1,139 research outputs found

    Revistas periféricas de generación interna en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua, México: identificación de indicadores para la calidad

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    This paper represents the results of an investigation into seven serials edited by the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (Mexico), which constitute its full catalog, for which we proceeded to develop a bibliometric analysis to identify the main regularities and determine editorial quality conditions currently observed for the subsequent derivation of proposals for change. These publications represent a mechanism for the dissemination of knowledge through individual and collective work of its scholars, which were classified as peripheral journals and not mainstream, due to a number of limitations in their processes identifying indicators of impact and visibility. According to the results derived several recommendations to quality and possible change of status editorial, such as consistency and improvement in the processes of reception and evaluation of papers to publish, definition of scientific committee composed of members of recognized standing, identifying strict editorial policies towards standardization, increased visibility of publications and Theme shoulder avoiding dispersion unskilled discipline without specialization.Este artículo representa el resultado de una investigación en relación a siete publicaciones periódicas editadas por la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (México), las cuales constituyen su catálogo total, para lo cual se procedió a desarrollar un análisis bibliométrico que identificara las principales regularidades y así determinar las condiciones de calidad editorial que actualmente observan para la posterior derivación de propuestas hacia el cambio. Tales publicaciones representan un mecanismo para la divulgación del conocimiento a través del trabajo individual y colectivo de sus académicos, mismas que fueron calificadas como publicaciones periódicas de carácter periférico y no de corriente principal (mainstream), debido a una serie de limitaciones en sus procesos de identificación de indicadores de impacto y visibilidad. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos se derivan diversas recomendaciones hacia la calidad y posible cambio de estatus editorial, tales como: constancia y mejora en los procesos de recepción y evaluación de los artículos a publicar, definición de comités científicos integrados por miembros de reconocido prestigio, identificación de políticas editoriales estrictas hacia la estandarización, aumento en la visibilidad de las publicaciones y acotamiento temático evitando la dispersión disciplinar sin especialización

    Solving nonlinear rational expectations models by eigenvalue-eigenvector decompositions

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    We provide a summarized presentation of solution methods for rational expectations models, based on eigenvalue/eigenvector decompositions. These methods solve systems of stochastic linear difference equations by relying on the use of stability conditions derived from the eigenvectors associated to unstable eigenvalues of the coefficient matrices in the system. For nonlinear models, a linear approximation must be obtained, and the stability conditions are approximate, This is however, the only source of approximation error, since the nonlinear structure of the original model is used to produce the numerical solution. After applying the method to a baseline stochastic growth model, we explain how it can be used: i) to salve some identification problems that may arise in standard growth models, and ii) to solve endogenous growth models

    Evaluation of Trimedlure dispensers by a method based on thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    [EN] Knowledge about the behaviour of trimedlure (TML) dispensers is essential to ensure the efficacy of monitoring and control methods based on TML as attractant. There are several commercially available TML dispensers, and each of them has a different useful life and TML release profile. Their emission is also affected differently by environmental factors. Even the same type of dispenser sometimes shows an important variability in the TML release rate. Because of the importance of methods based on TML lures in the control of the Mediterranean fruit fly and the influence of the TML dispenser on the efficacy of these control methods, we developed a non-destructive flow-through system to measure the TML release rate. This volatile collection method (VCM) adsorbs TML vapour on a Tenax TA desorption tube, and TML is quantified by Thermal desorption coupled with gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Two types of TML dispensers, a polymeric (Aralure) and a mesoporous (Epalure), were field aged during 3 months. The TML release rates of these dispensers were determined by both, VCM and solvent extraction method. In this study, the correlation between both measurement methods is shown. A field trial has also been carried out to correlate trap catches and TML emission of each type of tested dispenser. The VCM allows a quick and accurate evaluation of the current behaviour of commercial dispensers along their useful life. It also allows comparing the TML release rate between different dispensers. We believe that the VCM can be useful for dispenser manufacturers to determine seasonal dispenser performance before a new product is introduced in the market, and to rapidly verify TML dispenser release when field-aged dispenser efficacy is in question. Thus, it can be employed as a quality control of commercial dispensers.We want to thank financial support from 'Fundacion Jose y Ana Royo' and 'Conselleria de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentacion de la Generalitat Valenciana', and Juan Sanchis for his support in the field trial.S7727771329-1

