7 research outputs found

    An Application-aware SDN Controller for Hybrid Optical-electrical DC Networks

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    The adoption of optical switching technologies in Data Centre Networks (DCNs) offers a solution for high speed traffic and energy efficiency in Data Centre (DC) operational management, enabling an easy scaling of DC infrastructures. Flexible, slotted allocation of optical resources is fundamental to efficiently support the dynamicity of DC traffic. In this context, the NEPHELE project proposes a Time Division Multiple Access approach for optical resource allocation, orchestrated through a Software Defined Networking controller which coordinates the DCN configuration based on real-time cloud application requests

    SDN-enabled Application-aware networking for Datacenter networks

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    Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a networking paradigm that decouples the control plane of a network from its forwarding plane and offers programmability of the data plane devices to manage and control the ongoing traffic flows. This paper presents the control plane architecture of a Datacentre network (DCN) and its operational services being developed for NEPHELEs optical network infrastructure. The heart of the proposed control plane overlay is an OpenDaylight SDN controller, which along-with its north and south-bound interfaces bridges the gap between the cloud applications and the DC network configuration at the data plane, in order to automatically adjust the underlying network to the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements at the application level. An application based traffic shaping use case is presented as a proof of concept of applicationaware networking in SDN-enabled data center networks

    Orchestrating virtual slices in data centre infrastructures with optical DCN

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    The emergence of new paradigms and services is pushing the limits of nowadays cloud infrastructures. It is a fact that current solutions lack in the flexibility and configurability to adapt to heterogeneous requirements coming from the applications/services to be supported over them. This results most of the time in severe underutilization of the underlying physical substrate. In light of this, newer approaches on resource provisioning and infrastructure management are needed. The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) paradigm is proposed as a solution to overcome these limitations. Thanks to IaaS, the physical infrastructure is partitioned onto virtual slices, encompassing heterogeneous resources (e.g. network, computing). Such a concept is expected to be harnessed by future data center (DC) infrastructures in order to cope efficiently with multi-tenancy as well as heterogeneous application requirements. However, current DC networks (DCNs) impose sever limitations onto traffic handling to fully exploit this vision. In light of this, optical technologies are seen as prime candidates for realizing the high performance network fabrics that future DC architectures will need. Under such an umbrella, it becomes primordial to develop specific provisioning solutions that account for the particularities of the optical medium, while providing the means to efficiently slice the DC infrastructure. With all of these in mind, in this article we present a solution for orchestrating and controlling virtual slices in a DC scenario with optical intra-DCN, with the scope of optimizing the underlying physical infrastructure utilization. The benefits of the presented solution are demonstrated against legacy architectures through exhaustive experiments and simulations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Orchestrating virtual slices in data centre infrastructures with optical DCN

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    The emergence of new paradigms and services is pushing the limits of nowadays cloud infrastructures. It is a fact that current solutions lack in the flexibility and configurability to adapt to heterogeneous requirements coming from the applications/services to be supported over them. This results most of the time in severe underutilization of the underlying physical substrate. In light of this, newer approaches on resource provisioning and infrastructure management are needed. The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) paradigm is proposed as a solution to overcome these limitations. Thanks to IaaS, the physical infrastructure is partitioned onto virtual slices, encompassing heterogeneous resources (e.g. network, computing). Such a concept is expected to be harnessed by future data center (DC) infrastructures in order to cope efficiently with multi-tenancy as well as heterogeneous application requirements. However, current DC networks (DCNs) impose sever limitations onto traffic handling to fully exploit this vision. In light of this, optical technologies are seen as prime candidates for realizing the high performance network fabrics that future DC architectures will need. Under such an umbrella, it becomes primordial to develop specific provisioning solutions that account for the particularities of the optical medium, while providing the means to efficiently slice the DC infrastructure. With all of these in mind, in this article we present a solution for orchestrating and controlling virtual slices in a DC scenario with optical intra-DCN, with the scope of optimizing the underlying physical infrastructure utilization. The benefits of the presented solution are demonstrated against legacy architectures through exhaustive experiments and simulations.Peer Reviewe

