2,174 research outputs found

    Exploratory analysis of a measurement scale of an information security management system

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    This research shows the analysis of multiple factors that inhibit the implementation of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). The research data were collected from 143 respondents from two universities in northeastern Mexico, in faculties of engineering in related areas. In this study, the Information Security Management System Measurement Instrument (IM-ISMS) was validated. A scale of 24 items was obtained, divided into four factors: organizational policies and regulations, privacy, integrity and authenticity. The results of this study agree with the results found by [10] in which they pre-sent a model that complies with ISO/IEC 27002:2013 controls and security and privacy criteria to improve the ISMS. [48], Mentioned that the implementation of controls based on ISO standards can meet the requirements for cybersecurity best practices.A scale of 24 items was obtained, divided into four factors: organizational policies and regulations, privacy, integrity and authenticity. This version of the instrument meets the criteria established for its validity (KMO, Bartlett's test of sphericity). An extraction was performed by the minimum residuals method, an oblique rotation was performed by the promax method, when performing the rotation 17 of the 24 items were grouped in the corresponding factor. The final reliability of the scale was calculated by the Omega coefficient, in all the dimensions the coefficients were greater than .70, therefore the re-liability of the instrument is good

    Mechanical model to approximate the behaviour of dowel-type joints with expansive kits in timber structures

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.This work presents some advanced 3D mechanical models, developed using the finite element method, for dowel-type joints with and without expansive kits used in timber structures. Some key points in the design of the models are the correct calculation of the design load working on the joint, the approximation of the mechanical behaviour of the different materials which constitute these joints, the accurate description of the contact zone between timber and dowel and finally the mechanism proposed to model the effect of the expansive kit using the tools available in the commercial finite element program used. The results obtained from the models have shown a good agreement with a battery of empirical tests carried out to complete the work, and the comparisons between the results of the models with and without expansive kits show very interesting outcomes

    Design and calculation of dowel‐type joints in timber structures : Behaviour of load against displacement

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.A joint system widely used in the construction of timber structures is based on the use of dowels, which transmit efforts between the timber elements. In these connections, it is attempted to reduce the diameter of the dowel, because large diameters increase the possibility of brittle fracture. In the present work, based on the approach of the European Yield Model that provides the load capacity of the joint, the stress distribution is analyzed in detail and a model is proposed. This model takes into account the slip of the joint and the propagation of the yield areas near the contact surfaces between dowel and timber, as the load increases. An iterative method that links load and slip equations is developed. It also provides information to improve the joint design, especially taking into account its stiffness behaviour. The results obtained from this analytical model have been compared with those from empirical tests of different samples, showing a good agreement

    Influencia de la distribución espacial de la excitación en la respuesta sísmica de puentes

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    XV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Cádiz en 2002Se presenta un método general para estudiar la interacción dinámica suelo-estructura en la respuesta sísmica de puentes sometidos a una excitación sísmica con variabilidad espacial. Se ha desarrollado un modelo mixto de elementos de contorno y elementos finitos en tres dimensiones que pennite tener en cuenta la respuesta sísmica del puente para distintos tipos de excitación, configuraciones geométricas del puente, naturaleza y geometria del subsuelo y del terreno. Se presentan resultados para un puente recto tipo viaducto, sobre semiespacio elástico, sometido a distintos tipos de ondas incidentes, con ángulo variable respecto a la vertical y al eje de la estructura

    Análisis sísmico de estructuras pilotadas sobre suelos viscoelásticos y poroelásticos mediante un modelo acoplado BEM/FEM

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    XVI Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en León en 2004El análisis sísmico de estructuras pilotadas debe de representar de fonna rigurosa el comportamiento dinámico de los pilotes, en especial para grandes estructuras en las que pueden tener relevancia los fenómenos de variabilidad espacial de la excitación, interacción entre distintas cimentaciones o efectos locales debidos a la topografía y geología. Se presenta un modelo numérico 3D, en el que se acoplan elementos de contorno y elementos finitos tipo barra, que pennite modelar de una fonna completa la estructura y la cimentación por pilotaje, incluyendo el suelo como un medio viscoelástico o poroelástico. La excitación sísmica se modela como una onda incidente, de tipo SH, con diferentes ángulos de incidencia respecto a la estructura. De esta fonna se tienen en cuenta todos los efectos mencionados.Seismic analysis of structures founded on piles should properly represent dynamic behavior of piles, particularly for large structures where spatial variability of seismic excitation, interaction between foundation and local effects can take place. A 3D coupled BEM-FEM numerical model is presented coupling beam-type finite elements with boundary elements. lt allows to represent the fully soil-pile-structure system. The soil is modeled as a viscoelastic or poroelastic medium. The seismic excitation is represented as a SH-type incident wave incoming with severa! incidence angles. All mentioned effects are considered

