14 research outputs found


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    Di era globalisasi modern saat ini persaingan di dunia perdagangan dikategorikan sangat ketat seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih diberbagai bidang terutama di bidang industri otomotif, khususnya pada sepeda motor. Semakin tinggi tingkat mobilitas masyarakat saat ini, dapat membawa pengaruh secara langsung terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan akan transportasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh citra merek, harga, word of mouth, dan gaya hidup terhadap keputusan pembelian motor Yamaha N-Max pada Club Yamaha N-Max Surabaya. Data berdasarkan kuesioner diisi oleh 98 responden yang terdiri dari para anggota Club Yamaha N-Max di Surabaya. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Variabel yang digunakan adalah keputusan pembelian sebagai variabel dependen dan variabel independen adalah citra merek, harga, word of mouth, dan gaya hidup. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa citra merek, harga, word of mouth, dan gaya hidup berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian. Sebaiknya perusahaan Yamaha menjaga dan memperhatikan citra merek, harga, word of mouth, dan gaya hidup karena dapat mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya disarankan untuk melakukan penelitian diluar variabel yang digunakan peneliti agar memperluas faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi keputusan pembelia


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    Latar Belakang: Cervical spine merupakan bagian tulang belakang yang paling mobile, sehingga merupakan bagian yang paling rawan dari konstruksinya. Tindakan pembedahan biasanya dilakukan pada 24 jam pertama, atau 4ā€“6 minggu setelah trauma, untuk mencegah cedera sekunder. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji waktu tindakan pembedahan terhadap efektivitas dan perbaikan status neurologis pada kasus trauma servikal atau acute spinal cord injury (ASCI). Metode Penelitian: Merupakan penelitian meta-analisis yang mengkaji efektivitas tindakan pembedahan pada trauma servikal/ASCI, dengan data dasar yang didapat dari sumber PubMed, Embase, dan Cochrane. Seluruh data dikumpulkan untuk kemudian dianalisis. Parameter utama yaitu tindakan pembedahan dekompresi dan hasil akhir klinis dilakukan kategorisasi. Waktu dilaksanakannya tindakan pembedahan dikategorikan menjadi ā€œkurang dari 24 jamā€ dan ā€œlebih dari 24 jamā€, sedangkan hasil akhir status neurologis dikategorikan dengan ā€œada perbaikanā€ dan ā€œtidak ada perbaikanā€. Data disajikan dalam odd ratio (OR) dan confidence interval (CI) serta dianalisis lebih lanjut dengan forest plot. Hasil: Dari hasil pencarian PubMed didapatkan 353 artikel, Embase 2 artikel, dan Cochrane 594 artikel. Berdasarkan data tersebut, yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi hanya 3 artikel. Identifikasi penelitian pada 3 artikel tersebut membandingkan tindakan pembedahan pasien trauma servikal dalam waktu kurang dari 24 jam dengan pembedahan dalam waktu lebih dari 24 jam. Secara statistik, terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pada perubahan status neurologis (OR=1,85, 95% CI=1,21-2,84, p<0,01). Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan hasil meta-analisis, tindakan pembedahan dekompresi dini kurang dari 24 jam pada pasien trauma servikal memberikan hasil yang lebih baik secara bermakna dalam perbaikan status neurologis dibandingkan dengan tindakan pembedahan dekompresi tertunda lebih dari 24 jam

    Vision-based chicken meat freshness recognition system using RGB color moment features and support vector machine

