28 research outputs found
Experimentation of Cross-Border Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) Cooperation and Impact on SME services
International audienceAs digital transformation imposes cultural changes in terms of how value is delivered, continual experimentation helps define optimal solutions for key stakeholders. From the DIH perspective, the hunt is on for the most impactful and financially sustainable services that lend themselves to practical customisation against target group needs. Among these, fostering cross-border collaboration amongst themselves and between SMEs is also a desirable, albeit challenging strategy to be pursued by DIHs. We present the approach of DigiFed (European Commission funded project), which relies on a network of 12 DIHs and Research Technology Organisations (RTOs) to design and experiment with novel innovation support mechanisms for SMEs across Europe. We analyse the currently implemented cross-border cooperation instruments and their preliminary results and describe additional instruments under ongoing experimentation. We also elaborate on prospects to generalise these instruments for adoption by other DIH networks
Projet CREPS : Cartographie du Risque. Exposition et Perception Sociale Rapport BRGM RP 54030 FR
Le projet CREPS (Cartographie du Risque â Exposition et Perception Sociale), soutenu par lâAgence Française de SĂ©curitĂ© Sanitaire Environnementale (AFSSE), a principalement trait Ă la reprĂ©sentation du risque et des incertitudes associĂ©es. Ce projet, qui a fait lâobjet dâune collaboration entre le BRGM, lâInstitut national de Veille Sanitaire (InVS) et le Bureau dâEtudes « Economie & Humanisme », sâest subdivisĂ© en deux volets : Un volet calculatoire portant, dâune part, sur la prise en compte des incertitudes dans une Ă©valuation quantitative des risques sanitaires (EQRS) et, dâautre part, sur lâexploration de modes de reprĂ©sentation cartographique de la rĂ©partition spatiale de lâexcĂšs de risque en prĂ©sence dâincertitude. LâEQRS choisie pour cette analyse de lâincertitude est une EQRS rĂ©alisĂ©e par lâInVS en 2003 pour une ancienne papeterie situĂ©e Ă Mennecy (Essonne). Un volet sociologique comprenant des enquĂȘtes rĂ©alisĂ©es auprĂšs de diffĂ©rents acteurs de la problĂ©matique « risques sanitaires » : des acteurs publics (MinistĂšres, DRIRE, DDASS, DRASS-CIRE), des Ă©tudiants de lâENSP, mais aussi des acteurs civils du dossier « Mennecy » (Ă©lus locaux, riverains, travailleurs de la papeterie, mĂ©decin de famille, etc.). Le principal objectif du volet sociologique Ă©tait dâexaminer dans quelle mesure des dĂ©veloppements proposĂ©s dans le volet calculatoire pouvaient Ă©ventuellement trouver des applications dans un contexte de communication sur les risques et, si oui, Ă lâadresse de quels interlocuteurs ? En rĂ©alitĂ©, les informations recueillies dans le cadre des enquĂȘtes ont dĂ©passĂ© cet objectif initial et fournissent Ă©galement des enseignements touchant au domaine plus large de la communication sur les risques dans un contexte de crise. Le volet calculatoire montre en particulier comment, face Ă une information incomplĂšte ou imprĂ©cise relative aux paramĂštres qui influencent le calcul de risque (frĂ©quence dâexposition, concentrations dâexposition, VTR, etc.), une reprĂ©sentation par des distributions de possibilitĂ© (câest Ă dire des familles de distributions de probabilitĂ©) permettait une propagation de lâincertitude afin dâestimer celle relative au risque calculĂ©. Ce risque calculĂ© peut ĂȘtre restituĂ© par le biais de limites de probabilitĂ© haute et basse qui encadrent la probabilitĂ© que le risque soit infĂ©rieur Ă