32 research outputs found

    Misurare l'omonegativitĂ : validazione italiana della Multidimensional Scale of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men

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    This work outlines the Italian validation process of the Multidimensional Scale of Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men, developed by Gato, Fontaine and Carneiro (2012). The tool was administered to a non-probability sample of 960 Italian participants aged between 18 to 88 years and self-identified as heterosexual. A confirmatory factor analysis was conducted and cross-validation strategy was used. Internal validity was tested by measuring the single item reliability, the composite or construct reliability as well as the convergent and discriminant validity. Although the factorial structure of the original model has been replicated, limits arose in the discriminant validity of the factors. An alternative second-order factorial model is then proposed. This model better fits and protects the discriminant validity. Concurrent validity was confirmed by a positive correlation with the Modern Homophobia Scale Revised (Lingiardi, Falanga, & D'Augelli, 2005). Finally, evidence of the instrument's construct validity was obtained by correlational and differential analyses, based on several factors related to homophobia, such as sex, age, educational level, religious and political orientation and contact with homosexual people. Results suggest the applicability of the tool in the Italian context, in order to measure homonegativity, as well as its usefulness in comparing traditional and modern aspects of prejudice

    Lettura e dispersione

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    Lettura e dispersione

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    Reading and dispersion constitute, in different ways, two crucial points of scholastic reality and of educational research. This book highlights the multiple cognitive and emotional effects of reading and, more generally, the different ways to prevent and combat school dropouts. Therefore the volume has a double interest: on the one hand, to help the understanding of the school dispersion and the perception that it has in the field; on the other hand, identify effective prevention and recovery interventions, with particular attention to reading aloud and narrative orientation

    Bullismo femminile: presentazione della ricerca quantitativa di un’indagine nazionale mixed-method

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    FEMALE BULLYING: PRESENTATION OF THE QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH OF A NATIONAL MIXED-METHOD INVESTIGATION Abstract Due to its seriousness and prevalence, bullying is a crucial topic for educational research, also in order to adopt appropriate educational strategies to prevent and tackle it. One of the possible avenues of investigation is the adoption of a gender perspective. In fact, bullying is often studied with a universalistic approach, despite the fact that research shows the presence of peculiarities that can be associated, albeit not exclusively, with different genders. The national project «Female bullying at school. An intersectional mixedmethod investigation» aims to better understand bullying among girls by adopting a gender and intersectional perspective. This contribution presents the quantitative part of the research. The outcomes regarding the incidence and characteristics of bullying will be discussed and the gender differences that emerged will be explored. The results confirm the relevance of the phenomenon and highlight the peculiar gaze of girls, providing support for the usefulness of adopting a gender perspective in the study of bullying

    Bullismo femminile: presentazione della ricerca quantitativa di un’indagine nazionale mixed-method

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    Due to its seriousness and prevalence, bullying is a crucial topic for educational research, also in order to adopt appropriate educational strategies to prevent and tackle it. One of the possible avenues of investigation is the adoption of a gender perspective. In fact, bullying is often studied with a universalistic approach, despite the fact that research shows the presence of peculiarities that can be associated, albeit not exclusively, with different genders. The national project «Female bullying at school. An intersectional mixedmethod investigation» aims to better understand bullying among girls by adopting a gender and intersectional perspective. This contribution presents the quantitative part of the research. The outcomes regarding the incidence and characteristics of bullying will be discussed and the gender differences that emerged will be explored. The results confirm the relevance of the phenomenon and highlight the peculiar gaze of girls, providing support for the usefulness of adopting a gender perspective in the study of bullying