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    Chicken meat is a highly sought-after food product among various segments of the general population, known for its high nutritional value and easy accessibility. Presently, meat identification is primarily conducted manually, relying on visual inspection or tactile assessment of the meat's color and texture. However, this approach presents several limitations, particularly when consumers lack the discernment to differentiate the quality of chicken meat freshness. This research aims to identify the freshness level of chicken meat using the Support Vector Machine method, employing the extraction of RGB color moment features to determine the freshness of the meat. The feature extraction process involves calculating the percentage of intensity values for R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue) in each chicken meat image. Based on the image processing results, the percentage of intensity values, particularly in the R and B parameters, can be used as determining factors. The study involves software testing using fresh and non-fresh chicken meat. The developed system can identify the freshness level of fresh chicken meat with an accuracy rate of 71.6% using the linear kernel SVM and 60.5% using the RBF kernel SVM.Ā  This research represents a significant step toward the automation of chicken meat freshness assessment, potentially reducing food waste and enhancing food safety in the food industry. Further research and development could improve the system's accuracy and expand its applications in various food quality control settings.Chicken meat is a highly sought-after food product among various segments of the general population, known for its high nutritional value and easy accessibility. Presently, meat identification is primarily conducted manually, relying on visual inspection or tactile assessment of the meat's color and texture. However, this approach presents several limitations, particularly when consumers lack the discernment to differentiate the quality of chicken meat freshness. This research aims to identify the freshness level of chicken meat using the Support Vector Machine method, employing the extraction of RGB color moment features to determine the freshness of the meat. The feature extraction process involves calculating the percentage of intensity values for R (Red), G (Green), and B (Blue) in each chicken meat image. Based on the image processing results, the percentage of intensity values, particularly in the R and B parameters, can be used as determining factors. The study involves software testing using fresh and non-fresh chicken meat. The developed system can identify the freshness level of fresh chicken meat with an accuracy rate of 71.6% using the linear kernel SVM and 60.5% using the RBF kernel SVM.Ā  This research represents a significant step toward the automation of chicken meat freshness assessment, potentially reducing food waste and enhancing food safety in the food industry. Further research and development could improve the system's accuracy and expand its applications in various food quality control settings

    Replica Trick Calculation for Entanglement Entropy of Static Black Hole Spacetimes

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    We calculate the entanglement entropy between two (maximally-extended) spacetime regions of static black hole, seperated by horizon. As a first case, we consider the Schwarzschild black hole, and then we extend the calculations to the charged Reissner- Nordstrom and Schwarzschild-de Sitter black holes with more than one horizon. The case for static and spherically-symmetric solution to the more general F (R) gravity is also considered. The calculation of the entanglement entropy is performed using the replica trick by obtaining the explicit form of the metric which corresponds to the replica spacetime for each black hole under consideration. The calculation of static and spherically-symmetric black holes result in the entanglement entropy that matches the Bekenstein-Hawking area law entropy.Comment: 41 pages, 12 figure

    Localized chaos in rotating and charged AdS black holes

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    The butterfly velocity and the Lyapunov exponent of four-dimensional rotating charged asymptotically AdS black holes are calculated to probe chaos using localized rotating and charged shock waves. The localized shocks also generate butterfly velocities which quickly vanish when we approach extremality, indicating no entanglement spread near extremality. One of the butterfly velocity modes is well bounded by both the speed of light and the Schwarzschild-AdS result, while the other may become superluminal. Aside from the logarithmic behavior of the scrambling time which indicates chaos, the Lyapunov exponent is also positive and bounded by Īŗ=2Ļ€TH/(1āˆ’Ī¼L)\kappa=2\pi T_H/(1-\mu\mathcal{L}). The Kerr-NUT-AdS and Kerr-Sen-AdS solutions are used as examples to attain a better understanding of the chaotic phenomena in rotating black holes, especially the ones with extra conserved charges.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Comments are welcom

    Chaos and fast scrambling delays of dyonic Kerr-Sen-AdS4_4 black hole and its ultra-spinning version

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    The scrambling time and its delay are calculated using holography in an asymptotically AdS black hole solution of the gauged Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton-Axion (EMDA) theory, the dyonic Kerr-Sen-AdS4_4 black hole, perturbed by rotating and charged shock waves along the equator. The leading term of the scrambling time for a black hole with large entropy is logarithmic in the entropy and hence supports the fast scrambling conjecture for this black hole solution, which implies that the system under consideration is chaotic. We also find that the instantaneous minimal Lyapunov index is bounded by Īŗ=2Ļ€TH/(1āˆ’Ī¼L)\kappa=2\pi T_H/(1-\mu\mathcal{L}), which is analogous to the surface gravity but for the rotating shock waves, and becomes closer to equality for the near extremal black hole. For a small value of the AdS scale, we found that the Lyapunov exponent can exceed the bound for a large value of L\mathcal{L}. Due to the presence of the electric and magnetic charge of the shock waves, we also show that the scrambling process of this holographic system is delayed by a time scale that depends on the charges of the shock waves. The calculations also hold for the ultra-spinning version of this black hole. The result of this paper generalizes the holographic calculations of chaotic systems which are described by an EMDA theory in the bulk.Comment: 19 page