un certain seuil de tolĂ©rance. Ces limites haute (la PlausibilitĂ©) et basse (la CrĂ©dibilitĂ©) sont issues de la thĂ©orie dite de lâĂ©vidence de Shafer (1976). Il est soulignĂ© que lâobjectif de la mĂ©thodologie proposĂ©e nâest pas dâaboutir Ă un rĂ©sultat qui est plus « valide » que par dâautres mĂ©thodes, mais qui est par contre plus « cohĂ©rent » par rapport aux informations dont dispose lâĂ©valuateur concernant les paramĂštres de son « modĂšle ». Accessoirement, lâinteraction avec les experts de lâInVS dans le cadre de ce projet, a permis de vĂ©rifier que les « intervalles enrichis », que constituent les distributions de possibilitĂ©, se prĂȘtaient particuliĂšrement bien Ă la restitution de lâavis dâexpert quâils Ă©taient Ă mĂȘme de fournir. Lâapplication de la mĂ©thodologie proposĂ©e Ă une cartographie des concentrations en formaldĂ©hyde calculĂ©es dans lâatmosphĂšre au voisinage de lâancienne papeterie, permet dâexplorer diffĂ©rents modes de restitution de la rĂ©partition spatiale de lâexcĂšs de risque individuel. Pour les besoins de cette phase exploratoire, les concentrations Ă©mises par lâancienne papeterie de Mennecy ont Ă©tĂ© amplifiĂ©es dâun facteur 300 afin dâobtenir des valeurs de concentration significatives en terme de risque. Les modes de restitution incluent des cartes de la rĂ©partition de la : RĂ©partition des valeurs de probabilitĂ© basse (degrĂ© de CrĂ©dibilitĂ© de Shafer 1976) que lâexcĂšs de risque soit infĂ©rieur au seuil fixĂ© par lâautoritĂ© sanitaire. RĂ©partition des valeurs de probabilitĂ© haute (degrĂ© de PlausibilitĂ© de Shafer 1976) que cet excĂšs de risque soit supĂ©rieur au seuil. RĂ©partition des valeurs dâexcĂšs de risque correspondant Ă une probabilitĂ© basse (CrĂ©dibilitĂ©) de 95%. Des voies sont proposĂ©es pour dĂ©finir un indicateur unique en prĂ©sence dâinformation incomplĂšte, en introduisant une « subjectivitĂ© a posteriori » par opposition Ă la « subjectivitĂ© a priori » introduite lorsque des distributions de probabilitĂ© uniques sont sĂ©lectionnĂ©es sans justification par lâinformation disponible. Le volet sociologique illustre tout dâabord la disparitĂ©, parmi les diffĂ©rents acteurs interrogĂ©s, des perceptions du risque et des maniĂšres de le reprĂ©senter. Tandis que les Ă©tudiants de lâENSP expriment une prĂ©fĂ©rence pour lâexpression dâun nombre de cas de cancers excĂ©dentaires et pour lâutilisation dâun « indice de confiance » pour communiquer sur les incertitudes, les acteurs publics (reprĂ©sentants DDASS, DRIRE, MEDD, etc) sont plus partagĂ©s. Une prĂ©fĂ©rence pour lâexpression dâun nombre de cas semble nĂ©anmoins se dĂ©gager. ElaborĂ© en collaboration avec des experts du risque sanitaire et visant Ă prĂ©senter certaines notions « de base » en EQRS (notion dâexcĂšs de risque, de nombre de cas de cancers excĂ©dentaires), le passage du questionnaire technique auprĂšs des acteurs civils de lâaffaire « Mennecy » sâest rĂ©vĂ©lĂ© laborieux. La dĂ©marche de lâEQRS fait appel Ă des notions abstraites (risque potentiel, effets futurs, ...) qui sont trĂšs loin des prĂ©occupations de personnes ayant subi les nuisances olfactives liĂ©es aux Ă©missions de lâancienne papeterie. On note toutefois un rejet trĂšs net de la formulation relative au nombre de cas, car lâEQRS conclut Ă la vraisemblance dâune absence de cas de cancers excĂ©dentaire ; or cette conclusion est jugĂ©e non recevable par les riverains qui ont subis les nuisances olfactives liĂ©es aux Ă©manations de la papeterie. Le caractĂšre « post-crise » de la situation Ă Mennecy a eu une influence importante sur les rĂ©actions rencontrĂ©es. LâenquĂȘte montre notamment comment « lâobjectivitĂ© » Ă laquelle