906 research outputs found

    Expresión incompleta de incompatibilidad trimórfica en Oxalis compacta Gill. ex Hook. et Arn. subsp. compacta en los Andes de Chile central

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    The expression of trimorphic incompatibility was investigated in a high altitude population of Oxalis compacta subsp.compacta distributed in the upper alpine belt (3100-3470 m) of the central Chile Andes. Stigma-anther reciprocity (2populations), morph representation (7 populations), unassisted selfing capacity and open-pollination fruit set (6 populations)were determined. O. compacta ssp. compacta es highly dependent on external pollinators. Although it has typical tristylousflowers, considerable seed set is possible following illegitimate intermorph and intramorph cross pollination. Openpollination fruit set varied from 9-83% and on average was lower in the higher-elevation populations. The possibilityof seed set following two kinds of illegitimate cross pollination is seen as a means of enhancing reproductive output byenabling more effective use of the limited pollinator resource in the high alpine environment, where fruit set shows highinter-annual variability and there is some evidence for pollination limitation in Oxalis compacta subsp. compacta.Se investigó la expresión de incompatibilidad trimórfica en una población de Oxalis compacta subsp. compacta distribuidaen la zona alpina superior de los Andes de Chile central. Se determinó la reciprocidad de los estigmas y anteras (dospoblaciones), representación de morfos florales (7 poblaciones), capacidad para autofecundación no asistida y polinizaciónabierta (6 poblaciones). O. compacta subsp. compacta es altamente dependiente de polinizadores externos. No obstantela presencia de flores tristilicas, las dos categorías ilegítimas de polinización dieron semillas. La producción de frutosmediante polinización abierta fluctuó entre 9-83% y en promedio fue menor en las poblaciones de mayor elevación. Seplantea que la capacidad de formar semillas mediante polinización ilegítima permitirá el uso más eficaz del recurso limitadode polinización en la zona andina superior, donde los niveles de fructificación varían entre años y existe evidencia preliminarde limitación de polen en Oxalis compacta subsp. compacta

    Queratoquiste odontogénico ¿Qué se esconde tras el nombre?

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    El Queratoquiste Odontogénico, hasta enero de 2017 denominado Tumor Odontogénico Queratoquístico, ha recuperado su denominación original después de la última actualización de la clasificación de la Organización Mundial de la Salud sobre Tumores de Cabeza y Cuello: Tumores Odontogénicos y del Hueso Maxilofacial. La cuarta edición de dicha clasificación ha vuelto a incluir, entre otras lesiones de los maxilares, los quistes odontogénicos, que fueron eliminados en la 3ª edición de 2005. El hecho de que se aceptara que este tipo de lesión surgía de la lámina dental fue lo que promovió que, en una de sus primeras descripciones se denominara Quiste Primordial (Robinson en 1945), debido a su origen más primitivo, naciendo de restos de la lámina dental u órgano del esmalte en estadíos tempranos. Posteriormente, en 1956 Phillipsen fue el pionero en utilizar el término Queratoquiste, aunque este se introdujo con la idea de designar a cualquier lesión quística, independientemente del tipo, en donde se observara una gran cantidad de queratina. En 1963, Pindborg y Hansen observaron que los quistes primordiales, como grupo separado, mostraban frecuentemente queratinización, y casi siempre, del tipo paraqueratinizada. Así pues, expusieron las diferencias histológicas observadas, a modo de criterios, para el diagnóstico específico del Queratoquiste Odontogénico (OKC).(1-4) (Figuras 1 y 2). De igual modo, fueron los primeros en señalar el comportamiento agresivo del OKC. De hecho, previa a la primera clasificación internacional de Tumores de Cabeza y Cuello de la Organización Mundial de la Salud en 1971 (donde se reconoció como sinónimos el término quiste primordial y queratoquiste); en 1967, ya un autor llamado Toller advirtió de que el OKC se debía de considerar una neoplasia benigna, más que un quiste convencional, fundamentándose, sobre todo, en su comportamiento clínico agresivo. (3-5) A pesar de lo que se comenzaba a observar clínicamente con respecto a esta lesión tan peculiar, la O.M.S. no hizo ninguna modificación sobre su naturaleza, ni tan siquiera en la clasificación de 1992. (3) Contrariando lo publicado hasta entonces, muchos otros como Ahlfors en 1984, o más tarde, Cortar, reafirmaron la necesidad de que fuese clasificado como una verdadera neoplasia epitelial quística benigna. Incluso,otros autores como Cizalla, comenzaron a utilizar términos más agresivos como el de Queratoquistoma para denominar la lesión. (2) No fue hasta 2005 cuando se rebautizó la lesión, por parte de la 3ª Edición de la Clasificación de Tumores de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, donde el Queratoquiste Odontogénico pasó a llamarse Tumor Odontogénico Queratoquístico, definiéndolocomo una “neoplasia benigna uni o multiquística, intraósea, de origen odontogénico, con un revestimiento caracterizado de epitelio escamoso estratificado paraqueratinizado, estroma maduro y fibroso; y sin ectomesénquima odontogénico presente; con un comportamiento clínico agresivo e infiltrativo”. (1-3 6-8

    The importance of user in ISD. Do we really teach?

