17 research outputs found

    Mapping the spectral index of Cassiopeia A : evidence for flattening from radio to infrared

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    Funding: The work of VD is supported by a grant from the NWO graduate programme/GRAPPA-PhD programme. JVHS acknowledges support from the STFC grant ST/R000824/1.Synchrotron radiation from supernova remnants is caused by electrons accelerated through diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). The standard DSA theory predicts an electron spectral index of p = 2, corresponding to a radio spectral index of α = −0.5. An extension of DSA theory predicts that the accelerated particles change the shock structure, resulting in a spectrum that is steeper than p > 2 (α < −0.5) at low energies and flattens with energy. For Cassiopeia A, a synchrotron spectral flattening was previously reported for a small part of the remnant in the mid-infrared regime. Here, we present new measurements for spectral flattening using archival radio (4.72 GHz) and mid-infrared (3.6 μm) data, and we produce a complete spectral index map to investigate the spatial variations within the remnant. We compare this to measurements of the radio spectral index from L-band (1.285 GHz) and C-band (4.64 GHz) maps. Our result shows overall spectral flattening across the remnant (αR-IR ∼ −0.5 to −0.7), to be compared with the radio spectral index of αR = −0.77. The flattest values coincide with the locations of most recent particle acceleration. In addition to overall flattening, we detect a relatively steeper region in the south-east of the remnant (αR-IR ∼ −0.67). We explore whether these locally steeper spectra could be the result of synchrotron cooling, which provides constraints on the local magnetic field strengths and the age of the plasma, suggesting B ≲ 2 mG for an age of 100 yr, and even B ≲ 1 mG using the age of Cas A, in agreement with other estimates.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Detection of optical emission from the supernova remnant G7.7-3.7

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    We present the first optical study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G7.7-3.7, with the aim of determining its evolutionary phase since it has been suggested to be the remnant of SN 386 AD. We obtained narrow-band images in the filters Hα\alpha + [NII], Hβ\beta, [OIII], [SII] that revealed faint optical emission in the southern region of the SNR consisting of two filaments elongated in the east-west direction aligned with the X-ray emitting region of the remnant. The filaments were seen in Hα\alpha + [NII], [OIII] images and marginally in the [SII] images, with a non-detection in Hβ\beta. Long-slit spectroscopy of three regions along one filament revealed large ratios of [SII] / Hα\alpha = (1.6-2.5), consistent with that expected for a shock-heated SNR. The [SII] doublet ratio observed in two of the regions implies an upper limit for the electron density of the gas, with estimates falling below 400 cm3^{-3} and 600 cm3^{-3} in the respective areas. We discuss potential physical mechanisms that formed the observed optical filaments and we suggest that most likely they resulted by a collision of the SNR with a dense circumstellar shell lying at the southern region of the remnant.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted in MNRA

    Detection of optical emission from the supernova remnant G7.7–3.7

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    The work of VD is supported by a grant from NWO graduate programme/GRAPPA-PhD programme. VD also acknowledges support from the LKBF, subsidy no. 19.2.027. JVHS acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. PZ acknowledges the support from the NWO Veni Fellowship, grant no. 639.041.647 and NSFC grant 11590781. SA thanks the support under the grant 5077 financed by IAASARS/NOA. AdB thanks the support from the Spanish Government Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through grants PGC-2018-091, 3741-B-C22, and SEV 2015-0548, from the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI) of the Canary Islands Government, and from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under grant with reference ProID2017010115.We present the first optical study of the supernova remnant (SNR) G7.7–3.7, with the aim of determining its evolutionary phase since it has been suggested to be the remnant of SN 386 AD. We obtained narrow-band images in the filters H α + [N ii], H β, [O iii], [S ii] that revealed faint optical emission in the southern region of the SNR consisting of two filaments elongated in the east–west direction aligned with the X-ray emitting region of the remnant. The filaments were seen in H α + [N ii], [O iii] images and marginally in the [S ii] images, with a non-detection in H β. Long-slit spectroscopy of the three regions along one filament revealed large ratios of [S ii]/H α = (1.6–2.5), consistent with that expected for a shock-heated SNR. The [S ii] doublet ratio observed in two of the regions implies an upper limit for the electron density of the gas, with estimates falling below 400 cm−3 and 600 cm−3 in the respective areas. We discuss potential physical mechanisms that formed the observed optical filaments and we suggest that most likely they resulted by a collision of the SNR with a dense circumstellar shell lying at the southern region of the remnant.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    A low-frequency view of mixed-morphology supernova remnant VRO 42.05.01, and its neighbourhood

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    Context. Mixed-morphology supernova remnants (MM SNRs) are a mysterious class of objects that display thermal X-ray emission within their radio shell. They are an older class of SNRs, and as such are profoundly affected by the environment into which they evolve. VRO 42.05.01 is a MM SNR of puzzling morphology in the direction of the Galactic anticentre. Aims. Low-frequency radio observations of supernova remnants are sensitive to synchrotron electrons accelerated in the shock front. We aim to compare the low-frequency emission to higher frequency observations to understand the environmental and shock acceleration conditions that have given rise to the observed properties of this source. Methods. We present a LOFAR High Band Antenna map centred at 143 MHz of the region of the Galactic plane centred at l = 166°, b = 3.5° at 143 MHz, with a resolution of 148" and an rms noise of 4.4 mJy bm−1. Our map is sensitive to scales as large as 6°. We compared the LOw Frequency ARay (LOFAR) observations to archival higher frequency radio, infrared, and optical data to study the emission properties of the source in different spectral regimes. We did this both for the SNR and for OA 184, an H II region within our field of view. Results. We find that the radio spectral index of VRO 42.05.01 increases at low radio frequencies; i.e. the LOFAR flux is higher than expected from the measured spectral index value at higher radio frequencies. This observed curvature in the low-frequency end of the radio spectrum occurs primarily in the brightest regions of the source, while the fainter regions present a roughly constant power-law behaviour between 143 MHz and 2695 MHz. We favour an explanation for this steepening whereby radiative shocks have high compression ratios and electrons of different energies probe different length scales across the shocks, therefore sampling regions of different compression ratios