aspire lâexpert ou le scientifique peut ĂȘtre en total dĂ©calage par rapport aux attentes des parties prenantes civiles, qui aspirent au contraire Ă ĂȘtre pris en compte en tant que « sujets ». Plusieurs points importants ressortent de lâenquĂȘte auprĂšs de la sociĂ©tĂ© civile : Lâutilisation, par les riverains de la papeterie, de la thĂ©matique sanitaire dans le but dâobtenir un Ă©cho Ă leurs revendications, Ă©cho quâils considĂ©raient ne pas avoir lorsque les plaintes ne portaient que sur les nuisances olfactives. Sur ce dossier, lâEQRS a pu avoir, dans une certaine mesure, une fonction de « vecteur de concertation ». Lâinstauration dâune contre expertise, par lâintermĂ©diaire dâassociations de dĂ©fense de riverains. Lâeffet apaisant de la campagne de mesure des concentrations en polluants dans lâenvironnement de lâancienne papeterie, les riverains y voyant une action concrĂšte rĂ©alisĂ©e dans leur intĂ©rĂȘt. La relative inadĂ©quation du discours trĂšs technique et abstrait de lâEQRS par rapport aux attentes des acteurs civils, LâenquĂȘte montre clairement que communiquer sur les incertitudes avec des personnes qui sont « certaines » dâĂȘtre des victimes, est difficilement envisageable. Pour ce qui concerne la communication sur les risques, les enquĂȘtes menĂ©es dans le cadre de ce projet illustrent la nĂ©cessitĂ© dâun travail de mĂ©diation, en amont de la communication. Or le savoir-faire requis pour ce type de mĂ©diation ne relĂšve pas typiquement des compĂ©tences traditionnelles des experts du risque sanitaire. Par ailleurs, ce travail de mĂ©diation et de communication doit revĂȘtir un caractĂšre rĂ©current : la communication ne peut pas ĂȘtre envisagĂ©e comme relevant dâun processus rĂ©alisĂ© « en une seule fois »
Contemporaneous trajectories of physical activity and screen time in adolescents
Adolescents often report low moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and high screen time. We modeled sex-specific MVPA and screen time trajectories during adolescence and identified contemporaneous patterns of evolution. Data were drawn from two longitudinal investigations. NDIT included 1294 adolescents recruited at age 12-13 who completed questionnaires every 3 months for 5 years. MATCH included 937 participants recruited at age 9-12 who completed questionnaires every 4 months for 7 years. MVPA was measured as the number of days per week being active for at least 5 minutes (NDIT) or 60 minutes (MATCH). In both studies, screen time was measured as the number of hours spent weekly in screen activities. In each study, sex-specific group-based trajectories were modeled separately for MVPA and screen time from grade 7 to 11. Contemporaneous patterns of evolution were examined in mosaic plots. In both studies, five MVPA trajectories were identified in both sexes, and four and five screen time trajectories were identified in boys and girls, respectively. All combinations of MVPA and screen time trajectories were observed. However the contemporaneous patterns of evolution were favorable in 14-31% of participants (i.e., they were members of the stable high MVPA and the lower screen time trajectories).
Novelty bullets:
âą MVPA and screen time trajectories during adolescence and their combinations showed wide variability in two Canadian studies.
âą Up to 31% of participants showed favorable contemporaneous patterns of evolution in MVPA and screen time.
âą Using uniform methods for trajectory modeling may increase the potential for replication across studies.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author
Quantitative morphonuclear cell image analysis of benign and neoplastic thyroid tissues.
