385 research outputs found

    Perancangan Pembangkit Tegangan Tinggi Direct Current Pada Sistem Electrospinning

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    PERANCANGAN PEMBANGKIT TEGANGAN TINGGI DIRECT CURRENT PADA SISTEM ELECTROSPINNING. Telah dilakukan perancangan pembangkit tegangan tinggi direct current, yang digunakan sebagai komponen utama dalam proses pembuatan nanofiber dengan teknik yang dikenal sebagai teknik electrospinning. Tujuan dari perancangan pembangkit tegangan tinggi ini, didasari kebutuhan akan tegangan tinggi yang perlu divariasikan dalam pembuatan nanofiber dari berbagai bahan dasar. Pembuatan nanofiber dengan teknik ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh faktor larutan, jarak antara anoda dengan katoda dan juga kondisi lingkungan. Perancangan pembangkit tegangan tinggi ini menggunakan flyback transformator sebagai komponen utama pembangkit tegangan tinggi. Frekuensi kerja flyback transformator pada 15,625 Hz dan hasil pengujian keluaran tegangan tinggi yang dihasilkan tiap langkah variasi yang diinginkan dengan menggunakan metode pembagi tegangan dapat diukur telah sesuai dengan skala yang ditentukan. Jaring-jaring benang dengan bahan dasar polycarbosilane dapat dibentuk pada tegangan 15 kV pada jarak 10 cm


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    The research was carried out in March 2014 in Belitung District aims to study the abundance of reef fish, and determine the suitability of the area on coral reef community. This research using the method of survey on six stations observations determined based on resource utilization activities around the station, primarily tourism activities. Analysis of the conformity analysis is used to determine the core zone of the area of coral reefs. Parameters in determining the suitability of the core zone includes the quality of the waters, index of ecological fish, the percentage coverage of the coral, the reef ecological index, and the existence of important economically as well as biodiversity and rare species. The results showed Underwater Visual Census (UVC) found an abundance of reef fish ranges between 61 – 448 individuals and 33 species in the entire station. Found 12 family Ambassidae, Blenniidae, i.e., Chaetodontidae, Gobiidae, Haemulidae, Labridae, Lutjanidae, Mullidae, Pomacanthidae, Pomacentridae, Scaridae, and Siganidae, conditions of coral reefs in the waters of the Belitung district included in the category are up to. The percentage of coverage of the coral reefs in the observation stations ranged between 37.37%-81.77%. The corresponding observation stations for the core zone is located on Pulau Begador, Batu Berlayar and Batu Garuda, while a very appropriate observation stations for the core zone is located on Pulau Lengkuas, Pulau Babi, and Batu Malang Penyu

    Rethinking the Prohibition of Death Row Prisoners as Organ Donors: A Possible Lifeline to Those on Organ Donor Waiting Lists.

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    Organ transplantation continually brings hope and new life to thousands of patients suffering from a myriad of diseases. Despite the advances in medical science and the increased survival rates of organ recipients, many are unable to receive an organ transplant because the demand for organs drastically exceeds the available supply. Much of the organ deficit lies in the current system of organ procurement. The altruism-based organ system leaves the donative decision to the individual; however, it is this system which hinders effective organ procurement. Under this system, the donor must give prior consent before a doctor can remove any organ. Texas prohibits organ procurement from condemned prisoners and does not allow them to voluntarily donate organs after death. Although this practice would not solve the organ deficit crisis, it could potentially save the life of a person in desperate need of a transplant. Opponents cite China’s harvesting and sale of organs as a reason not to implement such legislation; arguing that the number of executions would rise without justification, and the organs of executed prisoners would be taken without consent. The United States and China, however, drastically vary in capital punishments, procedure, and accountability of executions. The proposed system would only allow prisoners to voluntarily donate their organs and would not sell them to the highest bidder. Instead, the organs would go to patients registered on the national organ donation list. The death row inmate’s organ would also go through stringent exams to ensure its viability and avoid the spread of diseases. The competing concerns that condemned prisoners should not be able to donate organs is considerably outweighed by the benefits of saving lives

