197 research outputs found

    Perinatal mental health around the world: priorities for research and service development in Italy

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    In Italy, most studies on perinatal mental health and initiatives aimed at improving the early detection and management of perinatal mental disorders have been carried out at the local level. National population-based studies are lacking. A study of pregnant women, recruited and diagnosed by a university hospital, found a 12.4% prevalence of minor and major depression during pregnancy, and a prevalence of 9.6% in the postpartum period. In a population-based surveillance system, covering 77% of national births, suicide was identified to be one of the main causes of maternal death within the first year after birth, yet half of those who were known to have a high suicide risk during the postpartum period had not been referred to a mental health service. The value of recognising depressive or anxiety symptoms early, during pregnancy, has been emphasised by recent research and should be linked to multi-professional psychosocial interventions. Since 2017, the Italian public primary care services that are dedicated to pregnancy assistance (Family Care Centres) have been tasked to provide free psychological assessment to pregnant and postpartum women. Action is now needed in order to improve access to Italian Family Care Centres for pregnant women and to develop an integrated care model involving obstetric and mental health services

    The way to move beyond the numbers: the lesson learnt from the Italian Obstetric Surveillance System

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    Objective.To describe the Italian Obstetric Surveillance System (ItOSS) investigating maternal death through incident case reporting and confidential enquiries.Methods. All maternal deaths occurred in any public and private health facility in 8 Italian regions covering 73% of national births have been notified to the ItOSS. Every incident case is confidentially reviewed to assess quality of care and establish the cause and avoidability of the death.Findings. A total of 106 maternal deaths among 1.455.545 new-borns have been notified to the surveillance system in 2013-17. Haemorrhage, sepsis and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are the leading causes of direct maternal deaths due to obstetric causes.Conclusions. A maternal mortality surveillance system, including incidence reporting and confidential enquiries along with a retrospective analysis of administrative data sources, emerged as the best option for case ascertainment and for promoting avoidable maternal deaths. 

    Protein kinase B/AKT isoform 2 drives migration of human mesenchymal stem cells.

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    This study was designed to investigate the migratory behavior of adult human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) and the underlying mechanism. Cell migration was assessed by transwell, wound healing and time-lapse in vivo motility assays. Pharmacological inhibitors were used to determine the potential mechanism responsible for cell migration and invasion. The tests that were implemented revealed that MSC were fairly migratory. Protein kinase B (AKT) was strongly activated at the basal level. Through our analyses we demonstrated that pharmacological inactivation of AKT2 but not AKT1 significantly decreased cell migration and invasion. Although preliminary, collectively our results indicate that AKT2 activation plays a critical role in enabling MSC migration

    Multicenter evaluation of use of dried blood spot compared to conventional plasma in measurements of globotriaosylsphingosine (LysoGb3) concentration in 104 Fabry patients.

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    Abstract Objectives Fabry disease (FD) is an X-linked lysosomal storage disorder, resulting from a deficiency of the enzyme α-galactosidase A, responsible for breaking down glycolipids such as globotriaosylceramide and its deacylated derivative, globotriaosylsphingosine (LysoGb3). Here, we compare the levels of LysoGb3 in dried blood spots (DBS) and plasma in patients with classic and late-onset phenotypes. Methods LysoGb3 measurements were performed in 104 FD patients, 39 males and 65 females. Venous blood was collected. A portion was spotted onto filter paper and another portion separated to obtain plasma. The LysoGb3 concentrations in DBS and plasma were determined by highly sensitive electrospray ionization liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Agreement between different matrices was assessed using linear regression and Bland Altman analysis. Results The method on DBS was validated by evaluating its precision, accuracy, matrix effect, recovery, and stability. The analytical performances were verified by comparison of a total of 104 paired DBS and plasma samples from as many FD patients (representing 46 GLA variants). There was a strong correlation between plasma and the corresponding DBS LysoGb3 concentrations, with few exceptions. Discrepancies were observed in anemic patients with typically low hematocrit levels compared to the normal range. Conclusions The method proved to be efficient for the rapid analysis of LysoGb3. DBS provides a convenient, sensitive, and reproducible method for measuring LysoGb3 levels for diagnosis, initial phenotypic assignment, and therapeutic monitoring in patients with FD

    Do Italian pregnant women use periconceptional folate supplementation?

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    Deficiency of Folic Acid (FA) has been identified as a risk factor for neural tube defects (NTDs) as well as other congenital abnormalities. Thus, periconceptional folate supplementation is recommended for all women planning to get pregnant.We conducted a KAP (knowledge, attitude, practice) survey to investigate the use of FA and its appropriateness. The survey included a sample of 562 women who delivered in Lazio region between 2013 and 2014. Two logistic regression analyses were performed to evaluate the association between the characteristics of participating women and both the information received on FA intake and its use. The prevalence of periconceptional FA assumption was  19.4% although 82.2% of the interviewed women had planned their pregnancies. It shows that more periconceptional counseling is needed to increase women's awareness on the opportunity of FA supplementation

    Evolution of National Guidelines on Medicines Used to Treat COVID-19 in Pregnancy in 2020-2022: A Scoping Review.

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    The lack of inclusion of pregnant women in clinical trials evaluating the effectiveness of medicines to treat COVID-19 has made it difficult to establish evidence-based treatment guidelines for pregnant women. Our aim was to provide a review of the evolution and updates of the national guidelines on medicines used in pregnant women with COVID-19 published by the obstetrician and gynecologists' societies in thirteen countries in 2020-2022. Based on the results of the RECOVERY (Randomized Evaluation of COVID-19 Therapy) trial, the national societies successively recommended against prescribing hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir-ritonavir and azithromycin. Guidelines for remdesivir differed completely between countries, from compassionate or conditional use to recommendation against. Nirmatrelvir-ritonavir was authorized in Australia and the UK only in research settings and was no longer recommended in the UK at the end of 2022. After initial reluctance to use corticosteroids, the results of the RECOVERY trial have enabled the recommendation of dexamethasone in case of severe COVID-19 since mid-2020. Some societies recommended prescribing tocilizumab to pregnant patients with hypoxia and systemic inflammation from June 2021. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies were authorized at the end of 2021 with conditional use in some countries, and then no longer recommended in Belgium and the USA at the end of 2022. The gradual convergence of the recommendations, although delayed compared to the general population, highlights the importance of the inclusion of pregnant women in clinical trials and of international collaboration to improve the pharmacological treatment of pregnant women with COVID-19
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