    Studi Epidemiologi Fraktur Vertebra di RSUD Dr.Soetomo Surabaya Pada Tahun 2013-2017

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    Abstract The incidence of spinal trauma in the world is 0.019-0.088% per year. However, the epidemiological data from each country varies according to the specificities of each country. Until now, there have been no reports of epidemiological research for vertebral trauma in Indonesia. This research is a descriptive analytic study. The sample of this study were all patients with vertebral fractures who entered the Dr. Soetomo Hospital in 2013-2017. The data were obtained through medical records and electronic data in hospital databases. The data are displayed in tables and graphs and comparative analysis of variables is carried out. Based on data from 2014-2017, there were a total of 442 patients with vertebral fractures, with male and female ratio of 3.3: 1. The mean age of patients was 43.6 year. The causes of vertebral fractures are due to fall from altitude (38%), traffic accidents (34%), and direct impact / hit burden (10%). Based on fracture level, most fractures were at the lumbar level (153 patients, 34,6%). At the lumbar level, the most fracture subtypes were type A with a percentage of 91.5% and the most mechanism of injury was due to falling from a height. Based on the fracture subtype, type A (compression or burst) fracture is the most common type of fracture. Lumbar vertebral fracture is the most fractured in vertebral fractures. The most common cause of fracture in the vertebrae is trauma with great energy due to falling from a height. Keywords: Epidemiology, vertebral fractures, spinal trauma Correspondence toĀ : [email protected] Ā  AbstrakĀ  Insiden trauma spinal di dunia tercatat sebesar 0,019% hingga 0,088% per tahun, namun data epidemiologi dari masing-masing negara adalah berbeda-beda, sesuai dengan kekhususan dari masing-masing negara. Hingga saat ini, belum terdapat laporan penelitian epidemiologi untuk trauma vertebra di Indonesia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien dengan fraktur vertebra yang masuk di RS Dr. Soetomo Surabaya pada tahun 2013-2017. Data penelitian ini didapatkan melalui data berkas rekam medis dan database elektronik rumah sakit. Data ditampilkan dalam bentuk tabel dan grafik serta dilakukan analisa komparasi dari variabel. Berdasarkan data tahun 2014-2017 didapatkan total 442 pasien dengan fraktur vertebra, dengan perbandingan laki-laki dan perempuan sebesar 3,3:1.Ā  Rerata usia pasien adalah 43,6 tahun. Penyebab fraktur vertebra adalah akibat jatuh dari ketinggian (38%), kecelakaan lalu lintas (34%), dan benturan langsung/ tertimpa beban (10%). Berdasarkan level fraktur, fraktur terbanyak sejumlah 153 pasien (34,6%) pada level lumbal. Pada level lumbal didapatkan subtIpe fraktur terbanyak adalah tipe A dengan persentase 91,5% dan mechanism of injury terbanyak adalah akibat jatuh dari ketinggian. Berdasarkan subtipe frakturnya, fraktur tipe A (kompresi atau burst) merupakan jenis fraktur yang paling banyak terjadi. Fraktur vertebra lumbal adalah fraktur terbanyak pada kasus fraktur pada vertebra. Penyebab terbanyak fraktur pada vertebra adalah trauma dengan energi besar akibat jatuh dari ketinggian. Laki-laki 3 kali lebih banyak mengalami fraktur vertebra dibanding perempuan. Kata kunci: Epidemiologi, fraktur vertebra, trauma spinal KorespondensiĀ Ā : [email protected]