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    In 1999, the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) defined the framework that regulates all degrees,including Computer Engineering (CE), within the environment of the European Union. Each country, in turn, regulated each of these studies on the basis of that common framework. In the case of Computer Engineering there are concrete competences that refer to the effective incorporation of user and need for Information Technology (IT) professionals to learn how to manage and work in multidisciplinary environments. However, these competencies are difficult to teach to students. This paper presents a critical view of the way we are teaching future developers of information systems to work with user. Besides, it analyses the consequences that it may bring to future professionals. For this purpose, an experiment at three different universities in Europe has been carried out. This paper also offers some considerations and intends to motivate a future discussion on this topic.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R (POLOLAS)Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Macroscopic and microscopic characterization of the reproductive glands of the male llama (Lama glama)

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    Se caracterizó la estructura macroscópica y microscópica de las glándulas sexuales anexas del tracto reproductor de la llama macho empleando ocho animales adultos. Se hizo el estudio macroscópico in situ y de órganos aislados, y se colectaron muestras de los órganos para la evaluación histológica. El estudio macroscópico reveló la presencia de dos ampollas en el conducto deferente, ausencia de glándulas seminales, próstata con cuerpo lobulado, istmo y porción diseminada, y dos glándulas bulbouretrales. La dilatación de la porción final de los conductos deferentes sugiere la presencia de las ampollas con característica glandular. El cuerpo prostático tiene apariencia lobular aunque sin una clara delimitación de los lóbulos, y presenta prolongaciones hacia la uretra en forma de pedúnculos, claramente delimitados en la porción diseminada. El peso y las medidas de los lóbulos prostáticos indican que hay mayor masa glandular en el lóbulo izquierdo. Los acinos prostáticos están rodeados de abundante tejido conectivo infiltrado a manera de trabéculas a partir del tejido de la cápsula. Los conductos prostáticos tienen diferentes presentaciones en su desembocadura. Las dos glándulas bulbouretrales son simétricas en peso y tamaño, y están rodeadas de abundante tejido muscular esquelético y poca infiltración de conectivo. Los conductos de las glándulas bulbouretrales desembocan en un divertículo que está dirigido hacia la porción libre del pene. Se concluye que la llama macho presenta ciertas particularidades macroscópicas y microscópicas en relación a la distribución y desembocadura de sus glándulas sexuales anexas.The macroscopic and microscopic structure of the sexual glands of the reproductive tract of the male llama was characterized using eight adult animals. The macroscopic study was done in situ and using extracted organs and samples collected for histological evaluation. The macroscopic examination revealed the presence of two ampoules originating from the vas deferens, the absence of seminal vesicles, and a prostate gland with lobed body, isthmus and a disseminated portion, and two bulbourethral glands. Dilation of the final portion of the vas deferens suggests the presence of ampoules with glandular characteristics. The prostate body has lobular-like shape but without clear delimitations and shows extensions to the urethra in the form of stalks clearly defined in the disseminated portion. The weight and size of the prostatic lobes indicate that there is more glandular mass in the left lobe. The prostatic acini are surrounded by abundant trabeculae connective tissue infiltrated from the capsule tissue. Prostatic ducts have different presentations at their mouths. The two bulbourethral glands are symmetric in size and weight, and are surrounded by abundant skeletal muscle and little connective infiltration tissue. The ducts of the bulbourethral glands drain into a diverticulum that is directed toward the free portion of the penis. It is concluded that the male lama presents certain macroscopic and microscopic particularities in relation to the distribution and mouths of the sexual glands

    Hierarchical and hybrid polymer nanocomposites based on carbon nanotubes and inorganic fullerene type nanoparticles

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    The influence of singlewalled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) and inorganic fullerenelike tungsten disulfide nanoparticles (IFWS2) on the morphology and thermal, mechanical and electrical performance of multifunctional fibrereinforced polymer composites has been investigated. Significant improvements were observed in stiffness, strength and toughness in poly (ether ether ketone) (PEEK) / (SWCNT) / glass fibre (GF) laminates when a compatibilizer was used for wrapping the CNTs. Hybrid poly(phenylene sulphide) (PPS)/IFWS2/ carbon fibre (CF) reinforced polymer composites showed improved mechanical and tribological properties attributed to a synergetic effect between the IF nanoparticles and CF

    Evaluation of School Children Nutritional Status in Ecuador Using Nutrimetry: A Proposal of an Education Protocol to Address the Determinants of Malnutrition