    Analysis of the frictional slip between a layer and a half-space

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    The numerical analysis of a boundless elastic layer on an elastic halfspace with different material properties under the effects of an uniform surface pressure and a cyclic tangential surface force is presented. Frictional contact conditions are assumed. The study is focussed on the evaluation of the maximum amplitude of the tangential load which produces localized slip between the two regions during the first load cycle but not the subsequent ones. The more simple limit for which no slip exist even for the first cycle is also establishe

    El uso de una solución fundamental compuesta para el cálculo de rigideces de cimentaciones mediante el método de los elementos de contorno

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    El problema de las rigideaes dinámicas de cimentaciones enterradas puede ser abordado por diversos métodos analíticos y numéricos más o me nos aproximados. Se presenta en primer lugar la formulación dinámica del Me todo de los Elementos de Contorno para este tipo de problemas. Se estudia cómo el empleo de una solución fundamental compuesta disminuye el número de términos despreciados al truncar la discretización de la superficie libre.- Se estudian algunos de los valores de las rigideces estáticas y dinámicas,- obtenidos con la solución fundamental compuesta, y se comparan con los - -- correspondientes a la simple. Se apr cia que en la mayor parte de los casos, con la solución compuesta, se produce una reducción del error debido al - - truncamiento en la discretización de la superficie libre del suelo

    Respuesta dinámica de cimentaciones considerando condiciones de contacto con fricción

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    X Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica, celebrado en Madrid en 1992En el presente trabajo se estudia la respuesta en el tiempo de una cimentación superficial situada sobre un semi-espacio, cuando un tren de ondas incide sobre ella. La interacción suelo-cimiento se considera no lineal con posibilidad de separación y deslizamiento, habiéndose supuesto fricción del tipo Coulomb. El algoritmo que se presenta se basa en el Método de los Elementos de Contorno en el dominio del tiempo, y resuelve, para cada intervalo lineal en el que las condiciones de contorno son constantes, el problema difractado.In the present work the time response of a sourface foundation on de half-space when a wave train acts on it, is studied . Non-linear soil-structure interaction. with uplifl .sliding and Colulomb type friction, is considered. The algoritm presented is based on the time domain Boundary Element Method fonnulation, solving the diffracted problem for the differents time steps where the boundary contition are constants

    Complejo de oficinas Madrid/España

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    With the re-modelling of an old building of the XVIth century, the re-construction of another of the XlXth century and carrying out a third of new design, an interrelated complex has been made to house the annexes of the new site of the Banco de Urquijo. The group of buildings, with a built-up surface of about 40,000 m2, has received different treatments, in accord with the different characteristics of the three constructions. It was always possible to join the adequate flexibility of use with the integrated harmony of the complex, both among its own units and with the neighbouring buildings, arriving, in this sense, to a new organisation of the Plaza del Rey, the focal point for all the buildings.Con la remodelación de un antiguo edificio del siglo XVI la reconstrucción de otro del siglo XIX y realizando un tercero de nuevo diseño, se ha conformado un conjunto interrelacionado que alberga las dependencias de la nueva Sede del Banco Urquijo. El grupo de edificios, que alcanza una superficie construida próxima a los 40.000 m2, ha recibido distintos tratamientos, de acuerdo con las diferentes características de las tres construcciones. Se ha conseguido aunar siempre la adecuada flexibilidad de utilización con la integrada armonía del conjunto, tanto entre sí como con las construcciones colindantes llegándose, en este sentido, hasta la nueva ordenación de la Plaza del Rey, punto focal de todas las edificaciones

    Self-consistent analysis of electric field effects on Si δ-doped GaAs

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    We theoretically study the subband structure of single Si delta -doped GaAs inserted in a quantum well and subject to an electric field applied along the growth direction. We use an efficient self-consistent procedure to solve simultaneously the Schrodinger and Poisson equations for different values of electric field and temperature. We thus find the confining potential, the subband energies and their corresponding envelope functions, the subband occupations, and the oscillator strength of intersubband transitions. Opposite to what is usually the case when dealing with the quantum-confined Stark effect in ordinary quantum wells, we observe an abrupt drop of the energy levels whenever the external field reaches a certain value. This critical value of the field is seen to depend only slightly on temperature. The rapid change in the energy levels is accompanied by the appearance of a secondary well in the confining potential and a strong decrease of the oscillator strength between the two lowest subbands. These results open the possibility to design devices for use as optical filters controlled by an applied electric field.Publicad