556 research outputs found

    Local entrainment velocity in a premixed turbulent annular jet flame

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    The local entrainment velocity of the enstrophy interfaces of a methane-air turbulent premixed turbulent annular jet flame stabilized on a bluff-body burner has been investigated using a high-fidelity flame-resolved three-dimensional simulation. The enstrophy (inner and outer) and the scalar interfaces have been defined and characterized by their propagation speeds, VE and Sd , relative to the fluid flow. Mean values ( and ) conditioned on the reaction progress variable c have been obtained. A thin layer (near the enstrophy interfaces) has been used to compute mean values (, , and its different contributions) conditional upon enstrophy E. At the inner interface, results indicate that . Sd |. E> > 0 (entrainment of fresh reactants into the flame front and hot products), while < 0 and < 0 (entrainment of hot products into the reacting jet across the inner enstrophy interface). The outer enstrophy interface displays > 0 (ambient gases are predominantly entrained into the jet of reactants), which implies a lean mixture in its neighborhood. These preliminary results aim at understanding the physical mechanisms of flame anchoring, in terms of entrainments of either hot products or fresh reactants into the diffusive-reactive region. Local geometries of the inner and outer interfaces have also been examined, through the computation of joint probability density functions of the mean curvature km and Gauss curvature kg of the iso-enstrophy surfaces, and through |. km, kg at the inner and outer interfaces. This information has subsequently been used to discuss the physics of how the turbulent entrainment process affects premixed flames

    Concentración de esporas de Alternaria, Cladosporium y Fusarium en la atmósfera de Santiago de Compostela (1996)

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    DOPAZO, A. & AIRA, M.J. 2001. Concentración de esporas de Alternaria, Cladosporium y Fusarium en la atmósfera de Santiago de Compostela (1996). Bot. Complutensis, 25: 83-91. En este trabajo se analizan los primeros resultados del recuento aerobiológico de tres tipos de esporas fúngicas (Alternaria, Cladosporium y Fusarium) presentes en la atmósfera de Santiago de Compostela durante el año 1996. En dicho período se han identificado 143.642 esporas; de estos tres tipos un 98% correspondieron al tipo Cladosporium, mientras que Alternaria y Fusarium supusieron un 1%, en cada caso, del total contabilizado. La concentración de esporas de estos tres géneros-forma aumentó gradualmente a partir del mes de mayo, alcanzando sus picos máximos en la atmósfera en los meses de julio y agosto, a partir de entonces se produjo un descenso hasta finalizar el año. La relación que existe entre los valores de concentración atmosférica y los parámetros meteorológicos (humedad, precipitación, temperatura máxima, media y mínima y horas de sol) se ha determinado estadísticamente, obteniéndose resultados con un alto valor de significación. La precipitación y la humedad mostraron una correlación negativa con las concentraciones de esporas de Alternaria y Cladosporium y positiva para Fusarium; la temperatura siempre ha influido de forma positiva en la presencia de estos tres tipos esporales en el aire. En cuanto a su distribución intradiaria se ha observado una mayor representación de esporas de Fusarium a primeras horas de la mañana, Cladosporium a media tarde y Alternaria alrededor de las 20 horas.DOPAZO, A. & AIRA, M.J. 2001. Alternaria, Cladosporium and Fusarium spore concentration in the atmosphere of Santiago de Compostela (1996). Bot. Complutensis, 25: 83-91. In this work we analyse the first results of aerobiology count of three types of fungal spores (Alternaria, Cladosporium and Fusarium) which were found in the atmosphere of Santiago de Compostela during 1996. In that period we identified 143.642 spores, of which 83 Á. Dopazo Martínez et al. Concentración de esporas de Alternaria... 98% corresponded to Cladosporium type, whereas Alternaria and Fusarium type represented 1% in each case. The spore concentration of these three form-genera has increased gradually from May, reaching its maximum peak in the atmosphere in july and august; since then there has been a fall till the end of the year. The relationship existing between the values of atmospheric concentration and the ones of the meteorological parameters (humidity, rainfall, maximum, average and minimum temperature and hours of sunshine) has been determined estatistically, obtaining results with a high significance value. The precipitation and humidity showed a negative correlation with the spore concentrations of Alternaria and Cladosporium and positive to Fusarium; the temperature has always influenced positively in the presence of these three types of spores in the air. As regards their intradiarial distribution it has been observed that there is a higher representation of Fusarium spores in the first hours in the morning, Cladosporium at mid afternoon and Alternaria at 20 hours

