9 research outputs found

    Application of cartographic sources, satellite imagery Landsat 7ETM+ and GIS technology to spatial analysis of windthrows in Bory Tucholskie Forest

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    The spatial distribution of wind-induced damages was analysed in the forest complex of Komorza, situated in the Woziwoda Forest Inspectorate, the region of Bory Tucholskie Forest, northern Poland. The discussed damages were caused by a windstorm on the 22 nd of June 2000 in the forest fragment neighbouring agricultural grounds. The present study aimed at answering two questions: 1 does closer location of forest in relation to field-forest borderline increase damages in the standing timber? 2 – do windinduced damages occur more often and are more severe in the secondary forests restored on the formerly arable lands than in the forests, the development of which was not interrupted by temporary agricultural land use after cutting of trees? In order to define changes in forest and farming grounds in the study area, and as well as to identify secondary forests, old and temporary topographic maps were used, forest economic maps and satellite image Landsat 7ETM+ dated year 2000. Information derived from the above sources and also from the forest stock-taking and direct field measurements carried out with application of GPS receiver were organised in the geographic information system. Statistical analysis conducted according to GIS technology with application of computer programs: MicroStation/Bentley, ESRI ArcView3.2 and Idrisi32, proved that factors like the neighbourhood of large non-forested areas and the temporary use of forest soils for farming purposes do indeed increase range and frequency of damages caused by strong wind in the canopy of forest ecosystems

    Porównanie struktury krajobrazu na obszarach intensywnej i ekologicznie zrównoważonej gospodarki leśnej

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    Zastosowano technologię GIS i metody teledetekcji satelitarnej do oceny i porównań znormalizowanego wskaźnika wegetacji (NDVI), różnorodności i fragmentacji dwóch obszarów leśnych o różnym użytkowaniu w XIX wieku i różnej intensywności pozyskiwania drewna w ostatnich latach. Oba kompleksy leśne zlokalizowane są w Zaborskim Parku Krajobrazowym w województwie pomorskim. Pierwsze stanowisko (M) obejmuje lasy odtworzone w końcu XIX stulecia poprzez nasadzenia sosny na byłych pastwiskach i gruntach ornych. W wyniku intensywnego użytkowania lasów znaczną część terenu zajmują zręby i kilkunastoletnie uprawy sosnowe. Drugie stanowisko (P) obejmuje teren leśny w przeszłości nie użytkowany rolniczo, na którym od kilkunastu lat ograniczono pozyskiwanie drewna, a w 1996 roku utworzono Park Narodowy Bory Tucholskie. Strukturę krajobrazu porównano na pięciu powierzchniach badawczych (około 150 ha lub 500 ha każda) na stanowisku M i czterech powierzchniach o podobnych rozmiarach na stanowisku P. W analizie użyto zdjęcie satelitarne z 28 lipca 1990 roku oraz program Idrisi 32. Stwierdzono, że powierzchnie na stanowisku M charakteryzują się niższymi wartościami NDVI, ale wyższą różnorodnością i fragmentacją, niż powierzchnie zlokalizowane na obszarze dzisiejszego parku narodowego. Znaczne różnice w strukturze krajobrazu na stanowisku obejmującym lasy intensywnie użytkowane i na obszarze lasów o ograniczonym pozyskiwaniu drewna wykazano też metodami klasyfikacji i ordynacji numerycznej.GIS and remote sensing technology have been used to compare Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), diversity and fragmentation of two forest complexes different each from the other in the structure of land use in the 19th century and intensively of timber exploitation in the recent several years. Both complexes have been located in Zabory Landscape Park in Pomerania Province. The first site M has been comprised secondary forests restored by introduction of pine seedlings on former poor seep pastures and arable lands. Due to intensive timber exploitation a big part of those area has been occupied by clear-cuttings and few-year-old pine plantations apart from the oldest pine forests. The second site P has been forest complex where the timber exploitation was significantly reduced since the middle of eighties. The structure of landscape in the first site has been assessed on the basis of five sample plots about 150 or 500 hectares. Four plots of similar size have been chosen in the site P. The Landsat TM imagery from 28 July 1990 and Idrisi 32 software have been used in analysis. It results from the calculations that landscape with intensively exploited forests on former agricultural soils has been characterised by lower values of NDVI and higher values of diversity and fragmentation in comparison to those with sustainable forest management. Significant differences in the structure of landscapes have also been clearly expressed by the methods of numerical classification and ordination

    Past, current and potential resources of carbon and above-ground plant biomass in the landscape with heaths in some selected areas of the Tuchola Forest

