299 research outputs found

    On the use of the quality function deployment matrix for flexible and quantitative prioritization

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    The QFD methodology is totally directed to the client instead of the product, wherein the effort from all the involved departments allows the match between the client’s requirements and the offered product. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the engineering characteristics that aim at satisfying those customer attributes. These engineering characteristics must be measurable, in order to provide analysis and optimization opportunities. Afterwards, the prioritization of these engineering characteristics is carried out so that they are performed in the most efficient way. Throughout the paper, the authors propose the design of a new simple, flexible and quantitative methodology of activities prioritization. Strategic planning is introduced in the QFD methodology of organization and proposes the minimization of possible incompatibilities that may arise between its capabilities and customer requirements. Business variables are introduced at different stages of the design in order to calculate with greater precision the value resulting from the prioritization and to allow nullity or uniformity of the relative importance of customer attributes. The qualitative fulfillment of the correlations of the QFD methodology is replaced by a quantitative aspect that aims to minimize the filling of errors and interpretation when using the methodology. At the end of the paper, an example of planning the design of a smartphone using the new methodology is given.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Potencial de radão em setores da Zona de Ossa Morena

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    O radão é considerado a maior fonte de exposição a radiação ionizante dentro de habitações, motivo pelo qual é essencial conhecer a sua distribuição espacial. Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo do potencial de radão de rochas aflorantes na Zona de Ossa Morena (ZOM). Para tal, foram colhidas 132 amostras nos principais setores da ZOM. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a enorme variabilidade das propriedades radiológicas e físicas nas litologias analisadas. As atividades de 226Ra e de radão são, em média, inferiores nas rochas calco-silicatadas e rochas ígneas básicas e ultrabásicas e superiores nas rochas graníticas e sienitos. Os metassedimentos, rochas de alto grau metamórfico, granodioritos, dioritos e tonalitos apresentam atividades de 226Ra e de radão intermédias e similares entre si. A porosidade, que determina a capacidade de migração de radão no meio, é superior nos metassedimentos e inferior nas rochas ígneas, independentemente do seu caráter

    N,N′,N′′-Triphenyl­guanidinium 5-nitro-2,4-dioxo-1,2,3,4-tetra­hydro­pyrimidin-1-ide

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    In the title compound, C19H18N3 +.C4H2N3O4 −, the dihedral angles between the phenyl rings and the plane defined by the central guanidinium fragment are in the range 41.3 (1)–66.6 (1)°. The pyrimidine ring of the anion is distorted towards a boat conformation and the nitro group is rotated 11.4 (2)° out of the uracil plane. Hydrogen bonds assemble the ions in infinite helical chains along the b axis

    Asymptotic integral kernel for ensembles of random normal matrices with radial potentials

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    We use the steepest descents method to study the integral kernel of a family of normal random matrix ensembles with eigenvalue distribution P_{N}(z_{1},...,z_{N}) = Z_{N}^{-1} e^{-NSigma_{i=1}^{N}V_{alpha}(z_{i})} Pi_{1leqi<jleqN}|z_{i}-z_{j}|^{2} where V_{alpha}(z)=|z|^{alpha}, z in C and alpha in ]0,infty[. Asymptotic analysis with error estimates are obtained. A corollary of this expansion is a scaling limit for the n-point function in terms of the integral kernel for the classical Segal--Bargmann space

    Local Salmonella immunostimulation recruits vaccine-specific CD8 T cells and increases regression of bladder tumor.

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    The efficacy of antitumoral responses can be increased using combinatorial vaccine strategies. We recently showed that vaccination could be optimized by local administration of diverse molecular or bacterial agents to target and augment antitumoral CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa (GM) and increase regression of cervical cancer in an animal model. Non muscle-invasive bladder cancer is another disease that is easily amenable to local therapies. In contrast to data obtained in the GM, in this study we show that intravesical (IVES) instillation of synthetic toll-like receptor (TLR) agonists only modestly induced recruitment of CD8 T cells to the bladder. However, IVES administration of Ty21a, a live bacterial vaccine against typhoid fever, was much more effective and increased the number of total and vaccine-specific CD8 T cells in the bladder approximately 10 fold. Comparison of chemokines induced in the bladder by either CpG (a TLR-9 agonist) or Ty21a highlighted the preferential increase in complement component 5a, CXCL5, CXCL2, CCL8, and CCL5 by Ty21a, suggesting their involvement in the attraction of T cells to the bladder. IVES treatment with Ty21a after vaccination also significantly increased tumor regression compared to vaccination alone, resulting in 90% survival in an orthotopic murine model of bladder cancer expressing a prototype tumor antigen. Our data demonstrate that combining vaccination with local immunostimulation may be an effective treatment strategy for different types of cancer and also highlight the great potential of the Ty21a vaccine, which is routinely used worldwide, in such combinatorial therapies

    Immunogenic Human Papillomavirus Pseudovirus-Mediated Suicide-Gene Therapy for Bladder Cancer.

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    Bladder cancer is the second most common urological malignancy in the world. In 70% of cases it is initially diagnosed as non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC) and it is amenable to local treatments, with intravesical (IVES) Bacillus-Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy being routinely used after transurethral resection of the lesion. However, this treatment is associated with significant side-effects and treatment failures, highlighting the necessity of novel strategies. One potent approach is the suicide-gene mediated therapy/prodrug combination, provided tumor-specificity can be ensured and anti-tumor immune responses induced. Using the mouse syngeneic orthotopic MB49-bladder tumor model, here we show that IVES human papillomavirus non-replicative pseudovirions (PsV) can pseudoinfect tumors with a ten-fold higher efficacy than normal bladders. In addition, PsV carrying the suicide-gene herpes-simplex virus thymidine kinase (PsV-TK) combined to Ganciclovir (GCV) led to immunogenic cell-death of tumor cells in vitro and to MB49-specific CD8 T-cells in vivo. This was associated with reduction in bladder-tumor growth and increased mice survival. Altogether, our data show that IVES PsV-TK/GCV may be a promising alternative or combinatory treatment for NMIBC

    Targeting endothelial connexin40 inhibits tumor growth by reducing angiogenesis and improving vessel perfusion.

