30 research outputs found

    The prescriptive power of the television host. A transposition of Milgram's obedience paradigm to the context of TV game show

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    voir données supplémentaires en ligne sur site de la revueInternational audienceToday's fascination with television makes us wonder whether it might not represent an authority capable of leading people in a television studio to inflict cruel acts on others, even though they condemn those acts. The experiment reported here allows us to answer this question in the affirmative. Therefore, we transposed Milgram's famous experimental obedience paradigm to the context of a "real" TV game show, in the studio of a large television production company, with a live audience and no prizes. We set up several experimental conditions designed to tell us if, in such contexts, obedience was the dominant response, as it is in the often-replicated classic situation. We also wished to know if the introduction of variations would reduce obedience. The results show that obedience to the host is the dominant response, as it is in Milgram's classic situation. However, variations that are assumed to reduce this obedience do not in fact demonstrate the expected effects. An additional experimental condition appears to demonstrate that a determining factor of obedience is the physical proximity of the host incarnating the televisual power. We offer a conclusion addressing the societal aspects of obedience.Cet article est le compte rendu scientifique de l'expérimentation qui a fait l'objet de l'émission TV "Le jeu de la Mort". Retransmis dans plusieurs pays (en France par France 2 en mars 2010), l'émission grand public ne montrait qu'une partie de l'expérimentation dans un style compréhensible par tous. Cet article donne donc davantage de résultats. Résumé : Vu la fascination qu'exerce aujourd'hui la télévision, on se demande si elle ne représente pas une autorité susceptible de conduire les gens à commettre, sur un plateau de télévision, des actes cruels à l'égard d'autrui, actes que pourtant ils réprouvent. La présente expérience nous permet de répondre affirmativement à cette question. Pour le démontrer, nous avons transposé le célÚbre paradigme d'obéissance de Milgram dans le contexte d'un jeu télévisé, filmé dans le studio d'une entreprise de production d'émissions télévisées, impliquant un public mais pas de gains. Nous avons réalisé plusieurs conditions expérimentales destinées à faire apparaßtre si, dans un tel contexte, l'obéissance restait, comme dans la situation classique souvent reproduite, la réponse dominante. Nous souhaitions aussi savoir si l'introduction de variantes permettrait d'obtenir, une réduction de l'obéissance. Les résultats montrent que l'obéissance à l'animatrice est, comme dans la situation standard de Milgram, la réponse dominante et que des variantes supposées a priori réduire cette obéissance ne la réduisent pas. Une condition expérimentale additionnelle semble indiquer qu'un facteur déterminant de l'obéissance est la proximité physique de l'animatrice représentant le pouvoir télévisuel. On conclut en évoquant les aspects sociétaux de l'obéissance

    "Milgram mesure l'obĂ©issance extrĂȘme", La Recherche, Mars 2010, p. 439-441

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    Court article paru dans "La Recherche", Mars 2010, p. 439-441 écrit par les auteurs de l'expérience de Milgram transposée à la télévision (objet du documentaire TV "Le jeu de la Mort")Court article écrit par les auteurs de l'expérience de Milgram transposée à la télévision (objet du documentaire TV "Le jeu de la Mort"

    Personality Predicts Obedience in a Milgram Paradigm

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    EnquĂȘte sur les personnes qui ont dĂ©sobĂ©i (leur personnalitĂ©, leur vote politique, leur consommation de TV...) dans la retranscription de l'expĂ©rience de Milgram sur un plateau de tĂ©lĂ©vision (Ă©mission TV "le jeu de la mort" diffusĂ©e sur France 2 en mars 2010)International audienceThis study investigates how obedience in a Milgram-like experiment is predicted by interindividual differences. Participants were 35 males and 31 females aged 26–54 from the general population who were contacted by phone 8 months after their participation in a study transposing Milgram's obedience paradigm to the context of a fake television game show. Interviews were presented as opinion polls with no stated ties to the earlier experiment. Personality was assessed by the Big Five Mini-Markers questionnaire (Saucier, 1994). Political orientation and social activism were also measured. Results confirmed hypotheses that Conscientiousness and Agreeableness would be associated with willingness to administer higher-intensity electric shocks to a victim. Political orientation and social activism were also related to obedience. Our results provide empirical evidence suggesting that individual differences in personality and political variables matter in the explanation of obedience to authority. Stanley Milgram carried out the " Eichmann experiment " to determine whether Nazi war criminals such as Adolf Eichmann, whose trial had begun a couple of months earlier in Jerusalem, could have committed the heinous acts of the Holocaust merely because of a misplaced obedience to authority (Milgram, 1974). The German philosopher Hanna Arendt, a reporter during the trial of Eichmann, coined the phrase " the banality of evil " to describe him, seeing behind the architect of the Holocaust a thoroughly normal person. Going further, Arendt also mentioned that Eichmann's attitude toward his family and friends was " not only normal but most desirable " (Arendt, 1977, p. 25). Whatever the accuracy and truth of such an analysis (see Cesarani, 2007, for an alternative view of Eichmann), the issue of individual dispositions related to obedience was also included in Milgram's thinking as he wrote, " I am certain that there is a complex personality basis to obedience and disobedience , but I know we have not found it " (Milgram, 1974, p. 205). Somewhat paradoxically, the social psychologist consensually credited for having accelerated the shift away from internal explanations of behavior toward environmental and situational factors considered personality as a relevant source of variation in obedient behavior (Benjamin & Simpson, 2009). In the present study, we shed a new light on how personality factors predicted obedience and rebellion in a Milgram-like study recently carried out in the context of a television game show (Beauvois, Courbet, & OberlĂ©, 2012). We hypothesize

