1,392 research outputs found

    Analog to Digital Converter-Patent

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    Analog to digital converter for converting pulses to frequencie

    Sensitive electrometer features digital output

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    Four-stage transistorized electrometer eliminates the need for a logarithmic compression network. It measures very low currents and produces a digital output directly indicative of the input current magnitude

    A quick response four decade logarithmic high-voltage stepping supply

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    An improved high-voltage stepping supply, for space instrumentation is described where low power consumption and fast settling time between steps are required. The high-voltage stepping supply, utilizing an average power of 750 milliwatts, delivers a pair of mirror images with 64 level logarithmic outputs. It covers a four decade range of + or - 2500 to + or - 0.29 volts having an output stability of + or - 0.5 percent or + or - 20 millivolts for all line load and temperature variations. The supply provides a typical step setting time of 1 millisecond with 100 microseconds for the lower two decades. The versatile design features of the high-voltage stepping supply provides a quick response staircase generator as described or a fixed voltage with the option to change levels as required over large dynamic ranges without circuit modifications. The concept can be implemented up to + or - 5000 volts. With these design features, the high-voltage stepping supply should find numerous applications where charged particle detection, electro-optical systems, and high voltage scientific instruments are used

    Controllable high voltage source having fast settling time

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    A high voltage dc stepping power supply for sampling a utilization device such as an electrostatic analyzer has a relatively fast settling time for voltage steps. The supply includes a waveform generator for deriving a low voltage staircase waveform that feeds a relatively long response time power supply, deriving a high output voltage generally equal to a predetermined multiple of the input voltage. In the power supply, an ac voltage modulated by the staircase waveform is applied to a step-up transformer and then to a voltage multiplier stack to form a high voltage, relatively poor replica of the input waveform at an intermediate output terminal. A constant dc source, applied to the input of the power supply, biases the voltage at the intermediate output terminal to be in excess of the predetermined multiple of the input voltage

    High-voltage stepping supply with fast settling time

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    Waveform generator is used to derive low-voltage staircase waveform that feeds relatively long response time power supply. Power supply has high output voltage that is predetermined multiple of the input voltage

    The electronics brain on board the X-ray telescope spectrometer experiment

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    System operation of electronics brain onboard X-ray telescope spectrometer experimen

    Counting Human Flow with Deep Neural Network

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    Human flow counting has many applications in space management. This study applied channel state information (CSI) available in IEEE 802.11n networks to characterize the flow count. Raw inputs including mean, standard deviation and five-number summary were extracted from windowed CSI data. Due to the large number of raw inputs, stacked denoising autoencoders were used to extract hierarchical features from raw inputs and a final layer of softmax regression was used to model the flow counting problem. It is found that this deep neural network structure beats other popular classification algorithms including random forest, logistic regression, support vector machine and multilayer perceptron in predicting the flow count with attractive speed performance

    Investigating Impact Tolerance of Sea Urchin Shell Structure for Aerospace Applications

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    Biomimicry takes inspiration from nature to create more resilient and innovative sustainable solutions to complex human problems. The structure of sea urchins can be used as a biological model to create lightweight, impact-resistant material that can be adapted to develop more structurally sound architecture in infrastructure. This report focuses on Echinocyamus pusillus since it primarily relies on its skeletal construction because it lacks collagen fibers within its sutures [1]. Since these bioinspired structures can be used to tolerate harsh environments where impact protection is essential, they can be utilized for many applications like high pressure structures in deep sea exploration and landing gears for space exploration purposes. The purpose of this project is to examine the unique shell structure of the sea urchin through experimental testing and Finite Element Analysis

    Contributions To Structural Inference And Behrens-fisher Problem

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    Cooperation Enhances Robustness of Coexistence in Spatially Structured Consortia

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    Designing synthetic microbial consortia is an emerging area in synthetic biology and a major goal is to realize stable and robust coexistence of multiple species. Cooperation and competition are fundamental intra/interspecies interactions that shape population level behaviors, yet it is not well-understood how these interactions affect the stability and robustness of coexistence. In this paper, we show that communities with cooperative interactions are more robust to population disturbance, e.g., depletion by antibiotics, by forming intermixed spatial patterns. Meanwhile, competition leads to population spatial heterogeneity and more fragile coexistence in communities. Using reaction-diffusion and nonlocal PDE models and simulations of a two-species E. coli consortium, we demonstrate that cooperation is more beneficial than competition in maintaining coexistence in spatially structured consortia, but not in well-mixed environments. This also suggests a tradeoff between constructing heterogeneous communities with localized functions and maintaining robust coexistence. The results provide general strategies for engineering spatially structured consortia by designing interspecies interactions and suggest the importance of cooperation for biodiversity in microbial community