42 research outputs found


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    Jerusalem artichoke is suitable for use in biorefineries due to the very high biomass production and low soil, climate and cultivation requirements. Tubers of this species can be used for the production of methane fermentation or bioethanol. The aboveground part can be used for the production of biomethane, as well as in the direct combustion process or for the production of briquettes and pellets. Of the cultivars tested, Albik and Violet de Rennes proved to be the most useful for energy purposes. An important advantage of Jerusalem artichoke is its resistance to adverse climatic conditions (drought, frost), resistance to diseases and pests and the possibility of self-renewal

    „Jakkolwiek dzielny był Hernani, nie można było dopuścić, aby walczył sam...”, czyli o początkach francuskiego teatru romantycznego

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    For the representatives of Victor Hugo’s Red Salon, growing up in the shade of Corneille and Racine, the most important stage of the Romanticist revolution was conquest of the stage of Comédie-Française. Until the Classicist literary forms had been overcome, Romanticism could not consider itself a victorious trend. The article is an attempt to describe the disputes between the romanticists and the classicists in the area of theater, the struggle for a new theater which was to become a tribune of new aesthetic and ideological current

    Wpływ właściwości genetycznych na zawartość wybranych składników mineralnych w bulwach Helianthus tuberosus L.

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    Badania nad Helianthus tuberosus L. oparto na doświadczeniu polowym, przeprowadzonym w latach 2006–2008, w Parczewie, na glebie wytworzonej z piasków gliniastych lekkich, kompleksu żytniego słabego, klasy bonitacyjnej IVb. Czynnikami eksperymentu były: odmiany słonecznika bulwiastego Albik, Rubik i Violet de Renes. Przeciętna zawartość makroskładników w bulwach Helianthus tuberosus można uszeregować malejąco: potas (26,29 g.kg-1 s.m.) > fosfor (2,92 g.kg-1 s.m.) > wapń (1,45 g.kg-1 s.m.) > magnez (0,81 g.kg-1 s.m.). Polowa uprawa słonecznika bulwiastego daje szansę na powrót rośliny, która jest gatunkiem ciekawym dla gospodarstw agroturystycznych, a jednocześnie daje możliwość wielokierunkowego wykorzystania, co może zapewnić podstawę surowcową dla przemysłu przetwórczego. Wydaje się celowe rozpowszechnianie uprawy Helianthustuberosus w Polsce, ponieważ pozwoli ona na zapewnienie źródła surowców do produkcji żywności probiotycznej, pasz, inuliny, fruktooligosacharydów, witamin oraz surowca do produkcji biopaliw


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    The aim of the study was to assess the possible antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of various sweet potato extracts (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) in terms of their suitability for food processing. Antioxidant activity of water infusions from the leaves of 5 sweet potato varieties (Carmen Rubin, Cananua, Georgia Jet, Satsumo Imo, White Triumph) obtained from field cultivation in Felin (51°13'N, 22°37'E) was determined. The field experiment was carried out using the randomized blocks method, in triplicate, in accordance with the principles of good agricultural practice. The leaves were collected at phase 68 according to the BBCH scale. After harvesting, the leaves were dried to constant weight. After drying, the leaves were saturated with water at 80 ° C and 100 ° C for 3, 6 and 9 minutes. The total content of phenolic compounds was determined by the method of Ghasemzadeh et al. Antioxidant activity of sweet potato leaf infusions was determined by DPPH radical spectrophotometry. The time to prepare the infusions significantly differentiated the TP content. Infusions evaluated after 3 minutes were the most favorable in this respect. The antioxidant activity of the tested infusions obtained from sweet potato leaves ranged from 33% to 59%, depending on the variety, and 34-43%, depending on the time the infusion was prepared. Leaf infusions prepared at 100°C had a higher antioxidant activity than infusions made at 80°C. The highest antioxidant activity was revealed by infusions from White Triumph cultivar leaves, lowest - from Cananua cultivar leaves

    Charakterystyka wybranych roślin leczniczych pochodzących z Iraku

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    The paper describes the most important plants widely used in Iraq for medicinal purposes. The descriptive method was used based on the literature data. Studies have shown that many medicinal plants used in Iraq and belonging to different botanical families have been used to treat various diseases in traditional medicine. This paper presents the 10 most important plants belonging to 9 botanical families that were and are still used and used as medicinal plants. Most native plants still require detailed studies that may provide a lot of interesting data. Knowledge of traditionalknowledge and medicinal plants can play a key role in the exploitation and discovery of Iraq’s natural plant resources.W pracy scharakteryzowano najważniejsze rośliny szeroko stosowane w Iraku do celów leczniczych. Zastosowano metodę opisową na podstawie danych literaturowych. Badania wykazały, że wiele roślin leczniczych stosowanych w Iraku, a należących do różnych rodzin botanicznych wykorzystywano w medycynie tradycyjnej do leczenia chorób. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 10 najważniejszych roślin należących do 9 rodzin botanicznych, które były i są nadal wykorzystane i używane jako rośliny lecznicze. Większość rodzimych roślin wciąż wymaga szczegółowych badań, które mogą dostarczyć wielu interesujących danych. Znajomość tradycyjnej wiedzy i roślinleczniczych może odegrać kluczową rolę w eksploatacji i odkrywaniu naturalnych zasobów roślinnych w Iraku