    Ethanol Fermentation on Mixed Sugars Using Mixed Culture of Two Yeast Strains

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of mixed cultures of the recommended yeast strainsfrom a previous study on ethanol fermentation using a substrate mixture consisting of sucrose, glucose, andfructose. There were three mixed (combination) cultures namely OUT7096/OUT7913, OUT7096/OUT7921,and OUT7913/OUT7921. The fermentation medium contained sugar mixture consisting of glucose, fructose,and sucrose with a composition generally close to the composition of sugars in sweet sorghum juice. Overall,fermentation is carried out in two stages. First fermentation was performed using the three mixed culturesto determine the best combination based on the concentration of ethanol produced and the concentration ofresidual sugar. Second fermentation was conducted using the best mixed culture obtained from the fi rst stage.This second stage was intended to describe the pattern of the changes in the concentration of ethanol, sugarsand biomass during the fermentation progresses and to determine some kinetic parameters namely ethanolyield (Yp/s), growth yield (Yx/s) and specifi c growth rate (μ). The results of the fi rst fermentation showed thatthe best mixed culture was OUT7913/OUT7921 and the subsequent fermentation using this culture providethe highest ethanol yield (Yp/s) = 0.47 g.g-1 that was reached at 53rd hour, growth yield (Yx/s) = 0.425 g.g-1, andμ = 0.12 hour-1.Keywords : fermentation, ethanol, mixed culture, mixed suga

    Local Unitary Quantum Cellular Automata

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    In this paper we present a quantization of Cellular Automata. Our formalism is based on a lattice of qudits, and an update rule consisting of local unitary operators that commute with their own lattice translations. One purpose of this model is to act as a theoretical model of quantum computation, similar to the quantum circuit model. It is also shown to be an appropriate abstraction for space-homogeneous quantum phenomena, such as quantum lattice gases, spin chains and others. Some results that show the benefits of basing the model on local unitary operators are shown: universality, strong connections to the circuit model, simple implementation on quantum hardware, and a wealth of applications.Comment: To appear in Physical Review

    Analisis Pendapatan Nelayan Jaring Insang Tetap Dan Bubu Di Kecamatan Membalong Kabupaten Belitung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan membandingkan pendapatan nelayan jaring insang tetap dan bubu di Kecamatan Membalong Kabupaten Belitung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey dengan teknik wawancara. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling dengan responden terpilih sebanyak 14 orang. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dari hasil wawancara responden dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pendapatan nelayan jaring insang tetap dan bubu dengan kapasitas motor 3GT berbeda-beda. Nelayan Jaring insang tetap memiliki rata –rata pendapatan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan nelayan bubu yaitu sebesar Rp.138.375.060 per tahun. Sedangkan nelayan bubu memiliki rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp.92.726.962 per tahun. Adapun hasil analisis BCR (Benefit Cost Ratio) dari USAha penangkapan dengan alat tangkap jaring insang tetap yaitu 1,98 dan alat tangkap bubu sebesar 1,78. Hal tersebut menunjukan USAha penangkapan dengan kedua alat tangkap tersebut layak dijalankan karena memperoleh nilai BCR lebih dari 1. Secara keseluruhan pendapatan USAha yang diterima nelayan jaring insang tetap dan nelayan bubu tersebut cukup baik karena dapat menutupi biaya operasional yang dikeluarkannya

    Lipid Profile, Blood Glucose Level and Body Mass Index (BMI) in Second Trimester of Pregnancy: Screening with Gestational Diabetes: Profil Lipid, Gula Darah dan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) pada Kehamilan Trimester II: Skrining Kejadian Kehamilan dengan Diabetes Melitus

