2,690 research outputs found

    El notario y su funcion recaudadora y fiscalizadora de Impuestos.

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    55 p.Los notarios son auxiliares de la administración de justicia, cuya principal función es dar la garantía necesaria para que todo compromiso contractual sea eficaz, esta labor se realiza mediante el ejercicio de la fe pública notarial, la cual se materializa en el documento notarial que es de vital importancia para la vida económica del país. A partir de la presente investigación, se pretende establecer la importancia y la enorme responsabilidad que implica la labor notarial enmarcada principalmente en las materias tributarias, en donde este funcionario desempeña trascendentales labores de fiscalización y recaudación de impuestos. Producto que, la legislación sobre esta materia se encuentra dispersa a través de la basta normativa que conforma la ordenamiento jurídico, nuestra labor se enfocará precisamente en recopilar la regulación que establece la imposición para el notario, para luego sistematizarla de modo tal que nos permita fijar de modo concreto cada una de sus funciones tributarias

    Red Eye: Next Steps for Conducting Research in Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Ophthalmology

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    Background: Research in Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) in health sciences is relevant to health care providers and patients to identify factors to address educational interventions.Methods: A pilot study based on surveys amongst participants in a medical update conference in Cali, Colombia, was conducted to estimate participants’ knowledge on red eye in 2011.Results: The population was composed of medical students and general practitioners, with 72.7% of students being in their final year of their training. The classification of red eye was correct in 47% of respondents and we found errors in the classification of emergency, glaucoma and uveitis.Conclusions: Further research proposals in KAP are required for the recognition of this medical education indicator

    De la mirada cenital a la mirada impura: la ciudad como experiencia estética

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    We see our surroundings as images made up not only of language, but also of visuality, sensuality, & affectivity. The resulting images transcend a world defined by the limits of verbs, objects, & devices of representation that make of the subject a mere narrator of experiences. The author proposes to develop an approximation of cities through three different scenes that represent the spaces of power & government but also of daily life: (1) from the tower: the sensual view; (2) in the streets: the view from the perspective of one walking; & (3) the city as a form: the impure view. In each, the subject is presented as an actor of the city at a particular level

    Length of the artificial incubation in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa)

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    La incubación artificial de los huevos es una fase del manejo clave para la viabilidad de las granjas cinegéticas de perdiz roja (Alectoris rufa). Sin embargo, la duración de la incubación artificial y la dispersión de las eclosiones no han sido previamente cuantificadas en esta especie. Con este objetivo se analizaron cuatro ensayos de incubación artificial de huevos de perdiz roja procedentes de tres granjas cinegéticas del sur de España realizados incluyendo variabilidad de factores de manejo de los reproductores y de la incubación. La duración media de la incubación fue de 23,4 días, difiriendo entre ensayos (P = 0,004), con un valor modal de 23 días y finalizando la mayoría de las eclosiones (percentil 95) el día 24,5 de incubación. La eclosión mostró una distribución asimétrica positiva y leptocúrtica, como corresponde al patrón de eclosión de las especies precociales. Las eclosiones, que pueden comenzar el día 21,5 y finalizar el día 26 de incubación, se extendieron en promedio durante cuatro días, periodo mayor que el descrito en la literatura divulgativa probablemente porque en el presente estudio los huevos no estuvieron en contacto entre sí, lo que pudo limitar la sincronía en la eclosión. Los resultados de este estudio son útiles para conocer la distribución de la eclosión en las granjas cinegéticas de perdiz roja, posibilitando la mejora del manejo de los lotes de huevos en la nacedoraThe artificial incubation of the eggs is a key management phase for the feasibility of the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) game farms. However, the length of the artificial incubation and the spreading pattern of the hatching have not been previously quantified in this species. To this end, four trials of artificial incubation of eggs from three red-legged partridge game farms located in southern Spain were analised. The trials included a wide range of variability with regard to management of breeders and incubation process. The average length of the incubation period was 23.4 days, with differences among trials (P = 0,004), showing a modal value of 23 days. Most of the chicks (percentile 95) hatched before 24.5 days of incubation. The distribution of the hatch was leptokurtic and showed positive asymmetry, fitting with the hatching pattern of the precocial species. The hatching, that can start on day 21.5 and finish on day 26 of incubation, were spread over four days on average. This period was longer than that described in the informative literature, probably because in the present study the eggs were not in contact with each other, which could have limited the hatching synchrony. The results of the present study are useful to understand the distribution of hatching in the red-legged game farms, enabling improved management of the batches of eggs in the hatchery

