153 research outputs found

    Analisis Finansial USAha Keramba Jaring Apung di Perusahaan Perseorangan Dobro

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    This research is intended to know factors influencing fish production, financial performance and business security of private company Dobro. Data which are analyzed including production data (production, feed, seed and worker) for fish production factors analysis, balancing and profit/loss statement 2006 - 2009 for financial performance and business security analysis. The production factors analysis in this research uses regression method with Cobb-Douglas production function approach. The financial performance and business security use financial statement comparison and ratio analysis. Ratios that be researched are liquidity (ratios that be researched are current and quick ratio), solvability (ratios that be researched are total debt to total asset ratio and total debt to equity ratio), efficiency (ratios that be researched are inventory turnover, account receivable turnover, fixed asset turnover and total asset turnover) and profitability ratio (ratios that be researched are gross profit margin, operating profit margin, net profit margin and return on investment). Business security analysis use Altman Z” score to detect company position in Altman area of bankruptcy. The result of this research could be concluded that fish production is simultaneous and individually influenced by feed, seed and worker. Financial analysis shows company liquidity in good condition with positive average growth values. Solvability is also in good condition with negative average growth values. Commonly efficiency and profitability have normal values, but have negative average growth value. Based Altman Z” score, company exists in area which secure from bankruptcy threat

    Pembelajaran Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek (Object Oriented Programming) Berbasis Project Based Learning

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     Learning aims to help to gain experience both knowledge, skills, and values ​​in order to become increasing quantity and quality. For that education should be able to prepare human resources creative. The problems found in learning require creative thinking especially in programming learning, the ability to think algorithm is needed to make the program made as expected. Object oriented programming or Object Oriented Programming (OOP) provides convenience in making a program, because OOP programming has been using the concept of modularity of objects and classes. Java is an object oriented programming (OOP) programming language that can run on various operating system platforms, both on computers and on mobile phones. Alice can be used for Object-based programming learning, as Alice is a program designed to learn the basic concepts of computer programs while creating story telling and simple 3D interactive games. Alice can introduce the concept of fun programming through learning to create animations and games. Simply project-based learning using Alice can be applied with learning using animation technology with daily life problems. Project-based learning (project based learning) methods make it more active, creative and successful in solving problems with good and correct algorithms. The project-based learning model has advantages in improving learning outcomes and motivation.   Keywords: Alice, Object oriented programming, Project based learnin

    Pengaruh Permainan Gobak Sodor terhadap Perkembangan Motor Ability SD Negeri 1 Ledo Kabupaten Bengkayang

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    The purpose of this research is to know the effective of gobak sodor game to motor development ability. The method of this reseach used pre- experimental. The sample in this research is fifth grade Elementary School of 1 Ledo in academic Year of 2012/2013 , the totally are 25 students. Research was generally consists of three stages. Giving the initial test is given before treatment , treatment in the research is giving learning the game gobak Sodor, and post-test after treatment. Based on the data analysis of obtained and after the t-test on the pre - test and post - test, the results obtained can get results is 2.622 T will be compared with the t table is 2.064. So count T > T table 5 % , T = 2.622 > 2.064 . T count value that is greater than the value of the T table. Thus, in this research there is improvement gobak sodor game against the motor development ability. Furthermore, this research has a percentage increase of 15.72 %

    Kata Serapan Pada Kolom Iki Lho Di Harian Joglosemar (Pola Dan Latar Belakang Penggunaan)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar, proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan dasar penggunaan dari kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif meneliti fenomena kata pinjaman. Data yang diambil dari dokumen dan informan. Sumber data penelitian ini diambil dari kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar selama Agustus-Desember 2013 dan hasil wawancara dengan editor Joglosemar. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) ada beberapa bentuk kata serapan dari bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Jawa pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; (2) ada beberapa proses pembentukan kata serapan pada kolom Iki Lho harian Joglosemar; dan (3) ada beberapa hal yang mendasari penggunaan kata serapan, seperti efisiensi kata, kedekatan bahasa dengan masyarakat, bahasa yang menarik atau lucu, media pengenalan baru istilah, dan kesesuaian dengan bahasa berita

    Perceived External Prestige, Deviant Workplace Behavior dan Job Satisfaction pada Karyawan Industri Otomotif di Jakarta

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived external prestige to the workplace deviant behavior that is mediated by job satisfaction. The sample used in this study was 120 respondents who are employees in automotive industries in Jakarta of collected by purposive sampling method. Tests conducted by the method of Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results of this study are perceived external prestige has a positive influence on job satisfaction, but job satisfaction negatively affect the workplace deviant behavior. It can be concluded that job satisfaction has a negative influence in mediating the effects of perceived external prestige to the workplace deviant behavior

    Pemodelan Penyebaran Batuan Potensial Pembentuk Asam Pada Kawasan Penambangan Batubara Tambang Terbuka Di Muara Lawa, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur (Modeling Distribution of Rock Potential Acid Forming in Open Pit Coal Mining Areas)

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    Dampak penambangan batubara tambang terbuka adalah munculnya Air Asam Tambang (AAT) di sekitar lingkungan penambangan yang mempengaruhi kualitas air tambang, biota air, kualitas air dan tanah. Oleh karena itu, informasi awal untuk mengantisipasi dampak tersebut, yaitu identifikasi batuan yang berpotensi asam dan memodelkan penyebarannya. Kajian geologi dan mineralogi batuan berperan dalam mengetahui penyebaran batuan Potential Acid Forming (PAF) dan Non Acid Forming (NAF). Kawasan tambang yang digunakan sebagai model penelitian berada di Kecamatan Muara Lawa, Kabupaten Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur. Hasil dari penelitian mengindikasikan, bahwa dominasi PAF berada di lapisan batu lempung kemudian diikuti batu lanau dan batu pasir dengan penyebaran mengikuti struktur sinklin yang terbatas di lapisan bawah (floor) dan lapisan antara (inter burden) pada batubara. Sementara itu, batuan NAF menyebar menempati daerah selain batuan PAF