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    Abstract Objective: To find out lipid profile data, blood sugar and Body Mass Index in trimester II pregnancy to the incidence of pregnancy with diabetes mellitus. Methods: This study is a cross sectional study. The number of samples obtained was 42 samples where all were taken in the second trimester. Samples taken from RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado and networking hospitals around Manado that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All patient patients were explained about the research procedure and the signing of consent information. Blood samples were taken for examination of blood sugar (fasting blood sugar and 2 hours post-prandial blood sugar) and lipid profiles (total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides). After the data is collected, it is included in the SPSS version 22.0 program for data analysis. Results: Found 2 subjects (4.76%) who had abnormal fasting blood sugar and found 4 subjects (9.53%) who had abnormal 2-prandial 2-hour blood sugar. For lipid profiles, it was found 16 subjects (38.1%) who had abnormal total cholesterol levels, for LDL there were 13 subjects (30.96%) who had abnormal levels, for HDL there were 4 subjects (11.9%) who had abnormal levels and for triglycerides there were 23 subjects (54.76%) who had abnormal levels. There was a significant negative correlation between LDL cholesterol and fasting blood sugar (p = 0.002; r = - 0.455), and so did total cholesterol with fasting blood sugar (p = 0.047; r = - 0.302). There was a significant correlation between BMI and total cholesterol (p = 0.013; r = 0.371). There was 1 subject (2.38%) diagnosed with gestational diabetes melt and fasting blood sugar at 190 mg / dL, for prandial 2 hours post blood sugar at 309 mg / dL and for triglycerides at 617 mg / dL. Conclusions: Based on this study found the incidence of gestational diabetes mellitus 2.38% of all trimester II pregnancies. There is a positive but not significant correlation between blood sugar and triglycerides, whereas there is no significant relationship between blood sugar and other lipid profiles. There is a positive but not significant correlation of BMI in trimester pregnancy with total cholesterol. Keywords: Blood sugar, Body Mass Index (BMI), lipid profile Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui data profil lipid, gula darah dan Indeks Massa Tubuh pada kehamilan trimester II terhadap kejadian kehamilan dengan diabetes melitus. Metode: Studi ini merupakan studi potong lintang. Jumlah sampel yang didapatkan sebesar 42 sampel di mana seluruhnya diambil pada trimester II. Sampel diambil dari RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado dan rumah sakit jejaring sekitar Manado yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Semua pasien-pasien dijelaskan mengenai prosedur penelitian dan penandatanganan inform consent baru dilakukan pengambilan sampel darah untuk pemeriksaan gula darah (gula darah puasa dan gula darah 2 jam postprandial) dan profil lipid (Kolesterol total, HDL, LDL, Trigliserida). Setelah data dikumpulkan, maka dimasukkan ke dalam program SPSS versi 22.0 untuk data analisis. Hasil: Ditemukan 2 subjek (4,76%) yang memiliki gula darah puasa abnormal dan ditemukan 4 subjek (9.,53%) yang memiliki gula darah 2 jam postprandial yang abnormal. Untuk profil lipid, ditemukan 16 subjek (38,1%) yang memiliki kadar kolesterol total abnormal, untuk LDL ditemukan sebanyak 13 subjek (30,96%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal, untuk HDL ditemukan 4 subjek (11,9%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal dan untuk trigliserida ditemukan 23 subjek (54,76%) yang memiliki kadar abnormal. Terdapat korelasi negatif signifikan antara kolesterol LDL dengan gula darah puasa (p = 0,002 ; r = – 0,455), dan begitu juga dengan kolestrol total terhadap gula darah puasa (p = 0,047 ; r = – 0,302). Terdapat korelasi signifikan antara IMT dengan kolesterol total (p = 0,013 ;r = 0,371). Terdapat 1 subjek (2,38%) yang terdiagnosis diabetes melitus gestasional di mana gula darah puasa sebesar 190 mg/dL, untuk gula darah 2 jam postprandial sebesar 309 mg/dL dan untuk trigliserida sebesar 617 mg/dL. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini ditemukan kejadian diabetes melitus gestasional 2,38% dari seluruh kehamilan trimester II. Terdapat korelasi positif tetapi tidak bermakna antara gula darah dengan trigliserida, sedangkan tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara gula darah dengan profil lipid lainnya. Terdapat korelasi positif tetapi tidak bermakna IMT pada kehamilan trimester dengan kolestrol total. Kata kunci: gula darah, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT), profil lipi


