication username and password so that only the staff of the Office of Head Idioms are able to access the internet. After all applied in accordance with the existing design then all clients in the District Office of Langgam connected to the internet via a proxy that is designed to restrict access to the internet every client. So that all clients who want to access websites that contain elements of pornography, hateful, negative gambling and other content are allowed because it was blocked by a proxy server in the wake

    The new clash of generation

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    Unlike in the sixties, today's clash of generations is not about creating (post-)materialistic values. It is about human species survival. The fear of decay (of the Empire through war) and the hope of revolution ( coming back a new to a starting configuration) are similar. Social State´s financial sustainability or the new generation of energy sources are partial problems. How to have justice for all, including the environment?, that´s a global problem. The main and also repressed question is about how climate change will impose new ways of living on us all.Political and cognitive alienation from the main human problems is pushing emotional responses in different directions. Alienation closes political systems from population and from it springs populist irrationality in politics, racist and sexist scapegoating, consumers street uprisings, etc. Considering the regulatory function of the law over technology, social exclusion, war, one can assess the way modern law focuses on intergeneration relationships and how a healthy environment has been dismissed as a human right. For this propose one will consider the ongoing legal attempts to criminalize ecocide.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pengaruh Angka Melek Huruf dan Angka Harapan Hidup terhadap Jumlah Penduduk Miskin di Propinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Poverty is a condition in which a person or family is unable to meet basic needs such as food, clothing, housing, education, and health. This study aimed to examine the effect of: (1) educational views of the literacy rate of the number of poor people, (2) health as seen from the amount of the life expectancy of the poor population and (3) the number of literacy rate and the number of digits life expectancy simultaneously to the number of poor people in the provinces of West Sumatra.The type of study is a quantitative and associative research, this study conducted in West Sumatra province. The data used in this study is a secondary data, the type of annual time series data from 2005 to 2011 were obtained from the BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics). The research variables are the number of poor is seen from the number of literacy rate and life expectancy the number of West Sumatra. The analysis model used is multiple linear regression analysis.Results of this study indicate that (1) literacy rate and a significant negative effect on the number of poor people in the provinces of West Sumatra, (sig = 0.004 <0.05) with the level of influence of -2.909 percent. (2) the life expectancy significantly and negatively related to the number of poor people in the provinces of West Sumatra, (Sig = 0.000 <0.05) with the level of influence of -4.353 percent (3) literacy rate and life expectancy significantly positive effect on the number of poor people in the provinces of West Sumatra together (sig = 0.000 <α = 0,05). Contribution together of independent variables to the dependent variable was used by 33.70 percent

    Poluição por pesticidas, nutrientes e material em suspensão nos rios formadores do Pantanal Mato-Grossense.

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    Pengaruh Angka Melek Huruf Dan Angka Harapan Hidup Terhadap Jumlah Penduduk Miskin Di Propinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Kemiskinan adalah suatu kondisi di mana seseorang atau keluarga tidak mampu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dasar seperti makanan, pakaian, pendidikan, dan kesehatan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh: (1) pendidikan ditunjukkan dengan angka melek huruf terhadap kemiskinan, (2) kesehatan yang ditunjukkan oleh angka harapan hidup terhadap kemiskinan 3) angka melek huruf dan kesehatan secara bersama sama terhadap kemiskinan. Hasil studi ini menunjukkan bahwa ( 1). Angka melek huruf berpengaruh negatif dan signifikan terhadap banyaknya orang-orang miskin di provinsi Barat Sumatra, ( Sig= 0.004 < 0.05) dengan nilai koefisien - 2.909 ( 2) harapan hidup berpengaruhnegatif dan signifikan terhadap banyaknya orang-orang miskin di provinsi Barat Sumatra, ( Sig= 0.000 < 0.05) dengan nilai koefisien - 4.353 ( 3) harapan hidup dan angka melek huruf secara bersama sama berpengaruh positif dan signifikanterhadap banyaknya orang-orang miskin di provinsi Sumatera Barat( sig= 0.000< 0,05)

