43 research outputs found

    God save thee, Ancient Mariner! Stories of the Book of Genesis and their relation to The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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    Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner has some obvious Christian influences, from the angelic troop to the blessing of the water snakes. However, this paper proposes that Coleridge made the poem as a form of reversal of the stories found in the Book of Genesis, especially the stories of Cain and Noah’s Ark. It suggests that the moral dimension of the poem, which is one of its most important features, is directly connected to Cain’s murder of his brother and to Noah’s dove as a bird of good omen. The harshness of the punishment is a point of tension in the poem, but this essay gives examples of God being just as punishing in the Book of Genesis, so the punishment of the Mariner is not without a predecessor. The story of the Fall is also transformed because Coleridge uses the image of a snake – or a water-snake – to return the Mariner to the world of prayer, while the snake in the Book of Genesis is responsible for tempting Eve and thus causing the Fall from Eden. Other elements that further connect the poem to the Book of Genesis are listed. A connection is also made between The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and another poem by Coleridge, “The Wanderings of Cain”, which can be seen as sibling poems, both in how they came to be and in the predicament of their main characters

    Quantitative analysis of gullies of Pag Island through the use of high-resolution models

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    Jaruženje je jedan od najrasprostranjenijih denudacijskih procesa u priobalnim dijelovima Sredozemlja. Razumijevanje intenziteta jaruženja važno je za rekonstrukciju promjena krajolika u prošlosti, ali i za predviđanje njegovog budućeg razvoja. Jaruge su na razini Hrvatske vrlo slabo proučavane. U ovom diplomskom radu predložen je koncept praćenja intenziteta jaruženja zasnovanog na korištenju digitalnih modela površina (DMP), izvedenih iz snimaka prikupljenih UAV fotogrametrijom. Da bi se odredilo odgovoravajuće područje za praćenje intenziteta jaruženja provedena je višekriterijska GIS analiza (GIS MCDA), utemeljena na različitim kriterijima (značajke terena, vegetacijski i pedološki pokrov, itd.). Na temelju GIS MCDA izvršena je raščlamba prostora otoka Paga s obzirom na podložnost terena jaruženju. Točnost izvedenih zona visoke podložnosti jaruženju potvrđena je na temelju postojećih jaruga, kartiranih kroz primjenu objektno-orijentirane analize (OBIA). Na temelju izdvojenih područja visoke podložnosti jaruženju i obavljenih terenskih izviđanja za detaljniju analizu odabrana je jaruga Santiš. Jaruga Santiš oblikovana je u naslagama smeđeg tla te su unutar nje zapaženi tragovi intenzivnog jaruženja. Praćenje intenziteta jaruženja i nastalih prostorno-vremenskih promjena unutar jaruge Santiš izvršeno je kroz usporedbu periodičkih DMP-ova visoke rezolucije. Da bi se promjene mogle kvantitativno opisati razvijen je egzaktni alat (GULIVER), namijenjen mjerenju vertikalnog pomaka unutar poprečnih presjeka jaruge. Predloženim konceptom uspješno je utvrđen i kvantificiran intenzitet jaruženja unutar šestomjesečnog razdoblja.Gully erosion is one of the most prominent denudation processes at coastal parts of the Mediterranean. Understanding of gully erosion rates is important for reconstruction of past landscape changes and prediction of its further development. Studies considering gully erosion in Croatia are scarce. In this graduation thesis concept of using repeat UAV photogrammetry derived high-resolution digital surface models (DSM) for monitoring of gully erosion rates is presented. In order to determine most suitable area for detailed high accuracy monitoring of gully erosion GIS-MCDA was performed, that was based on different criteria (terrain attributes, lithologic cover, vegetation cover, etc.). GIS MCDA divided Pag Island into different zones, in regard to the gully erosion susceptibility. Extracted high gully erosion susceptibility zones were verified by the reference gullies that were mapped through the object-based image analysis (OBIA) approach. Based on extracted high gully erosion susceptibility areas and conducted field research gully Santiš was found. Gully Santiš, formed in deep soil sediments and with recorded intensive erosion was selected for in detailed survey. The monitoring of the gully erosion intensity and the resulting spatial-temporal changes within gully Santiš was performed by comparing the high resolution periodic DMPs. In order to be able to quantitatively describe the changes, an exact tool (GULIVER) is developed, designed to measure the vertical shift within the cross section of the gully. The proposed concept has successfully determined the gully erosion intensity within the six months study period

    What does the new Ordinance on Strictly Protected Species bring in regards to plants?

