87 research outputs found

    La Secció d'Astronomia i Meteorología

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    Els molins d'aigua a la conca del Girona

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    Quines competències professionals ha de tenir un mestre avui?

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    Per concretar les competències professionals d?algú que es vulgui dedicar a l?educació, cal tenir present quines finalitats volem que tingui l?acció educativa i quin és l?horitzó de sentit que volem assolir. Fer-ho, a més, en un marc d?incertesa provocat, sobretot, per l?acceleració dels canvis que vivim, ens porta encara més a la necessitat del diàleg per poder-les compartir i definir.To specify the professional skills of someone who wants to devote him or herself to education, it is necessary to consider the goals of the educational action involved and the horizon of sense which is to be achieved. Moreover, since this has to be done within a framework of uncertainty that is produced, above all, by the increasing speed of change which marks our world, dialogue becomes all the more necessary to share and define these competences

    Jaume Muxart, pintor de cap a peus

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    Organizing pneumonia in a patient with hodgkin's lymphoma and large B cell lymphoma: a rare association

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    Organizing Pneumonia (OP) is classified as an Idiopathic Interstitial Pneumonia (IIP).1 Clinically, the patients present dyspnea, cough, and low fever, and usually respond well to corticosteroids, reaching clinical and radiologic resolution in a short timeframe. However, sometimes infiltrates do recur and may not resolve. Radiologically, migratory consolidations are identified in high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT), sometimes associated with progressive fibrosis with reticulation and areas of persistent consolidation.1 The histology reveals “proliferation of fibroblastic tissue within small airways, alveolar ducts, and alveolar spaces”.2 OP can be secondary to other pathologies such as common variable immunodeficiency3 and malignant disease among others.4 At times no etiology is identified and the term Cryptogenic Organizing Pneumonia (COP) is used.1 Furthermore, OP could coexist or mimic a malignant disease.4,