    Pegada de carbono da Quinta da Gruta: quantificação e compensação

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    Mestrado em Engenharia do AmbienteA presente dissertação resulta de uma proposta feita por parte da Câmara Municipal da Maia, para a realização de um estudo sobre a pegada de carbono na Quinta da Gruta, um centro de educação ambiental localizado na freguesia de Avioso (Santa Maria), na Vila do Castêlo da Maia. Neste sentido, após uma revisão de literatura no âmbito das metodologias actualmente usadas no cálculo da pegada de carbono, foram calculadas as emissões totais anuais decorrentes da actividade da Quinta da Gruta, para o período de Setembro de 2009 a Agosto de 2010, através da aplicação de uma metodologia baseada no Protocolo de Gases com Efeito de Estufa, desenvolvido em parceria pelo WBCSD e pelo WRI. Do estudo efectuado, determinou-se que as emissões totais anuais associadas à Quinta da Gruta resultam no valor de 120484 kgCO2e. Determinou-se igualmente, que era necessário intervir nas fontes de emissão que mais contribuíam para a pegada de carbono da Quinta da Gruta, ou seja, as fontes de emissão associadas ao consumo e produção de electricidade e à combustão e produção de gás natural, na medida em que estas fontes representavam em conjunto, cerca de 93% das emissões totais. Assim, no sentido de se reduzirem as emissões associadas às actividades com maior percentagem de contribuição para a pegada de carbono, identificaram-se um conjunto de medidas que ao serem aplicadas, levam a uma redução da pegada na ordem dos 24%. Por último, de forma a obter-se um balanço total neutro em carbono, identificou-se como projecto de compensação, para as emissões que não foram passíveis de serem reduzidas, a plantação de espécies florestais no Parque de Avioso – S. Pedro, situado no concelho da Maia.This thesis emerged from a proposal made by the City Hall of Maia, to perform a study on the carbon footprint in Quinta da Gruta, an environmental education center located in the parish of Avioso (Santa Maria), at the village of Castêlo da Maia. In this way, after a review of the literature in the context of the methodologies currently used in the calculation of carbon footprint, the emissions resulting from the activity of Quinta da Gruta were calculated, for the period between September 2009 to August 2010, through the application of a methodology based in the Protocol of Greenhouse Gases, developed by WBCSD and WRI. The total annual emissions associated with Quinta da Gruta Gruta were estimated to be 120484 kgCO2e. To reduce this carbon footprint,is necessary to intervene in the emission sources that contributed most to the carbon footprint of the Quinta da Gruta, i.e., emission sources associated with consumption and production of electricity and with combustion and production of natural gas, as these sources represent 93% of the total annual emissions. Therefore, a set of measures were identified to reduce the emissions associated with the activities with the highest percentage of contribution to the carbon footprint. The application of these measures lead to a reduction in the footprint of around 24%. Finally, in order to achieve a neutral carbon balance, an offsetting project was identified for the emissions that were not able to be reduced, consisting in the plantation of forest species in the park of Avioso - S. Pedro, located in the council of Maia

    Avaliação dos impactos dos grandes projetos de investimentos na dinâmica do emprego formal no estado do Rio de Janeiro

