13,358 research outputs found

    Limiting Profit Shifting in a Model with Heterogeneous Firm Productivity

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    This paper analyzes measures that limit firms’ profit shifting activities in a model that incorporates heterogeneous firm productivity and monopolistic competition. Such measures, e.g. thin capitalization rules, have become increasingly widespread as governments have reacted to growing profit shifting activities of multinational companies. However, besides limiting profit shifting, such rules entail costs. As the regulations can only focus on the means to shift profits, not on profit shifting itself, they impose costs on all firms, no matter whether these firms shift profits abroad or not. In the model, these costs force some firms to exit the market. Thus, as this makes the remaining firms more profitable, regulations to limit profit shifting may even increase the aggregate amount of profits shifted abroad. From a welfare point of view, it may even be optimal no to limit profit shifting at all

    Eugenics and the woman question in the works of selected Polish catholic humanists in the period 1918-1939

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    Tak, jak w I połowie XX wieku rozpowszechnione było myślenie oparte o założenia eugeniczne, tak również rozpowszechniona była jego krytyka. W części pochodziła ona z przyjmowania perspektywy Kościoła katolickiego przez humanistów, pedagogów, którzy w odniesieniu do nauki społecznej Kościoła budowali swoje koncepcje pedagogiczne. Celem niniejszego artykułu jest pokazanie podstawowych elementów krytyki stanowiska eugeników z punktu widzenia polskich pedagogów katolickich z lat 1918-1939. Krytyka ta istniała, podnosiła podstawowe wątki charakterystyczne dla stanowiska Kościoła Katolickiego, ale prowadzono ją m.in. - co interesujące - z punktu widzenia "interesów" kobiety. Wprowadzenie zasad eugeniki, choć w środowiskach ją aprobujących było przedstawiane jako sposób emancypacji, w opisywanym środowisku traktowano jako drogę do demoralizacji i degradacji kobiety jako osoby.In the first half of the 20th century, thinking based on eugenics premises was as common as its critique, which partly resulted from assumption of the perspective of the catholic church by humanists and pedagogues, who built their pedagogical conceptions on social teaching of the Church. The present paper aims at presenting the basic elements of criticism of the eugenics stance from the perspective of Polish catholic educators in the years 1918-1939. Such criticism existed and addressed the fundamental themes characteristic of the Catholic Church's position, but it was executed, among others - and that's interesting - from the perspective of women's "interest". Although within introduction of the eugenics principles was presented within the circles that accepted it as a way of emancipation, within the abovesaid environment was treated as a path of demoralization and degradation of the woman as a person

    The chosen questions of the downtown cultural space revitalisation in the context of increasing Polish cities attractiveness

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    Cultural space revitalisation is a specific kind of city centre renewal. It especially aims atimproving a degradad urban structure in the aspect of spatial and social attractiveness. In the paper, the author deals with questions of directing a city centre revitalisation process in the right way. In author’s opinion it is needed to prove the necessity of the search for solutions to the current spatial problems within a city centre simultaneously considering some extra questions. Having reached the proper level of social and economic stabilization, other kinds of problems will be addressed subsequently. Therefore, it is necessary to think about the future right now, and programme long-term and interdisciplinary strategies for the city downtown development. In conlusion, it is essential to provide the right spatial politics to stimulate the realization of a compact city idea

    Limiting Profit Shifting in a Model with Heterogeneous Firm Productivity

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    This paper analyzes measures that limit firms’ profit shifting activities in a model that incorporates heterogeneous firm productivity and monopolistic competition. Such measures, e.g. thin capitalization rules, have become increasingly widespread as governments have reacted to growing profit shifting activities of multinational companies. However, besides limiting profit shifting, such rules entail costs. As the regulations can only focus on the means to shift profits, not on profit shifting itself, they impose costs on all firms, no matter whether these firms shift profits abroad or not. In the model, these costs force some firms to exit the market. Thus, as this makes the remaining firms more profitable, regulations to limit profit shifting may even increase the aggregate amount of profits shifted abroad. From a welfare point of view, it may even be optimal no to limit profit shifting at all.profit shifting; heterogeneous firms; tax competition

    Risk Measure Modelling

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    As a phenomenon, risk represents a latent quantity of money or equivalent values needed as a guarantee. We would like to model in some essential way the approach to potential loss caused by various agents. If the interest focuses on security, it is necessary to determine a limit. The aim of this paper is to refer to relevant literature and show how measure theory can be built as a mathematical discipline into economic theory providing thereby risk managers with a tool by means of which they will be able to link mathematical and economic thought.measure, risk measures, moments, random variable, probability,approximation,variance, decision making, risk function

    Limiting Profit Shifting in a Model with Heterogeneous Firm Productivity

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    This paper analyzes measures that limit firms’ profit shifting activities in a model that incorporates heterogeneous firm productivity and monopolistic competition. Such measures, e.g. thin capitalization rules, have become increasingly widespread as governments have reacted to growing profit shifting activities of multinational companies. However, besides limiting profit shifting, such rules entail costs. As the regulations can only focus on the means to shift profits, not on profit shifting itself, they impose costs on all firms, no matter whether these firms shift profits abroad or not. In the model, these costs force some firms to exit the market. Thus, as this makes the remaining firms more profitable, regulations to limit profit shifting may even increase the aggregate amount of profits shifted abroad. From a welfare point of view, it may even be optimal no to limit profit shifting at all.profit shifting, heterogeneous firms, tax competition

    Optimal Goodwill Model with Consumer Recommendations and Market Segmentation

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    We propose a new dynamic model of product goodwill where a product is sold in many market segments, and where the segments are indicated by the usage experience of consumers. The dynamics of product goodwill is described by a partial di erential equation of the Lotka{Sharpe{ McKendrick type. The main novelty of this model is that the product goodwill in a segment of new consumers depends not only on advertising e ort, but also on consumer recommendations, for which we introduce a mathematical representation. We consider an optimal goodwill model where in each market segment the control variable is the company's advertising e orts in order to maximize its pro ts. Using the maximum principle, we numerically nd the optimal advertising strategies and corresponding optimal goodwill paths. The sensitivity of these solutions is analysed. We identify two types of optimal advertising campaign: `strengthening' and `supportive'. They may assume di erent shapes and levels depending on the market segment. These experiments highlight the need for both researchers and managers to consider a segmented advertising polic