    End-to-End Real-Time Demonstration of the Slotted, SDN-Controlled NEPHELE Optical Datacenter Network

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    The NEPHELE hybrid electro-optical datacenter network (DCN) architecture is proposed as a dynamic network solution to provide high capacity, scalability, and cost efficiency in comparison to the existing DCN infrastructures. The details of the NEPHELE DCN architecture and its various key parts are introduced, and the performance of its implementation is evaluated through an end-to-end NEPHELE demonstrator, which was built at the National Technical University of Athens. Several communication scenarios are demonstrated in real time, exploiting a scalable optical data-plane architecture with a software-defined network (SDN) control plane capable of slotted operation for dynamic allocation of network resources. Real-time end-to-end functionality and integration of various software and hardware components are verified in a six-host prototype datacenter cluster

    Cronache meridionali. A. VIII, Nuova serie, n.1-6 (1961)

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    N. 1 (luglio 1961): Alicata, M., Trasformismo e sottogoverno, P. 3 ; Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 13 ; Amendola, G., La Democrazia cristiana e la questione agraria di Giorgio Amendola, P. 16 ; Proprietà e impresa agricola nel Mezzogiorno, P. 28 ; Viviani, L., Emigrazione e lavoro femminile, P. 31 ; Il Congresso dell'Associazione Bonifiche, P. 37 ; Chiaromonte, G., I risultati elettorali, La crisi siciliana, La caduta di Lauro, P. 40 ; ingrao, P., Il contenuto antimonopolistico della lotta per I'autonomia, P. 47 ; Alinovi, A., Problemi della politica comunista nel Mezzogiorno, P. 54 ; Valenzi, M., Il Sahara e le trattative di Evian, P. 64 ; Rassegna della stampa, P. 69 ; Villari, R., Autonomia siciliana e questione meridionale, P. 78 ; Delogu, I., «Italia 61» Un'occasione mancata, P. 102 ; Grifone, P., Giuseppe Barbero ; Violi, C., Giuseppe Talamo ; D’Antonio, M., Pierre Moussa, P. 113.N. 2 (agosto 1961): Laconi, R.,Le elezioni regionali sarde, P. 3 ; Delogu, I., Sassari, feudo dell'ono. Segni, P. 11 ; Chiaromonte, G., Da Berlino a Biserta, Unità meridionalista, Legge speciale per Napoli, P. 19 ; Lombardo Radice L. e G. Palomba(risposte di), Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 27 ; Napolitano, G., I nuovi nuclei di classe operaia, P. 33 ; La Torre, P., Lotte salariali e sviluppo economico, P. 41 ; Colajanni, N., Dall'indipendentismo al milazzismo, P. 47 ; Il piano regionale pugliese, Le scelte fondamentali per un piano regionale campano, La Consulta regionale abruzzese, P. 59 ; La Cassa della TV, P. 72 ; Gallico, L., La questione tedesca, P. 74 ; Rassegna dalla stampa, P. 81 ; De Jaco, A., In tema di « revisione» dell'esperienza neo-realista, P. 89 ; Paternalismo e speculazione nello sventramento» . di Ricci, P., Napoli P. 97 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 116.N. 3 (settembre 1961): Caprara, M., Municipalismi e Regione, P. 3 ; D’Antonio, M., Metano a Ferrandina, P. 14 ; Chiaromonte, G., Amministrazioni in crisi, La contraddizione fondamentale, P.26 ; Capitini, A. e L. Cosenza (risposte di), Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 32 ; Grifone, P., Riforma agraria e azione democratica, P. 40 ; Limiti, D., La