67 research outputs found

    Flexibilisierung der Arbeit und deren Einfluss auf die Persönlichkeit des Arbeitnehmers: Eine konzeptionelle Analyse

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    Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Auswirkungen der Charakteristika flexibler Arbeitsformen auf die Persönlichkeit der Mitarbeiter theoretisch zu analysieren und fĂŒr eine empirische ÜberprĂŒfung vorzubereiten. Die Arbeitsformen werden entsprechend des neuen Arbeitsparadigmas charakterisiert, das heißt unterschieden in den Flexibilisierungstrend des Personaleinsatzes und der Vertragsgestaltung. Es zeichnen sich in der einschlĂ€gigen Literatur die rĂ€umliche FlexibilitĂ€t, die zeitliche FlexibilitĂ€t und die finanzielle FlexibilitĂ€t als besonders relevant ab. Die Persönlichkeitsmerkmale bilden das Untersuchungspendant. Auf der Grundlage theoretischer und empirischer Erkenntnisse sowie konzeptioneller Überlegungen ergeben sich Schlussfolgerungen, dass rĂ€umliche, zeitliche und finanzielle Flexibilisierungsmassnahmen die BedĂŒrfnisse, die Einstellungen und die fluide Intelligenz beeinflussen können, wĂ€hrend dessen das Temperament aufgrund der StabilitĂ€t nicht beeinflussbar scheint. Die Ergebnisse werden in einem Wechselwirkungsmodell dargestellt sowie herangezogen, um Handlungsempfehlungen fĂŒr das Personalmanagement zu formulieren. --Flexibilisierung,Arbeitsformen,Persönlichkeit,Mitarbeiter,Personalstrategien

    Survey of demographic challenges and discussion of human resource management strategies

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    Human resource management is one of the key factors in the productivity, growth and value of companies in which knowledge plays a key role. However, especially the shrinking of industrialized societies, in which the population is ageing rapidly, will dramatically influence the structure of the labor force in the next 10 to 15 years. Fortunately, decision-makers and human resource managers are increasingly responding to these challenges and drawing up strategies for managing the future of their corporations. But up to now many long-term concepts have been developed. Instead, short term activities focusing on recruiting and advertising/ self-promotion are given more attention. This is alarming. The authors of this paper compare the development of the populations in different countries and devise approaches to human resource management in times of change. Several long term strategies from different countries will be presented and the effects on headcount, productivity, qualifications, and knowledge will be discussed from a personnel economics point of view. --Demography,labor force potential,HRM,dynamic effects,strategies

    GefÀhrden alternde Belegschaften die InnovationsfÀhigkeit deutscher Unternehmen? Ergebnisse einer ersten kritischen Analyse

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    Die demografische Entwicklung sowie die Heraufsetzung des Renteneintrittsalters werden in den nĂ€chsten Jahrzehnten dazu fĂŒhren, dass der Anteil Ă€lterer Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen steigen wird. GemĂ€ĂŸ der Defizithypothese bzw. des Defizitmodells wird unterstellt, dass Ă€ltere Mitarbeiter weniger innovativ seien und somit die InnovationsfĂ€higkeit von Unternehmen durch das Altern der Belegschaft gefĂ€hrdet wĂŒrde. FĂŒr den vorliegenden Artikel wurde mit Hilfe des Mannheimer Innovationspanels aus dem Jahr 2001 eine SekundĂ€ranalyse durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse konnten jedoch keinen Einfluss des Anteils Ă€lterer Mitarbeiter in Unternehmen auf den Innovationsoutput nachweisen. Auch auf die Aufwendungen fĂŒr Weiterbildung im Zusammenhang mit Innovationsprojekten wirkt sich der Anteil Ă€lterer Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen nicht aus. Dagegen bestĂ€tigte sich, dass bei einem hohen Anteil Ă€lterer Mitarbeiter im Unternehmen weniger in die Weiterbildung der Mitarbeiter insgesamt investiert wird. HierfĂŒr gibt es zwei ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze: Entweder sind Ă€ltere Mitarbeiter kaum an Innovationsprojekten beteiligt und / oder es sind hauptsĂ€chlich die hoch qualifizierten Ă€lteren Mitarbeiter, die durch das Unternehmen gehalten werden und weiterhin in InnovationsaktivitĂ€ten integriert sind. Gefordert werden neue Instrumente zur Identifikation innovativer Mitarbeitertypen, um entsprechende Innovationsteams zusammen setzen zu können sowie eine angepasste und innovationsorientierte Personalentwicklung zu ermöglichen. --