Quantitative morphonuclear cell image analysis of benign and neoplastic thyroid tissues
Abstract 81Communication lors de la First conference of the European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology, Schloos-Elmau, Germay, 12-17 November 1989info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
Experimentation of Cross-Border Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) Cooperation and Impact on SME Services
Part 12: Pathways and Tools for Digital Innovation HubsInternational audienceAs digital transformation imposes cultural changes in terms of how value is delivered, continual experimentation helps define optimal solutions for key stakeholders. From the DIH perspective, the hunt is on for the most impactful and financially sustainable services that lend themselves to practical customisationagainsttarget group needs. Among these, fostering cross-border collaboration amongst themselves and between SMEs is also a desirable, albeit challenging strategy to be pursued by DIHs. We present the approach of DigiFed (European Commission funded project), which relies on a network of 12 DIHs and Research Technology Organisations (RTOs)to design and experiment with novel innovation support mechanisms for SMEs across Europe. We analyse the currently implemented cross-border cooperation instruments and their preliminary results and describe additional instruments under ongoingexperimentation. We also elaborate on prospectsto generalise these instruments for adoption by other DIH networks
EUROSERVER:Share-anything scale-out micro-server design
This paper provides a snapshot summary of the trends in the area of micro-server development and their application in the broader enterprise and cloud markets. Focusing on the technology aspects, we provide an understanding of these trends and specifically the differentiation and uniqueness of the approach being adopted by the EUROSERVER FP7 project. The unique technical contributions of EUROSERVER range from the fundamental system compute unit design architecture, through to the implementation approach both at the chiplet nanotechnological integration, and the everything-close physical form factor. Furthermore, we offer optimizations at the virtualisation layer to exploit the unique hardware features, and other framework optimizations, including exploiting the hardware capabilities at the run-time system and application layers
EUROSERVER: Share-anything scale-out micro-server design
This paper provides a snapshot summary of the trends in the area of micro-server development and their application in the broader enterprise and cloud markets. Focusing on the technology aspects, we provide an understanding of these trends and specifically the differentiation and uniqueness of the approach being adopted by the EUROSERVER FP7 project. The unique technical contributions of EUROSERVER range from the fundamental system compute unit design architecture, through to the implementation approach both at the chiplet nanotechnological integration, and the everything-close physical form factor. Furthermore, we offer optimizations at the virtualisation layer to exploit the unique hardware features, and other framework optimizations, including exploiting the hardware capabilities at the run-time system and application layers
EUROSERVER: Share-anything scale-out micro-server design
This paper provides a snapshot summary of the trends in the area of micro-server development and their application in the broader enterprise and cloud markets. Focusing on the technology aspects, we provide an understanding of these trends and specifically the differentiation and uniqueness of the approach being adopted by the EUROSERVER FP7 project. The unique technical contributions of EUROSERVER range from the fundamental system compute unit design architecture, through to the implementation approach both at the chiplet nanotechnological integration, and the everything-close physical form factor. Furthermore, we offer optimizations at the virtualisation layer to exploit the unique hardware features, and other framework optimizations, including exploiting the hardware capabilities at the run-time system and application layers
Novel Missense Mutations in <i>BEST1</i> Are Associated with Bestrophinopathies in Lebanese Patients
To identify Bestrophin 1 (BEST1) causative mutations in six Lebanese patients from three families, of whom four had a presumed clinical diagnosis of autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy (ARB) and two showed a phenotype with a single vitelliform lesion, patients were subjected to standard ophthalmic examinations. In addition, BEST1 exons and their flanking regions were amplified and sequenced by Sanger sequencing. Co-segregation and detailed bio-informatic analyses were performed. Clinical examination results were consistent with ARB diagnosis for all index patients showing multifocal vitelliform lesions and a markedly reduced light peak in the electrooculogram, including the two patients with a single vitelliform lesion. In all cases, most likely disease-causing BEST1 mutations co-segregated with the phenotype. The ARB cases showed homozygous missense variants (M1, c.209A>G, p.(Asp70Gly) in exon 3, M2, c.1403C>T; p.(Pro468Leu) in exon 10 and M3, c.830C>T, p.(Thr277Met) in exon 7), while the two patients with a single vitelliform lesion were compound heterozygous for M1 and M2. To our knowledge, this is the first study describing mutations in Lebanese patients with bestrophinopathy, where novel biallelic BEST1 mutations associated with two phenotypes were identified. Homozygous mutations were associated with multifocal lesions, subretinal fluid, and intraretinal cysts, whereas compound heterozygous ones were responsible for a single macular vitelliform lesion