    On automatic class insertion with overloading

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    Also published in Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented programming, systems, languages, and applications (OOPSLA)International audienceSeveral algorithms [Cas92, MS89, Run92, DDHL94a, DDHL95, GMM95] have been proposed to automatically insert a class into an inheritance hierarchy. But actual hierarchies all include overriden and overloaded properties that these algorithms handle either very partially or not at all. Partially handled means handled provided there is a separate given function f able to compare overloaded properties [DDHL95, GMM95].In this paper, we describe a new version of our algorithm (named Ares) which handles automatic class insertion more efficiently using such a function f. Although impossible to fully define, this function can be computed for a number of well defined cases of overloading and overriding. We give a classification of such cases and describe the computation process for a well-defined set of nontrivial cases.The algorithm preserves these important properties:- preservation of the maximal factorization of properties- preservation of the underlying structure (Galois lattice) of the input hierarchy- conservation of relevant classes of the input hierarchy with their properties

    Impact of forest plantation on methane emissions from tropical peatland

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    Tropical peatlands are a known source of methane (CH4) to the atmosphere, but their contribution to atmospheric CH4 is poorly constrained. Since the 1980s, extensive areas of the peatlands in Southeast Asia have experienced land‐cover change to smallholder agriculture and forest plantations. This land‐cover change generally involves lowering of groundwater level (GWL), as well as modification of vegetation type, both of which potentially influence CH4 emissions. We measured CH4 exchanges at the landscape scale using eddy covariance towers over two land‐cover types in tropical peatland in Sumatra, Indonesia: (a) a natural forest and (b) an Acacia crassicarpa plantation. Annual CH4 exchanges over the natural forest (9.1 ± 0.9 g CH4 m−2 year−1) were around twice as high as those of the Acacia plantation (4.7 ± 1.5 g CH4 m−2 year−1). Results highlight that tropical peatlands are significant CH4 sources, and probably have a greater impact on global atmospheric CH4 concentrations than previously thought. Observations showed a clear diurnal variation in CH4 exchange over the natural forest where the GWL was higher than 40 cm below the ground surface. The diurnal variation in CH4 exchanges was strongly correlated with associated changes in the canopy conductance to water vapor, photosynthetic photon flux density, vapor pressure deficit, and air temperature. The absence of a comparable diurnal pattern in CH4 exchange over the Acacia plantation may be the result of the GWL being consistently below the root zone. Our results, which are among the first eddy covariance CH4 exchange data reported for any tropical peatland, should help to reduce the uncertainty in the estimation of CH4 emissions from a globally important ecosystem, provide a more complete estimate of the impact of land‐cover change on tropical peat, and develop science‐based peatland management practices that help to minimize greenhouse gas emissions

    The selective phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor roflumilast and phosphodiesterase 3/4 inhibitor pumafentrine reduce clinical score and TNF expression in experimental colitis in mice.

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    The specific inhibition of phosphodiesterase (PDE)4 and dual inhibition of PDE3 and PDE4 has been shown to decrease inflammation by suppression of pro-inflammatory cytokine synthesis. We examined the effect of roflumilast, a selective PDE4 inhibitor marketed for severe COPD, and the investigational compound pumafentrine, a dual PDE3/PDE4 inhibitor, in the preventive dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis model. The clinical score, colon length, histologic score and colon cytokine production from mice with DSS-induced colitis (3.5% DSS in drinking water for 11 days) receiving either roflumilast (1 or 5 mg/kg body weight/d p.o.) or pumafentrine (1.5 or 5 mg/kg/d p.o.) were determined and compared to vehicle treated control mice. In the pumafentrine-treated animals, splenocytes were analyzed for interferon-γ (IFNγ) production and CD69 expression. Roflumilast treatment resulted in dose-dependent improvements of clinical score (weight loss, stool consistency and bleeding), colon length, and local tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) production in the colonic tissue. These findings, however, were not associated with an improvement of the histologic score. Administration of pumafentrine at 5 mg/kg/d alleviated the clinical score, the colon length shortening, and local TNFα production. In vitro stimulated splenocytes after in vivo treatment with pumafentrine showed a significantly lower state of activation and production of IFNγ compared to no treatment in vivo. These series of experiments document the ameliorating effect of roflumilast and pumafentrine on the clinical score and TNF expression of experimental colitis in mice

    Design and Bandwidth Optimization on Triangle Patch Microstrip Antenna for WLAN 2.4 GHz

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    In this paper, single and dual element triangle patch microstrip antenna for WLAN 2.4 GHz is designed, analyzed and fabricated. Both proposed design utilized proximity feeding techniques. Afterwards the design is simulated on HFFS and optimized, which finally the dimension of both design for frequency 2.4 GHz is obtained. The best simulation result for both single and dual element triangle patch microstrip antenna is used as reference for fabrication on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant that the single element can achieve return loss (S11) -51.913 dB and VSWR 1.005 9 at 2.417 GHz, and then for dual element the result for return loss (S1) is -48.213 8 for VSWR 1.007 8 at 2.463 GHz. Compared to coaxial feeding technique, the proximity feeding has better parameter performance