    Highly active P-doped sulfided NiMo/alumina HDS catalysts from Mo-blue by using saccharose as reducing agents precursor

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    Saccharose (SA) was used as organic additive in simultaneously impregnated P-doped NiMo/Al2O3 hydrodesulfurization (HDS) catalysts (Mo, Ni and P at 12, 3, and 1.6 wt%, respectively). One-pot impregnating solutions were prepared by MoO3 digestion (∼353 K) in diluted aqueous H3PO4, followed by 2NiCO3·3Ni (OH)2·4H2O addition. Saccharose (SA, SA/Ni=0.5, 1–3) was dissolved in originally emerald-green impregnating solutions which changed to cobalt blue by room-temperature aging (2–4 days, depending on SA concentration) due to Mo-blue formation by partial molybdenum species reduction. After sulfiding of samples impregnated with SA shorter MoS2 slabs of enhanced stacking were observed (by HR-TEM). Ni and Mo dispersion and nickel sulfidability (as determined by XPS) increased with the amount of organic modifier. Enhanced hydrodesulfurization activity in dibenzothiophene HDS was registered for catalyst obtained from Mo-blue precursor as to that of corresponding materials obtained from conventional emerald-green NiMoP impregnating solutions (with or without SA). However, in solids at high saccharose content (SA/Ni=3) enhanced “NiMoS” phase amount was not reflected in improved activity. Probably, excessive amount of carbonaceous deposits from SA residua decomposition during catalyst activation provoked partially plugged porous network (as determined by N2 physisorption) in sulfided formulations. That fact seemed to limit accessibility of reactant molecules to surface active sites. Mo-blue precursor obtained through monosaccharides partial reduction seemed to play decisive role in obtaining HDS catalysts of improved properties. Saccharose results a highly soluble, cheap and non-toxic environmentally-friendly additive to produce catalysts of enhanced HDS activity.The authors acknowledge support through 117086 SENERCONACYT-Hidrocarburos grant and Y.00105 Project from IMP. A.W. Gutiérrez thanks CONACYT for graduate student scholarship

    Effect of Different Adhesive Strategies on Bond Quality of Fiber Posts Cemented in Endodontically Treated Teeth

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    Introduction: The purpose of this in vitro study was to assess the effects of anatomic root levels, different adhesive strategies and cementation system on bond strength (BS), nano leakage (NL) and degree of conversion (DC) after fiber posts cementation. Methods and Materials: Sixty-six roots of human premolars were endodontically prepared and divided according to the combination of adhesive application technique (manual passive, manual active and active vibratory) and the cementation system (Adper Single Bond 2/RelyX ARC [SBAR] and Single Bond Universal/RelyX Ultimate [SBUL]). Specimens were transversally sectioned into six 1-mm-thick serial slices, which were subjected to BS testing (n=7), to NL analysis using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) after slice immersion in silver nitrate (n=2), and micro-Raman spectroscopy for DC (n=2). Data were analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni post-hoc test (α=5%). Results: Bond strength values significantly increased with active vibratory application technique (P<0.001), no significant difference was noted between adhesive systems. The cementation system Single Bond Universal/RelyX Ultimate demonstrated the lowest nano leakage values (P<0.05). The manual active and vibratory application techniques showed statistically higher degree of conversion values than the manual passive technique at the coronal and medium thirds (P<0.05); and the lowest results were observed with manual passive application to Single Bond Universal/RelyX Ultimate (P=0.016). Conclusion: The study concluded that techniques with active application (vibratory and manual) resulted in higher bond strength values. The mode of adhesive application influence the results.Keywords: Bond Strength; Dental Adhesive; Fiber post; Scanning Electron Microscop

    Dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization over P-CoMo on sol-gel alumina modified by La addition. Effect of rare-earth content

