441 research outputs found

    Control System Design and Simulation of Spacecraft Formations via Virtual Formation Approach

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    The problem of formation control of multiple spacecraft using the virtual structure approach is studied. The thesis first summarizes the progress made in the area of spacecraft formation control and then provides an overview of the virtual structure method. Modifying earlier established control design techniques, new feedback laws are constructed to control both the rotational and translational motion of a group of spacecraft. Several computer simulations are performed to illustrate the effectiveness of the modified control laws. The ephemeris and attitude data files generated via Matlab are exported to Satellite Tool Kit (STK) to create 3D animations. Various formation scenarios are modeled and the formation control strategies studied in this thesis are applied for switching from one formation scenario to another

    Detection of Interesting Traffic Accident Patterns by Association Rule Mining

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    In recent years, the accident rate related to traffic is high. Analyzing the crash data and extracting useful information from it can help in taking respective measures to decrease this rate or prevent the crash from happening. Related research has been done in the past which involved proposing various measures and algorithms to obtain interesting crash patterns from the crash records. The main problem is that large numbers of patterns were produced and vast number of these patterns would be obvious or not interesting. A deeper analysis of the data is required in order to get the interesting patterns. In order to overcome this situation, we have proposed a new approach to detect the most associated sequential patterns in the crash data. We also make use of the technique, “Association Rule Mining” to mine interesting traffic accident patterns from the crash records. The main goal of this research is to detect the most associated sequential patterns (MASP) and mine patterns within the data sets generated by MASP using a modified FP-growth approach in regular association rule mining. We have designed and implemented data structures for efficient implementation of algorithms. The results extracted can be further queried for pattern analysis to get a deeper understanding. Efficient memory management is one of the main objectives during the implementation of the algorithms. Linked list based tree structures have been used for searching the patterns. The results obtained seemed to be very promising and the detected MASPs contained most of the attributes which gave a deeper insight into the crash data and the patterns were found to be very interesting. A prototype application is developed in C# .NET


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    Biomass is considered a renewable source of energy with minimum carbon foot print if managed sustainably. The majority of the worlds energy is spend on transportation, and fast pyrolysis of biomass could be a potential route for production of a sustainable liquid transportation fuel. However, there are several hurdles in the conversion process. This work addresses these hurdles by investigating the impact of several pretreatment methods on fast pyrolysis including thermal pretreatment (torrefaction), comminution/grinding, mineral reduction. The impact of important parameters like heat transfer medium, conversion temperature and particle size were also investigated. A mild thermal pretreatment of biomass (~10-15% dry solids loss) had been proven to provide multiple benefits which include, reduction of grinding energy (~85% reduction), narrower particle distribution and production of bio-oils that have lower water and acid content, thus increasing stability. Comminution followed by mechanical sifting reduced the insoluble minerals (primarily silicon), which can cause damage to bio-refineries by increasing the equipment wear. More than 80% of the inorganics (both soluble and insoluble) were removed through aqueous high-shear mineral reduction technique when paired with mild thermal pretreatment. Removal of these soluble, structural minerals has decreased the amount of aqueous-fraction bio oils, and produced a higher quality oil. Arundo Donax is a fast growing cane which is considered a low cost energy crop. However, its high mineral content made it less attractive for alternative bio-fuel production. The high potential of the feedstock was the primary reason why this feedstock has been extensively studied in this work, and an effective pretreatment method to enable efficient conversion was sought. It was concluded that the particle size of the feedstock has minimal effect on the bio-oil yield within the studied range (\u3c2 \u3emm), whereas the conversion/reaction temperature had shown predominant effect. The optimal bio-oil yields for raw Arundo Donax were approximately 50-52% observed for feedstock with particle size in range of 0.425-0.850 mm at temperatures of 470-500 ÂșC. The high shear mineral reduction technique with multi stage fast pyrolysis was also investigated with up to approximately 40% dry solids loss in first stage (torrefaction). It was found that the mineral reduction increased the liquid product yield (up to 62%), approaching that of clean woody feedstocks. This work indicated that the liquid yield can be effectively fractionated through sequential degradation stages without losing the product yield. In conclusion, the presented work in this dissertation indicates that integration of pretreatment methods like mineral reduction, comminution and thermal treatments with fast pyrolysis enables the use of low cost biomass feedstocks to be able to produce stable bio-oils with optimal yields. Further, this work demonstrates, in part, that the presented (relatively) simple and low-cost conversion reactor can produce a high yield of liquid pyrolysis oil from a range of woody, herbaceous, and agricultural residues and wastes. Sequential staging of these reactors can produce a thermally fractionated product

