93 research outputs found

    Measuring progress towards the application of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights: A tabular presentation of the findings of the ILO supervisory system

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    This document is part of a digital collection provided by the Martin P. Catherwood Library, ILR School, Cornell University, pertaining to the effects of globalization on the workplace worldwide. Special emphasis is placed on labor rights, working conditions, labor market changes, and union organizing.ILO_MeasuringProgressTowardApplicationofFreedomofAssociation_CollectiveBargainingRights.pdf: 636 downloads, before Oct. 1, 2020

    Tradisi Marsialapari (Gotong Royong) Petani Suku Mandailing di Pintu Langit Jae Kota Padangsidimpua

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     In Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District, this study attempts to characterize the Marsialapari-based local knowledge education that Mandailing tribal farmers possess when working on agricultural land, such as rice fields, snake fruit plantations, and rubber. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the significance and worth of local wisdom education, or Marsialapari, for farmers in Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District. With an anthropological approach, this research employs a descriptive qualitative methodology. Participatory observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with informants were used to collect data. Subsequently, conduct ethnographic interviews, write ethnographies, and make notes in order to apply data analytic methodologies. The study's findings demonstrate the importance of teaching farmers in Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District, based on the native Marsialapari knowledge. This education emphasizes the values of unity, fraternity, togetherness, and mutual aid for rural communities. The Batak Mandailing and Toba ethnic groups make up the population of Pintu Langit Jae Village. For farmers, preserving peace and fraternity among communities is of great importance and significance, as per the indigenous knowledge of Marsialapari

    Tradisi Marsialapari (Gotong Royong) Petani Suku Mandailing di Pintu Langit Jae Kota Padangsidimpuan

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    In Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District, this study attempts to characterize the Marsialapari-based local knowledge education that Mandailing tribal farmers possess when working on agricultural land, such as rice fields, snake fruit plantations, and rubber. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the significance and worth of local wisdom education, or Marsialapari, for farmers in Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District. With an anthropological approach, this research employs a descriptive qualitative methodology. Participatory observation, documentation, and in-depth interviews with informants were used to collect data. Subsequently, conduct ethnographic interviews, write ethnographies, and make notes in order to apply data analytic methodologies. The study's findings demonstrate the importance of teaching farmers in Pintu Langit Jae Village, Padangsidimpuan District, based on the native Marsialapari knowledge. This education emphasizes the values of unity, fraternity, togetherness, and mutual aid for rural communities. The Batak Mandailing and Toba ethnic groups make up the population of Pintu Langit Jae Village. For farmers, preserving peace and fraternity among communities is of great importance and significance, as per the indigenous knowledge of Marsialapari

    Analisa Transaksi Penjualan Dalam peningkatan Promosi Penjualan Berbasis Sistem Informasi

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    all have recorded all sales transactions into the information system, it's just that the existing data is not used as new information for the next marketing strategy. Data Analysis This sales transaction will combine with a computer, namely data mining techniques to find the rules of a combination of items. One of the stages of association analysis that has attracted the attention of many researchers to produce efficient algorithms is high-frequency pattern mining. The output of data mining can be used to improve future decision making. The purpose of using data mining with the Apriori Algorithm is to find out the results of product sales data processing, so that it can make a marketing strategy to place products that are often purchased, making it easier for consumers to find the location of products to save time. Association analysis or association rule mining is a data mining technique to find the rules of a combination of items. One of the stages of association analysis that has attracted the attention of many researchers to produce efficient algorithms is high-frequency pattern mining. Support is the value of support or percentage combination of an item in the database. While confidence is the value of certainty, namely the strength of the relationship between items in an a priori (Srikanti et al. 2018). The purpose of using data mining with the Apriori Algorithm is the result of processing product sales data, so that it can make marketing strategies to place products that are often purchased, making it easier for consumers to find product location to save time (Nugraha et al. 2016). The priority of this research is the creation of an Apriori Algorithm implementation in the sales transaction system at XYZ Supermarkets. in the data processing so that the data stored in the database will become information that can be used to assist in determining the marketing strategy of XYZ Supermarkets in the future