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    Applying the GIS technologies, historical and contemporary cartographic materials, data coming from the forest inventory and indices of biomass state, the total biomass and biomass for individual layers of forest and non-forest phytocoenoses, the real and potential biomass was assessed, as well as current and potential carbon resources in that biomass in four nature objects. The investigated objects were characterized by different spatial size, as well as by different intensity of human economic activities and different status of nature conservation. Those were: the Tuchola Forest National Park, the Zaborski Landscape Park, as well as the areas of the so-called (forest) demesne of Zabory and the (field) demesne of Tuchola in the former District (Starosty) of Tuchola. In the case of both demesnes, the biomass state was assessed, as well as the extent of its displacement caused by economic human activities, both nowadays and in the past, i.e. for the year 1796 and 2008. The smallest difference in the state of potential and actual biomass was recorded in the National Park. The loss here amounted to 28.44%. The biggest differences occurred in the field demesne in 1796. The loss here reached 76.47%. It was also observed that nowadays the loss slightly decreased, reaching the level of 73.97%. In the demesne of Zabory, the increase of biomass state was considerably higher during the discussed period. In 1796, when heaths and poor xerothermic meadows covered relatively large areas and were exploited as sheep’s grazing lands, the biomass loss amounted here to 69.32% and in 2008 to 51.87%. The increase of biomass state and at the same time the reduction in biomass losses, calculated in relation to the potential, was brought here about mainly by establishing the Prussian Forest Inspectorate Zwangshof in 1890 and by afforestation of agricultural and fallow lands, which was done by Polish forest inspectorates in the 20th century, particularly during several years after the 2nd World War

    Evaluating the Parsęta basin communes’ tourist space using the selected quantification methods

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    Identifying differences in the factors determining tourism development in an area is crucial to utilising its natural, economic and socio-cultural resources that enable sustainable development of the tourist function. This article sets out to present and estimate factors underlying tourism development in the context of various quantification methods and the comparisons of their results. The phenomenon selected for the research is evaluated using tools such as a synthetic measure Gołembski (2002) (based on weights assigned to particular features) and two synthetic measures Perkal (z-scores) (1953) and Zioło (1985)

    Ranking miast w Polsce na podstawie warunków życia w świetle różnych metod pomiaru

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    W pracy przedstawiono ranking miast w Polsce na bazie szeroko rozumianych warunków społeczno-gospodarczych tworzących podstawę dla warunków życia ludności. Do analizy wzięto miasta liczące 100 i powyżej 100 tys. mieszkańców, które scharakteryzowano 43 zmiennymi. Pokazano, jak różne metody obliczeniowe i różne techniki normalizacji danych dają odmienne rankingi i klasyfikacje miast

    Teledetekcja i Systemy Informacji Geograficznej w modelowaniu rozmieszczenia gatunków i zbiorowisk roślinnych w Borach Tucholskich

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    Praca przedstawia system informacji geograficznej (GIS) utworzony dla analizowania zmian struktury roślinności na obszarze Borów Tucholskich. Opisano budowę systemu, zwłaszcza baz danych fitosocjologicznych i sposoby jego zasilania informacjami pochodzącymi z takich źródeł jak bezpośrednie badania naziemne, zbiory tekstowe pozyskane z dokumentów i opracowań specjalistycznych, materiały kartograficzne oraz zdjęcia lotnicze i satelitarne. Na dwóch przykładach zaprezentowano sposoby przetwarzania danych i wyniki uzyskane z przeprowadzonych obserwacji zmian szaty roślinnej pod wpływem czynników naturalnych i antropogenicznych. Przedstawiono też wynik zastosowania w technologii GIS metody modelowania kartograficznego do wyznaczenia przypuszczalnych stanowisk gatunków roślin w zależności od występowania określonego kompleksu czynników ekologicznych. Modelowanie kartograficzne przeprowadzono również dla wytypowania potencjalnych rejonów wystąpienia szkód w drzewostanach, wywołanych przez huraganowe wiatry

    Rezerwat Biosfery Bory Tucholskie : formularz nominacyjny, 168 s.

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    Biosphere Reserves are areas of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, or a combination there of, which are internationally recognized within the framework of UNESCO's Programme on "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB). The aim of the programme is to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between humans and the biosphere. Biosphere Reserves are designated by the international Coordinating Council of the MAB Programme at the request of the State concerned. Individual Biosphere Reserves remain under the sovereign jurisdiction of the State where they are situated. Ali Biosphere Reserves form a World Network in which participation by States is voluntary. The World Network is governed by the Statutory Framework adopted by the UNESCO General Conference; i .995,. which presents the definition, objectives, criteria and designation procedures for Biosphere Reserves. The actions recommended for the future development of Biosphere Reserves in the 21st century are specified in the "Seville Strategy", which was supported by the UNESCO General Conference. These documents should be used as basis references for the completion of this nomination form. The information presented on this nomination form will be used by UNESCO in the following way: a) for evaluation of a given area by the Advisory Committee on Biosphere Reserves and by the Bureau of the MAB International Coordinating Council, b) for use in a world-wide accessible information system, particularly the UNESCO-MAB network, facilitating Communications and interaction between persons interested in Biosphere Reserves throughout the world. This nomination form consists of three parts. Part one is a summary indicating how the nominated areas respond to the functions and criteria for Biosphere Reserves set out in the Statutory Framework, and presents the endorsements for the nomination by the authorities concerned. Part two is more descriptive and detailed, and refers to the human, physical and biological characteristics of the area, as well as to the institutional aspects. An annex to be used for updating the Directory of Biosphere Reserves on the MABnet, once the promoted area has been approved as a biosphere reserve. The form should be completed in English, French or Spanish. Two copies should be sent to the Secretariat, as follows: a) the original hard copy, with the original signatures, letters of endorsement, zonation map and supporting documents should be sent to the Secretariat through the Official UNESCO channeis. i.e. via the National Commission for UNESCO, an electronic version (on diskette, CD etc.) of the nomination form and - if possible - of maps (specialty the zonation map) should be sent directly to the MAB Secretariat