    Patterns of adverse drug reactions: a study in a tertiary care

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    Background: Adverse drug reaction, usually reported by pharmacovigilance, either through health care professionals or the patients themselves is of utmost importance to give an accurate estimate of the severity of the drug and also if the ADRs are casual, preventable or severe.Methods: A total of 42 patients satisfied the WHO definition of ‘adverse drug reactions’ were included in the study. The demographic details were taken, and the regular physical examination and clinical examination was done for all the patients. The latest drug they were on and the dosage were analyzed and the type of reaction was assessed. The causality, severity and preventability were also assessed.Results: Majority of the ADRs were found in the medicine department, followed pulmonology, obstetrics-gynecology and paediatrics. B-lactams were the major cause of ADRs with 42.2%, followed by NSAIDs with 23.8%, fluoroquinolones with 19% and 9.5% due to antitubercular drugs. 66.7% of the ADRs were mild, 28.6% were moderate and 4.8% were severe. The most common type of ADR were skin rashes (40.5%), urticara (16.7%), headaches (26.2%), insomnia (21.4%), diarrhoea (21.4%), abdominal pain (14.3%) and vomiting (4.8%). Most of the ADRs were evaluated as probably preventable (69%), definitely preventable (26.2%), non preventable (4.8%).Conclusions: Most of the drug reactions are mild and preventable. More health care professionals as well as patients need to be aware of the drug reactions at much early age so as to prevent the condition before it becomes serious

    Patterns of acne prescriptions: a study in a tertiary care unit

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    Background: Acne vulgaris is one of the most common dermatological disorder affecting the pilo sebaceous glands resulting in their blockage or inflammation. Symptoms of acne may include local erythema and tenderness and pain. Medication include benzoyl peroxide, retinoids, salicylic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, nicotinamide, azelaic acid, anti-seborrheic medications, hormonal treatment, anti-androgen medications and keratolytic soaps.Methods: About 166 patients who were treated for acne vulgaris were included into the study after taking the informed consent from the patients. This study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee. The demographic details of the patients with regards to their, age sex, weight, BMI were taken. The acne was medically diagnosed, and the grade was assessed.Results: Out of the 166 patients included into the study, 92 (55%) were females while 74 (45%) were males and the mean age was 25.4±1.6 of the patients belonged to the middle class. Of the patients, most of them were adolescents or less than 25 years of age (54.2%). 64 of the patients were between 26-45 years while only 12 were >45 years of age. A total of 521 drugs were prescribed. Of them, 37.6% were through the oral route and 62.4% were topical the most common prescribed drugs were antimicrobials, both topical and oral.Conclusions: The multidrug prescription in most of the cases can be rationalized if a drug monitoring system can be effectively put into place. This would not only reduce the number of drugs per prescription but also the cost of treatment

    Automation and Machine Learning in Transforming the Financial Industry

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    The major purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of machine learning on the digital age, particularly in the field of finance. This study involves the application of machine learning, its challenges, opportunities and effect on job openings and operations. This paper is based on the findings of a qualitative study of the text on the subject of machine learning in finance. The theoretical portion of this paper explores the universal framework, such as the past, existing and the next level of the machine learning, with emphasis on its advantages and drawbacks. The study also examines the global recognition of machine learning in the review of artificially intelligent development and start-ups in European countries. The research methodology used in this study was the evaluation of the qualitative methods in the paper. The study also reviewed twenty electronic records and articles on machine learning in finance. During the research on how computer technology transforms the banking sector, the implementation and impact of artificial intelligence in financing was discussed. Research shows that several financial institutions have significantly benefited from the introduction of a variety of machine learning and artificial intelligence. This paper demonstrates that there is a lack of experience in the field of machine learning, even as many unskilled or semi-qualified tasks carried out by individuals are carried out by machines. This study has shown that, through banking and financial valuation, whether it is manufacturing, data analysis or continuing to invest, there will be many more developments that can get the job done


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    Objective: The proposed method aims to develop a simple, rapid, sensitive and validated isocratic reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method for the simultaneous estimation of linagliptin and empagliflozin in human plasma.Methods: Chromatography was performed on waters 2695 HPLC equipped with a quaternary pump. The separation was carried using discovery C18 (250×4.6×5) column, buffer: acetonitrile (68:32) as mobile phase with 1 ml/min flow rate. The analyte detection was monitored at 218 nm.Results: Retention time of linagliptin, empagliflozin and internal standard was found at 6.421, 4.696, and 4.074 min respectively. The peaks were found to be free of interference. The method is validated over a dynamic linear range of 0.01-10.0 ”g/ml for both drugs with a correlation coefficient of 0.998. The precision and accuracy of samples of six replicate measurements at lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) level were within the limit. The analytes were found to be stable in human plasma at-28 °C for 37 d.Conclusion: The stability, sensitivity, specificity and reproducibility of this method make it suitable for the determination of linagliptin and empagliflozin in human plasma

    Role of myeloid growth factors in chemotherapy induced neutropenia

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    Neutropenia is a major dose limiting toxicity of many chemo therapeutic regimens. Haemopoietic colony - stimulating factors (CSFs) have been shown to reduce the duration and severity of chemotherapy induced neutropenia (CIN) and risk of febrile neutropenia. Supportive care with myeloid growth factors improve chemotherapy delivery by minimizing chemotherapy dose reductions or treatment delays by enabling the delivery of full dose chemotherapy (dose dense) in short time intervals. The goal of this article is to give comprehensive review of current literature regarding medical practice guidelines and risk assessment models for appropriate use of myeloid growth factors and management of febrile neutropenia