    Charakterisierung der Anpassung an CO2-Mangel in Cyanobakterien mittels Metabolom-Analysen

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    In dieser Arbeit wurden VerĂ€nderungen im Metabolom und Transkriptom der Cyanobakterien Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 und Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 analysiert, die durch einen Mangel an anorganischem Kohlenstoff hervorgerufen werden. Die stammĂŒbergreifenden Modifikationen sprechen fĂŒr eine Verschiebung des Kohlenstoff-Metabolismus in Richtung oxidativer Pentosephosphatweg sowie TricarbonsĂ€urezyklus. DarĂŒber hinaus wurden weitergehende Untersuchungen zu der Rolle des Regulatorproteins NdhR bei der Antwort auf Kohlenstoffmangel durchgefĂŒhrt. NdhR fungiert primĂ€r als Repressor fĂŒr die Gene des CCM

    Modulation of the Major Paths of Carbon in Photorespiratory Mutants of Synechocystis

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    Background: Recent studies using transcript and metabolite profiles of wild-type and gene deletion mutants revealed that photorespiratory pathways are essential for the growth of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 under atmospheric conditions. Pool size changes of primary metabolites, such as glycine and glycolate, indicated a link to photorespiration. Methodology/Principal Findings: The C-13 labelling kinetics of primary metabolites were analysed in photoautotrophically grown cultures of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) to demonstrate the link with photorespiration. Cells pre-acclimated to high CO2 (5%, HC) or limited CO2 (0.035%, LC) conditions were pulse-labelled under very high (2% w/w) C-13-NaHCO3 (VHC) conditions followed by treatment with ambient C-12 at HC and LC conditions, respectively. The C-13 enrichment, relative changes in pool size, and C-13 flux of selected metabolites were evaluated. We demonstrate two major paths of CO2 assimilation via Rubisco in Synechocystis, i.e., from 3PGA via PEP to aspartate, malate and citrate or, to a lesser extent, from 3PGA via glucose-6-phosphate to sucrose. The results reveal evidence of carbon channelling from 3PGA to the PEP pool. Furthermore, C-13 labelling of glycolate was observed under conditions thought to suppress photorespiration. Using the glycolate-accumulating Delta glcD1 mutant, we demonstrate enhanced C-13 partitioning into the glycolate pool under conditions favouring photorespiration and enhanced C-13 partitioning into the glycine pool of the glycine-accumulating Delta gcvT mutant. Under LC conditions, the photorespiratory mutants Delta glcD1 and Delta gcvT showed enhanced activity of the additional carbon-fixing PEP carboxylase pathway. Conclusions/Significance: With our approach of non-steady-state C-13 labelling and analysis of metabolite pool sizes with respective C-13 enrichments, we identify the use and modulation of major pathways of carbon assimilation in Synechocystis in the presence of high and low inorganic carbon supplies

    In-vehicle Drowsy Driving Detection and Alerting

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    DTNH2211D00237/0014Drowsy driving is a common phenomenon that increases the risk for fatal and injurious crashes. Technological innovations in the form of driver monitoring and notification systems may offer potential to reduce crashes due to drowsy driving. These systems monitor the driver\u2019s drowsy driving state and issue alerts when the driver is classified by the system as drowsy. Research shows that driver notification can be effective in improving performance over relatively short drives. However, the efficacy of such systems for improving performance and changing drowsy driver decision making over longer drives is unknown. The goal of this project was to evaluate the efficacy of two notifications, a lane departure warning (LDW) and a drowsiness notification with LDW (DN/LDW). The notification conditions were compared against a no-notification baseline during 4-hour overnight drives in a high-fidelity driving simulator with an incentive method designed to replicate the motivational tradeoffs common to drowsy driving, i.e., the desire to reach a destination versus one\u2019s own safety while driving drowsy. The combined DN/LDW, but not the LDW, was effective in reducing the frequency of lane departures and also in reducing the percentage of eyelid closure (PERCLOS) prior to lane departure events compared to baseline. There was no difference between the notification conditions and baseline with respect to the frequency or timing of breaks to rest, suggesting that although notifications improved driving performance, they did not alter decision making. These results suggest that notifications may aid drowsy drivers, but in-vehicle alerts may not be effective in changing the way drowsy drivers make decisions about whether and when to stop to rest