    Identification of fungal spores in the atmosphere of Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain) in the winter period

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    Processing of Agilent microRNA array data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Agilent microRNA microarray platform interrogates each microRNA with several copies of distinct oligonucleotide probes and integrates the results into a total gene signal (TGS), using a proprietary algorithm that makes use of the background subtracted signal. The TGS can be normalized between arrays, and the Agilent recommendation is either not to normalize or to normalize to the 75<sup>th </sup>percentile signal intensity. The <it>robust multiarray average algorithm </it>(RMA) is an alternative method, originally developed to obtain a summary measure of mRNA Affymetrix gene expression arrays by using a linear model that takes into account the probe affinity effect. The RMA method has been shown to improve the accuracy and precision of expression measurements relative to other competing methods. There is also evidence that it might be preferable to use non-corrected signals for the processing of microRNA data, rather than background-corrected signals. In this study we assess the use of the RMA method to obtain a summarized microRNA signal for the Agilent arrays.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>We have adapted the RMA method to obtain a processed signal for the Agilent arrays and have compared the RMA summarized signal to the TGS generated with the image analysis software provided by the vendor. We also compared the use of the RMA algorithm with uncorrected and background-corrected signals, and compared quantile normalization with the normalization method recommended by the vendor. The pre-processing methods were compared in terms of their ability to reduce the variability (increase precision) of the signals between biological replicates. Application of the RMA method to non-background corrected signals produced more precise signals than either the RMA-background-corrected signal or the quantile-normalized Agilent TGS. The Agilent TGS normalized to the 75% percentile showed more variation than the other measures.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Used without background correction, a summarized signal that takes into account the probe effect might provide a more precise estimate of microRNA expression. The variability of quantile normalization was lower compared with the normalization method recommended by the vendor.</p

    Transcriptional responses are oriented towards different components of the rearing environment in two Drosophila sibling species

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    Background The chance to compare patterns of differential gene expression in related ecologically distinct species can be particularly fruitful to investigate the genetics of adaptation and phenotypic plasticity. In this regard, a powerful technique such as RNA-Seq applied to ecologically amenable taxa allows to address issues that are not possible in classic model species. Here, we study gene expression profiles and larval performance of the cactophilic siblings Drosophila buzzatii and D. koepferae reared in media that approximate natural conditions and evaluate both chemical and nutritional components of the diet. These closely related species are complementary in terms of host-plant use since the primary host of one is the secondary of the other. D. koepferae is mainly a columnar cactus dweller while D. buzzatii prefers Opuntia hosts. Results Our comparative study shows that D. buzzatii and D. koepferae have different transcriptional strategies to face the challenges posed by their natural resources. The former has greater transcriptional plasticity, and its response is mainly modulated by alkaloids of its secondary host, while the latter has a more canalized genetic response, and its transcriptional plasticity is associated with the cactus species. Conclusions Our study unveils a complex pleiotropic genetic landscape in both species, with functional links that relate detox responses and redox mechanisms with developmental and neurobiological processes. These results contribute to deepen our understanding of the role of host plant shifts and natural stress driving ecological specialization

    Pinus halepensis Mill. resin exploitation and pitch kilns on Ibiza (Balearic Islands, Spain)

