163 research outputs found

    Tomographic reconstruction of neopterous Carboniferous insect nymphs

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    Two new polyneopteran insect nymphs from the Montceau-les-Mines Lagerstätte of France are presented. Both are preserved in three dimensions, and are imaged with the aid of X-ray micro-tomography, allowing their morphology to be recovered in unprecedented detail. One–Anebos phrixos gen. et sp. nov.–is of uncertain affinities, and preserves portions of the antennae and eyes, coupled with a heavily spined habitus. The other is a roachoid with long antennae and chewing mouthparts very similar in form to the most generalized mandibulate mouthparts of extant orthopteroid insects. Computer reconstructions reveal limbs in both specimens, allowing identification of the segments and annulation in the tarsus, while poorly developed thoracic wing pads suggest both are young instars. This work describes the morphologically best-known Palaeozoic insect nymphs, allowing a better understanding of the juveniles’ palaeobiology and palaeoecology. We also consider the validity of evidence from Palaeozoic juvenile insects in wing origin theories. The study of juvenile Palaeozoic insects is currently a neglected field, yet these fossils provide direct evidence on the evolution of insect development. It is hoped this study will stimulate a renewed interest in such work

    Low Speed Take-Off Aerodynamic Analysis

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    In the frame of the EU funded H2020 project AGILE (Aircraft 3rd Generation MDO for Innovative Collaboration of Heterogeneous Teams of Experts) detailed CFD simulations were made to analyze the high lift system of an optimized regional aircraft. The paper presents shortly how the different components of the aircraft were obtained. CFD calculations were carried out, and the results are discussed

    Model based collaborative design & optimization of blended wing body aircraft configuration: AGILE EU project

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    Novel configuration design choices may help achieve revolutionary goals for reducing fuel burn, emission and noise, set by Flightpath 2050. One such advance configuration is a blended wing body. Due to multi-diciplinary nature of the configuration, several partners with disciplinary expertise collaborate in a Model driven ‘AGILE MDAO framework’ to design and evaluate the novel configuration. The objective of this research are : - To create and test a model based collaborative framework using AGILE Paradigm for novel configuration design & optimization, involving large multinational team. Reduce setup time for complex MDO problem. - Through Multi fidelity design space exploration, evaluate aerodynamic performance - The BWB disciplinary analysis models such as aerodynamics, propulsion, onboard systems, S&C were integrated and intermediate results are published in this report

    Carboniferous Onychophora from Montceau‐les‐Mines, France, and onychophoran terrestrialization

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    Abstract The geological age of the onychophoran crown‐group, and when the group came onto land, have been sources of debate. Although stem‐group Onychophora have been identified from as early as the Cambrian, the sparse record of terrestrial taxa from before the Cretaceous is subject to contradictory interpretations. A Late Carboniferous species from the Mazon Creek biota of the USA, Helenodora inopinata, originally interpreted as a crown‐group onychophoran, has recently been allied to early Cambrian stem‐group taxa. Here we describe a fossil species from the Late Carboniferous Montceau‐les‐Mines Lagerstätte, France, informally referred to as an onychophoran for more than 30 years. The onychophoran affinities of Antennipatus montceauensis gen. nov., sp. nov. are indicated by the form of the trunk plicae and the shape and spacing of their papillae, details of antennal annuli, and the presence of putative slime papillae. The poor preservation of several key systematic characters for extant Onychophora, however, prohibits the precise placement of the Carboniferous fossil in the stem or crown of the two extant families, or the onychophoran stem‐group as a whole. Nevertheless, A. montceauensis is the most compelling candidate to date for a terrestrial Paleozoic onychophoran

    Streamlining Cross-Organizational Aircraft Development: Results from the AGILE Project

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    The research and innovation AGILE project developed the next generation of aircraft Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization processes, which target significant reductions in aircraft development costs and time to market, leading to more cost-effective and greener aircraft solutions. The high level objective is the reduction of the lead time of 40% with respect to the current state-of-the-art. 19 industry, research and academia partners from Europe, Canada and Russia developed solutions to cope with the challenges of collaborative design and optimization of complex products. In order to accelerate the deployment of large-scale, collaborative multidisciplinary design and optimization (MDO), a novel methodology, the so-called AGILE Paradigm, has been developed. Furthermore, the AGILE project has developed and released a set of open technologies enabling the implementation of the AGILE Paradigm approach. The collection of all the technologies constitutes AGILE Framework, which has been deployed for the design and the optimization of multiple aircraft configurations. This paper focuses on the application of the AGILE Paradigm on seven novel aircraft configurations, proving the achievement of the project’s objectives

    L'éducation à la culture informationnelle

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    La publication des actes du colloque international L'éducation à la culture informationnelle (Lille, octobre 2008 - sous le patronage de l'Unesco) présente les regards de chercheurs, de praticiens ou de représentants d'institutions sur cette notion et ouvre de larges perspectives interdisciplinaires. Le nouveau concept de « culture informationnelle » est proposé par la communauté internationale pour mieux appréhender la complexification actuelle des relations entre l'enseignement, l'éducation et l'information, liée au développement exponentiel des technologies numériques. Quel rapport entretient l'éducation à l'information (information literacy) avec l'éducation aux médias (media literacy) et l'éducation numérique (digital literacy) ? Le périmètre de la « culture informationnelle » s'étend maintenant clairement au-delà du monde de la documentation et des bibliothèques. La notion même doit être précisée, revue, alors que les pratiques continuent d'évoluer. Une place importante est consacrée dans l'ouvrage à l'analyse comparée des approches théoriques et de plusieurs expériences menées dans différents pays