    Impact of plant protection strategy and soil tillage on the carbon footprint of wheat

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    Der Klimaschutz liegt aufgrund der zunehmenden negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die pflanz­liche Produktion im Eigeninteresse der Landwirtschaft. Welche Auswirkungen unterschiedliche Pflanzenschutzstrategien, der Verzicht auf Fungizide sowie eine reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung auf die Klimawirkung der Weizenproduktion haben wurde aufbauend auf einem Dauerfeldversuch in Dahnsdorf in 2008–2019 untersucht. Die Bewertung wurden mittels partieller Lebenszyklus (LCA) durchgefĂŒhrt. Im Durchschnitt ĂŒber sĂ€mtliche Versuchsvarianten und Jahre lagen die Treibhausgasemissionen (THG-Emissionen) bei 3002 kg CO2eq ha‑1 und der CO2-Fußabdruck (CFP) bei 0,53 kg CO2eq kg‑1. Obwohl die Varianten mit wendender Bodenbearbeitung signifikant höhere THG-Emissionen je ha aufwiesen, waren Ihre CFPs nicht signifikant höher als die der nicht-wendenden Varianten. Die ertragssichernde Wirkung der Fungizide fĂŒhrte zu verringerten CFPs. Signifikante Jahresunterschiede zeigten sich bei allen drei untersuchten Parametern. Dies unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit einer Bewertung ĂŒber lĂ€ngere Zeitreihen und den besonderen Wert von Langzeitversuchen.Climate protection is in the self-interest of agriculture due to the increasing negative effects of climate change on crop production. The effects of different crop protection strategies, the non-usage of fungicides, and reduced tillage were assessed regarding climate impact of wheat production based on a long-term field trial in Dahnsdorf in 2008–2019. The assessment was carried out using a partial life cycle assessment (LCA). On average across all treatments and years, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions were 3002 kg CO2eq ha-1 and carbon footprint (CFP) was 0.53 kg CO2eq kg-1. Although the treatments with plow caused significantly higher GHG emissions per hectare, their CFPs were not significantly higher than those of the non-plowed treatments. The yield-securing effects of fungicides led to reduced CFPs. Significant differences between years were evident for all three parameters examined. This underlines the need for an evaluation over longer time series and the special value of long-term field trials

    The comorbidity and co-medication profile of patients with progressive supranuclear palsy

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    BackgroundProgressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) is usually diagnosed in elderly. Currently, little is known about comorbidities and the co-medication in these patients.ObjectivesTo explore the pattern of comorbidities and co-medication in PSP patients according to the known different phenotypes and in comparison with patients without neurodegenerative disease.MethodsCross-sectional data of PSP and patients without neurodegenerative diseases (non-ND) were collected from three German multicenter observational studies (DescribePSP, ProPSP and DANCER). The prevalence of comorbidities according to WHO ICD-10 classification and the prevalence of drugs administered according to WHO ATC system were analyzed. Potential drug-drug interactions were evaluated using AiDKlinik (R).ResultsIn total, 335 PSP and 275 non-ND patients were included in this analysis. The prevalence of diseases of the circulatory and the nervous system was higher in PSP at first level of ICD-10. Dorsopathies, diabetes mellitus, other nutritional deficiencies and polyneuropathies were more frequent in PSP at second level of ICD-10. In particular, the summed prevalence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases was higher in PSP patients. More drugs were administered in the PSP group leading to a greater percentage of patients with polypharmacy. Accordingly, the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions was higher in PSP patients, especially severe and moderate interactions.ConclusionsPSP patients possess a characteristic profile of comorbidities, particularly diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The eminent burden of comorbidities and resulting polypharmacy should be carefully considered when treating PSP patients
