39 research outputs found

    Mobility, education and livelihood trajectories for young people in rural Ghana: a gender perspective

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    This paper examines the gendered implications of Africa's transport gap (the lack of cheap, regular and reliable transport) for young people in rural Ghana, with particular reference to the linkages between restricted mobility, household work demands, access to education and livelihood potential. Our aim is to show how mobility constraints, especially as these interact with household labour demands, restrict young people's access to education and livelihood opportunities. Firstly, the paper considers the implications of the direct constraints on young people's mobility potential as they travel to school. Then it examines young people's (mostly unpaid) labour contributions, which are commonly crucial to family household production and reproduction, including those associated with the transport gap. This has especially important implications for girls, on whom the principal onus lies to help adult women carry the heavy burden of water, firewood, and agricultural products required for household use. Such work can impact significantly on their educational attendance and performance in school and thus has potential knock-on impacts for livelihoods. Distance from school, when coupled with a heavy workload at home will affect attendance, punctuality and performance at school: it may ultimately represent the tipping point resulting in a decision to withdraw from formal education. Moreover, the heavy burden of work and restricted mobility contributes to young people's negative attitudes to agriculture and rural life and encourages urban migration. Drawing on research from rural case study sites in two regions of Ghana, we discuss ethnographic material from recent interviews with children and young people, their parents, teachers and other key informants, supported by information from an associated survey with children ca. 9–18 years

    An explorative study on the adoption and dis-adoption of improved rice varieties among farmers in the Northern region of Ghana

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    Rice consumption in Ghana has increased steadily over the years. To enhance rice productivity to meet demand, several high-performing rice varieties have been disseminated via numerous interventions to smallholders in Northern Ghana. Nevertheless, productivity is still low at farm gate compared to research stations, due to smallholder poor adoption of the varieties. Using primary data collected from 404 farmers, the study examines the adoption levels of the main rice varieties among farmers and investigates the reasons for their adoption and dis-adoption. The empirical results revealed that rice varieties namely, Agra, Sakai, Jasmine 85, and Afife were the most adopted in the study area. Also, the study finds that GR-18, Nerica, Digang, Tox, Mandee, and Faro-15 were the most dis-adopted rice varieties. The main reasons for which farmers adopted the improved rice varieties were availability of a ready market for the produce, crop resistance to pests and diseases, consumer higher demand for rice, advice by extension staff to cultivate, and encouragement from researchers to adopt. The reasons for the dis-adoption of improved rice varieties in the study area were high input requirements, lack of ready market for the varieties, and unfavorable climatic conditions. The findings of the study give direction as to the angle from which the adoption of improved rice varieties can be stepped up while dis-adoption is reduced. Research scientists should research into rice varieties that are more suitable for the soil and climatic conditions of the study area and continue to sensitize and motivate the farmers to adopt them, while government should step up its support for the research scientists as well as the extension officers to deliver on their mandate

    Stakeholders' role in improving Ghana's construction safety

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    Health and safety (H&S) management has traditionally been the responsibility of the contractor. Most often, contractors are blamed for the accidents and other ill health that occur on their construction sites. H&S performance is, however, enhanced when there is effective collaboration between those involved in the construction process. This paper therefore explores the role of stakeholders in promoting construction H&S in Ghana through public works procurement. The four main stakeholders identified and evaluated in this study are the government, the client (employer), the contractor and the employee(s). Seven interviewees (comprising procurement managers, consultants and quantity surveyors) from public institutions in Ghana participated in the research. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and were thematically analysed. Results indicate a conflict in the perceived functions and relation of these stakeholders in the construction process. To address the constraint to improving construction H&S, certain recommendations are offered. These include the identification of specific individuals responsible for supervision and employee training, the development of H&S policies by the government and contracts that clearly outline the contractual obligations of all parties involved. Additionally, the specific roles and involvements of other stakeholders in the procurement process in improving construction H&S are also outlined

    Estimating Technical Efficiency of Tomato Production in Northern Ghana

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    Aim: To investigate the factors influencing technical efficiency of tomato farmers at the Irrigation Company of Upper Region (ICOUR). Study Design: Cross sectional. Place and Duration: Kasena-Nankana District of the Upper East Region of Ghana in the 2007/2008 cropping season. Methodology: One-step estimation of the Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier Model. Results: Mean technical efficiency was found to be 0.71, ranging from 0.36 and 0.99. The relatively high efficiency levels were as a result of agricultural intensification measures (such as the adoption of modern inputs) that the farmers followed as well as high levels of education and long years of experience in cultivating tomatoes. The most indentified effect of tomato influx into the country was that it drives farmers out of production. As a way out the farmers suggested that there should be a review of the country’s cross border relations with its neighbors. Conclusion: The farmers at ICOUR are technically efficient. Their main problem however borders on the fierce competition they face from their foreign counterparts