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    [ES] Por sus características particulares, el aprovechamiento de resina en la isla de Ibiza se ha realizado hasta hace unas décadas siguiendo procedimientos arcaicos, basados en el tratamiento del árbol para la producción de madera enteada, la posterior extracción de esta madera y su procesado mediante destilación por combustión en hornos primitivos. Se trata de actividades ya abandonadas a lo largo del siglo XIX en la península ibérica, en parte desconocidas y sin apenas información publicada, como es el caso del tratamiento para la producción y aprovechamiento de la madera enteada. El objetivo es aportar nuevos conocimientos y contribuir a la descripción del proceso tradicional del aprovechamiento de productos resinosos de Pinus halepensis Mill. en la forma realizada en la isla de Ibiza, incluida la preparación del árbol para la producción de madera enteada, su extracción y el posterior procesado con técnicas rudimentarias de destilación de la madera en hornos de alquitrán. A partir de la recogida sobre el terreno de información oral, correspondiente a personas que han realizado la actividad o han tenido un contacto directo con antiguos trabajadores del sector, así como del reconocimiento de materiales e infraestructuras empleados, se aportan nuevos datos de los procedimientos empleados, así como de las características de los árboles y hornos utilizados. Se describe el tratamiento, el aprovechamiento de la madera enteada y el procesado de los productos resinosos hasta su venta tras la primera transformación. Se amplían las localizaciones de hornos existentes con dos nuevos hornos. Se discuten los posibles motivos del mantenimiento de esta actividad hasta hace pocas décadas.[EN] Due to Ibiza¿s singular characteristics, the exploitation of resin had been maintained until some decades ago in an archaic way, based on the treatment of the tree as a producer of fatwood, which was extracted and processed through slow, controlled combustion in primitive pitch kilns. In contrast, these activities were abandoned during the XIX century in the iberian peninsula, becoming partly unknown and little represented in the literature. The objective of this article is to contribute to the understanding of this ancient industry both with new information and knowledge and explaining the process required in traditional Pinus halepensis Mill. pitch fabrication. Tar production on Ibiza, including the tree preparation, fatwood extraction and its combustion as well as rudimentary distillation process in tar ovens has been studied by interviewing people who have worked in this sector or people who have been directly involved with former workers. Materials and infrastructures used have been examined and provide new data about the trees¿ and ovens¿ characteristics, as well as about the techniques traditionally used. The treatment of the tree is described, and so it is the extraction and uses of pine tar. Finally, two previously non-cited ovens are identified and located. The possible reasons for the late disappearance of these practices are also discussed.Ribas, VA.; Dopazo, C. (2020). El aprovechamiento de madera teosa de Pinus halepensis Mill. y los hornos de alquitrán en Ibiza (Islas Baleares). Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales (Online). 46(1):139-160. https://doi.org/10.31167/csecfv0i46.19885S139160461Boned, A., 2018. Comunicación personal.Boned, A., 2019. Comunicación personal.Bonet, A., 2018. Comunicación personal.Cardona, A., 2019. Comunicación personal.Consell d'Eivissa, 2019. Enciclopèdia d'Eivissa i Formentera. http://www.eeif.es/. Consulta: 15 de octubre de 2019.Fàbrega, A., 2006. La pega vegetal. Producció i pluriactivitat pagesa. Estudis d'Historia Agraria 19; 69-104.Gil, L., Valdés, C.M., Díaz-Fernández, P., 2002. La transformación histórica del paisaje forestal en las islas Baleares. Tercer Inventario Forestal Nacional 1997-2007. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente.Guerau, C., 1973. Los hornos de alquitrán, una explotación poco conocida de nuestros bosques. Revista Eivissa 3, 23-28.Iturralde J., Elorrieta O., 1914. Estudio sobre la resinación de los montes españoles en sus aspectos botánicos, forestal, industrial y económico. Instituto de Ingenieros Civiles. Madrid.Junta Intersindical de Resinas, 1950. Memoria del Plan Nacional de Resinas. Madrid.Marí, V., 2018. Comunicación personal.Marí, V., 2019. Comunicación personal.Michavila, A., 2010. Alquitraners dels nostres montes. Lo Senienc: memoria, natura y llengua 7, 11-16.Orduna, P., 2014. Aproximación etnohistórica al trabajo de la pez en las Bárdenas Reales (Navarra). Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares LXIX (2), 413-433.Prados, B. ca 198-]. Las pegueras.Real Academia Española, 2019. Diccionario de la lengua española, 23.ª ed., [versión 23.3 en línea]. https://dle.rae.es. Consulta: 20 de junio de 2020.Ribas, M., 2018. Comunicación personal.Ribas, V.A., 2019. Proyecto piloto de establecimiento de parcela de resinación de Pinus halepensis con objetivo múltiple en Sant Josep de Sa Talaia, Eivissa (Illes Balears). Trabajo Final de Grado. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica y del Medio Natural. Universitat Politècnica de València. Valencia.S.E.C.F., sin fecha. Glosario Técnico Forestal de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. http://secforestales.org/diccionario_forestal_secf. Consulta: 20 de junio de 2020.Tur, A., 2018. Comunicación personal.Vilà, J., 1953. Ibiza y Formentera, islas de la sal. Estudios Geográficos Instituto Juan Sebastián Elcano del CSIC XIV, 363-408

