10 research outputs found

    Первоначальное распространение человека с анатомически современным строением в северной Евразии

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    The initial dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) in Africa occurred during a hyperarid event of 135-75 ka. Large-scale AMH expansion in northern Eurasia occurred during the Middle Weichselian glacial maximum (60-50 ka), coeval with H6 event. This expansion which included the polar regions and southern Siberia proceeded at a remarkably rapid pace, suggesting the entire area being taken up by uniform ‘periglacial’ landscape, equally suitable for AMH habitation. The ‘transitional’ industries (combining Mousterian and Upper Palaeolithic elements) are seen archaeological signatures of early AMH expansion.Изначальное распространение анатомически современного человека (АСЧ) в Африке произошло во время Древней мегазасухи 135-75 тысяч лет назад. Интенсивное заселение АСЧ северной Евразии происходило максимум в эпоху среднего валдайского оледенения (60-50 тыс. лет назад) одновременно с событием Н6 (глобальным потеплением). Это заселение затронуло также северные регионы и южную Сибирь и протекало с поразительной скоростью, предположительно вся территория стала одинаково перигляциальной и равноценно подходящей для заселения АСЧ. «Переходные» виды деятельности (совмещают мустьерские и верхнепалеолитические элементы) несут в себе археологические свидетельства раннего распространения АСЧ


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    The distribution of frequencies of radiocarbon-dated Palaeolithic sites in northern Eurasia shows peaks culminating at 40-30 thousand, 24-18 thousand, and 17-11 thousand years before the present. These peaks are viewed as reflecting the waves in the colonization of that area by Anatomically Modern Humans, originally stemming from Africa and Western Asia. The waves of colonization were triggered by environmental stress that became particularly acute in western Eurasia during the Last Glaciation maximum. The expansion of the mating networks aimed at the avoidance of inbreeding was the primary mechanism of migration. The population of AMH spreading in the eastern direction included “softened” Mongoloid elements. The “dialectal continuum” consisting of Proto-Uralic, Proto-Altaic and Palaeo-Siberianrelated languages formed the principal communication media of Early Modern Humans in northern Eurasia

    Risultati preliminari delle indagini archeologiche ed etnografiche presso il sito di Togolok 1

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    Modern Turkmenistan is mainly constituted by a desert landscape, yet despite its harsh climate, cultures have been able to construct networks of water channels since the Bronze Age. This has resulted in a man-made landscape that integrates towns and villages. Extensive surveys and recent archaeological excavations have highlighted that between 2400 and 2100 BC (Namazga V period), the region of the Murghab alluvial fan was characterised by the development of complex urban societies. However, starting from the Late Bronze Age, a new group of mobile pastoralists appeared in the Murghab region and settled along the edges of the sedentary sites. Although their presence is well-attested both by survey and excavation data, their degree of interaction with the sedentary farmers is still debated. In modern Turkmenistan, semi-mobile shepherds continue to drive their cattle across the Murghab, using mobile camps for different months. This paper presents the preliminary results of the excavation of the sedentary site of Togolok 1, as well as the first ethnographic study of the mobile communities of the Murghab region


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    This volume contains the majority of the papers presented during a conference that took place on 16th-21st May, 1997 in Łódź, Poland. The conference was organized by the Institute of Archaeology, University of Łódź and Département d'anthropologie, Université de Montreal (Canada). The conference was funded by the University of Łódź and by IREX (International Research & Exchanges Board), which also supported this publication. The publication was partly founded by the University of Łódź and by the Foundation of Adam Mickiewicz University, too. The major questions of the conference were, 1) what is the current evidence for eastern or southern influences in the development of eastern European Mesolithic and Neolithic populations, and 2) to what extent are current political trends, especially the reassertion or, in some cases, the creation of ethnic and national identities, influencing our interpretations of the prehistoric data. The idea for such a conference came into being through the co-organizers' long-term studies of the development of those prehistoric human populations which inhabited the vast region stretching north and east from the Oder river and Carpathian Mountains to the foothills of the Urals. In a tradition established in modern times by Gordon Childe, virtually all of the transformations of Eastern Europe's Neolithic Age human landscape have been assumed to be responses to prior developments in the Balkan peninsula and Danube basin. We think that a body of new evidence requires a renewed analysis of the distributions of cultural products, peoples, and ideas across Eastern Europe during the Mesolithic through the Early Metal Age within a much wider geographic context than previously has been the case. This includes giving adequate attention to the far-ranging interactions of communities between the Pontic and Baltic area with those located in both the Caucasus and the Aralo-Caspian regions. We hope that this volume will contribute to such a redirection of future analyses