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    articuloAlumina-lanthana (La at 1, 3, or 5 wt%) supports were prepared by sol-gel from Al alkoxide sol where La(NO 3 ) 3 was added. Annealed (550 °C) xerogels were characterized by N 2 physisorption, thermal analysis (TG-DTA), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy- energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), CO 2 -adsorption studied in IR region, Raman and ultraviolet-vis (UV-vis) spectroscopies. The texture of amorphous binary matrices of high La dispersion was adequate to applications in catalysts for middle distillates hydrodesulfurization (HDS). Generally, the amount and strength of surface basic sites increased with La content in solids. Mo (at 2.8 at. nm −2 ) and Co (at Co/(Co+Mo) = 0.3) were deposited over carriers by one-pot simultaneous impregnation in the presence of PO 4 3− (P 2 O 5 /(NiO+MoO 3 ) = 0.2 mass ratio). Calcined (400 °C) Co-Mo-P impregnated precursors had decreased basicity as to that of corresponding carriers, suggesting strong La-deposited species interaction. As La content in carriers increased Mo=O Raman stretching vibrations shifted to lower wave-numbers (949 to 935 cm −1 ) suggesting octahedral molybdates coordination change to tetrahedral. Although La at the lowest concentration (1 wt%) enhanced dibenzothiophene, HDS (~38% higher as to the Al 2 O 3 -supported formulation) desulfurization was significantly diminished at augmented content. Presence of hardly sulfidable tetrahedral Mo originated during impregnation at basic conditions in pores of La-modified carriers seemed to dictate observed behavior. Rare earth content in formulations enhanced selectivity to biphenyl.: J. Escobar acknowledges financial support from IMP (Y.00105) and SENER-CONACYTHidrocarburos (115086) fund

    Experimental data in support of characterization of the CePO4 dispersion into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route

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    © 2018 This article is focused on the complementary data referring to the article “Dispersion of upconverting nanostructures of CePO4 using rod and semi-spherical morphologies into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route”. It contains the XPS data of CePO4 photographs and DSC thermograms of transparent PMMA/PU IPNs as well as with CePO4 dispersed in different wt.%, Confocal laser scanning micrographs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), optical images of surface, and visual inspection (photographs) before and after aging of hybrid materials

    Enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y resiliencia en ex combatientes usuarios de las UCSFB de San Antonio La Cruz y San Alfonso Tamanique abril – junio del 2018

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    La incidencia de las Enfermedades Crónicas No Transmisibles (ECNT) ha aumentado en las últimas décadas. Las pérdidas en salud como consecuencia de las desigualdades sociales son particularmente reveladoras en los países con grandes inequidades en la distribución de los ingresos. En América Latina y el Caribe son especialmente los hombres quienes están expuestos a muertes prematuras como consecuencia de ECNT, aunque también cada vez más ocurre lo mismo con las mujeres. Se presenta un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal realizado en el período comprendido entre Abril - Junio de 2018 en usuarios de las Unidades Comunitarias de Salud Familiar Básicas (UCSFB) de San Alfonso, Tamanique y San Antonio de la Cruz, Chalatenango con el objetivo de identificar las ECNT prevalentes y factores asociados a la resiliencia en excombatientes del Frente Farabundo Martí Para la Liberación Nacional(FMLN) y de la Fuerza Armada, de ambos sexos, en el rango de 35 a 75 años de edad. Se estudiaron 40 excombatientes

    Dispersion of upconverting nanostructures of CePO4 using rod and semi-spherical morphologies into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route

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    Upconverting luminescent poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)/poly (urethane) (PU) interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) nanohybrids were prepared using a sequential polymerisation incorporating different wt.% of cerium phosphate (CePO 4 ) nanoparticles. The effect of miscibility/compatibility of the different PMMA/PU ratios, the addition and dispersion of rod and semi-spherical nanostructures in as well as the performance of selected IPNs under accelerated aging were studied using morphological, emission, thermal and mechanical studies. Structural studies revealed that there were physical interactions between C[dbnd]O groups and CePO 4 in PMMA/PU IPNs. The addition of a higher wt.% of nanostructures was found to decrease the transparency of the IPNs. Resulting PMMA/PU/CePO 4 IPN nanohybrids are photoluminescent under UV-light, supporting the prolongate of lifetime while maintaining the mechanical properties after being subjected to accelerated weathering. The addition of semi-spherical particles resulted in a more stable materials after accelerated weathering than nanorods