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    U kolovozu 2016. godine donesen je i na snagu je stupio Pravilnik o izmjenama i dopunama Pravilnika o strogo zaštićenim vrstama (Narodne novine 73/2016) kojim se izmjenjuje i dopunjuje dosadašnji Pravilnik o strogo zaštićenim vrstama (Narodne novine 144/2013). Promjene u odnosu na dosadašnji pravilnik odnose se na strogu zaštitu križanaca kojima jedan ili oba roditelja pripadaju strogo zaštićenim vrstama. Nadalje, što se tiče biljaka, strogo se zaštićuju vrste Salvinia natans (L.) All. i Trapa natans L., izuzev na ribnjacima, te mahovina Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle koja je nedavno potvrđena za Hrvatsku. Novim pravilnikom ukupno su strogo zaštićene 983 vrste, podvrste i hibrida biljaka bez algi (Plantae - Spermatophyta, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta), te 22 vrste i varijeteta algi (Algae). Objavom izmjena i dopuna pravilnik se citira kao Pravilnik o strogo zaštićenim vrstama (Narodne novine 144/2013, 73/2016).In August 2016 the Ordinance on Amendments to the Ordinance on Strictly Protected Species (Official Gazette 73/2016) was adopted and entered into force. It amends the existing Ordinance on Strictly Protected Species (Official Gazette 144/2013). Changes compared to the former Ordinance relate to the strict protection of hybrids where one or both parents belong to strictly protected species. Furthermore, strict protection is proclaimed for plant species Salvinia natans (L.) All. and Trapa natans L., except on fishponds, as well as for the moss Mannia triandra (Scop.) Grolle which has recently been confirmed for Croatia. A total of 983 species, subspecies and hybrids of plants without algae (Plantae – Spermatophyta, Pteridophyta, Bryophyta) are strictly protected by the new Ordinance, as well as 22 species and varieties of algae (Algae). The Ordinance with amendments is cited as Ordinance on Strictly Protected Species (Official Gazette 144/2013, 73/2016)

    Kvantitativna analiza utjecaja porasta razine Jadranskog mora na hrvatsku obalu: GIS pristup

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    Procjene za prosječan porast morske razine na globalnoj razini do kraja 21. stoljeća najčešće variraju od 0,18 m do ≥ 1 m u odnosu na današnju razinu. Ako se razmatraju procjene koje obuhvaćaju i otapanje grenlandskog i antarktičkog ledenog pokrova, tada se može očekivati porast morske razine od 5 i više m. Sukladno s globalnim promjenama, razina Jadranskog mora također je u porastu. Radi analize potencijalne ugroženosti hrvatske obale od porasta morske razine, izrađena su tri modela porasta razine Jadranskog mora (od 1 m, 3 m i 6 m). Na temelju modela analizira se utjecaj porasta morske razine na različite socioekonomske segmente obalnog prostora. Cilj je istraživanja definirati najugroženije dijelove hrvatske obale. Kako bi se mogli diferencirati najugroženiji dijelovi, izrađen je Indeks ugroženosti obalnih općina ( ). U izradi Indeksa koristili su se analizom utjecaja dobiveni kvantitativni podaci o prostornom obuhvatu poplavnih zona te ugroženosti stanovništva i prometne infrastrukture obalne zone. Navedenim su varijablama s pomoću Analitičkog hijerarhijskog procesa (AHP) pridruženi različiti težinski koeficijenti, ovisno o važnosti varijable. Pri analizi svih triju modela uočeno je kako se Zadar i njegova okolica ističu kao najugroženije područje hrvatske obale. Zbog toga je na primjeru Zadra izvršena znatno detaljnija analiza mikrolokacijskog utjecaja porasta morske razine. Podaci dobiveni analizom različitih modela pokazuju kako je gotovo cijela hrvatska obala ugrožena, ali i da postoji velik nerazmjer u razini ugroženosti pojedinih dijelova hrvatske obale. Važnost je ovog istraživanja u tome što ono predstavlja temelj za pravovremenu adaptaciju na negativne utjecaje budućeg porasta razine Jadranskog mora

    Comparison of GEOBIA classification algorithms based on Worldview-3 imagery in the extraction of coastal coniferous forest