    <RESEARCH NOTES>Archaeology and Languages in Prehistoric Northern Eurasia

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    Первоначальное распространение человека с анатомически современным строением в северной Евразии

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    The initial dispersal of anatomically modern humans (AMH) in Africa occurred during a hyperarid event of 135-75 ka. Large-scale AMH expansion in northern Eurasia occurred during the Middle Weichselian glacial maximum (60-50 ka), coeval with H6 event. This expansion which included the polar regions and southern Siberia proceeded at a remarkably rapid pace, suggesting the entire area being taken up by uniform ‘periglacial’ landscape, equally suitable for AMH habitation. The ‘transitional’ industries (combining Mousterian and Upper Palaeolithic elements) are seen archaeological signatures of early AMH expansion.Изначальное распространение анатомически современного человека (АСЧ) в Африке произошло во время Древней мегазасухи 135-75 тысяч лет назад. Интенсивное заселение АСЧ северной Евразии происходило максимум в эпоху среднего валдайского оледенения (60-50 тыс. лет назад) одновременно с событием Н6 (глобальным потеплением). Это заселение затронуло также северные регионы и южную Сибирь и протекало с поразительной скоростью, предположительно вся территория стала одинаково перигляциальной и равноценно подходящей для заселения АСЧ. «Переходные» виды деятельности (совмещают мустьерские и верхнепалеолитические элементы) несут в себе археологические свидетельства раннего распространения АСЧ

    A Pan-European model of the Neolithic

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    We present a mathematical model, based on a compilation of radiocarbon dates, of the transition to the Neolithic, from about 7000 to 4000 BC in Europe. With the arrival of the Neolithic, hunting and food gathering gave way to agriculture and stock breeding in many parts of Europe; pottery-making spread into even broader areas. We use a population dynamics model to suggest the presence of two waves of advance, one from the Near East, and another through Eastern Europe. Thus, we provide a quantitative framework in which a unified interpretation of the Western and Eastern Neolithic can be developed.Predstavljamo matematični model, ki temelji na kompilaciji radiokarbonskih datumov med 7000 in 4000 BC. Ti datumi so v Evropi povezani s prehodom v neolitik, ko sta poljedelstvo in živinoreja v mnogih regijah zamenjala lov in nabiralništvo; lončarstvo pa se je širilo še dlje. S pomočjo modela populacijske dinamike predstavljamo dva vala napredovanja, enega iz Bližnjega Vzhoda in drugega preko Vzhodne Evrope. Z njim zagotavljamo kvantitavni okvir, v katerem lahko razvijamo enovito interpretacijo 'zahodnega' in 'vzhodnega' neolitika

    The Holocene Environment and Transition to Agriculture in Boreal Russia (Serteya Valley Case Study)

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    This article outlines the results of one of the aspects of a multidisciplinary project currently conducted in the upper part of the basin of the Western Dvina River in North-Western Russia. The project was targeted at prehistoric lake dwelling sites in the valley of Serteya River, a small tributary of the Western Dvina, and aimed at the precise dating of the initial transition from hunting-gathering to agriculture in that area. The methods used included pollen, diatom and geochemical analyses under strict time control provided by radiocarbon dating. The initial settlement emerged at c. 6200 cal. BC, when the valley was filled by a fresh water lake with a relatively high lake-level. The initial indices of agriculture became perceptible in the deposits of Usvyatian Culture (4600-3400 cal. BC), featuring large-scale constructions of pile-dwellings. Indices of swidden type agriculture became apparent in the deposits of Zhizhitsian Culture, 2300-2200 cal. BC

    A Framework for the Initial Occupation of the Americas

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