Montecatini dall'autarchia alla petrolchimica, P. 54 ; Granati, F., A chi vanno i finanziamenti ana piccola e media industria?, P. 66 ; Vignola, G., La crisi dell'«arte bianca», P. 73 ; Cuciniello, A., Un convegno sulla marina mercantile, P. 79 ; Un documento del nostro tempo (la «convenzione» fra la Montecatini e il Consorzio di Brindisi), P. 83 ; Tamburrino, L., Le battaglie rivendicative dei lavoratori napoletani, P. 87 ; Valenza, P., La Conferenza campana del P.C.I., P. 93 ; Laurenza, R., Trasformazioni economiche e azione politica in provincia, P. 100 ; Valenzi, M., Burghiba costretto a una scelta, P. 104 ; Rassegna dalla stampa, P. 108 ; Locoratolo L. (lettera di) Per una nuova unità meridionalistica, P. 114 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 122.N. 4 (ottobre 1961): Fontani, A., Il rovescio del « miracolo »: l'emigrazione meridionale, P. 3 ; «Zone di attrazione» e « zone di fuga», P. 13 ; D’Antonio, M., O emigranti o briganti, P. 16 ; Pinna, P., Emigrazione sarda e politica regionale, P. 25 ; Chiaromonte, G., Crisi in vista? Centro-sinistra in Sicilia, Nuove elezioni a Napoli, P. 29 ; La Cavera, D., (lettera di), Movimento operaio e ceti medi produttivi, P. 35 ; Tocchetti, L., (risposta di) Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 46 ; Vitale, G., Cooperazione e battaglia antimonopolistica, P. 50 ; Limiti, D., La XXV Fiera del Levante, P. 61 ; Piccolo, A., La «Ndranghita» in Calabria, P.65 ; Macciocchi, M.A., La « valorizzazione» di Torlonia, P. 70 ; Amendola, P., Problemi della politica comunista nel Mezzogiorno, P. 77 ; Rassegna dalla stampa, P. 93 ; L'Università di Napoli incendiata dai tedeschi (discorso pronunciato da Adolfo Omodeo il 14 ottobre 1943), P. 104 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 113.N. 5 (novembre 1961): Alinovi, A., Condizioni e premesse per una svolta a sinistra, P. 3 ; Chiaromonte, G., Esplosioni atomiche e lotta per la pace, P. 14 ; Pane, R., e R. Mazzetti (risposte di) Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 17, Chiaromonte G., Dai consorzi industriali ai poli di sviluppo di Gerardo Chiaromonte, P. 23 ; Vignola, G., L'I.r.i. e le Cotoniere meridionali, P. 34 ; Un viaggio nel Sud di un gruppo di universitari, P. 45 ; Gomez, M., Tabacchicoltori in crisi fra peronospora e concessionari speciali, P. 53 ; Pavolini, L., La competizione pacifica nel « Terzo mondo», P. 61 ; La scuola media «unificata», P. 68 ; De Jaco, A., Un incontro col Mezzogiorno contadino, P. 84 ; Matera, A., Politica unitaria e movimento di rinascita, P. 95 ; Rassegna della stampa, P.120 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni, P. 124.N. 6 (dicembre 1961): Chiaromonte, G., Dibattito e rinnovamento, P. 3 ; I sindacati di classe nella nuova realtà meridionale, P. 14 ; I primi dati del censimento, P. 21 ; Colombro, A., Di Benedetto, S., e F. De Martino (risposte di) Le Università nel Mezzogiorno, P. 32 ; Macaluso, E., Limiti e insufficienze del programma di centro-sinistra In Sicilia, P. 46 ; Un anno di, vita del Consiglio comunale di Napoli, P. 58 ; Gomez, M., Sviluppo monopolistico e linee di politica agraria, P. 64 ; Cinanni, P., Metaponto « area europea», P. 84 ; Viviani, L., La parità salariale in agricoltura, P. 95 ; Rassegna della stampa, P. 100 ; Natoli, D., Cinema e Mezzogiorno, P. 107 ; Recensioni e segnalazioni , P. 121