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    Pemahaman keluarga yang masih belum tepat tentang perawatan pasien ODGJ mengakibatkan sikap yang negatif itu dapat dinilai dari anggapan keluarga bahwa penyakit yang dialami pasien adalah penyakit yang tidak dapat disembuhkan sehingga keluarga cenderung membiarkan pasien asalkan tidak menggangu. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui hubungan stigma dengan pengambilan keputusan keluarga dalam melakukan pengobatan pasien gangguan jiwa Di RS Jiwa Daerah Lampung Tahun 2022. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, rancangan analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh penderita gangguan jiwa Di RS Jiwa Daerah Lampung terhitung sejak Juli-April 2022 yang berjumlah 667 pasien, dengan jumlah sampel sejumlah 123 responden. Dalam penelitian ini teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah Purposive Sampling. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik, didapatkan p-value 0,001 (stigma) atau p-value < (0,05) yang artinya terdapat Hubungan Stigma Dengan Pengambilan Keputusan Keluarga Dalam Melakukan Pengobatan Pasien Gangguan Jiwa Di RS Jiwa Daerah Lampung Tahun 2022. Penelitian ini diharapkan agar keluarga mampu memberikan keputusan dalam memberikan pengobatan.   Kata Kunci : Stigma,  Pengambilan Keputusan Keluarga, Pasien Gangguan Jiwa   The inappropriate comprehension of family about treating mental disorders patients cause a bad mindset that can be seen by the family's assumption, this disease is an incurable disease so that the family tends to allow the patients as long as they don’t interfere.The aim of study determined the correlation of stigma with the family decisions making in treating mental disorders patients in the Mental Hospital of Lampung Regional 2022.The quantitative type study, analytical design with cross sectional method. The population were all of mental disorders patients in the Mental Hospital of Lampung Regional in July till April 2022, as many as 667 patients and the sample number of 123 respondents. In this study, the sampling technique used purposive sampling. Based on the statistical tests results, obtained p-values ​​was 0.001 (stigma) p-value < value (0.05) that there were a correlationof stigma status with the family decisions making in treating mental disorders patients in the Mental Hospital of Lampung Regional 2022.This study is expected to enable the families to make decisions in providing treatment.   Keywords: Stigma, Family Decision Making, Mental Disorder Patient

    Space as a Medium for Interior Branding in Commercial and Retail Spaces, Case Study: Tiara Handycraft Shop in Surabaya, Indonesia

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    The development of the creative economy in Indonesia resulted in more creative industries have sprung up, such as the commercial and retail space. Commercial and retail space is a space where business or commercial activities are carried out. Space, in the context of commercial and promotional activities, at the same time can become a branding medium for products and services that become commercial commodities. As a branding medium, space is very important to be designed with the additional aim of strengthening the branding image, in addition to its main goal of optimizing commercial activities in it. Tiara handicraft�s store was one of the stores that want to actualize interior branding through design and create a unique shopping environment as part of its marketing strategy. Indirectly it can be said that the planning and creation of the right interior atmosphere will drive the rate of sales. This research aimed to determine how the interior space of the Tiara Handicraft store was used as an interior branding medium. Was the implementation in accordance with the 3 aspects of interior branding according to Kim Kuhteubl, namely clear vision, unique story, and energy? This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the Tiara handicraft shop has implemented the three aspects of interior branding well. This application can be seen in the selection of shapes, colors, materials for interior elements, organization of space, and arrangement of furniture and displays. In this design, space as a medium for interior branding conveys stories, messages from shop owners to visitors through the atmosphere of the room, logos, signage, and other interior elements. It is this story or message that distinguishes Tiara Handicraft Stores from other stores in general

    Addressing the Independent Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar) as a Form of Positive Disruption to Empower the Community

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    The emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020 demands strategic policies to accelerate. The strategic policy in education was responded to by the Independent Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar), which is commonly known as virtual learning. Virtual learning has become a challenge to implement community service as one of the threefold missions of higher education. Rumah Langit is a learning house that serves the pre-prosperous children in Rusunawa Urip Sumoharjo Surabaya. This object is the pilot project to study the implementation of community service with Independent Learning Curriculum for final project students of interior design programs. The research was conducted in a qualitative method to learn the implementation of the design thinking method used in design development. The study showed that high flexibility in the final project stage may not be any different to previous final projects in older curriculum. However, this curriculum forces students to sharpen soft skills ra ther than mere design skills. The output not only focuses on solving the interior problems but also to equip the community. Therefore, the Independent Learning Curriculum can be said as a positive disruption that offers acceleration and bridging the needs of education and industry that has been requested for a long time

    Addressing The Independent Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar) as a Form of Positive Disruption to Empower the Community

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    The emergence of COVID-19 in early 2020 demands strategic policies to accelerate. The strategic policy in education was responded to by the Independent Learning Curriculum (Kurikulum Merdeka Belajar), which is commonly known as virtual learning. Virtual learning has become a challenge to implement community service as one of the threefold missions of higher education. Rumah Langit is a learning house that serves the pre-prosperous children in Rusunawa Urip Sumoharjo Surabaya. This object is the pilot project to study the implementation of community service with Independent Learning Curriculum for final project students of interior design programs. The research was conducted in a qualitative method to learn the implementation of the design thinking method used in design development. The study showed that high flexibility in the final project stage may not be any different to previous final projects in older curriculum. However, this curriculum forces students to sharpen soft skills rather than mere design skills. The output not only focuses on solving the interior problems but also to equip the community. Therefore, the Independent Learning Curriculum can be said as a positive disruption that offers acceleration and bridging the needs of education and industry that has been requested for a long time
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