    Naziemny, lotniczy i satelitarny monitoring roślinności Pomorza i Kujaw

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    XIV Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Zintegrowanego Monitoringu Środowiska Przyrodniczego, Toruń, Koniczynka, 3-5 września 2003 r.The study presents the geographic information system for gathering historical and contemporary floristic and phytosociological data. Releves performed with the Braun-Blanquet method are compiled in the database with the program ACCESS. The same software was used to create databases for plant localities, distribution of plant population on permanent study plots as well as for contemporary pollen-rain samples and structure of ancient vegetation recorded in palynological profiles. In order to present the spatial distribution and management of those data, the software ArcView 3.2 was applied. The position of currently received data is determined by means of the GPS receiver. The system is supplied with maps of real and potential vegetation as well as with information on the vegetation structure, coming from topographic and forest economic maps, as well as air photographs and satellite images (Landsat MSS, Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM + , IKONOS). The integral part of the system is constituted by library of computer programs used for numerical classification and ordination of vegetation data (the packages MVSP, Canoco, Twinspan, Ordiflex, Syntax and others). The structure of our system allows entering phytosociological data from databases prepared with different types of software, e.g. commonly used in Europe the program TURBOVEG. The data on plant localities can be presented in the network of quadrates applied in the system: "The distribution atlas of vascular plants in Poland". Besides tl\e structure of the created GIS, also the main research projects were discussed in this paper, those which provides the databases with information on dic vegetation. They are: 1 - studies on changes of halophilous vegetation in the Kujawy region over the last 50 years; 2 - distribution of wind-induced damages in the Bory Tucholskie Forests and in the vicinity of Toruń; 3 - defying the influence of the forest management on vegetation structure of the landscape by comparing the area of the National Park "Bory Tucholskie" with the complex of managed forests; 4 - influence of socio-economic processes, particularly activities of the lo-cal human community over the last 300 years, on biodiversity and heterogeneity changes in die Tuchola Forest landscape. We hope, that data on vegetation of northern Poland will be transferred to the developed system, particularly the data from Gdańsk Pomerania and the Kujawy region collected by scientists from our University since their origin, i.e. over fifty years. Our task for the coming years is to prepare software that would enable data transferring to the system TURBOVEG and to intensify the co-operation with centres in Europe which apply this software and which conduct studies on relations between socio-economic factors and biodiversity and heterogeneity in the historical aspect

    Co to jest rezerwat biosfery?

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    The information presented on this nomination form will be used by UNESCO in the following way: a) for evaluation of a given area by the Advisory Committee on Biosphere Reserves and by the Bureau of the MAB International Coordinating Council, b) for use in a world-wide accessible information system, particularly the UNESCO-MAB network, facilitating Communications and interaction between persons interested in Biosphere Reserves throughout the world. This nomination form consists of three parts. Part one is a summary indicating how the nominated areas respond to the functions and criteria for Biosphere Reserves set out in the Statutory Framework, and presents the endorsements for the nomination by the authorities concerned. Part two is more descriptive and detailed, and refers to the human, physical and biological characteristics of the area, as well as to the institutional aspects. An annex to be used for updating the Directory of Biosphere Reserves on the MABnet, once the promoted area has been approved as a biosphere reserve. The form should be completed in English, French or Spanish. Two copies should be sent to the Secretariat, as follows: a) the original hard copy, with the original signatures, letters of endorsement, zonation map and supporting documents should be sent to the Secretariat through the Official UNESCO channeis. i.e. via the National Commission for UNESCO, an electronic version (on diskette, CD etc.) of the nomination form and - if possible - of maps (specialty the zonation map) should be sent directly to the MAB Secretariat:Biosphere Reserves are areas of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, or a combination there of, which are internationally recognized within the framework of UNESCO's Programme on "Man and the Biosphere" (MAB). The aim of the programme is to promote and demonstrate a balanced relationship between humans and the biosphere. Biosphere Reserves are designated by the international Coordinating Council of the MAB Programme at the request of the State concerned. Individual Biosphere Reserves remain under the sovereign jurisdiction of the State where they are situated. Ali Biosphere Reserves form a World Network in which participation by States is voluntary. The World Network is governed by the Statutory Framework adopted by the UNESCO General Conference; i .995,. which presents the definition, objectives, criteria and designation procedures for Biosphere Reserves. The actions recommended for the future development of Biosphere Reserves in the 21st century are specified in the "Seville Strategy", which was supported by the UNESCO General Conference. These documents should be used as basis references for the completion of this nomination form