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    Endothelial connexin40 (Cx40) contributes to regulate the structure and function of vessels. We have examined whether the protein also modulates the altered growth of vessels in tumor models established in control mice (WT), mice lacking Cx40 (Cx40-/-), and mice expressing the protein solely in endothelial cells (Tie2-Cx40). Tumoral angiogenesis and growth were reduced, whereas vessel perfusion, smooth muscle cell (SMC) coverage and animal survival were increased in Cx40-/- but not Tie2-Cx40 mice, revealing a critical involvement of endothelial Cx40 in transformed tissues independently of the hypertensive status of Cx40-/- mice. As a result, Cx40-/- mice bearing tumors survived significantly longer than corresponding controls, including after a cytotoxic administration. Comparable observations were made in WT mice injected with a peptide targeting Cx40, supporting the Cx40 involvement. This involvement was further confirmed in the absence of Cx40 or by peptide-inhibition of this connexin in aorta-sprouting, matrigel plug and SMC migration assays, and associated with a decreased expression of the phosphorylated form of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. The data identify Cx40 as a potential novel target in cancer treatment

    \u3cem\u3eTithonia diversifolia\u3c/em\u3e for Ruminant Nutrition

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    India and Brazil lead the world ranking of livestock enteric methane emissions (FAO 2006). According to FAO (2006), Brazil (9.6 Tg of CH4/year) is the highest emitter of methane from cattle, followed by India (8.6 Tg of CH4/year) and the USA (5.1 Tg of CH4/year). In livestock, methane (CH4) formed from enteric fermentation of carbohydrates is primarily responsible for the emissions in the sector. Regarding livestock methane emission, Delgado et al. (2012) evaluated 20 tree and shrub species using in vitro technique and demonstrated a reducing effect on the amount of methane when Tithonia diversifolia was compared with, for example, Cynodon nlemfuensis grass. Tithonia diversifolia belongs to the division - Sphermatophyta; class - Eudicotiledoneae; sub-class - Metaclamídeas; Order - Campanulate; Family - Asteraceae; Genre - Tithonia, and Species - Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.), Gray (Souza 2008). Tithonia diversifolia can be very useful in animal nutrition (Fig. 1) by increasing the protein content of animal diet at low cost (Murgueitio et al. 2010) as well as in the recovery of degraded soils for it grows in areas with low levels of fertility and has high ability to absorb phosphorus, even if it is unavailable to other forage species (Kwabiah et al. 2003). The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional qualities, including quantification of enteric methane generated during in vitro ruminal fermentation, of Tithonia diversifolia as an alternative forage for ruminant nutrition in the tropics

    Fitorremediação por biomassa seca de aguapé (Eichorniacrassipes) em águas contaminadas com metais pesados e nitrato

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    A contaminação da água por metais pesados e nitrato tornou-se um problema à saúde ambiental e humana. Uma carga relevante de poluentes está sendo lançada à corpos hídricos de maneira indiscriminada, causando sua deterioração e inutilizando sua função referente ao abastecimento de água. O aguapé (Eichorniacrassipes) é conhecido por apresentar elevada capacidade reprodutiva, e povoar de maneira indesejada superfícies de corpo hídricos, tendo que ser retirados periodicamente das águas. O material retirado normalmente é depositado em aterros, representando um elevado custo de descarte, assim como, promovendo a redução devida útil de seus depósitos. Desta maneira, está sendo realizado um experimento em laboratório que visa avaliar o efeito de diferentes granulometrias de biomassa seca de aguapé na remoção de Zn e nitrato de uma solução contaminada por estes elementos. Com o objetivo de avaliar o tempo ótimo de permanência da biomassa seca do aguapé na solução em relação a sua capacidade adsorvente, serão coletadas alíquotas de solução nos tempos de 0; 6; 12; 24; 48hs, e ao final das 60hs de experimento, será coletada também a biomassa seca vegetal para a quantificação da contaminação presente. O objetivo deste trabalho é de avaliara eficiência do uso da biomassa seca do aguapé na fitorremediação de águas contaminadas por Zn e nitrato

    Decoding machine learning benchmarks

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    Despite the availability of benchmark machine learning (ML) repositories (e.g., UCI, OpenML), there is no standard evaluation strategy yet capable of pointing out which is the best set of datasets to serve as gold standard to test different ML algorithms. In recent studies, Item Response Theory (IRT) has emerged as a new approach to elucidate what should be a good ML benchmark. This work applied IRT to explore the well-known OpenML-CC18 benchmark to identify how suitable it is on the evaluation of classifiers. Several classifiers ranging from classical to ensembles ones were evaluated using IRT models, which could simultaneously estimate dataset difficulty and classifiers' ability. The Glicko-2 rating system was applied on the top of IRT to summarize the innate ability and aptitude of classifiers. It was observed that not all datasets from OpenML-CC18 are really useful to evaluate classifiers. Most datasets evaluated in this work (84%) contain easy instances in general (e.g., around 10% of difficult instances only). Also, 80% of the instances in half of this benchmark are very discriminating ones, which can be of great use for pairwise algorithm comparison, but not useful to push classifiers abilities. This paper presents this new evaluation methodology based on IRT as well as the tool decodIRT, developed to guide IRT estimation over ML benchmarks.Comment: Paper published at the BRACIS 2020 conference, 15 pages, 4 figure