    δ13C methane source signatures from tropical wetland and rice field emissions

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    The atmospheric methane (CH4) burden is rising sharply, but the causes are still not well understood. One factor of uncertainty is the importance of tropical CH4 emissions into the global mix. Isotopic signatures of major sources remain poorly constrained, despite their usefulness in constraining the global methane budget. Here, a collection of new δ13CCH4 signatures is presented for a range of tropical wetlands and rice fields determined from air samples collected during campaigns from 2016 to 2020. Long-term monitoring of δ13CCH4 in ambient air has been conducted at the Chacaltaya observatory, Bolivia and Southern Botswana. Both long-term records are dominated by biogenic CH4 sources, with isotopic signatures expected from wetland sources. From the longer-term Bolivian record, a seasonal isotopic shift is observed corresponding to wetland extent suggesting that there is input of relatively isotopically light CH4 to the atmosphere during periods of reduced wetland extent. This new data expands the geographical extent and range of measurements of tropical wetland and rice δ13CCH4 sources and hints at significant seasonal variation in tropical wetland δ13CCH4 signatures which may be important to capture in future global and regional models. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue ‘Rising methane: is warming feeding warming? (part 2)’

    Samotni wędrowcy, czytelnicy Wertera, wszyscy, którzy nie chcieli się narodzić. „Żywot zaczarowany” twórców uwertury dla paryskiej cyganerii

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    Lonely wanderers, readers of Werther, all who did not want to be born. The “enchanted lives” of the authors of an overture for Parisian bohemiansThe youth of nineteenth century Parisian bohemian authors was spent in the mundus melancholicus, Rousseau’s “enchanted world,” which was full of Werther’s mourning, Chateaubriand’s constant feeling of unfulfilment and Byron’s accursed rebellion. The never-ending loneliness of these individuals, the incurable disease of the spirit and the body, the eternal fever consuming the minds of the enfants du siècle continued for quite some time and made an indelible mark on the bohemian poet, instilling in him a desire to look for his own “self,” to fight for a semblance of being in the world of a Romantic homo viator. Successive generations of young bohemians continued this image of a young man suffering in his soul and body, for whom everything that had happened had gone forever, and what would happen was not there yet. A confrontation of such a way of creating one’s moi seul with emerging rules of bohemian being, a bitter note of living with the sweetness of Hernani’s triumph, creates a romantic mosaic of ambiguities, whirling and indefinable, like the mystery of Mussetean sorrows.Lonely wanderers, readers of Werther, all who did not want to be born. The “enchanted lives” of the authors of an overture for Parisian bohemiansThe youth of nineteenth century Parisian bohemian authors was spent in the mundus melancholicus, Rousseau’s “enchanted world,” which was full of Werther’s mourning, Chateaubriand’s constant feeling of unfulfilment and Byron’s accursed rebellion. The never-ending loneliness of these individuals, the incurable disease of the spirit and the body, the eternal fever consuming the minds of the enfants du siècle continued for quite some time and made an indelible mark on the bohemian poet, instilling in him a desire to look for his own “self,” to fight for a semblance of being in the world of a Romantic homo viator. Successive generations of young bohemians continued this image of a young man suffering in his soul and body, for whom everything that had happened had gone forever, and what would happen was not there yet. A confrontation of such a way of creating one’s moi seul with emerging rules of bohemian being, a bitter note of living with the sweetness of Hernani’s triumph, creates a romantic mosaic of ambiguities, whirling and indefinable, like the mystery of Mussetean sorrows

    "Bylismy Młodzi, zawsze weseli, często bogaci" Wielkie otwarcie La Boutique Romantique

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    The Impact of Cultivation Management and Weed Control Systems of Very Early Potato on Weed Infestation, Biodiversity, and Health Safety of Tubers

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    The aim of the research was to determine the impact of potato cultivation management and weeding systems on weed infestation and to evaluate the possibility of using biomarkers to assess consumer exposure to herbicide residues in potato tubers. The experiment was carried out in 2016–2018 in Central-Eastern Poland. The subject of research was the very early variety Lord. The experiment was established using the randomized block method in a split-plot design. The first order factor was cultivation management: (A) traditional and (B) under polyethylene sheeting (PE-sheeting) put “on flat”. The second-order factors were weed control systems: (a) mechanical (b) to (d)-chemical. The study determined the degree of damage to crops and weeds, fresh and dry weight of weeds, their number and floristic composition, and herbicide residues in tubers and in the soil. The fresh and dry mass of weeds was most effectively limited by mechanical and chemical treatment with the use of a preparation containing linuron. Managing potato cultivation with PE-sheeting and soil herbicides has proven to be safe for very early potato production. Used for pre-emergence care, the preparation containing linuron did not leave even trace amounts of this active substance in the tubers. The determined amount of the active substance fluorochloridon and clomazone was lower than the Maximum Residue Level (MRL) norm in the EU (European Union). As a result, the adopted, innovative management and weeding control systems in the cultivation of early potato varieties can be considered safe for the consumer