    Atorvastatin versus rosuvastatin in non-diabetic patients with dyslipidemia: a comparative study

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    Background: Statins are recognized to be the first line of therapy for lowering cholesterol and have shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality caused by cardiovascular diseases. Atorvastatin and rosuvastatin are potent statins which can efficiently lower the cholesterol and triglyceride levels, we have thus undertaken this study to compare the efficacy of these two statins in non-diabetic patients.Methods: 150 patients selected for the study, were over 18 years of age with dyslipidemia with no management. Using a randomized computer table, the patients were divided into 2 groups of 75 patients each; group A, who were given atorvastatin 20 mg and group B who were given rosuvastatin 10 mg for 12 weeks. History, and blood tests for fasting blood sugar, hemoglobin A1C, lipid profile such as triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, urea, creatinine, uric acid, creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine aminotreasferase. Vitamin 25(OH) D, serum insulin and hs-CRP levels were measured after taking the base line details.Results: The numbers of women were lesser than that of men. There was a considerable reduction in the triglyceride levels, total and LDL levels in both the groups after 12 weeks of use although between the two groups there was not any significant difference. A slight reduction was seen in the hs-CRP levels and elevation in Vit D3 levels though this was not very significant due to the lesser duration of the study.Conclusions: Both atorvastatin and rosuvastatin are equally powerful statins and very effective in reducing the triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol levels. They are also effective in lowering hs-CRP and elevating vitamin D levels

    Prazolin as a treatment for benign prostatic hypertrophy: a study in a tertiary care centre

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    Background: Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is one of the most common disorders effecting elderly men resulting in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), including urinary frequency, retention, nocturia, intermittent force of the urinary stream, sensation of incomplete bladder emptying etc. The medical treatment preferred of late is with alpha-1 blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors or anti androgens. Prazosin, an older alpha-1 adrenergic blocker is considered a very useful drug in the treatment of PBH.Methods: 97 patients, above 45 years of age and diagnosed with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms were included into the study. All patients were given prazosin 0.5 mg orally twice daily for a week. After 1 week, the night dose was increased to 1mg form 0.5 mg while the morning dose remained as 0.5 mg. All the patients were asked to record their symptoms for three days before each visit to the hospital. The parameters to record were nocturia, frequency, urgency, straining, force of urine and decreased force of urine, intermittency, and sensation of the urine residue. All these parameters were recorded on a scale of 0-5, where 0 is the total absence of symptoms and 5 is the most severe symptom.Results: There was an improvement in the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure after 4 weeks of treatment. There was marked improvement in the urine output in the patients after 4 weeks of treatment. There was reduction in the nocturis and the frequency of urine by the patient. There was significant reduction in the urgency and the hesitancy of the urine. About 71 (80%) patients showed improvement in the sense of residual urine by the patients, while 66(74%)  showed improvement in the terminal dribbling of urine. 65 (73%) of the patients showed relief from prolonged micturation, while nocturia and day time frequency showed improvement in over 60% of the cases.Conclusions:We therefore conclude that prazosin is also a very effective drug for the treatment of BPH, in terms of the urine outflow and decreased frequency and nocturia.Background: Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is one of the most common disorders effecting elderly men resulting in lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), including urinary frequency, retention, nocturia, intermittent force of the urinary stream, sensation of incomplete bladder emptying etc. The medical treatment preferred of late is with alpha-1 blockers or 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors or anti androgens. Prazosin, an older alpha-1 adrenergic blocker is considered a very useful drug in the treatment of PBH.Methods: 97 patients, above 45 years of age and diagnosed with mild to moderate benign prostatic hyperplasia with lower urinary tract symptoms were included into the study. All patients were given prazosin 0.5 mg orally twice daily for a week. After 1 week, the night dose was increased to 1mg form 0.5 mg while the morning dose remained as 0.5 mg. All the patients were asked to record their symptoms for three days before each visit to the hospital. The parameters to record were nocturia, frequency, urgency, straining, force of urine and decreased force of urine, intermittency, and sensation of the urine residue. All these parameters were recorded on a scale of 0-5, where 0 is the total absence of symptoms and 5 is the most severe symptom.Results: There was an improvement in the systolic and the diastolic blood pressure after 4 weeks of treatment. There was marked improvement in the urine output in the patients after 4 weeks of treatment. There was reduction in the nocturis and the frequency of urine by the patient. There was significant reduction in the urgency and the hesitancy of the urine. About 71 (80%) patients showed improvement in the sense of residual urine by the patients, while 66(74%)  showed improvement in the terminal dribbling of urine. 65 (73%) of the patients showed relief from prolonged micturation, while nocturia and day time frequency showed improvement in over 60% of the cases.Conclusions: We therefore conclude that prazosin is also a very effective drug for the treatment of BPH, in terms of the urine outflow and decreased frequency and nocturia