    Safety and effectiveness of a new electrical detachable microcoil for embolization of hemorrhoidal disease, November 2020–December 2021: results of a prospective study

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to prospectively evaluate the efficacy and safety of a new, bare platinum, detachable microcoil as a metallic embolization agent in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Material and Methods: This prospective single-center study evaluated a new, bare platinum, electrical, detachable microcoil (Prestige plus coil (Balt Montmorency France)) for use in vascular embolization in patients with hemorrhoidal disease. Between January 2020 and January 2021, 24 embolization procedures were performed in 21 patients (12 males, 9 females; mean age 44.3 ± 7.3). The inclusion criteria were: (a) participants with grade I, II and III hemorrhoidal disease on the Goligher classification; (b) patients older than 18 years of age with a score of greater than 4 on the French bleeding score (FBS) scale; (c) patients with scores greater than 2 on the scale of discomfort proposed by Tradi and Farfallah. (d) patients who underwent treatment that included the use of the new novel coil (Prestige plus coil (Balt)) as an embolic material. The exclusion criteria were participants who failed to provide informed consent and participants diagnosed with rectal bleeding due to other causes (cancer, fissures or others). Participants with severe renal insufficiency, non-correctable coagulation abnormalities and adverse reactions to the contrast medium not correctable with medication were also excluded. The symptoms, technical aspects, the transarterial approach, clinical and technical success complications and short-term outcomes were assessed. Results: Technical success was obtained in 100% of the cases. Seventeen (80.9%) patients experienced improvements in their hemorrhoidal disease. The VAS and QL scores improved by 4 and 1.5 points (81.2% and 87.5%), respectively, after embolization (pV: 0001). Three (14.2%) patients underwent a second embolization due to rebleeding. One patient (4.7%) underwent surgery. No major complications were observed. Three patients had minor complications. The assessment of subjective post-treatment symptoms and QL surveys showed significant differences from the baseline survey. Likewise, the measurement of the degree of satisfaction using a telephone survey at 12 months revealed a high degree of patient satisfaction over 10 points (mean 8.3 ± 1.1). Conclusions: The present study demonstrates that the use of the new, platinum, detachable, electrical microcoil is safe and well-tolerated in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease. Key points: Catheter-directed hemorrhoidal dearterialization (CDHD) is the procedure of embolization with embolic agents for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids. CDHD is a simple and safe procedure that is accepted by patients and preserves the anal sphincter; it presents few complications when metal devices or microspheres are used as embolic agents. As the recommended embolization agent in treatments, the Prestige electrical, detachable coil is a safe, easy-to-use and effective arterial embolic device


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    ABSTRACT The present paper describes the results of the retrofittin g of a bagasse-fired boiler (RETO CV 2518) in the sugar mil i &quot;Amancio Rodriguez&quot;, located in Las Tunas, Cuba . Th e boiler was modified in arder to implement a suspensio n burning configuratio n Among other modifications, the distribution of combustio n air along the furnace was redesigned in arder to obtain a large-scale swirling movement pattern aboye the grate . As a result the new aerodynamic organization of the fuel-ai r mixture within the furnace was significantly improved . The combustion efficiency of the boiler before and after th e retrofitting is analyzed in this paper . The results of the analysis show that the gross efficiency calculated for th e modified boiler increased in 2 % . This difference is du e mainly to the decrease of the heat losses by mechanica l unburnt from about 4 % before the retrofitting to 1 .95 % with the new configuration

    Paintomics: a web based tool for the joint visualization of transcriptomics and metabolomics data

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    Motivation: The development of the omics technologies such as transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics has made possible the realization of systems biology studies where biological systems are interrogated at different levels of biochemical activity (gene expression, protein activity and/or metabolite concentration). An effective approach to the analysis of these complex datasets is the joined visualization of the disparate biomolecular data on the framework of known biological pathways