76 research outputs found

    The Labour Government, the Treasury and the £6 pay policy of July 1975

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    The 1974-79 Labour Government was elected in a climate of opinion that was fiercely opposed to government intervention in the wage determination process, and was committed to the principles of free collective bargaining in its manifestoes. However, by December 1974 the Treasury was advocating a formal incomes policy, and by July 1975 the government had introduced a £6 flat rate pay norm. With reference to archival sources, the paper demonstrates that TUC and Labour Party opposition to incomes policy was reconciled with the Treasury's advocacy by limiting the Bank of England‟s intervention in the foreign exchange market when sterling came under pressure. This both helped to achieve the Treasury's objective of improving the competitiveness of British industry, and acted as a catalyst for the introduction of incomes policy because the slide could be attributed to a lack of market confidence in British counter-inflation policy

    Herbert Morrison: portrait of a politician

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    Language and Literacy

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    Why was a wealth tax for the UK abandoned?: lessons for the policy process and tackling wealth inequality

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    The distribution of wealth is widening in many countries and with it the growing importance of inherited wealth. In 1974, a Labour Government came to power in the United Kingdom committed to introducing an annual wealth tax. It left office without doing so. Using the official archives of the time and those of a key advisor this paper traces both the origins of the policy and its fate at the hands of the civil service. It explores two related questions. What does this experience tell us about the role of the civil service in the policy process in the UK and what lessons might be learned by those wishing to tackle the issue of widening wealth disparities today


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    Additional file 1: of Identification of novel loci associated with maturity and yield traits in early maturity soybean plant introduction lines

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    List of 86 lines used in the GWA analyses, along with their corresponding maturity group and fastStructure group. (XLSX 24 kb
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