    Sélection scolaire et stratégies identitaires

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    Deux Ă©tudes, l’une avec des filles, l’autre avec des garçons, concernent les stratĂ©gies identitaires d’élĂšves de lycĂ©es professionnels inscrits dans des options de B.E.P., soit prestigieuses, soit non prestigieuses. Elles explorent le type de biais, pro-endogroupe ou pro-exogroupe (favoritisme pour son propre groupe ou pour un groupe de non-appartenance), auxquels donne lieu la recherche d’une identitĂ© positive, suivant qu’on appartient Ă  une option prestigieuse ou non prestigieuse, ainsi que le plus ou moins grand degrĂ© d’appariement soi-prototype, c’est-Ă -dire la congruence ou non entre l’estimation de ses propres compĂ©tences et des compĂ©tences requises pour rĂ©ussir son diplĂŽme. Les Ă©lĂšves Ă©valuaient les compĂ©tences et les traits de personnalitĂ© nĂ©cessaires pour l’obtention de chacun des deux diplĂŽmes, avant de s’évaluer eux-mĂȘmes pour ces mĂȘmes compĂ©tences et traits. Aussi bien pour les filles que pour les garçons, on avait fait l’hypothĂšse d’un biais pro-endogroupe chez les Ă©lĂšves des options prestigieuses et de façon rĂ©ciproque d’un biais pro-exogroupe chez ceux des options non prestigieuses. SimultanĂ©ment, dans les deux types d’options, on s’attendait Ă  un non-appariement soi-prototype, correspondant chez les Ă©lĂšves des options prestigieuses Ă  une surestimation relative de leur diplĂŽme par rapport Ă  soi, et chez les Ă©lĂšves des options non prestigieuses Ă  une surestimation relative de soi par rapport aux exigences du diplĂŽme. Les rĂ©sultats confirment ces hypothĂšses pour les filles des options prestigieuses et partiellement pour les filles des options non prestigieuses. Chez les garçons, les processus de diffĂ©renciation entre ceux qui appartiennent Ă  l’option prestigieuse et ceux qui appartiennent Ă  l’option non prestigieuse sont quasi inexistants, manifestant chez eux une certaine prise de distance avec les valeurs de l’univers scolaire.Two studies, one concerning girls, the other one concerning boys within the context of vocational schools addressed the issue of in-group and outgroup bias in male and female students, who attended classes of B.E.P. either in a prestigious field of expertise or a non prestigious one. The studies further showed self-prototype matching, that is the congruence or non-congruence between the evaluation of one’s own skills and the skills required to pass one’s diploma as a strategy to enhance personal identity. Students were asked to evaluate the importance of specific relational and task-oriented competencies for the high vs. the low status strand as well as their own abilities for the same characteristics. As the diploma courses addressed either female or male students, Study 1 was concerned with comparisons among female students whereas Study 2 focused on comparisons among male students. It was hypothesised that the high status students would exhibit an in-group bias and non-congruence between the evaluation of their own skills and the skills required for their diploma thus overestimating their diploma, whereas the low status students would favour the out group, but overestimate their own abilities when compared with the abilities required for their diploma. Findings confirmed these hypotheses in the high status girls and, partially, in the low status girls. Boys, however, did almost not display these biases showing their distance from the values of the school system

    Group heterogeneity and social validation of everyday knowledge: the mediating role of perceived group participation

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    Studies presented in this article show that participants attribute greater validity to opinions supported by heterogeneous groups than by homogeneous ones, that this effect occurs whether participants anticipate group belonging or not and that the relationship between heterogeneity and the attribution of validity to opinions is mediated by the perception of participation within heterogeneous groups. More specifically, an experimental scenario was tested in a pilot study (N = 299): group heterogeneity was manipulated and perceived group participation as well as perceived validity of group opinions was measured. Results show the expected effect of heterogeneity on the validation of opinions and also a mediating effect of perceived participation. The main study (N = 336) shows that the effect of heterogeneity occurs not only when participants are mere observers of groups but also when they anticipate group belonging. Furthermore, this study shows that whereas the effect of group heterogeneity was mediated by perceived participation, the effect of group belonging on perceived validity of group opinions was mediated by trust

    Grading hampers cooperative information sharing in group problem solving

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    We hypothesized that individual grading in group work, a widespread practice, hampers information sharing in cooperative problem solving. Experiment 1 showed that a condition in which members' individual contribution was expected to be visible and graded, as in most graded work, led to less pooling of relevant, unshared information and more pooling of less-relevant, shared information than two control conditions where individual contribution was not graded, but either visible or not. Experiment 2 conceptually replicated this effect: Group members primed with grades pooled less of their unshared information, but more of their shared information, compared to group members primed with neutral concepts. Thus, grading can hinder cooperative work and impair information sharing in groups.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Edmond Marc, Dominique Picard L'interaction sociale

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    Oberlé Dominique. Edmond Marc, Dominique Picard L'interaction sociale . In: Communication et langages, n°83, 1er trimestre 1990. p. 122

    Psychologie sociale du groupe au travail : réfléchir, travailler et décider en groupe

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    Comprend des références bibliographiques et un index

    Le groupe et la psychologie sociale appliquée

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    International audienceL'objectif de ce livre est de montrer comment l'homme construit sa relation aux espaces de vie qui jalonnent son existence. Sont ainsi abordées les notions de relations au territoire, de représentations, de mémoire collective, d'appropriation de l'espace et d'identité environnementale. L'originalité de cet ouvrage repose sur une réflexion commune de chercheurs en psychologie sociale et environnementale, visant à comprendre comment l'individu appréhende le monde qui l'entoure