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    Archives are one of the important sources of information that can support changes in situations and conditions that develop quickly. In a school organization as an educational institution, information becomes a very important thing to support school activities in facing rapid change. In Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 43 of 2009 concerning Archives, records management is carried out to ensure the correct availability of archives, fast archive services, proper use designation, presentation of information that can be presented in full, and clear evidence of responsibility.Proper management of school records will create the correct school administration, so as to ensure administrative safety and security to support productivity for the school. Archives have a very important role for schools.Administrative personnel are an element that must be considered by every school organization because it is directly related to the management of school archives. The administrative personnel in the school are very helpful in managing school archives. Lack of records management from administrative personnel can make rediscovery of records very difficult to do quickly and the increase in records along with the activities of an institution that is not followed by systematic storage will result in the accumulation of records. In the initial observations, researchers found problems in structuring school records that were still not organized, how to manage records that were still ineffective, the role of administrative personnel that was not careful. The purpose is to find out the arrangement of archives, records management and the role of administrative personnel in managing archives at SMA YPKM Manado. The type of research used is a qualitative method with data collection through observation, interviews and documentation

    Kelimpahan Dan Kondisi Habitat Siput Gonggong (Strombus Turturella) Di Pesisir Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui kelimpahan dan kondisi habitat siput gonggong (Strombus turturella) di pesisir Kabupaten Bintan, Kepulauan Riau. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode survei pada 6 (enam) stasiun pengamatan. Pada masing-masing stasiun, dibuat area sampling seluas 100 m x 100 m. Pada area sampling ditarik 5 buah garis tegak lurus dengan interval 25 meter. Sample diambil pada petak kuadrat seluas 1 m x 1 m setiap 10 meter pada garis tegak lurus tersebut. Parameter pengamatan meliputi kualitas perairan, substrat, kadar total organik, kelimpahan dan pola penyebaran siput gonggong. Hasil penelitian diperoleh 3 jenis gastropoda yaitu Strombus turturella, Natica Gualtieriana, dan Lambis lambis. Nilai kelimpahan siput gonggong tertinggi terdapat pada Stasiun E (Sungai Lepah) dengan jumlah 0,5 ind/m2, dan terendah di Stasiun B (Sungai Kecil) dengan jumlah 0,04 ind/m2, dan pada Stasiun D (Sekera) tidak ditemukan siput gonggong. Habitat siput gonggong terdapat pada substrat pasir di semua stasiun. Kualitas perairan di stasiun penelitian dikategorikan layak untuk biota laut dalam baku mutu perairan pada Kep.Men.LH No.51. Pola penyebaran menunjukan siput gonggong hidup secara berkelompok. Aktivitas masyarakat di pesisir Kabupaten Bintan yang berpengaruh terhadap kelimpahan siput gonggong antara lain aktivitas penangkapan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumsi lokal maupun wisatawan, penambangan pasir di laut dan di pantai

    Ecosystem Service of Shade Trees on Nutrient Cycling and Productivity of Coffee Agro-ecosystems

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    Shade trees are significant in certification scheme of sustainable coffee production. They play an importance role on ecosystem functioning. This research is aimed to study ecosystem service of shade trees in some coffee agro-ecosystems particularly on nutrient cycling and land productivity. Four agro-ecosys tems of Robusta coffee (Coffea canephora), namely sun coffee (without shade trees), coffee shaded by Michelia champaca, coffee shaded by Gliricidia sepium, and coffee shaded by Erythrina indica are evaluated during 2007—2008. Smallholder coffee plantation in Sumberjaya Subdistrict, West Lampung, which managed under local standard were employed using Randomized Complete Block Design with 3 replications. The result showed that litter fall dynamic from shade trees and from coffee trees was influenced by rainfall. Shade trees decreased weed biomass while increased litter fall production. In dry season, shade trees decreased litter fall from coffee shaded by M. champaca. G. sepium and E. indica shaded coffee showed higher yield than sun coffee and M. champaca shaded coffee. Except for M. champaca shaded coffee, yield had positive correlation (r = 0.99) with litter fall production and had negative correlation (r = —0.82) with weed biomass production. Biomass production (litter fall + weed) of sun coffee and shaded coffee was not significantly different. Litter fall of shade trees had significance on nutrient cycle mainly to balance the lost of nitrogen in coffee bean harvesting
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