    Shear state of freely evolving granular gases

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    Hydrodynamic equations are used to identify the final state reached by a freely evolving granular gas above but close to its shear instability. The theory predicts the formation of a two bands shear state with a steady density profile. There is a modulation between temperature and density profiles as a consequence of the energy balance, the density fluctuations remaining small, without producing clustering. Moreover, the time dependence of the velocity field can be scaled out with the squared root of the average temperature of the system. The latter follows the Haff law, but with an effective cooling rate that is smaller than that of the free homogeneous state. The theoretical predictions are compared with numerical results for inelastic hard disks obtained by using the direct Monte Carlo simulation method, and a good agreement is obtained for low inelasticity.España, Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Grant No. FIS2008-0133

    A New Long-Life Trimedlure Dispenser for Mediterranean Fruit Fly

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    [EN] New agricultural techniques are attempting to reduce the application of synthesized pesticides and replace them with new environmentally friendly methods such as mass trapping, mating disruption, or chemosterilization techniques. All these methods are based oil the release of a lure for insect attraction or confusion. The Success of the chosen method depends on the quality of the attractant emission from the dispenser. Currently, used dispensers with a polymeric matrix and new dispensers with mesoporous inorganic materials were evaluated to obtain more efficient emission kinetics. In this Study, the selected pest was the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) and the lure used vas trimedlure (TML). The dispensers were validated by means of a field study comparing insect catches with attractant release values. As a result, we have demonstrated that mesoporous dispensers have it clearly longer lifetime than the polymeric Plug. Furthermore, the attractant release rate is less dependent oil temperature in mesoporous than in polymeric dispensers.Domínguez Ruiz, J.; Sanchis Cabanes, J.; Navarro-Llopis, V.; Primo Millo, J. (2008). A New Long-Life Trimedlure Dispenser for Mediterranean Fruit Fly. Journal of Economic Entomology. 101(4):1325-1330. doi:10.1093/jee/101.4.1325S13251330101

    Estudio Bibliométrico de Revistas Editadas por la UACH: Identificación de Indicadores hacia la Calidad

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    Es un trabajo de investigación que se refiere a un estudio bibliométrico de siete revistas editadas en la Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua (UACH) –Lecturas Jurídicas, Excelencia Administrativa, REDICEA, Tecnociencia Chihuahua: Revista arbitrada de ciencia, tecnología y humanidades, DOXA, Metamorfosis y Synthesis-, aplicando diversos modelos métricos de información, los cuales permitieron identificar regularidades en cuanto al comportamiento de autores, concentración-dispersión, obsolescencia, vida media y envejecimiento, todo ello desde dos perspectivas: por revista y por área de conocimiento. Dado el abordaje multidisciplinario de los contenidos, la inconsistencia editorial y de periodicidad observada en las publicaciones evaluadas, se identifican diversas áreas de oportunidad hacia la mejora en cuanto a sus índices de visibilidad e impacto, así como en la determinación de criterios de estandarización en su forma de publicación