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    Šume primorskih četinjača, sa svojom ekološkom, ekonomskom, estetskom i društvenom funkcijom, predstavljaju važan dio europskih šumskih zajednica. Osnovni cilj ovoga rada je usporediti najkorištenije GEOBIA (engl. Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis) klasifikacijske algoritme (engl. Random Trees – RT, Maximum Likelihood – ML, Support Vector Machine – SVM) s ciljem izdvajanja šuma primorskih četinjača na visoko-rezolucijskom WorldView-3 snimku unutar topografskog slijevnog područja naselja Split. Metodološki okvir istraživanja uključuje (1) izvođenje izoštrenog multispektralnog snimka (WV-3MS-a); (2) testiranje segmentacijskih korisničko-definiranih parametara; (3) dodavanje testnih uzoraka; (4) klasifikaciju segmentiranog modela; (5) procjenu točnosti klasifikacijskih algoritama, te (6) procjenu točnosti završnog modela. RT se prema korištenim pokazateljima (correctness – COR, completeness – COM i overall quality – OQ) pokazao kao najbolji algoritam. Iterativno postavljanje segmentacijskih parametara omogućilo je detekciju najprikladnijih vrijednosti za generiranje segmentacijskog modela. Utvrđeno je da sjene mogu uzrokovati značajne probleme ako se klasificiranje vrši na visoko-rezolucijskim snimkama. Modificiranim Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) pokazateljem izračunata je točnost konačnog modela od 87,38%. WV-3MS se može smatrati kvalitetnim podatkom za detekciju šuma primorskih četinjača primjenom GEOBIA metode.With their ecological, economic, aesthetic, and social function, coniferous forests represent an important part of European forest communities. The main objective of this paper is to compare the most used GEOBIA (Geographic Object-Based Image Analysis) classification algorithms (Random Trees - RT, Maximum Likelihood - ML, Support Vector Machine - SVM) for the purposes of the coastal coniferous forest detection on a high-resolution WorldView-3 (WV-3) imagery on the topographic basin of the Split settlement (Figure 1). The methodological framework (Figure 2) includes: (1) derivation of a sharpened multispectral image (WV-3MS) (Figure 3); (2) testing of the user-defined parameters in segmentation process (Figure 4); (3) marking of test samples (signatures); (4) classification of a segmented model; (5) accuracy assessment of the classification algorithms, and (6) accuracy assessment of the final model. The developed ACP tool (Automated Classification Process) (Supplement figure 5) for speeding up the entire classification process, enabled the simultaneous generation of output results for three selected classification algorithms (RT, ML and SVM) (Figure 6). Metric indicators (correctness - COR, completeness - COM, and overall quality - OQ) have shown that RT is the most accurate classification algorithm for the coastal coniferous forest detection (Table 1; Figure 7). The iterative setting of segmentation parameters enabled the detection of the most optimal values &8203;&8203;for generating a segmentation model. It is found that shadows can cause significant problems if classification is done on high-resolution images (Figure 8). The solution may be to collect a larger number of samples in different areas for the purpose of more detailed class differentiation. The modified Cohen’s kappa coefficient (K) indicator shown the accuracy of the final model of 87.38% (Table 2; Figure 9). WV-3MS can be considered as very good data for the detection of coniferous forests using the GEOBIA method (Figure 10). According to this research, 31.36% of the Split topographic basin is covered by highly and extremely flammable vegetation

    Bathymetric Survey of the St. Anthony Channel (Croatia) Using Multibeam Echosounders (MBES)—A New Methodological Semi-Automatic Approach of Point Cloud Post-Processing

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    Multibeam echosounders (MBES) have become a valuable tool for underwater floor mapping. However, MBES data are often loaded with different measurement errors. This study presents a new user-friendly and methodological semi-automatic approach of point cloud post-processing error removal. The St. Anthony Channel (Croatia) was selected as the research area because it is regarded as one of the most demanding sea or river passages in the world and it is protected as a significant landscape by the Šibenik-Knin County. The two main objectives of this study, conducted within the Interreg Italy–Croatia PEPSEA project, were to: (a) propose a methodological framework that would enable the easier and user-friendly identification and removal of the errors in MBES data; (b) create a high-resolution integral model (MBES and UAV data) of the St. Anthony Channel for maritime safety and tourism promotion purposes. A hydrographic survey of the channel was carried out using WASSP S3 MBES while UAV photogrammetry was performed using Matrice 210 RTK V2. The proposed semi-automatic post-processing of the MBES acquired point cloud was completed in the Open Source CloudCompare software following five steps in which various point filtering methods were used. The reduction percentage in points after the denoising process was 14.11%. Our results provided: (a) a new user-friendly methodological framework for MBES point filtering; (b) a detailed bathymetric map of the St. Anthony Channel with a spatial resolution of 50 cm; and (c) the first integral (MBES and UAV) high-resolution model of the St. Anthony Channel. The generated models can primarily be used for maritime safety and tourism promotion purposes. In future research, ground-truthing methods (e.g., ROVs) will be used to validate the generated models