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    A economia do fluminense passou por um período de crise nos anos 1980 e 1990. No entanto, na segunda metade nos anos 1990, alguns autores apontam para um complexo processo de recuperação econômica. As atividades ligadas ao setor de petróleo e gás e outros investimentos produtivos em regiões interioranas do Estado acabaram por induzir que a recuperação da economia fluminense fora liderada pelo interior fluminense. No entanto, a partir dos anos 2010, estudos da série “Decisão Rio” da FIRJAN começam a apontar uma reconcentração de investimentos públicos e privados na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ). A partir deste cenário, este trabalho visa analisar uma suposta mudança de trajetória do processo de desconcentração da economia fluminense rumo ao interior do ERJ. O estudo busca identificar essa mudança de trajetória por meio da análise da evolução do estoque de empregos formais nos municípios e regiões do ERJ, onde se busca identificar correlações entre as dinâmicas dos estoques de empregos com os investimentos previstos e em desenvolvimento, identificados nos documentos “Decisão Rio”. A fonte de dados é do RAIS (Relatório Anual de Informações Sociais) do MTE (Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego), no período 2002 a 2013. A análise se dividiu em duas partes: a primeira parte fez uma análise da evolução do estoque de emprego da RMRJ comparativamente ao Interior do ERJ e às regiões do Estado, onde se identificou sinais de arrefecimento do processo de desconcentração rumo ao interior; e a segunda parte analisou a evolução do estoque de empregos formais dos municípios, onde se identificou aqueles com maior dinamismo e capacidade de geração de empregos, fazendo-se uma correlação com os investimentos previstos ou em desenvolvimento apresentados nos documentos “Decisão Rio”. Ao final do trabalho, foram feitas as considerações finais e a sugestão de estudos futuros.Even if the economy of the Rio’s State passed through a period of crisis in the Eighties and Nineties, at the end of the Nineties several authors indicated a complex project of economic recuperation. Productive movements linked to oil, gas and other productive investments in region of the Rio’s hinterland obtained an economic uprising. Thus, from 2010, studies of the series Rio Decision, promoted by FIRJAN, stressed a new concentration of public and private investments in the Rio’s metropolitan area (RMRJ). Starting from this scenario, this research aims to question a supposed economic decentralisation in the State’s hinterland, through an analysis of the stocks of formal employs in every State’s region and commune, to identify the related dynamics between these stocks and the envisaged investments.Même si l’économie de l’État fluminense a vécu une période de crise dans les années 1980 et 1990, quelques auteurs envisagent un processus complexe de récupération économique dans la deuxième moitié des années 1990. Les activités liées au secteur du pétrole et du gaz, ainsi que d’autres investissements productifs dans quelques provinces de l’État de Rio de Janeiro, indiquent que la reprise économique a été orientée par la province. Cependant, des recherches menées par la Fédération des Industries de Rio de Janeiro (FIRJAN) à partir des années 2010 ― la série Décision Rio ― commencèrent à montrer une nouvelle concentration des investissements publiques et privés dans la Région Métropolitaine de Rio de Janeiro (RMRJ). À partir de ce cadre, on vise à questionner un supposé changement dans le parcours de déconcentration de l’économie fluminense vers la province, en observant l’évolution du stock d’emplois formels dans les municipes et régions de l’État. On veut identifier les corrélations entre les dynamiques de ces stocks et les investissements prévus et en train de se faire reconnus dans la série Décision Rio.Aunque la economía del Estado fluminense haya pasado por un período de crisis en los años de 1980 y 1990, en la segunda mitad de los años 1990 algunos autores señalan un complejo proceso de recuperación económica. Las actividades vinculadas al sector de petroleo y gas, así como otro tipo de inversiones productivas en regiones diferentes a la capital del Estado, llevaron a inducir una recuperación económica liderada, precisamente, por esas áreas que son distantes de la ciudad capital. Sin embargo, a partir de los años 2010, estudios de la serie Decisão Rio promovidos por la FIRJAN comenzaron a apuntar una re-concentración de las inversiones públicas y privadas en la Región Metropolitana de Río de Janeiro (RMRJ). Desde ese escenario, este trabajo pretende analizar un supuesto cambio en la trayectoria de desconcentración de la economía fluminense que iba rumbo a regiones diferentes de la capital del Estado, observado la evolución de la cantidad de empleos formales en los municipios y regiones del Estado con el objetivo de identificar correlaciones entre las dinámicas de esas cantidades y las inversiones previstas y que están en desarrollo identificadas por la serie Decisão Rio