    Comparison of error correction trials in conditional discriminations acquisition

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar diferentes métodos de corrección de errores en una tarea de discriminación condicional, en participantes de diferentes grupos de edad (7-8, 10-11, 15-16 y 19-20 años), para determinar el tipo de corrección más eficaz en el aprendizaje. Se diseñó un experimento en el que se usó una tarea de igualación a la muestra de primer orden. En la tarea, cuatro letras latinas funcionaron como estímulo muestra, y cuatro símbolos chinos funcionaron como estímulos de comparación. En caso de error en la respuesta de los participantes, se utilizó uno de los tipos de corrección contemplados en esta investigación: castigo positivo, seguimiento de regla, corrección llevada a la muestra y corrección llevada a las comparaciones. Además, se contó con un grupo control, que no recibió ninguna corrección ante los errores. Se contabilizó el número de ensayos necesarios para aprender la tarea. Los resultados mostraron diferencias entre los grupos que recibieron corrección con respecto al que no, siendo la ejecución peor en este último. Además, se encontró que la corrección con castigo positivo ralentizó el aprendizaje de la tarea. Los resultados resaltan la importancia del uso de corrección diferente del castigo positivo en las tareas de discriminación condicional.The aim of the study was to compare different methods of error correction in a conditional discrimination task presented to subjects of different age groups (7-8, 10-11, 15-16 and 19-20 years) to determine the most effective type of learning correction by this method. A first-order matching-to-sample task was used. In this task four Latin letters functioned as sample stimuli, and four Chinese symbols functioned as comparison stimuli. Whenever an error occurred, one of four types of correction was used: positive punishment, rule following, correction applied to sample and correction applied to comparisons. In addition, participants in a control group did not receive any correction following errors. The number of trials required for each participant to learn the task was analyzed. Differences in the execution between the groups that received different correction procedures revealed that performance was worse in the group that did not receive correction. Additionally, the number of trials required to learn the task was higher with positive punishment. The results emphasize the importance of use of correction procedures in conditional discrimination tasks

    Evaluation of Traps and Lures for Mass Trapping of Mediterranean fruit fly in Citrus Groves

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    [EN] Mass trapping has proven to be a powerful weapon in the control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), and its application in Mediterranean countries has currently increased notably as a control method. In this study, the efÞcacy of newly developed traps and dispensers of attractants were assessed with the aim of Þnding the best trap and set the lifetime of the dispensers, thus improving the total efÞcacy of mass trapping. EfÞcacy trials with six different types of traps and six different types of female dispensers were carried out. Moreover, the lifetime of three female dispensers, including a new attractant composition dispenser with n-methyl pyrrolidine, were studied. Results show signiÞcant differences among the trap types using female attractants, with an advantage of nearly 3 times more catches in best trap. Tested female dispensers showed no signiÞcant differences in efÞcacy between trimethylamine and putrescine attractants regard n-methyl pyrrolidine, however we observed differences in lifetime between dispensers. Thus, there are signiÞcant differences among different types of traps and dispensers in efÞcacy, and the appropriate selection of the trap and dispenser will improve the mass trapping resultsNavarro-Llopis, V.; Alfaro, F.; Domínguez Ruiz, J.; Sanchis Cabanes, J.; Primo Millo, J. (2008). Evaluation of Traps and Lures for Mass Trapping of Mediterranean fruit fly in Citrus Groves. Journal of Economic Entomology. 1(101):126-131. doi:10.1093/jee/101.1.126S126131110

    La excavación arqueológica del solar de la plaza de las Tenerías, nº 3-5 (Zaragoza)

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    Se presenta un avance de los resultados de las excavaciones realizadas en el solar de la plaza de Las Tenerías, no 3-5 (Zaragoza) que nos documenta, de forma excepcional, el sistema de drenaje utilizado por los romanos en un sector de la ciudad próximo a los ríos Ebro y Huerva. Entre lo más notable está el hallazgo de un áureo de Augusto y un conjunto compuesto por 814 ánforas romanas de tipologías diversas. El áureo fue descubierto entre los materiales arqueológicos que formaban parte del primer aterrazamiento asentado sobre el lecho natural de la terraza del río Ebro. Sobre él, más tarde, se realizó un segundo aterrazamiento. Esta nueva nivelación incluyó muros de mampostería, como elementos de contención, y las ánforas dispuestas vacías e invertidas con el fin de elevar y drenar el terreno a fin de evitar que las humedades ascendieran al suelo edificable

    Automatic Test Case Generation from Functional Requirements in NDT

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    Navigational Development Techniques (NDT) is a Model-driven framework focused on defining Web requirements and obtaining related artefacts from them by means of transformations. Testing is one of the key elements in a software development process, however NDT neither include models to define artefacts nor transformations to obtain them from requirements. This paper presents how NDT improves with new models and transformations in order to generate test cases.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-12312-EJunta de Andalucía TIC-578