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    The education sector is a cornerstone in the battle against malnutrition in children. However, there are still no consolidated protocols that outline strategies for how nutrition programs in low- and middle-income countries can be delivered through the education sector. Establishing the correct community diagnosis is essential prior to the elaboration of an intervention plan for a school population that takes into account more than just traditional variables related to the nutritional status. A total of 574 boys and girls aged 3-11 years from three educational institutions in different municipalities in Ecuador participated in the study. Sociodemographic, anthropometric (weight and height) and coproparasitological data were obtained. Nutrimetry, which is a combination of two classical anthropometrics indicators, was used for the analysis of the nutritional status, and the indicators' frequencies varied among the schools. In order to improve the nutritional status of children, we proposed a framework mainly focusing on establishing alliances with the education sector and taking into account gender equality; respect for the environment; and the customs, beliefs and traditions of each population. The results obtained from the analyses of other variables demonstrated the importance of an adequate diagnosis prior to any type of intervention at the nutritional level, since characteristics could vary by local area and have an impact on the successfulness of the intervention

    A New Ant Colony-Based Methodology for Disaster Relief

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    Humanitarian logistics in response to large scale disasters entails decisions that must be taken urgently and under high uncertainty. In addition, the scarcity of available resources sometimes causes the involved organizations to suffer assaults while transporting the humanitarian aid. This paper addresses the last mile distribution problem that arises in such an insecure environment, in which vehicles are often forced to travel together forming convoys for security reasons. We develop an elaborated methodology based on Ant Colony Optimization that is applied to two case studies built from real disasters, namely the 2010 Haiti earthquake and the 2005 Niger famine. There are very few works in the literature dealing with problems in this context, and that is the research gap this paper tries to fill. Furthermore, the consideration of multiple criteria such as cost, time, equity, reliability, security or priority, is also an important contribution to the literature, in addition to the use of specialized ants and effective pheromones that are novel elements of the algorithm which could be exported to other similar problems. Computational results illustrate the efficiency of the new methodology, confirming it could be a good basis for a decision support tool for real operations

    Functional diversity of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities is reduced by trace element contamination

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    10 páginas.-- 2 figuras.-- 3 tablas.-- 105 referencias.-- Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2018.03.021Trait-based approaches are useful tools to explain ecological assembly rules and ecosystem functioning. However, their use for soil microbiota has not been explored in depth yet. We explored trait-based functional changes of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungal communities associated with holm oak (Quercus ilex subsp. ballota) in a trace element contaminated area. We found a variation in ECM fungal species composition determined by soil C, Ca and trace elements; however, taxonomic diversity was not dependant on contamination level. Mean trait values of ECM fungal communities showed less rhizomorph and emanating hyphae production when increasing contamination, and the community converged towards species developing rhizomorphs less frequently. We suggest that trace elements in soils acted as the main environmental filter of trait diversity of ECM fungal communities. The effect of soil nutrients, i.e. soil C, affected the community mean trait values of emanating hyphae but did not cause a convergence in its distribution. In summary, we found a reduction in the functional diversity of ECM fungal communities due to trace element contamination with potential to affect ecosystem functioning. This finding supports the potential of trait-based approaches to assess changes in the functional diversity of soil microbial communities.This work was supported by European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) [grant number 603498 - RECARE]; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant number CGL2014-52858-R - RESTECO]; Spanish National Research Programme - European Union (Feder) [grant number CGL2015-69118-C2-2-P - COEXMED-II]. During manuscript preparation, ALG was supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 Marie Curie Individual Fellowship [grant number 708530 - DISPMIC]. MTD is thankful the University of Sevilla for a postdoctoral fellowship (V Plan Propio de Investigación).Peer reviewe

    The acute asymmetric effects of hemiovariectomy on testosterone secretion vary along the estrous cycle. The participation of the cholinergic system

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    The presence of asymmetry in the capacity of the left and right ovaries to secrete testosterone was analyzed by studying the effects of hemiovariectomy along the estrus cycle one hour after surgery. The effects of ether anesthesia on hormone serum levels were also analyzed. Bilateral ovariectomy and the extirpation of the left ovary performed on the day of proestrus resulted in significantly lower testosterone levels. Compared to the anesthetized group, the effects of perforating the peritoneum unilaterally varied according to the day of the estrous cycle and the side of the peritoneum surgery was performed on. Injecting atropine sulfate (ATR) to control or anesthetized rats on D1 resulted in a significant increase of testosterone serum levels. The effects of perforating the peritoneum on testosterone levels depended on the cholinergic innervation and varied along the estrous cycle. Blocking the cholinergic system before performing unilateral or bilateral ovariectomy had different effects depending on the day of the estrous cycle. Testosterone plasma levels increased significantly when surgery was performed on the day of diestrus and dropped when surgery was performed on proestrus. Similar effects were observed when the left adrenal was extirpated from animals with the cholinergic system blocked. The results presented herein support the hypothesis of asymmetry in the ovaries' abilities to secrete steroid hormones, and that the capacity to secrete testosterone varies along the estrous cycle