8 research outputs found

    Obtaining the heat loss coefficient of a dwelling using its heating system (integrated coheating)

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    © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. This paper presents the methodology, along with some of the initial findings and observations from tests performed on two dwellings, of differing construction and form, in which a coheating test was performed using the dwelling's central heating system; this method is referred to as integrated coheating. Data obtained during the integrated coheating tests using a dwelling's heating system have been compared with data obtained during electric coheating of the same dwelling. In one instance, integrated coheating test data from one dwelling was compared to a similar adjoining control dwelling that was simultaneously subject to an electric coheating test. The results show a good agreement between the heat loss coefficients (HLC) obtained using a dwelling's own heating system and those obtained through electrical coheating. Initial analysis suggests the HLC estimate obtained from integrated coheating is likely to be more representative of how a dwelling performs in-use. The findings question the appropriateness of comparing current steady-state HLC predictions to those derived from in-use monitoring data. Integrated coheating has the potential to provide a more cost-effective and informative indication of whole house heat loss than electric coheating, as it enables in situ quantification of both fabric and heating system performance

    Quantifying the domestic building fabric 'performance gap'

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    In the UK, there is mounting evidence that the measured in situ performance of the building fabric in new build dwellings can be greater than that predicted, resulting in a significant building fabric ‘performance gap’. This paper presents the coheating test results from 25 new build dwellings built to Part L1A 2006 or better. Whilst the total number of dwellings reported here is small, the results suggest that a substantial ‘performance gap’ can exist between the predicted and measured performance of the building fabric, with the measured whole building U-value being just over 1.6 times greater than that predicted. This is likely to have significant implications in terms of the energy use and CO2 emissions attributable to these dwellings in-use

    Quantifying the aggregate thermal performance of UK holiday homes

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    In the UK, there are approximately 330,000 holiday homes spread across a large number of mainly privately owned sites. These homes are often sited in exposed locations, are poorly insulated and are generally heated using expensive fuels, such as electricity or LPG. There is also a lack of empirical evidence available on the in situ energy performance of these homes. Consequently, it is not possible, given the existing evidence base, to determine whether these homes suffer from the same scale of building fabric thermal ‘performance gaps’ (between assumed and realised in situ performance) that have been documented for new build UK housing. This paper presents the results obtained from undertaking detailed in situ thermal fabric tests on five new holiday homes. Whilst sample size reported here is small, the results indicate that a ‘performance gap’ exists for all of these homes. Results obtained indicate that this gap appears narrower than that documented for new build UK housing. The results also suggest that the scale of the ‘gap’ may be more a consequence of the way in which the design intent of these homes has been determined, i.e. a ‘prediction gap’

    The airtightness and air leakage characteristics of new UK holiday homes

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    It is estimated that in the UK, 200,000 residents live in park and holiday homes all year round, the majority of which are elderly and on low incomes. As these homes are often thermally inefficient and leaky, these residents are some of the most susceptible in society to fuel poverty. Despite this, there is a dearth of empirical data available on the in situ fabric performance of these homes. This paper presents the results obtained from undertaking a series of pressurisation tests and leakage identification on new build holiday homes. While the sample size reported is small, the results indicate almost a factor of two variation in the airtightness performance of the homes. In spite of this, all of the homes achieved an air permeability significantly lower than the default value incorporated within the industry standard Energy Efficiency Rating Calculator, suggesting that a much lower figure may be more appropriate. The results also suggest that the use of the air permeability metric within the Calculator potentially biases the performance of holiday homes due to their particular form factor, and that this bias could be mitigated against by adopting the air leakage metric within any future revisions to the Calculator

    Quantifying the performance a passive deaerator in a gas-fired closed loop domestic wet central heating system

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    In the UK, approximately 16% of the energy use can be attributed to domestic wet central heating systems. Government financial support and advances in technology have led to boilers becoming more efficient and a range of technologies are now available that claim to be able to improve the efficiency of domestic wet central heating systems. One such low cost technology is a passive deaerator. This paper presents the results obtained from installing a passive deaerator on the closed loop of a gas-fired wet central heating system, under controlled conditions in the Salford Energy House. The results indicate that although marginally less heat output was required from the boiler when the passive deaerator was operating, these savings are more or less out weighted by the boiler short cycling more frequently. Consequently, the overall reduction is gas consumption achieved by utilising the passive deaerator device is only of the order of 0.5%; this scale of savings may just be a consequence of measurement noise. The implications are that although a marginal benefit may be attributed to these products, if short cycling takes place, then these savings may become insignificant

    Post-construction thermal testing: Some recent measurements

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    In the UK, it has become apparent in recent years that there is often a discrepancy between the steady-state predicted and the measured in situ thermal performance of the building fabric, with the measured in situ performance being greater than that predicted. This discrepancy or gap in the thermal performance of the building fabric is commonly referred to as the building fabric 'performance gap'. This paper presents the results and key messages obtained from undertaking a whole-building heat loss test (a coheating test) on seven new-build dwellings as part of the Technology Strategy Board's Building Performance Evaluation Programme. While the total number of dwellings involved in the work reported here is small, the results illustrate that a wide range of discrepancies in thermal performance was measured for the tested dwellings. Despite this, the results also indicate that it is possible to construct dwellings where the building fabric performs thermally more or less as predicted, thus effectively bridging the traditional building fabric performance gap that exists in mainstream housing in the UK

    Technical evaluation of SMETER technologies (TEST) project

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    This report details work carried out by the Technical Assessment Contractor for the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) during Phase 2 of the Technical Evaluation of SMETER technologies (TEST) Project under the Smart Meter Enabled Thermal Efficiency Ratings (SMETER) Innovation Programme. The Technical Assessment Contractor, referred to here as the TEST team, comprises experts from Loughborough University, Leeds Beckett University, UCL, and Halton Housing