458 research outputs found

    The Use of Grid Storage Protocols for Healthcare Applications

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    Grid computing has attracted worldwide attention for a variety of domains. Healthcare projects focus on data mining and standardization techniques, the issue of data accessibility and transparency over the storage systems on the Grid has seldom been tackled. In this position paper, we identify the key issues and requirements imposed by Healthcare applications and point out how Grid Storage Technology can be used to satisfy those requirements. The main contribution of this work is the identification of the characteristics and protocols that make Grid Storage technology attractive for building a Healthcare data storage infrastructure

    Study for Possible Storage Solutions for Kloe

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    Stillbirth occurrence during COVID-19 pandemic: A population-based prospective study

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    Objectives: Data collected worldwide on stillbirth (SB) rates during the Covid-19 pandemic are contradictory. Variations may be due to methodological differences or population characteristics. The aim of the study is to assess the changes in SB rate, risk factors, causes of death and quality of antenatal care during the pandemic compared to the control periods. Methods: This prospective study is based on the information collected by the Emilia-Romagna Surveillance system database. We conducted a descriptive analysis of SB rate, risk factors, causes of death and quality of cares, comparing data of the pandemic (March 2020-June 2021) with the 16 months before. Results: During the pandemic, the SB rate was 3.45/1,000 births, a value in line with the rates of previous control periods. Neonatal weight >90th centile was the only risk factor for SB that significantly changed during the pandemic (2.2% vs. 8.0%; p-value: 0.024). No significant differences were found in the distribution of the causes of death groups. Concerning quality of antenatal cares, cases evaluated with suboptimal care (5.2%) did not change significantly compared to the control period (12.0%), as well as the cases with less than recommended obstetric (12.6% vs. 14%) and ultrasound evaluations (0% vs. 2.7%). Conclusions: During the COVID-19 pandemic, no significant differences in SB rates were found in an area that maintained an adequate level of antenatal care. Thus, eventual associations between SB rate and the COVID-19 infection are explained by an indirect impact of the virus, rather than its direct effect

    Detecting gas upwelling hazards in coastal areas through integration of active and passive electrical and seismic methods (Fiumicino, Central Italy)

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    The accurate location of gas upwelling flows is still an open problem for non-invasive imaging techniques in populated areas. Gas blowouts of deep origin may represent a serious threat to human health in urban areas and should be correctly imaged with high-resolution for assessing the related hazards. In this work, we propose an integration of active (electrical resistivity tomography and high-resolution sub-bottom profiling complemented with the multibeam bathymetry) and passive (self-potential and ambient noise recordings) geophysical methods to image gas upwelling flows in the coastal area of Fiumicino (Central Italy), where the gas presence is well-documented by previous works. We demonstrate that merging seismic sub-bottom profiling and electrical resistivity tomography has enormous diagnostic potential for gas detection, since they combine the high resolution needed to correctly image the subsurface and the interfaces between different media with the high diagnostic capability of electrical methods to detect anomalies associated with the gas emissions. Passive seismic methods complement the analysis enabling an estimation of the shear-wave velocity through array measurements. Finally, the reconstruction of the natural electrical sources, inferred from the inversion of self-potential data, confirms the location of the near-surface gas upwelling flows assessed through the resistivity model. This work demonstrates that the integration of high-resolution active and passive seismic and electrical methods can be an effective choice for the accurate location of risk-prone areas by imaging the near surface gas pathways where borehole drilling is strongly limited if not forbidden

    A novel approach to evaluate the effects of artificial bone focal lesion on the three-dimensional strain distributions within the vertebral body

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    The spine is the first site for incidence of bone metastasis. Thus, the vertebrae have a high potential risk of being weakened by metastatic tissues. The evaluation of strength of the bone affected by the presence of metastases is fundamental to assess the fracture risk. This work proposes a robust method to evaluate the variations of strain distributions due to artificial lesions within the vertebral body, based on in situ mechanical testing and digital volume correlation. Five porcine vertebrae were tested in compression up to 6500N inside a micro computed tomography scanner. For each specimen, images were acquired before and after the application of the load, before and after the introduction of the artificial lesions. Principal strains were computed within the bone by means of digital volume correlation (DVC). All intact specimens showed a consistent strain distribution, with peak minimum principal strain in the range -1.8% to -0.7% in the middle of the vertebra, demonstrating the robustness of the method. Similar distributions of strains were found for the intact vertebrae in the different regions. The artificial lesion generally doubled the strain in the middle portion of the specimen, probably due to stress concentrations close to the defect. In conclusion, a robust method to evaluate the redistribution of the strain due to artificial lesions within the vertebral body was developed and will be used in the future to improve current clinical assessment of fracture risk in metastatic spines

    Expression and Biological Functions of miRNAs in Chronic Pain: A Review on Human Studies

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    none10noChronic pain is a major public health problem and an economic burden worldwide. However, its underlying pathological mechanisms remain unclear. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small noncoding RNAs that post-transcriptionally regulate gene expression and serve key roles in physiological and pathological processes. This review aims to synthesize the human studies examining miRNA expression in the pathogenesis of chronic primary pain and chronic secondary pain. Additionally, to understand the potential pathophysiological impact of miRNAs in these conditions, an in silico analysis was performed to reveal the target genes and pathways involved in primary and secondary pain and their differential regulation in the different types of chronic pain. The findings, methodological issues and challenges of miRNA research in the pathophysiology of chronic pain are discussed. The available evidence suggests the potential role of miRNA in disease pathogenesis and possibly the pain process, eventually enabling this role to be exploited for pain monitoring and management.Sabina S.; Panico A.; Mincarone P.; Leo C.G.; Garbarino S.; Grassi T.; Bagordo F.; De Donno A.; Scoditti E.; Tumolo M.R.Sabina, S.; Panico, A.; Mincarone, P.; Leo, C. G.; Garbarino, S.; Grassi, T.; Bagordo, F.; De Donno, A.; Scoditti, E.; Tumolo, M. R

    Neuropsychological characterization of aggressive behavior in children and adolescents with cd/odd and effects of single doses of medications: The protocol of the matrics_wp6-1 study

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    Aggressive behaviors and disruptive/conduct disorders are some of the commonest reasons for referral to youth mental health services; nevertheless, the efficacy of therapeutic interventions in real-world clinical practice remains unclear. In order to define more appropriate targets for innovative pharmacological therapies for disruptive/conduct disorders, the European Commission within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) funded the MATRICS project (Multidisciplinary Approaches to Translational Research in Conduct Syndromes) to identify neural, genetic, and molecular factors underpinning the pathogenesis of aggression/antisocial behavior in preclinical models and clinical samples. Within the program, a multicentre case-control study, followed by a single-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over, randomized acute single-dose medication challenge, was conducted at two Italian sites. Aggressive children and adolescents with conduct disorder (CD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) were compared to the same age (10–17 y) typically developing controls (TDC) on a neuropsychological tasks battery that included both “cold” (e.g., inhibitory control, decision making) and “hot” executive functions (e.g., moral judgment, emotion processing, risk assessment). Selected autonomic measures (heart rate variability, skin conductance, salivary cortisol) were recorded before/during/after neuropsychological testing sessions. The acute response to different drugs (methylphenidate/atomoxetine, risperidone/aripiprazole, or placebo) was also examined in the ODD/CD cohort in order to identify potential neuropsychological/physiological mechanisms underlying aggression. The paper describes the protocol of the clinical MATRICS WP6-1 study, its rationale, the specific outcome measures, and their implications for a precision medicine approach
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