    Mapping of marine litter on the seafloor using WASSP S3 multibeam echo sounder and Chasing M2 ROV

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    Marine litter is a growing threat to the marine environment. Mapping of marine litter is becoming increasingly important to detect its potential hotspots and prevent their spread. In this paper, the applicability of the multibeam echo sounder (MBES) WASSP S3 and remotely operated underwater vehicle (ROV) Chasing M2 was tested in the detection and mapping of marine litter on the seafloor within the wider area of the St. Ante Channel (Šibenik, Croatia). Also, the precision assessment of WASSP S3 was tested at different cruising speeds. Results have shown that Chasing M2 can be used effectively for the initial detection of marine debris in shallow waters. However, if the underwater navigation and positioning system and auxiliary measurement scales are not used, the ROV has limited capabilities in deriving morphometric parameters of marine litter on the seafloor. This was determined by comparing the 3D model of a tire which was derived using video photogrammetry captured with ROV and the 3D model of a tire which was produced using a hand-held 3D scanner. Furthermore, the results have shown the WASSP S3 is not suitable for identifying marine litter smaller than 1 m at depths up to 10 m. The MBES WASSP S3 can detect marine litter that has a minimum area of 100 * 100 cm and a height of around 40 cm at depths up to 10 m. The results pointed to the need for caution when choosing an adequate sensor to detect and map marine litter on the seafloor. In addition, MBES interval measurements have shown that WASSP S3 precision is in the centimeter range (<10 cm) at different cruising speeds. The obtained results have helped to establish the guidelines for the integrated use of MBES, ROV, and UAV in the detection of marine litter on the seafloor


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    Tema je rada institut prava plodouživanja, kako je uređeno u suvremenom hrvatskom pravnom poretku. Analizom općih karakteristika služnosti, a potom i karakteristika svojstvenih samom pravu plodouživanja, nastoji se razaznati svrha ovog pravnog instituta. Također, rad se osvrće i na pravo ploodouživanja kako je bilo uređeno u rimskom pravu te uspoređuje karakteristike ondašnjeg s današnjim pravnim uređenjem. Navođenjem pravnih izvora koji su uređivali pravo plodouživanja prije postojećeg zakonodavnog okvira, nastoji se objasniti kako je Republika Hrvatska zadržala vezu s kontinentalnoeuropskim pravnim krugom u razdoblju nakon Drugog svjetskog rata. Osim navedenog, u radu će se objasniti i što može biti predmetom prava plodouživanja, koji su načini njegova osnivanja, koja su plodouživateljeva prava i dužnosti, a koje su dužnosti vlasnika poslužne stvari, te kako je uređena zaštita prava plodouživanja. Konačno, obradom pravila koja uređuju prestanak prava plodouživanja, povrat stvari i ovršnu prodaju, zaključit će se analiza ovog ograničenog stvarnog prava.Theme of the thesis is usufruct and its regulation in contemporary Croatian legal system. By analysis of general characteristics of easement and afterwards special characteristics of usufruct, it tries to answer the question of purpose of this institute of law. As well, the paper compares regulation of usufruct in Roman Law with contemporary regulation. The paper also explains how the connection of the Croatian legal system to the Civil law system was maintained after WWII. Except for the above, the paper explains what are the possible subjects of usufruct, which are the ways of its constitution, which are rights and responsabilities of usufructuary, responsabilities of the owner of servient things, and how is the protection of usufruct regulated. Finally, analysis of the rules of termination of usufruct, return of the servient things and enforcement sale concludes analysis of this limited real right

    An overview of the Ukraine crisis impacts on the key agricultural market products

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    Završni rad prikazuje pregled utjecaja ukrajinske krize na ključna tržišta poljoprivrednih proizvoda s posebnim osvrtom na ključna tržišta žitarica i uljarica na globalnoj razini. Posljedice ukrajinske krize odrazile su se na ključna poljoprivredna tržišta, dovodeći do nestabilnosti cijena, prekidima u opskrbnim lancima te značajnim gubitcima osnovnih prehrambenih proizvoda. Ukrajinska kriza pokazala je da su sigurnost i stabilnost globalnog prehrambenog sustava povezani s geopolitičkim događajima u svijetu.The final paper presents an overview of the impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the key markets of agricultural products with special reference to the key markets of grains and oilseeds at the global level. The consequences of the Ukrainian crisis have affected key agricultural markets, leading to price volatility, disruptions in supply chains and significant losses of basic food products. The Ukrainian crisis has shown that the security and stability of the global food system are linked to geopolitical events in the world